Thursday, April 10, 2008

Mayoral candidates unite in call for illegal immigration amnesty

Today, all four major candidates in London's mayoral election join religious and business leaders in proposing a radical solution for illegal immigrants .

A formidable coalition of businessmen, politicians, religious leaders and community workers will pledge their support tonight for an amnesty for illegal immigrants who have been resident in the UK for several years and can pass strict tests to prove their contribution to British society.

All four of London's main mayoral candidates – including, against the official policy of his party, the Tory candidate Boris Johnson – will back the campaign to offer undocumented workers the chance to be integrated into mainstream society and obtain papers allowing them to work and pay taxes legally.

In an unprecedented move that will exert even more pressure on the Government to heed calls for an amnesty, they will be joined by an array of influential figures from outside the political world, including Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, Dr Muhammad Abdul Bari, leader of the Muslim Council of Britain and Stephen O'Brien, one of the City's leading businessmen.

NWN: Manna from heaven surely ! What a votewinner this is for the GLA.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Griffins zionist BNP are getting masses of publicity.

The tories in the BNP are lapping it up !

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...