Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Times prints BNP leaflet in todays issue !

"His name is Richard Barnbrook. He is the British National Party’s candidate for London mayor and his leaflet features two photographs beneath the headline The Changing Face of London. The first shows a 1950-ish street party, with lots of bunting, Union Jacks and smiling white women. “This is the way London used to be,” says the caption. “At ease with itself, friendly, happy and secure. A capital city with a sense of community values.” The second picture shows three Islamic women in black niqabs, one flicking a V-sign at the photographer."

Now tell us that the BNP has not been sold out by Nick 'oi veh' Griffin !


Anonymous said...

The BNP is controlled by the state. May be all those bum chums of Griffins in high places, are now black mailing him. Quintin Crisp, eat your heart out.

Anonymous said...

The Times printing a BNP leaflet? Incredible. What does it take to wake people up? How can anyone still believe in the BNP? It's so obviously a state controlled safety valve.

Anonymous said...

What is worng with islamics women?

They make a meean kebab and leave all the beer for you.

Ask Sid! They even dig a man with a belly.

Anonymous said...

Imagine the Times printing one of John Tyndall's leaflets just before an election- it would NEVER happen. Just because Grffin is Jew friendly the media and establishment have gone soft on him. What further proof is needed on who is running the show.

Is a vote for the bnp now a vote for Zionism?? It seems the Jewish puppet master has the BNP puppet in one hand and the Anti Fascist puppet in the other. The two heads of the snake are about to kiss.

Anonymous said...

"Is a vote for the bnp now a vote for Zionism?? It seems the Jewish puppet master has the BNP puppet in one hand and the Anti Fascist puppet in the other. The two heads of the snake are about to kiss."

Well put.

I notice that UAF alternate between Anti BNP and "Holocaust" stories.

The BNP website alternates between general outrage stories and Anti Muslim stories.

The simile I thought of was the potters hands. One hand was the Zionist lead BNP, the other the UAF type organisations.

The State has done very well for itself in fashioning a product (ie The BNP) that can tap into the populations coming indignation when the Establishment perpetuate another false flag operation.

Gri££in is no more than Sideshow Bob in the larger political picture.

NorthWestNationalists said...

The BNP is short of intellectuals.


Anonymous said...

NWN asks why the BNP is short of intellectuals.

Simple. (1) Anyone with any brains is a threat to Gri££in. Therefore he wants them out. (2) It's a self reinforcing cycle. The more moronic and thuggish the BNP appears, the less likely it is that anyone with any brains will have anything to do with it.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...