Saturday, February 23, 2008



Dear TiM Readers,

Thank you for your letters that are pouring in from all over the world, asking me to comment on the situation in Serbia and Kosovo. Alas, I have nothing new to say on the subject of Kosovo. Everything that is happening today in Serbia TiM had predicted about 10-12 years ago. So I just don't feel like writing "I told you so"-stories. Instead, here is a brief editorial comment about today's demonstrations in Belgrade, along with the references to the earlier articles on Kosovo and Serbia. You will see that they are every bit as current today as they were when written, many years ago.
Thank you for your encouragement and support.
Bob Djurdjevic, Editor, Truth in Media, Feb 21, 2008
And now, we invite you to check out the latest Truth in Media Bulletin, an editorial on the current situation in Serbia and Kosovo:
Kosovo Is Serbia
But Vandalism at U.S. Embassy Is Sign of Primitive Impotence, Not Substitute for Courage, Fortitude Serbia Should Have Shown in June 1999; Belgrade Protests Too Little, Too Late
You can also find additional articles on Balkans, global and U.S. affairs at the TiM web site:
On a related topic, I have also agreed to do a radio interview on Kosovo, Russia's vs. America's s geopolitical interests there. Here is a link to an Internet Radio talk show on which I will be a guest on Fri Feb 29 at 11AM Eastern (10AM Central; 9AM Arizona), just in case you or your friends may be interested:

The show has the second highest rating among the Genesis Communications Network talk shows, I am told. If you look in the middle column at the above link, you will see them highlighting in red one of my old columns. And in the left column below, under "Upcoming Guests," you will see them promoting my appearance on their show. The host is George Whitehurst Berry.
Mark your calendar and pass the word around, if you wish. To listen to the show, click on - on Fri Feb 29 at 11AM Eastern (10AM Central; 9AM Arizona):
Bob Dj.
---Truth in MediaScottsdale, Arizona

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