The home of real patriotic British people. The independent nationalist voice in the UK. The Red Rose County - Lancashire. A cummerbund & Griffinite free zone.Nick Griffin wrecked the National Front in the 1980's and then he wrecked the British National Party when he hijacked the BNP in 1999.A blog that supported John Tyndall.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Good Luck Julian Mitchell - Independent Nationalist In Dudley Elections
After being "proscribed" by the BNP for attending a Voice of Change meeting, (The same meeting that saw Wolverhampton Organiser Steve Haddon and long term stalwart Ex Birmingham Organiser Rob Purcell fall out of favour with the Gri££inites), Julian has continued his promise to stand again.
5IMon Darby must have got wind of Julian's candidature and rushed through the nomination of a BNP candidate. It could well be that the BNP brand beats an Independent Nationalist. It's very difficult to educate the electorate about BNP corruption when most of the membership lack the means or the wherewithal to understand how things really are. I remember speaking to Freedom Party Chairman Adrian Davies at the 2004 elections in Sandwell about what at the time I perceived as a silly thing (ie The Freedom Party standing against the BNP.) I just couldn't comprehend the corruption of Gri££in then, and now I find myself in the same position of people like the Freedom Party in 2004. viz Respecting grass roots BNP but hating the rot at the top and of course having to handle the disdain of some of the less intelligent but well meaning people still in the Gri££in led British National Party, who must surely wake up one day !
Many people in the Black Country BNP have indeed woken up. Many of the previous activists including myself have helped out with Julian Mitchell's campaign. The local red riff raff aware of Julian's chances have put out an "Anti Julian" leaflet ! This could of course backfire....
My feeling is that we can't win this. On a personal level this will probably be the last time I get involved "on the ground". Never the less, it has been the right thing to do. Julian Mitchell has shown tremendous character in standing. The consequences of his standing may not be the right result on the night, but a small beacon for others fighting their own lonely battles over the length and breadth of the country. Julian and myself speculated that in future a coalition of Independents may well circumvent the Establishment infiltration of formal political parties - ie by operating a cellular rather than an hierarchical "organisation".
How will the political landscape map out in the middle to long term ? I see the other main Establishment party (ie The Tories) taking over from Labour. Perhaps they will "need" to "talk tough" on immigration and the EU, but of course do nothing in practice. A severe depression may end the Labour/Conservative merry go round and cause people to wake up and start really thinking about things....There is a school of thought that says the various European treaties when fully implemented will end the existing British political parties.
I can't see Nationalism ever being the same again and in fact I believe it will need to broaden its base of support and speak to people it wouldn't have done to in the past. I believe national and world events will overtake many of the existing political structures in place at the moment. The main thing at the moment, perhaps, is to "move" in the right direction as best as we can.
Posted by Simon Smith at 13:04
Labels: Julian Mitchell indendent nationalist brockmoor pensnett

Microsoft device helps police pluck evidence from cyberscene of crime
Microsoft has developed a small plug-in device that investigators can use to quickly extract forensic data from computers that may have been used in crimes.
The COFEE, which stands for Computer Online Forensic Evidence Extractor, is a USB "thumb drive" that was quietly distributed to a handful of law-enforcement agencies last June. Microsoft General Counsel Brad Smith described its use to the 350 law-enforcement experts attending a company conference Monday.
The device contains 150 commands that can dramatically cut the time it takes to gather digital evidence, which is becoming more important in real-world crime, as well as cybercrime. It can decrypt passwords and analyze a computer's Internet activity, as well as data stored in the computer.
It also eliminates the need to seize a computer itself, which typically involves disconnecting from a network, turning off the power and potentially losing data. Instead, the investigator can scan for evidence on site.
More than 2,000 officers in 15 countries, including Poland, the Philippines, Germany, New Zealand and the United States, are using the device, which Microsoft provides free.
"These are things that we invest substantial resources in, but not from the perspective of selling to make money," Smith said in an interview. "We're doing this to help ensure that the Internet stays safe."
Law-enforcement officials from agencies in 35 countries are in Redmond this week to talk about how technology can help fight crime. Microsoft held a similar event in 2006. Discussions there led to the creation of COFEE.
Smith compared the Internet of today to London and other Industrial Revolution cities in the early 1800s. As people flocked from small communities where everyone knew each other, an anonymity emerged in the cities and a rise in crime followed.
The social aspects of Web 2.0 are like "new digital cities," Smith said. Publishers, interested in creating huge audiences to sell advertising, let people participate anonymously.
That's allowing "criminals to infiltrate the community, become part of the conversation and persuade people to part with personal information," Smith said.
Children are particularly at risk to anonymous predators or those with false identities. "Criminals seek to win a child's confidence in cyberspace and meet in real space," Smith cautioned.
Expertise and technology like COFEE are needed to investigate cybercrime, and, increasingly, real-world crimes.
A suspect's online activities can corroborate a crime or dispel an alibi, she said.
The 35 individual law-enforcement agencies in King County, for example, don't have the resources to investigate the explosion of digital evidence they seize, said Johnson, who attended the conference.
"They might even choose not to seize it because they don't know what to do with it," she said. "... We've kind of equated it to asking specific law-enforcement agencies to do their own DNA analysis. You can't possibly do that."
Johnson said the prosecutor's office, the Washington Attorney General's Office and Microsoft are working on a proposal to the Legislature to fund computer forensic crime labs.
Microsoft also got credit for other public-private partnerships around law enforcement.
Jean-Michel Louboutin, Interpol's executive director of police services, said only 10 of 50 African countries have dedicated cybercrime investigative units.
"The digital divide is no exaggeration," he told the conference. "Even in countries with dedicated cybercrime units, expertise is often too scarce."
He credited Microsoft for helping Interpol develop training materials and international databases used to prevent child abuse.
Smith acknowledged Microsoft's efforts are not purely altruistic. It benefits from selling collaboration software and other technology to law-enforcement agencies, just like everybody else, he said.
Dicky Two Suits and One Pair of Shoes
How much more evidence do you need that the BNP is operated by the state?
Monday, April 28, 2008
Greville Janner "Alleged" Paedophile, on the BNP
Of course, Britain has a long history of fighting fascism and racism. We remember the Battle of Cable Street in 1936. Anti-fascists - from ardent socialists to Irish Catholic dockers, from honourable freedom fighters to the local Jewish population - all joined forces to erect roadblocks and defy Oswald Mosley and his Blackshirts, preventing them from marching through east London.
My late father, Barnett Janner, had been MP for Whitechapel and St George's from 1931-1935, and I still remember my family's disgust and hatred at the racist evils of the Blackshirts. Happily, they were roundly beaten and had little political impact.
Then came the war - this time, an international battle against nazism, fascism and racism, in all its forms. We won - and we believed that the evils of Hitler's philosophies were buried for ever.
So today, Britain is a bustling, multicultural, multiracial nation - with churches and temples, mosques and synagogues. We are proud of our democracy, in all its forms. And recent immigrants have made their valuable contribution to our national culture.
All four of my grandparents migrated to Britain from eastern Europe in the 1880s. They saw Britain as land that offered peace, tranquillity and respect for minorities - in their case, for their Jewish beliefs and standards. So how sad it is that we are seeing attacks on our British diversity of cultures, especially from the far right. The BNP, among their policies and ideologies, seek the repatriation of immigrants to their countries of origin. The BNP is not prepared to accept the diversity of our races and colours, our religions and our origins.
Today, we do not need to build roadblocks on the streets to combat the threat from the BNP. Instead, on May 1, we all have the chance to ensure that the threat from the far right is minimised, at the ballot box. Of course, we shall each choose our own mainstream party - and we should not forget that south London political gathering, where the democratic voice was clearly heard - which I was proud and happy to echo.
Britain has a fine tradition of fighting fascism. Next Thursday, every Londoner's vote counts. Please use yours, for decency, democracy, coexistence and goodwill. Please join with those candidates, who differ greatly on many policies, but spoke out with one voice against today's dangers from the far right.
We at NWN would prefer you read this:
Dear Friends:
My thanks to all of you who sent kind messages of support and encouragement in response to the publication of my manifesto in the Times in October, which called for a restoration of decency in our national life. I have now set about engaging in practical work to further these ideals.
As a result of representations from the Leicester-based organization "Parents Against Paedophilia", I have decided to lend my support to the campaign for a Paedophile Register. How can we expect young boys to behave decently if adult sexual perverts are allowed to abuse them? How can we expect the young top respect the law if such perverts are able to escape punishment simply because they hold powerful positions in society? It is in this connection that I nominate GREVILLE JANNER, QC [Queen's Counsel], M.P. [Member of Parliament] as candidate No. 1 for inclusion in the Register.
JANNER is a child molester well known to the police. An active file on his activities has been maintained at Scotland Yard since even before the eruption of the Leicester Children's Home scandal of 1991, which led to the jailing of the notorious paedophile Frank Beck. Damning evidence concerning JANNER's sustained sexual abuse of a 13 year-old boy in care emerged during Beck's trial, but JANNER was shielded by the then Director of Public Proescutions, Sir Alan Green---who resigned shortly after as the result of a "kerb-crawling" incident.
JANNER used the device of a 'Personal Statement' to deny all the accusations against him. Statements to the House of Commons of this kind, apart from being covered by Parliamentary privilege, are exempt from the usual interjections *and questions* from other MPs. After making his statement JANNER was invited by the prtess to answer their questions *outside* the privileged confines of the House. He refused to do so, and refused to explain why.
Thus it may be seen that his subsequent claims to have been "cleared by Parliament of all accusations" is utterly untrue. JANNER ducked a genuine opportunity to clear his name by taking legal action against his former victim who, as a grown man, has re-iterated his evidence outside the protection of the witness box.
Instead of quitting public life, JANNER simply kept his head down for a while. Now, in the mistaken belief that the dust from the Frank Beck affair has settled, JANNER has had the impudence to take a leading role in the crusade to recover "Holocaust Loot" allegedly held in Swiss banks.
Thanks to "Parents Against Paedophilia", the Swiss media and banking community have been circulated with copies of the booklet IS GREVILLE JANNER ABOVE THE LAW? which details the evidence (much of it given on oath, by several witnesses) about his conduct. A Swiss diplomatic protest is expected soon which will bring disgrace on our Parliament and legal profession.
The Speaker of the House of Commons has said that the reputation of the whole House has been called into question over the "Cash For Questions" affair, and that the whole issue must be resolved quickly. Recently Labour leader Tony Blair spoke of his dream of a Britain built on strong family values. But is the "Cash For Questions" scandal more important than the scandal of a Member of Parliament and Queen's Counsel gratifying his lusts on a defenceless child in his care? I ask you all to write to your Member of Parliament about these issues now, and inform me of the response you receive.
Yours sincerely,
Frances Lawrence
Frances Lawrence Campaign for Decency
Hon. Secretary: Andrew Hillier
64 Victoria Street
London SW1E 6QP, England
Tel. 0171-798-2259
Sunday, April 27, 2008

Lest we forget !
From Jack in Rochdale,
I got this as an email, from a friend from Tasmania and thought I should share it with you.
Last week I was in Melbourne attending a conference.
While I was in the airport, returning home, I heard several people behind me beginning to clap and cheer.
I immediately turned around and witnessed one of the greatest acts of patriotism I have ever seen.
Moving through the terminal was a group of soldiers in their uniforms,as they began heading to their gate everyone (well almost everyone) was abruptly to their feet
with their hands waving and cheering.
When I saw the soldiers, probably 30-40 of them, being applauded and cheered for, it hit me.
I'm not alone.
I'm not the only red blooded Australian who still loves this country and supports our troops and their families. Of course I immediately stopped and began clapping for these young unsung heroes who are putting their lives on the line everyday for us so we can go to school, work, and enjoy our home without fear or reprisal.
Just when I thought I could not be more proud of my country or of our service men and women a young girl, not more than 6 or 7 years old, ran up to one of the male soldiers.
He knelt down and said 'hi,' the little girl then asked him if he would give something to her daddy for her.
The young soldier didn't look any older than maybe 22 himself, said he would try and what did she want to give to her daddy.
Suddenly the little girl grabbed the neck of this soldier, gave him the biggest hug she could muster and then kissed him on the cheek.
The mother of the little girl, who said her daughters name was Courtney, told the young soldier that her husband was a Corporal and had been in Afghanistan for 5 months now.
As the mum was explaining how much her daughter, Courtney, missed her father, the young soldier began to tear up.
When this temporarily single mum was done explaining her situation, all of the soldiers huddled together for a brief second.
Then one of the other servicemen pulled out a military looking walkie-talkie.
They started playing with the device and talking back and forth on it.
After about 10-15 seconds of this, the young soldier walked back over to Courtney, bent down and said this to her, 'I spoke to your daddy and he told me to give this to you.'
He then hugged this little girl that he had just met and gave her a Kiss on the cheek.
He finished by saying 'Your daddy told me to tell you that he loves you more than anything and he is coming home very soon.'
The mum at this point was crying almost uncontrollably and as the young soldier stood to his feet he saluted Courtney and her mum.
I was standing no more than 6 feet away as this entire event unfolded.
As the soldiers began to leave, heading towards their gate, people resumed their applause.
As I stood there applauding and looked around, there were very few dry eyes, including my own.
That young soldier in one last act of moment turned around and blew a kiss to Courtney with a tear rolling down his cheek.
We need to remember everyday all of our soldiers and their families and thank God for them and their sacrifices.
At the end of the day, it's good to be an Australian.
Very soon, you will see a great many people wearing Red every Friday.
The reason?
Australian's who support our troops used to be called the 'silent majority'.
We are no longer silent, and are voicing our love for Country and home in record breaking numbers.
We are not organized, boisterous or over-bearing.
We get no liberal media coverage on TV, to reflect our message or our opinions.
Many Australian's, like you, me and all our friends, simply want to recognize that the vast majority of Australia supports our troops.
Our idea of showing solidarity and support for our troops with dignity and respect starts this Friday and continues each and every Friday until the troops all come home, sending a deafening message that every Australian who supports our men and women afar will wear something red.
By word of mouth, press, TV -- let's make Australia on every Friday a sea of red much like a homecoming football team.
If every one of us who loves this country will share this with acquaintances, co-workers, friends, and family, It will not be long before Australia is covered in RED and it will let our troops know the once 'silent' majority is on their side more than ever, certainly more than the media lets on.
The first thing a soldier says when asked 'What can we do to make things better for you?' is...'We need your support and your prayers'.
Let's get the word out and lead with class and dignity, by example; and wear something red every Friday.
Lest we Forget.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Stewart Brown: suspended by the Labour Party following his arrest
(NWN: A longstanding member of the Anti-Nazi League is our Stewart, going back to the 1970's.)
A FORMER Mayor of Hebden Royd has been arrested on suspicion of child porn offences.
Stewart Brown, 59, was a Labour candidate for the Elland ward in next month's council elections.But he has now been suspended from the Labour Party. Officers from the West Yorkshire Police Child Protection Unit arrested Mr Brown on Tuesday.

"Nearly half a million London Muslim voters are being urged to support Ken Livingstone against Boris Johnson in the closing stages of the mayoral election, a year long strategy to mobilise the Muslim vote moves into overdrive this week, accompanied by a campaign of vilification aimed at Boris. Ken's Muslim supporters have made much of the fact that the British National Party urged its members to make Mr Johnson their second preference vote. Boris has rejected BNP support but Muslim groups argue that it proves he is the enemy and are now running a newspaper ad campaign against him, their campaigners are canvassing door-to-door and are targeting 60 key mosques in the capital with this message."
Of course, as well as Muslims voting for the Communist Livingstone 'en masse' against the Tory candidate, this will increase the voter turn out considerably, thus making it more difficult for Richard Barnbrook to win a seat on the London Assembly, as he will need a much higher percentage to break through the 5% barrier. Griffin has shot himself in the foot by making this foolish and irresponsible statement. Incredibly he even admitted publicly, recently, that he didn't really want BNP members voting Tory, but that the whole thing was just a publicity stunt!
Friday, April 25, 2008

From: Israel Shamir
Subject: [shamireaders] Zionist Takeover in Italy
Israel Shamir
To the right of Netanyahu Her first visit to Israel was as a reporter, and it was only after this initial visit that she returned in 1992 for the long term. For two years, she ran the Istituto Italiano di Cultura in Tel Aviv, and after the Rabin assassination, she decided she had to stay in Israel. "I had the feeling that this was the most interesting place in the world, and I also felt that the reporting on Israel was biased." She did not obtain Israeli citizenship because she thought an Israeli passport would hinder her in her work, but aside from that, she also thinks that "every Jew in the world is an Israeli even if he's not aware of it. Anyone who doesn't know it is making a big mistake." In terms of the reality of Israel's current political system, Nirenstein is located to the right of Kadima and Labor, and maybe even of Likud Chair Benjamin Netanyahu. She says she believes in the idea of two states for two peoples, but thinks the principle of "territories for peace" has been a failure. There's no point in discussing it, she explains, until the entire Arab world is capable of recognizing Israel. Negotiations with Hamas are absolutely out of the question. But there are polls which indicate that a majority of Israelis are prepared to negotiate with Hamas. Nirenstein: "The public supports a compromise with Hamas, so that it will stop firing on Sderot. But morally speaking, there mustn't be negotiations with Hamas, which thinks that Jews are the sons of monkeys and pigs.
Obviously, this all touches on one of the central issues in Italy's recent election campaign: the immigrant issue. Fini, who is slated to be appointed parliament speaker in Berlusconi's new administration, frequently talks about the need to ban illegal immigration. Even the moderate Social-Democractic party, led by the former mayor of Rome, Walter Veltroni, devoted a good amount of attention to the subject. "People feel that immigration is threatening their cities, their culture," Nirenstein explains. "Maybe it's exaggerated, but the residents of Florence, for example, think of their city as a temple for the works of art that were created there. When they see the steps of the Duomo filled with immigrants, they're in shock.
The straight-armed salute

Sdo d 26 de Abril 2008 a las 18,30 horas.
Dr. Claude Nancy
El ponente tratarᠤe demostrar de qu頭odo el mundialismo forma parte de la ideologdominante en el imaginario colectivo sionista y supone una bolchevizacilobal para los dem᳠pueblos a?istentes. Ese mundialismo galopante en nuestros d, representa la lucha, que se remonta a tiempos antiguos, entre los jud y los pueblos que les albergan, entre los banqueros y financieros de esptu mercantilista y las sociedades y culturas aristocrᴩcas y guerreras. Seg? ponente, las democracias son sun estadio intermedio creado para imponernos el Judeo-Bolchevismo, es decir la idiosincrasia de las comunidades talmudistas, dirigidos por una 鬩te de sionistas persuadidos de poder dominar el mundo gracias a su falso pacto con Yaveh.
LIBROS LIBERADOS: El ponente ofrecerᠡl p?o algunos de sus textos.
The BNP and Anti-Semitism

From: [name deleted]
To: Martin Webster
Date: Thursday, April 24, 2008 2:13 PM
Subject: Latest From BNP Website!
BNP web site - 23rd April 2008
The BNP and Anti-Semitism:
A Response to the Board of Deputies
By News Team
The Board of Deputies of British Jews - working with the London Jewish Forum and Community Security Trust - has launched a misguided campaign, with the slogan, ³Your Voice or Theirs². Board of Deputies president Henry Grunwald told the Jerusalem Post: ³The higher the turnout across the country, the harder it [will be] for the BNP to succeed.² Every vote for a mainstream political party isŠ a vote against extremism,² Grunwald added.
Is Grunwald right? Should the Jewish community vote as a bloc to deny the BNP representation? Are they a monolithic community or one which contains different opinions within it? Pat Richardson is a councillor and a member of the British National Party (BNP). She told the Guardian recently: ³I¹m in the BNP because no one else speaks out against the Islamification of our country,² Support for Israel
We support the right of Israel to exist and defend itself against the relentless terrorist attacks of Islamic fanatics. This seems to be what led Ruth Smeed, of the Board of Deputies, to tell the press that: ³The BNP website is now one of the most Zionist on the web - it goes further than any of the mainstream parties in its support of Israel.²
Natural allies
The BNP has made its position clear many times. We are not ŒZionists¹, our overall concern is to look after the interests of our own country, and not to bother ourselves with or interfere in the affairs of other nations. But we have repeatedly denounced the neo-Nazi cranks who infest the fringes of British politics, and we reject anti-Semitism as part of a dangerous and outdated cycle of last-century hostility between Jews and Gentiles - a hostility that can only benefit our mutual enemy, Islamic imperialism.
Loyal British Jews are our natural allies in the fight against the Islamic fundamentalists who want to destroy the Western civilisation so many of whose core values we hold in common. That is just one reason why many Jews will be voting for the BNP. Let¹s remember also, however, that this is only one reason. Jews will be voting British National Party for other reasons too: because they are concerned about crime, because they are worried about the economic decline of our country, because they are concerned about the disintegration of community spirit and decent values. In other words for the same reasons as so many other British voters, including many Sikhs and Christian West Indians. As Martin Wingfield commented in our paper Freedom recently:- ³today there are an increasing number of Jews campaigning for the BNP and feeling very comfortable with their political choice.²
When the Chief Rabbi a few years ago wrote a book entitled ³Will Our Grandchildren Be Jewish?² he articulated precisely the same concern that we have for the future of our people in the same overcrowded multi-cult nightmare that threatens traditional Jewish and British identities alike. Just because a Jew wants to preserve and celebrate his ancestral culture and identity doesn¹t make him a Œhater¹ of Gentiles, and nor does our wanting to preserve and celebrate our ancestral culture and identity make us Œhaters¹ of Jews, or any other ethnic group for that matter.
Anyone but the BNP?
Jews are also rejecting the call to vote against the BNP for other reasons. They are being asked to vote for Establishment parties. Few believe they have any solutions. Many know that the tide is slowly turning against them. ²It is important that olim [immigrants to Israel] vote, because any vote is one to keep the BNP out. It doesn¹t matter who you vote for, so long as it isn¹t for the BNP, and that will help keep the BNP out of the London assembly,² said Jenni Woolf, National campaigns fieldworker for the Union of Jewish Students (UJS).
It doesn¹t matter who you vote for? Really? Jews are asked by some of their self-appointed Œleaders¹ to identify themselves with a political class that is increasingly despised and distrusted purely to deny the British National Party - and our growing number of voters - representation. This seems cynical, immoral and unwise to many.
A Jewish Green or Socialist? Bad Luck!
In addition to advocating a pro-Establishment vote the Board of Deputies campaign is bad news for Jewish Greens, Jewish Socialists and Jewish Independents. The campaign is based on boosting voter turnout to lower the percentage the BNP is likely to achieve. Presuming this worked (and we don¹t think it will) it would also have the effect of denying Greens, Socialists and Independents representation. Does anyone really want a London where political diversity is shut out? Would the election of two or three BNP members to the GLA, a Green and a Socialist be such a bad thing? Wouldn¹t a BNP voice act as a check or balance on some of the crazier ideas?
The ŒRed Ken¹ problem
In London there is a particular problem - ŒRed Ken¹. One Jewish BNP supporter puts it like this:-
Q. Who Compared a Jewish journalist to a Nazi guard?
* Portrayed young British Jews as potential soldiers in the Israeli army, thus raising the accusation of ³dual loyalty² (it is well-known that only Israeli citizens can serve in their country¹s army)?
* Edited a newspaper which ran a cartoon showing then-Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin dressed in an SS Uniform and captioned with the words ³The Final Solution² in Nazi-style Gothic script?
* Embraced Sheikh Yusuf al Qaradawi, a leading ideologue of Islamist terror and an avowed anti-Semite?
A. Not the BNP but Ken Livingstone.
Many in the Jewish community are aware that anti-Semitism is widespread on the Labour Œleft¹. Often it is cloaked by a terminology which is anti-American or anti-Zionist but the motive is clear. Why then do the Board of Deputies and CST single out the British National Party for attack on the basis of arguments and positions we left behind in the last century, while saying nothing about the current radical Islamist agenda of ŒRed¹ Ken¹s core Muslim constituency? Are they as out-of-touch with their community and its interests as our own political Œleadership¹?
We wouldn¹t be surprised, which is why we urge all concerned to ignore the self-serving and backward-looking bias of those (neo-Nazi cranks and professional Zionists alike) who would foster suspicions between the British National Party and the grass-roots Jewish community in order to maintain their own power-bases, rather than facing up to the realities of the Era of Global Jihad: We hang together, or we hang separately.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Leftists still rewriting history

To: "Editor, Islington Tribune"
Date: Wednesday, April 23, 2008 4:41 PM
Subject: Howard Hannah text & photo - 18th April
I expect this comes too late for this week's edition, but for the sake of the historical record and fairness, I hope you will hold this letter over for next weeks's issue.
In his article ("How the angry eight fought to keep racism out of their paper", 18th April) Howard Hannah says:
"In 1974 a National Front (NF) rally in Red Lion Square, Holborn, resulted in the death of Kevin Gately, a 21 year old anti-fascist student."
The NF rally was held indoors at the Conway Hall. It was an entirely peaceful event. It was preceded by a march from Westminster during which no NF members were arrested or involved in any violent clashes. No NF members were arrested that day.
The riot which transpired in Red Lion Square took place an hour before the start of the NF rally, when supporters of the International Marxist Group (IMG), including Kevin Gately, departed from a route pre-agreed with the police and attacked the police cordon protecting Conway Hall with a view to invading the building and preventing access to it by the NF. No NF members were in the vicinity of the riot.
Don't take my word for any of this. Lord Justice Scarman, noted for his anti-racist views, conducted a public judicial inquiry into the riot. I append relevant passages taken from his report "The Red Lion Square Disorders of 15 June 1974", starting with paragraph 22.
The photo used with Hannah's piece was obviously chosen because it shows a young 'punk' wearing swastika T-shirt. The photo caption reads: "National Front rallies in the mid-1970s invariably spawned violent attacks". That's grotesque and perverse in view of Scarman's findings of fact. Nobody displaying a swastika was ever allowed to participate in any NF activity.
That photograph was not taken of participants at any NF demonstration. Look at the shield shaped badge, bearing a 'Sunwheel' (cross and circle) motif being worn on the upper left-hand side of the 'punk's' leather jacket (below the skull and cross-bones) and at a similar badge at the top of the tie of the conventionally-dressed young man. Both wearing the badge of an organisation called the British Movement (BM).
The BM was proscribed by the NF (at my instigation). Any of its members who tried to infiltrate NF activities were evicted by me or my stewards. The deputy-leader of BM, Ray Hill, turned out to be a paid agent of "anti-fascist" 'Searchlight' magazine. On being exposed as an 'agent provocateur', Hill toured the country earning fees giving lectures at anti-fascist meetings.
Hannah was wrong to state that the "One down, a million to go" remark (made at a street meeting allegedly in reference to the killing of a young Sikh in an alleged but unproven racist attack) was made by "one of the their [i.e. the NF's] leaders, John Kingsley Read".
Read made that remark as leader of the National Party (NP). He was prosecuted for that speech at an Old Bailey trial and was acquitted by the jury and wished "Good luck" by the judge.
None of the leaders of the NF during my time with that party, or subsequently so far as I know, were ever charged, let alone convicted, of encouraging "random, brutal and often fatal attacks on black and Asian people".
Counsel representing the IMG at Lord Scarman's Inquiry was a young left wing barrister called Stephen Sedley. His cross-examination of me degenerated into a shouting match and Scarman had to calm us down. Sedley is now a Lord Justice of Appeal.
About a decade ago he established a precedent upholding free speech in public places. In his judgment he remarked (I paraphrase): "Free speech without the freedom to offend is no free speech at all."
Surely we can all agree with that?
Martin Webster,
National Activities Organiser,
National Front,
1970 - 1983.
Extracts from Lord Justice Scarman's Report:
"The Red Lion Square Disorders of 15 June 1974"
(HMSO, Cmnd. 5919, February 1975)
22: "....A gap opened up between the rear of those 500 [leading the anti-NF march] and those following the banner of the International Marxist Group. I have no doubt that this gap was deliberately created by the IMG slowing its pace a little. ..... Disregarding the direction taken by the march ahead of them they led a charge round the corner to the left of the police cordon. There thus began ..... 'a deliberate, determined, and sustained attack' on the police cordon. It was unexpected, unprovoked and viciously violent. It was the beginning of the afternoon's violence in the course of which one young man sustained a fatal injury, and an unknown number of demonstrators and 46 policemen were injured. A heavy responsibility rests on those who instigated and led that assault."
36: "The riot was short-lived and order was restored in Red Lion Square within 15 minutes. Nevertheless it was to prove the fiercest fight of the day, and there were many injuries. In all, 31 policemen were injured as a result of blows on the head, body punches, kicks and falls under the pressure of the crowd. A number of demonstrators suffered similar injuries. By far the most serious consequence was the injury from which Kevin Gately so tragically died some hours later.
38: "There is no evidence that he was struck any blow by any policeman ..... Mr Bailey of the IMG clearly recognised the absence of any direct evidence as to the cause of the injury when he made he remarkable declaration that political responsibility for the death lay firstly with the National Front (who were a mile or so away at the time); and secondly with the authorities for allowing the National Front to march -- a declaration which, though it may have some emotive political value, is nonsense, if it be judged against the background of what happened and responsibilities of those who were there and took part in the events.
44: "The National Front had moved off from their assembly point at Tothill Street shortly before 3pm. In numbers they were about 1,000, or perhaps slightly less. .... The march was conducted in silence except for the accompaniment of a bass drum, four side drums and a fife. .... By the standards of political demonstrations the demonstration was regarded by the police as orderly and well-disciplined."
67: "In the course of the Inquiry the police were heavily criticised for their handling of the disorders ..... I propose to state my findings on the criticisms which in my judgment call for consideration and the reasons for each finding.
"(b) 'In view of its political character and provocative nature the National Front march should have been prevented by the police, not protected by them'."
69: "....The police are not concerned with the politics of a demonstration: if they were, we should be a police state .... with the exception of some of the counter-demonstrators, nobody was provoked into any breach of the peace. And the 'provocation' to the counter-demonstrators was not anything that they saw the National Front do, but the mere idea that they were marching at all."
70: "It is necessary to understand the true nature of this criticism in order that it may be rejected as a menace to our liberties. It assumes that the police should be directed to prevent a demonstration taking place not because of any threats to public order but because the views being propagated by the demonstration are regarded as odious by others. The police cannot be allowed to do any such thing, unless Parliament expressly requires it to be done. Parliament has not forbidden the streets to the National Front: and, were the police to do so they would be usurping the political function."
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
'The Times' Love Griffin, and Walker!
"There is a lot of this sort of thing going on with Wales. To see Joanna Page arrive at tattered, grey Barry Station in Gavin & Stacey is to sigh with nostalgia, even if you are from nowhere near. Indeed, it might be worth noting that much of the British National Party's lovely hierarchy - including Nick Griffin, the leader, and John Walker, the treasurer - live in various parts of the principality. Could it just be that much of Wales reminds many of us of how the rest of Britain used to be, in simpler, quieter, smaller times?"
40 years ago the NF had suited intelligent business men. They knew what it was to be British, and could quote you chapter and verse this islands history. Great orators and article writers, they were the cream of right wing thinking, and well able to take on any MP in debate. A premier party with a membership that has still been unbeaten by the BNP. Did they ever get news coverage like the above?
Monday, April 21, 2008
Birmingham Has Lost the Fight

And he described how he thought Birmingham's unique ethnic make-up would eventually be the model for the majority of large cities in Europe.
Mr Phillips, chairman of the Equalities and Human Rights Commission, described the prospect of ethnic minorities becoming the majority of Birmingham's population as "a very very big deal".
He added: "I think it's a very important issue. It's important because in Europe this won't happen in the way it has happened in America, where one lot of people takes over from another.
"There will be a lot of groups of different ethnicities, and that is going to take a new kind of thinking. This is what most European cities in 15 or 20 years' time will look like, and that's why I'm so interested in what's happening in Birmingham."
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Above is a screen-shot from a BNP candidates website.
The candidate was selected by, MI' 5imon Darby.
Black and White Unite? The BNP has sold out.
Saturday, April 19, 2008

Derrick Day - real East End nationalist !
In the above pics we can see that Derrick Day, was a friend of my family here in the North West of England. The pic of Derrick speaking was 1978 at a National Front meeting at Hoxton market, East London. Unfortunately I have been banned from Stormfront for about seven years, so could not post about Derrick Day.
I noted that on Stormfront UK, some made mention of Derrick on some thread or other.
Derrick was in fact the inspiration for jewboy Johnny Speights, ALF GARNETT.
Speight admitted that in the SUNDAY TELEGRAPH magazine in early 1978.
Derrick an old time nationalist, was related to the Kray twins by marriage. He hated the Krays, as they were part jews.
If only the BNP had Derrick today. Griffin would be in a canal.The CUNTs would be in a block of flats basement.
We will put up Derricks BBC portion when we can, asap.
The letter is dated New Years eve 1979.
If you want history of the nationalist movement you won't get it on Stormfront.
This site NWN has history, and an insight into the movement for over 30 years.

Friday, April 18, 2008
Griffins Bootboys - The CUNTs Group !

• Citigroup announces first quarter losses of $2.5bn and writes off $3bn of bad investments
Britain's second biggest bank is expected to ask shareholders for billions of extra cash in a bid to repair its balance sheet, it was reported today.
The Royal Bank of Scotland is mulling a rights issue that could raise as much as £12 billion.
This morning the bank's shares and those of their rivals were fluctuating and RBS traded down 0.6 per cent at 364p late this morning, reversing an earlier rise of as much as 4.9 percent and giving it a market value of 36.5 billion pounds.
Experts feared that the embattled banking sector could suffer on the stock market as a result of the speculation.
The bank, which has lost almost half its market value in the past year, has sold assets such as its European consumer-finance unit and a stake in Southern Water Capital Ltd.
RBS is Britain's second biggest bank but needs to repair its balance sheet
The bank's move comes as it was revealed yesterday that up to 2,300 City of London jobs will be axed because of the credit crunch with Citigroup, which has its British headquarters at Canary Wharf, expected to reveal 1,000 redundancies today.
The rumours were given strength this morning when Citigroup, the world's biggest bank, announced first quarter losses of $2.5billion.
The bank has also written off $3billion of bad investments due to the US sub-prime mortgage crisis.
RBS' decision - which could be followed by other major lenders - is needed because the bank has had to writedown the value of its sub-prime debts.

Subject: Very good video on global warming
Thursday, April 17, 2008

PARIS - Brigitte Bardot is back on trial in France, facing charges of fanning discrimination and racial hatred against Muslims.
Bardot, 73, was not present for the hearing. A verdict is expected June 3.
A leading French anti-racism group known as MRAP filed suit last year over a letter that Bardot sent to then-Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy, and which was published in her foundation's quarterly journal.
In the letter to Sarkozy, now the president, Bardot accused France's Muslim population of destroying France, and complained about the Muslim feast of Eid al-Adha.
French anti-racism laws prevent inciting hatred and discrimination on racial or religious or racial grounds. Bardot has been convicted four times for inciting racial hatred.

News article filed by Matt Single
Manchester Civil Justice Court is certainly an impressive building, the mixture of steel and glass many stories high; it made an imposing backdrop to the legal horn-locking between Griffin's legal men and our defence.
In the court room sat the full complement of all those involved in this case, but due to the scale of the room with its high ceiling it still looked almost empty.
I and my five co-defendants and our council sat on the right with Griffin, Simon Darby and their legal representatives on the left. What proved most interesting was the behaviour that Griffin displayed as if part of an act to try and prove to us upstart 'malcontents' that he is still in control. Each time the court came to session, Griffin and Darby strolled in five minutes late as if to make some sort of grandiose entrance, but it was clearly contrived.
I can't imagine that the judge, who was certainly not a man to suffer fools, would have seen this is in a good light at all. This type of performance typifies a person that is entirely uncomfortable and anxious as to the unfolding and utterly avoidable situation that he alone has brought down upon our British National Party.
It is also interesting that at the very end of the court day which was long, wearing and intense, in which the day's results clearly unsettled and damaged Griffin and Co.; Griffin announced loudly, so that we could all hear "Well, we got what we wanted!" when it was however, abundantly clear that he had not.
Once again this indicates to us all as to just how far into his own little world of denial he has actually descended. By making loud crass comments openly he was trying to prove to the court of just how wonderful and intact the 'emperors [chairman's] new clothes' still are. This was however of course, utterly transparent to all of us.Unwavering self-belief, arrogance and sheer disregard to the point of ruination has been seen throughout history and resulted in unbelievable destruction.
One notable political figure stands out amongst a great many. It almost makes one shudder to imagine what our Party could have become under such leadership had it not remained so tiny in its present state. We only need to look at Mugabe to see the reality of such tyrannical figures in modern politics.
Such a nightmare would be no alternative to the Lib-Lab-Con regime we currently find ourselves suffering under and undoubtedly prove to be the greatest insult to those that have sacrificed so much for the promise of a morally wholesome nationalist government, freedom of speech and expression and future for our children.
Hired muscle
It is also interesting that Griffin's usual personal security was not present in court, but instead a large man I have not seen before or recognise remained glued to his side throughout the day's proceedings. Is this because the very fabric, loyalty and honour that once ran deep within the Security Department, that Griffin has destroyed completely, can no longer be trusted by him for his own personal security and protection?
Needing to hire muscle for a day in court while dragging the Party membership and finances through the mire, again serves as an indicator as to his true paranoid state of mind.
It is my opinion, that as well as trying to crystallise his fantasy that he can walk on water and should be revered as a nationalist demigod by us lesser mortals that actually have to work for a living, that it is retribution he now seeks.
Griffin wants revenge on those that have dared to stand up to him and his corruption that is costing the Party so dearly. The climate for nationalism in the UK has never been so positive and so full of potential. Griffin has taken us as far as he can; he is limited and constrained by his self-obsession with his power and rule.
This can clearly been seen if we look at the fact that as a Party we simply have not made anywhere near the breakthroughs that a great many of us expected we would make over the last three years. Griffin has blamed a plethora of enemies for his failures, Gerry Gable/Searchlight, the Labour Party, the UAF, the BBC, secret media moles in the Party and even imaginary 'state-plants!'
As I have written in the past, megalomaniacs are often not programmed to be able to comprehend reality when that truth conflicts with their inner need to satisfy their delusions. That truth is simply that he himself in the disastrous man-management decisions for the Party that he alone has made, and the characters that he has placed into positions around himself have left the Party with a collection of incompetent, corrupt and morally questionable people in positions of authority under him and answerable only to him. They all of course have other similarities.
They have either displayed sufficient sycophantic characteristics and are no future threat to him in any way, or are in desperate need of a job and a home but no other organisation in its right mind would take them on, but still could be useful to him in some way.
Having such a cabal of jesters in tow has not, and will not create a political opposition cabinet capable of becoming a truly viable alternative to the established government; regardless of how much spin and manipulation the Party web-site and publications can churn out each month.
Regardless of the enemies that operate against nationalism within the UK, real or imaginary, the damage that Griffin's egotism and greed have done could not have been made greater by any of them.
Some people are of the belief that this is why he walked away from Leeds Crown Court twice, and why he has not been arrested for instigating the robbery and illegal bugging of a serving borough councillor. We must ask ourselves this.
Is the promise of a stagnating nationalist party so bereft of potential due to his corrupt leadership, inviting to the powers that be, to turn a blind eye to the illegal activists of its leader?
Is a popularist pressure valve so needed now that Griffinism could serve the establishment with the vote-vent it is now so in need of; especially when the UKIP single use weapon has now dried up?
These questions fall outside of the sphere of this report, so I'll leave that to the reader to draw their own conclusions and ponder their own theories; but certainly the final outcome of these legal proceedings will be of great interest to many of us.
Griffin's European gravy express - next stop Brussels
Another theory that many people have commented on and I myself support, is the belief that Griffin has now got his eye on a nice little position in Europe on the gravy-train for five years before an early retirement and a second home in the sun somewhere.
Why else has he, without the vote, support or consent of the members, activists and supporters of the North-West Region, parachuted himself in as the number one candidate?
Based upon the regional performance of our candidates in past elections, it should come as no surprise to find out that the North-West Region is one of the best if not the best chance we will have in getting a representative voted into Europe and unlocking the huge benefits and funding that come with it. I expect that closer to the time of the elections Griffin will present to the Party in our publications, a few hand selected members that will be so 'honoured' to have the wonderful Party chairman himself as their candidate.
Another indicator that this is his scheme, is the question that how could he possibly hope to lead a political party in the UK whilst running around in Europe?
I believe that if he were to be voted in, he would quickly resign the chairmanship due to his 'European commitments' because he would no longer need it as it would have already served its purpose for him.
What with this and his other little nest-eggs, it would afford him a very comfortable standard of living that would have the added bonus for him of having his ego massaged and manipulated by the media as the only BNP voice in Europe from which he could ultimately hold the Party to ransom for ever more.
Full trial in the civil courts?
It is looking quite likely that us six defendants, at Griffin's insistence, will be facing a full trial in the civil courts. It could last several days and will undoubtedly cost a vast sum of money. Griffin is prepared to continue dragging the Party through this ugly and unnecessary action that could well ultimately deal the Party coffers a massive blow as well as the irreparable political damage that could follow in its wake.
Griffin is gambling with other people's hard earned and donated Party funds which is despicable within itself.
The situation becomes even darker when we consider that those he is trying to sue include two young families, one of which has a baby and the other expecting very soon. His intention is to financially destroy us completely and leave us with huge bills that we could not possibly pay. He is suing us as straw-men, but as he has proven in the past, he is a coward and lacks the courage to take on those with the fanatical clout, for example The Guardian newspaper and the BBC, to be able to beat him back, even when it would seem as though the Party should easily win.
Griffin knows only two well that the six of us that are all proven loyal nationalists that have worked ceaselessly for the benefit of the Party for many years. In Griffin's illegal and unconstitutional sacking of Sadie, Steve, Nicola and Kenny, he has deprived them of their meagre wage that had largely helped to keep heads above water during their professional full-time work for the Party.
Griffin's warning to you all!
It is his intention to bully us into a position where we are unable to cover the growing costs of our defence solicitors that must be paid in advance regardless to the final outcome, leaving us at the mercy of his legal hatchet-men intent in finishing us off for good.
He also has designs in this course of action serving as an example to all Party members of what he will do to anyone in the future that ever dares to question his authoritarianism. It was clear by the shallow smirk on Griffin's face as he glanced at us at the end of the court day, that this is what he seeks to have in store for us.
However, we are continuing to receive support from a large number of Party supporters and activists that are still working within the Party itself, but have firmly rejected Griffin's rhetoric and Stasi style politicking. They, just like those he is persecuting in court, are now waiting for their opportunity to vote out his corruption and incompetence and replace it with a leadership sound of mind and judgement able to take our vehicle forward once again in a Party were the joys of freedom can be once again be at the forefront of our constitution and design.
You can help! - Pledge your support for us today
Support the Family Defence Appeal and help us to defend ourselves against a bully that ultimately seeks to silence and potentially take away the homes from six families simply to satisfy his own dark craving for retribution.
Whether it is one pound or a thousand, make your donation today and help us to wipe the grin from his face should this matter end in a long court battle.
This is the only way we together can make ourselves be heard, there is no other way we can save the Party we have all sacrificed so much for. Griffin's true nature has now been exposed to a large number of people and how for many years he has walked over, lied about, slandered and assassinated the characters of a great many nationalists in his hunger for power and greed.
However, this time the six of us and our support base have consolidated a friendship and camaraderie between us all that will last for a very long time indeed.
As the old saying goes, what does not kill you makes you stronger, and our combined voice is getting stronger and louder each day. That voice is the Voice of Change and this time it will not be silenced and we will not shy away from this fight until Griffin and his corrupt cult of yes-men are removed from our Party for good.
Thank you all for your continuing support.
Matt Single

Someone has just tried to post the link to this website on here, we have deleted it. WARNING 2008 list online WTF is going on at the BNP ? ...
A CHANGING WORLD Populist-nationalist tide rolls on Pat Buchanan: 'Old allegiances are fraying, and old allies drifting away' ...