Monday, February 18, 2008

BNP's website 'the most popular in politics'

NWN: Whats all this then ? A message from the BNP main website ?
Its a major story in one of the Worlds leading newspapers the London Evening Standard.
Looks like an advert to us to 'bull up' Griffins BNP !

Nick Griffin of the BNP. The far-right party has the UK's most visited political website
The British National Party has the UK's most visited political website, a study shows.
The far-Right group received 51 per cent of all hits to party sites last year - seven times more than the online pages run by Labour and the Liberal Democrats.
It was also twice as popular as the Conservative's main website.
The report, for the Centre for Policy Studies, claims the site has flourished because it allows visitors to leave messages and interact with one another.

NWN Note: Interact with one another ? That is a lie for a start. Griffin hates forums that is why he has none , and then he sends his idiots to trammel any that he/they don't like.


Anonymous said...

Yes, they are state controlled indeed. Look at John Walker, ex civil servant always seems to have Griffins ear. He's ex military too, and rumor has it he was involved in war crimes in the Balkans involving the torture and execution of muslim civilians.

Anonymous said...

Thats an advert !

Anonymous said...

This story also made the 'Telegraph'.

Interesting isn't it, that when the BNP had an honest leader the press called em Nazis. Now they have a thief liar and pervert, and they're pushing him toward number 10. I keep telling people that the BNP, is state run, they don't believe me. Even the RED's are being treated like idiots by the state.

Anonymous said...

Read this:

He says the paper the newspaper article was based on was a little different from what was said in the paper.

And he reckons the BNP is the most popular website not because it's interactive, but because it's INFORMED.

And I once had an ex-Guardian journalist tell me that virtually every journalist in London visits the BNP site daily to find out what's REALLY going on on the street.

Anonymous said...

Here's a paragraph from the EUReferndum page linked to above:

" We would agree with it, however phrased, and then take Colville to task on his earlier claim that success is about interactive communication. From his own evidence, the BNP site is the most successful of those produced by political parties, yet that is hardly interactive. Where it succeeds is in being informative. "

Anonymous said...

May be with mass homelessness, unemployment, and bankruptcy looming for hundreds of thousands of British people, the press are looking to force the BNP into consumer respectability. May be the press knows that when those things above begin to bite, the British will be looking at the immigrants having the council housing and jobs, and will then look at the only party who discusses immigration and its impact.

Now as in Hitlers Germany, the greedy bankers are to blame.

Anonymous said...

See also today's Daily Telegraph.

They comment on the website's poor quality, though.


Anonymous said...

Friendly articles in state controlled newspapers. But ONLY since Griffin took over.

You don't exactly have to be a genius to work that one out, do you?

Anonymous said...

The Telegraph is/was part of the Lord Conrad Empire. His wife zionist Barbara Amiel is a friend of 'Our Nick'.

Anonymous said...

"The Telegraph is/was part of the Lord Conrad Empire. His wife zionist Barbara Amiel is a friend of 'Our Nick'."

UAF are about to discover the power of the Zionists, and I wonder for how much longer they will push their holocaust lies.

Anonymous said...

"...and rumour has it that he (John Walker) was involved in war crimes in the Balkans..."

What total crap!

What rumour?
Started by who?
From some moral hero signing himself anonymous.

I could just as easily start a 'rumour' that you are an escaped patient from a lunatic asylum.

Nationalists should utterly reject with contemptuous scorn this kind of post.

Apart from the BNP being a 'state' organisation, there is another explanation for such good publicity.

Time and again, in a host of little things, I notice that establishment (liberal/left) journalists are shifting their position.

There are too many of them to be at the core of any sinister conspiracy. They are intelligent human beings too. The evidence of what is happening in our country is just too obvious to be ignored and it is therefore becoming increasingly difficult to spout the usual multi culti line without appearing completely irrational.

The story about the popularity of the BNP website is old news. It was announced by the BNP a year or so ago. Further, as the number of people who use and understand the internet rises, so the number of people able to access that data for themselves also rises.

Establishment media then has a dilemma:

keep ignoring something that is increasingly well known, hoping to suppress it but risking loss of credibility if it is not suppressed;


jumping on the bandwagon when the story can no longer be suppressed and thus hope to keep some credibility by reporting the news.

I think the true explanation for Griffin's behaviour is much more simple.

He is selfish and greedy.

No need for complicated, sinister and unprovable conspiracy theories.

The establishment media and all our other enemies will just exploit this unexpected opportunity. And you cannot blame them for that. We are to blame for tolerating Griffin.

Bill Jax

Anonymous said...

* * * * *
Anonymous said...

UAF are about to discover the power of the Zionists, and I wonder for how much longer they will push their holocaust lies.

18 February 2008 23:18
* * * * *

What do you mean by that?


Anonymous said...

Odd isn't it?

Just when the Left are beginning to see the truth behind it all and to turn against the Jews ... the BNP turns pro-Zionist!

Anonymous said...

eavesdropper said...
* * * * *
Anonymous said...

UAF are about to discover the power of the Zionists, and I wonder for how much longer they will push their holocaust lies.

18 February 2008 23:18
* * * * *

What do you mean by that?


19 February 2008 12:55

I mean, the UAF have used Jews and Holocaust as a means of promoting themselves and making the BNP nasty nazis, but what will they do when the media Jews start siding with the BNP? Will they wake up once and for all and see that they have been manipulated?

Jeannine said...

Yes, they are state controlled indeed. Look at John Walker, ex civil servant always seems to have Griffins ear. He's ex military too, and rumor has it he was involved in war crimes in the Balkans involving the torture and execution of muslim civilians. ROFL! That is one of the silliest things I've read in ages! You have made my night. I will make sure I ask John about this next time I see him. LOL

Anonymous said...

Walker isn't state - he's just a patsy for the main man.

The File on 4 program was a treat. Walker lying through his teeth and then floundering hopelessly when the evidence was put in front of him.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
Walker isn't state - he's just a patsy for the main man.

The File on 4 program was a treat. Walker lying through his teeth and then floundering hopelessly when the evidence was put in front of him.

20 February 2008 22:18"

I agree with that. Where were the interviews from Griffin and Darby? Kept their names out of it, didn't they ;-) Walker will end up in jail for his master, I hope he realises it. Brayshaw did, and packed his bags.

Anonymous said...

Another advert for Griffin including a video ....

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...