Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Oi vey me hearties !

The discovery of an ancient cemetery in Jamaica has stirred speculation that Jews used to take part in piracy.
Published: 02/07/2008

The discovery of an ancient cemetery in Jamaica has stirred speculation that Jews used to take part in piracy.

Several Jewish graves were found outside Kingston last week, some of them marked with the skull and crossbones, Yediot Achronot reported Thursday. The classic symbol of piracy suggests there were Jews involved in the notorious trade.

Historians are investigating the find, but one expert who is descended from Jamaica's 500-year-old Jewish community appears to have made up his mind.

"The major role of Jews and pirates was we were like the brains behind their brawn, i.e. We advised and backed them," Ed Kritzler wrote on the Web site of the United Congregation of Israelites in Jamaica.

"Jewish merchants, in coded correspondence with converso merchants in the Spanish colonies, were able to ascertain what ship was sailing when, its cargo, route, destination, and what its captain may have secreted in his cabin. Thus informed, they financed and advised the buccaneer! s, and got first dibs on the booty."


Anonymous said...

He's an idiot.

Nobody but me ever got first dibs on my booty, mate! And I didn't care much what I had to do to get it.

Anonymous said...

is there al ink for this?

Anonymous said...

Right from the horses mouth. Jews the masterminds behind crime.

Wherever they go, they never change.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't be surprised...

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...