Friday, April 11, 2008

El Aprendez De Quijote - Cesareo Jarabo

(Nationalist meeting in Barcelona, Spain.)


Anonymous said...

Sid es un hombre con estamago grande. He comido mucho y es muy gordo.
He escuchido que el hace el pipi muchas veces en sus pantlones.
Tambien escuche' ha robido el dinero de la gente de su party.
No se, pero la gente se decian Sid es un homo horrible.

Anonymous said...

Before I leave.

Sid has finally found the only man in british nationalism who is fatter than himself.
Whether this fatty is uglier than Sid is a moot point.
What is it with fat nationalists? Is it that because they know their source of funds could be withdrawn at anytime that they eat as much as they can in anticipation of lean times?
If Sid's game is blown at the BPP looks like he has deposited away enough food to keep him going for a good few years yet.

Beer and kebabs - the curse of the armchair nationalist

Anonymous said...

El 'Sid' is el gordo !

But whether that refers to his guts or his mouth.

Well you decide !

Anonymous said...

The BPP say;

don't get involved in other parties politics.

But Sid is always involved in stirring the shit.

Since he met Griffin he has changed.

Anonymous said...

Morrison will have to sober up before he see's what Williamson is all about.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...