"The accountants for the college are Edgar and Jean Griffin, Nick Griffin's parents, who live in Welshpool, Powys. Edgar Griffin confirmed that the language school was a "substantial business", but declined to say why its reported profits were so small. "You must know that an accountant can't talk about his client's affairs to anyone, leave alone a newspaper," he said."
Spotted in todays GUARDIAN newspaper.
We invite comments please !
Sharon Ebanks sums it up rather nicely.
"What conclusion do you need? Supposed nationalists happy to take the money off African immigrants, and EASTERN EUROPEANS THAT THEY BLEAT ABOUT IN, V of F, teach them to speak English, and live in BRITAIN.
If the F*CKING idiots in the BNP cannot see what GRIFFIN REALLY , IS.
F*ck every last one of em.
Bloody hell the Griffins seem all to be at it !
So, lets get this right, anyone who is linked with or related to the BNP, according to you lot, is not allowed to try and earn a living or run a business, without being accused of what exactly? And you base this on the Guardian, our arch enemy. You people claim to be Nationalists!?
"So, lets get this right, anyone who is linked with or related to the BNP, according to you lot, is not allowed to try and earn a living or run a business, without being accused of what exactly? And you base this on the Guardian, our arch enemy. You people claim to be Nationalists!?"
You mean the newspaper you morons are happy to quote when it writes something you like? For your information, the Guardian newspaper, is one of the few papers Griffin reads, and claims to trust. He considers it a a good gauge for what is happening in Britain.
Fiore, is one of Griffins bestest buddies, and Edgar Griffin also does the accounts for the BNP, and not WALKER.
And, you're still a dumb f*ck.
Fiore is not one his "best buddies" and is politically opposed to this mornisation/kosherisation.
Do you pluck your facts out of Searchlight's pages?
I have not come to any concrete conclusion about Fiore.
But I know rather a lot about Nick Griffin and it is all bad.
If 'Purging the Droid' isn't Nick Griffin, I will bare my arse on the Town hall steps !
The Griffin family so close to financial corruption.
Nationalists should be better than this.
The country cries out for honest politics !
More and more sleaze.
We have enough with the other parties, we don't need another corrupt party.
Final Conflict said...
Fiore is not one his "best buddies" and is politically opposed to this mornisation/kosherisation.
Do you pluck your facts out of Searchlight's pages?
29 February 2008 21:07
Final Conflict, I know little about Roberto Fiore, but there must be many accountants closer to London than mid-Wales.
So, Roberto Fiore...again...see my earlier post....
So, even after all these years, Griffin is STILL INTIMATELY LINKED to KNOWN MI6 ASSET ROBERTO FIORE.
Vote BNP-MI6.
You know it makes sense.
Nice little earner, eh?
You run a supposedly anti-immigration party and make a packet from it.
You also help to run a language school that helps the same trash into the country.
how is Fiore MI6???
he was set up and exiled by the Masons and his businesses have been attacked over the years by Spook-friendly journalists.
Who says Fiore is state? Searchlies! Must be true then!
The statement by anon is so clearly a UAF troll as to be opaque!
Speak to Italian nationalists - and even those who oppose him (party politics etc.) know he is a decent man.
Yorkie - his association with Griffin senior goes back years (probably to when NG was still pushing genuine nationalism). It is business-related. If you have a good accountant - why change?
I think businessmen have more worrying concerns - especially in tourism with the fluctuation in currencies, property prices etc.
Even now the speed with which people rush to the defence of Snr Fiore is remarkable.
Also consider Fiore's tactic of fund raising via front companies and charities.......sound familiar??
When in Britain enjoying his mysterious immunity from extradition, Fiore set up a string of charity shops (accountant Griffins father. Now there's a surprise eh? Not that there's been a pattern there over the last 30 years, or anything). These were investigated by the Charity Commission and it was found that they were completely bogus and breached all the regulations. The investigation was then guietly shut down and no action was ever taken.
Yep. Read that again. Fascist leader operates bogus charity shops, the state investigates and then lets it all carry on very nicely thank you.
Anyone who can't work that one out must be really thick.
Well Dudeness, let's see ...
Evil Fascist extremist Fiore is wanted by the Italian Police, but flees to Socialist Britain ...
Enters the country with a huge amount of hot money ... which he deposits without difficulty ...
Is ferried around the country by the League of St George ... which is riddled with informers ... but the state makes no move to pick him up ...
Goes to Ireland to meet the IRA ... and stays in the flat of a salaried MI5 informer ... but still isn't picked up ...
For years this Fascist enjoys complete immunity from extradition ...
And a series of money collecting scams ... that the state knows about ... but never closes down ...
And amasses a property and business empire ... whilst the state does nothing ...
Fiore exiled by Freemasons?
Ha ha.
Top Italian Fascist leaders AND Reds were all members of P2.
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