Thursday, April 03, 2008

Lee Barnes 'The Liar King'

It has come to our attention that, Lee Barnes, was never in the 'National Front', yet, Mr Barnes has openly said that he was. He claims there is a photo of him marching with the, NF, in the 1980's, and wearing a baseball cap. Does anyone have this photo?


Anonymous said...

I doubt Barnes-arse, has ever been a member of anything except his own private fan club. LMAO

Anonymous said...

Barnes is a fool. Gri££in knows he's a fool and knows that all the heat Bagel Boy takes , takes if off the chief thief himself.

Interesting how SF allow criticism of Bagel on many threads but few on Gri££in ? Bagel is Gri££in's "heat sink" yet he probably regards himself as the Samuel Johnson of British Nationalism - what a deluded fool !

Anonymous said...

Dont worry about Barnes you red bastard you've now oversteped the mark and I'm going to smash your fucking face in .
Not very clever are you Peter see you very soon .

Anonymous said...

"Samuel Johnson of British Nationalism - what a deluded fool !"

Ha ha, the dear doctor would be rolling in his mausoleum to read that. LOL

Let us not forget that Barnes-arse wrote the following about, Rachel Whitear...

"She was not an angel, she was an accomplice to genocide, terrorism, and a funder of the most vicious criminal gangs."

Now, would Barnes-arse care to explain the following BNP candidates/members behaviour?

Sharif Gawad-Fined £80 for possessing heroin in 2007

Karl Hanson-Fined £400 after pleading guilty to possessing heroin and crack cocaine.

I think Barnes-arse should fuck off into oblivion, and do it quick. He's a legend in his own insane mind.

Anonymous said...

The BNP is full of junkies. Lee Barnes is a pot head. He smokes enough pot to contribute to global warming, and it shows in his mad rants.

Anonymous said...

Lee Barnes, is a bare faced liar and very dangerous. Not only to others, but also to himself. Have you ever read the shit he comes out with?

Anonymous said...

"Sharif Gawad-Fined £80 for possessing heroin in 2007

Karl Hanson-Fined £400 after pleading guilty to possessing heroin and crack cocaine."

Bloody hell!!!! What the hell is Griffin playing at allowing scum like this in the BNP?

Anonymous said...

"Lee Barnes is a pot head."

He's also a fat twat with no brain.

Anonymous said...

Bagel Barnes giving legal advice? What next, Nick Eriksen for women's officer?

Eriksen may have a big mouth, and talk a lot of **** about women, but at least he is man enough to go out leafletting in dodgy parts of London, instead of hiding in his squat eating pot noodles and forging posts on Stormfront.

Anonymous said...

Lee Barnes is no "pot-head".

There is not a shred of evidence that he is.

These are scurrilous lies and defamations from critics who, having failed to win in argument against him, are forced to resort to smears and baseless accusations, often without ever having met the man.

Just because a person thinks out of the box, and is able to say things fearlessly does not mean that that person has to be high on drugs. The fact that he writes well and prolificly, puts the lie to the gross assertion that the man is on drugs else he would be mentally incapable of writing lucidly.

Fight argument with argument, not smear or innuendo.

PS As regards the quoted examples of BNP candidates/members with drug convictions I cannot speak for the man but I am confident that he would condemn anyone, BNP or not, who used and abused drugs. After all they are not only letting themselves down, but their families, communities and people and are contributing to the narco-terrorism that Barnes was alluding to.

Mr Potter

Anonymous said...

"There is not a shred of evidence that he is."

Yes there is, he stated it on his own blog, and on the BNP forum. I'm just wondering when the press will use Barnes blog against him a la Eriksen :-) How much embarrassment can Griffin take?

Anonymous said...

"PS As regards the quoted examples of BNP candidates/members with drug convictions I cannot speak for the man but I am confident that he would condemn anyone, BNP or not, who used and abused drugs"

He better start condemning himself then. And, why hasn't the BNP condemned their token muslim?

Anonymous said...

"THINKS OUT OF THE BOX"??? Barnes is a foul-mouthed poltroon.

My cat has more legal nouse than the "legal expert" Barnes.

Let us not forget that in recent wars where civilians and Christian communities were massacred by the Israelis, Barnes has give wholesome support for the Israelis.

State sponsored terrorism seems par for the course for the Neo Con BNP.

Anonymous said...

QUOTING: Anonymous (a.k.a. Mr Potter, a.k.a. Mr Barnes) who said...

Lee Barnes is no "pot-head".

There is not a shred of evidence that he is.

These are scurrilous lies and defamations from critics who, having failed to win in argument against him, are forced to resort to smears and baseless accusations, often without ever having met the man.

Just because a person thinks out of the box, and is able to say things fearlessly does not mean that that person has to be high on drugs. The fact that he writes well and prolificly, puts the lie to the gross assertion that the man is on drugs else he would be mentally incapable of writing lucidly.

Fight argument with argument, not smear or innuendo.

PS As regards the quoted examples of BNP candidates/members with drug convictions I cannot speak for the man but I am confident that he would condemn anyone, BNP or not, who used and abused drugs. After all they are not only letting themselves down, but their families, communities and people and are contributing to the narco-terrorism that Barnes was alluding to.

Mr Potter

03 April 2008 22:30


Clearly "Mr Potter" is the same Lee John Barnes himself, who never has lost an argument as he failed to develop beyond the phallic-narcissistic stage of ego development.

He therefore has no "Lee-way" to place value in objects alternative to himself in the universe.

I consider him untreatable by psychoanalysis, but recommend he attempt to be received by a sympathetic "Therapeutic Community" of similarly afflicted goyim where he may learn to find self-acceptance.

His departure from the BNP's Advisory Council is regrettable, as I can think of no other company of similarly afflicted souls wherein he might be able to construct his web of fantasies in the company of so many others of like minds.

Faced with goyim like Griffin and Barnes as our enemies our people shall surely endure.

(Dr) S. Freud

P.S. My account will be in the post, Mr Barnes, in an envelope containing a little salt.

HorstWessel said...

Anonymous said...

I doubt Barnes-arse, has ever been a member of anything except his own private fan club. LMAO


Drat, and I was sure Komrade Lee, before having changed horses at the urgent request of Komrade Nikolai, was an ardent supporter of the Germanic brand of National Socialism and a Kard Karrying member, along with Hermann, Joseph. Rudolf and Adolf, participating in many a march down Hermann-Göring-Straße (more recently, in appeasement mode, renamed "Ebertstraße")

What a vicious lie to even hint that Komrade Lee has never been a member of anything.

You should be ashamed of yourself to thus malign him.

Of course, after Komrade Nikolai organized a Putsch and ousted Meinherr John Tyndall, Komrade Lee, chameleon-like, changed his spots and commenced announcing to the Faithful at the BNP's version of the Comintern "Ich stehe Yisrael Bereit" and similar slogans, so eager was he to become a Big Wheel in the new and improved BNP.

Fortunately, most of us, at least those of us who can remember the milkman and coalman delivering their respective wares by horse and cart, have known from early childhood what Dogs do on Big Wheels. And should Komrade Lee be in any doubts, Komrade Nikolai is sure to give him an "up close and personal" lesson when Komrade Nikolai, in the best tradition of Josef Vissarionovich, deems the time is right to shed unwanted baggage like Komrade Lee.

Do you remember this Tirade, Komrade?

"I support Israel 100%" writes BNP chief polemicist Lee Barnes with Griffin's blessing. "In fact, I hope they wipe Hezbollah off the Lebanese map and bomb them until they leave large greasy craters in the cities where their Islamic extremist cantons of terror once stood." He then turns on the British media: "The fact that the British media has become the European propaganda wing of Hezbollah and churns out endless montages of wounded children, old men and women whilst never showing any footage of dead Hezbollah terrorists, blown up Hezbollah weapons dumps and footage of bombed Hezbollah camps should get some people thinking", he whines, and claims that the reports from the BBC and other British Media are openly anti-Israeli.[/cite]

NorthWestNationalists said...

The person using the name Mr.Potter is NOT the crackpot Lee Barnes.

We at NWN know the identity of Mr.Potter.

We have just had this confirmed 100%.

Anonymous said...

Lee Barnes? Who is, Lee Barnes?

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
Lee Barnes? Who is, Lee Barnes?

04 April 2008 23:24"

He's a nutty old tart who goes about with two slappers on his arm.

Anonymous said...

Any bloke that has a ponytail is nowt but a femme and something mentally wrong with him.

Anonymous said...

"ex- 2 para said...
Any bloke that has a ponytail is nowt but a femme and something mentally wrong with him.

05 April 2008 03:18"

Griffin used to wear an earring, but we know all about Griffin...

Anonymous said...

Griffin DID wear an ear ring.

Sign of a poofter for me. I told him so too.

Anonymous said...

Like 5IMon Darby, Barnes is another one with no apparent past. The more you look, the less you see.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...