Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Hello, Hello, Hello !

Springbok cyber newsletter


A supporter has recently given us a copy of the January 2008 edition of theanti-fascist magazine Searchlight, which details in depth the recentinternal friction and split within the neo-fascist BNP. Normally, of course, such matters wouldn't concern us in the slightest, butevidently the person mainly being blamed for these internal problems by oneof the factions involved (by all accounts the more democratically-orientatedfaction) is none other than young Mr. Arthur Kemp - who apparently has nowleft his wife and children in South Africa to become the de facto No.2 inthe neo-fascist organisation!

Arthur Kemp is very well known to us of course, as has been detailed in manyprevious editions of the SCN, and from our own experience those involvedhave every reason to be very suspicious of this young man, who theyevidently term "the South African spook".

Kemp seemed a good friend of ourmovement during the 1980s, and indeed wrote regularly for S.A.Patriot underthe pseudonym of Adrian Kotze, but we were warned to be very wary of him bysources in the Transvaal because he was allegedly working for the SouthAfrican intelligence services.

Shortly after we were forced to leave SouthAfrica and the ANC regime came to power in the early 1990s Kemp suddenlychanged his political stance radically, turning from a mainstreamcentre-right patriot like ourselves, to becoming an off-the-edge neo-Nazinutter.

He then irrationally turned on his former friends and bizarrelyclaimed - without any foundation whatsoever - that it was us rather than himwho had changed political views (one only has to read through copies ofsuccessive editions of S.A.Patriot/S.A.Patriot-in-Exile and the SCN to seehow ridiculous this claim is!).

It was then revealed both by The Mail &Guardian and subsequently by Searchlight that Kemp was working for the "new"South African security services (having apparently simply been handed-overas an "asset" by the previous NP administration to the incoming ANC regime)where his job was apparently to adopt an extremist neo-Nazi image and thento infiltrate authentic opposition organisations in South Africa in order tosmear and embarrass them by association.

His usefulness to the "new" SouthAfrican authorities now being over it would appear that he has simply beenhanded-over to their British equivalents.

We would actually disagree with Searchlight on two of their observationsabout Kemp. They criticise him for having worked for the NP intelligenceapparatus, whereas our condemnation of him is for seemingly willingly beinghanded-over to the incoming ANC security structure with apparently noobjection whatsoever.

They criticise him for being involved in theassassination of the ANC terrorist leader Chris Hani, whereas we condemn himfor turning State's Evidence against that great South African hero CliveDerby-Lewis. It would be interesting to make contact with the moredemocratically-orientated faction of the BNP in order to compare notes aboutthis young man.


Jeannine said...
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Anonymous said...

Kemp is another one of Gri££in's inner circle who appears to have no readily discernable past.

Anonymous said...

Young is a relative term: Arthur is considerably younger than the chap who runs the Springbok Club.

Arthur wasn't divorced in the late 1990s when I met his wife and family - so again the point is that his divorce seems relatively recent to the authors.

Jeannine shows a basic inability to distinguish fact from opinion. There are no errors of fact in the article.

The fact that Arthur does not deny is that he sold information about his comrades to a South African 'journalist' who later turned out to be a paid officer of South African intelligence.

Many informed observers have concluded that Arthur himself transferred his allegiances from the apartheid-era South African intelligence service to its Mandela-era counterpart.

Arthur lied about a South African newspaper having retracted this allegation. It did not do so.

Anonymous said...

I think that Arthur Kemp gained his prefix of "young" from the Conservative Party of South Africa when he worked for them during the 1980s (when he WAS young). There was a lot of jealousy of him within the CPSA at the time, not only because of his precocious intellect, but also because he was young, handsome and debonaire, and had no problem "pulling" the women!

Anonymous said...

I don't think there is any single "chap" who "runs" the Springbok Club. Judging from its web-site it's quite a big and dynamic organisation, and furthermore I hear that most of its leading officials are pretty young.

Jim Brown said...

You guys seem to know a lot about Mr Kemp. Can you help me???

H Butler said...

Alan Harvey's comments need to be taken with care considering his view is distorted by his hatred of his once very close friend and by an inability to tell the truth about his own past.

Harvey was a notorious neo-fascist, racist and anti-semite himself when in South Africa - so much so that its now impossible for him to return there - having been a Tyndall supporter in the South African National Front. Harvey later followed Kemp into the SA Conservative Party. After Harvey returned to England - leaving his own wife and kid behind - he ingratiated himself in the NF until Anderson kicked him out in '92. He later joined Chi Chi's Patriotic Forum till he was kicked out of that as well. When Kemp came to Britain in '96 Harvey was there to meet him and tried to rekindle their friendshhip. But Harvey began to deny his past and began posing as a 'neo con'; Harvey was later in a tory group called the Swinton Circle until they kicked him out. Kemp denounced Harvey as a "lying megalomaniac", and accused him of changing his politics something Harvey would later accuse Kemp of: one of Harvey's personality traits is he always tries to return the same criticism he receives back on the person who criticised him.

As for the Hani incident, re-read Harvey's penultimate sentence: Harvey has never shown pity or remorse for the Hani killing only that his beloved Clive Derby Lewis was jailed for it, something Kemp can hardly be blamed for.

Anonymous said...

H. Butler's inaccurate comments need to be corrected :-

1) Alan Harvey was never a neo-fascist nor an anti-Semite. Read issues of S.A.Patriot which he edited from 1981 until 1987 for confirmation.

2) Harvey was never a supporter of [John] Tyndall. He was a member of the [British] National Front only from October 1974 until December 1975 when John Kingsley Read was leader of the party - and then left the organisation precisely because he was opposed to the neo-fascist takeover of Tyndall! He was never a member of the South African National Front.

3) Harvey only "left his wife and kid" behind because they were due to re-join him in the UK once he was re-established there. The reason why they never did has never been explained.

4) Harvey never had any connection with the NF after his return to the UK - so therefore couldn't have been "kicked out" by Anderson nor by anyone else!

5) Harvey always has been what is today referred to as a "Neo-Con". Again read issues of S.A.Patriot for confirmation.

6) Harvey has never been "kicked out" of the Swinton Circle - indeed he is the current Chairman of the organisation!

Anonymous said...

H. Butler's inaccurate comments need to be corrected :-

1) Alan Harvey was never a neo-fascist nor an anti-Semite. Read issues of S.A.Patriot which he edited from 1981 until 1987 for confirmation.

2) Harvey was never a supporter of [John] Tyndall. He was a member of the [British] National Front only from October 1974 until December 1975 when John Kingsley Read was leader of the party - and then left the organisation precisely because he was opposed to the neo-fascist takeover of Tyndall! He was never a member of the South African National Front.

3) Harvey only "left his wife and kid" behind because they were due to re-join him in the UK once he was re-established there. The reason why they never did has never been explained.

4) Harvey never had any connection with the NF after his return to the UK - so therefore couldn't have been "kicked out" by Anderson nor by anyone else!

5) Harvey always has been what is today referred to as a "Neo-Con". Again read issues of S.A.Patriot for confirmation.

6) Harvey has never been "kicked out" of the Swinton Circle - indeed he is the current Chairman of the organisation!

Peter King said...

The postings (why two?) by Anonymous on 10 September 2012 are from Alan Harvey.

Those who remember Harvey – and most who have met him are trying to forget – will recall that Harvey in earlier days was a KKK-loving Jew-hating neo-nazi who was proud to extend his right arm as a member of the BBB – just read issues of Kommando which he published for confirmation.

Harvey regarded Tyndall, like many, as “one of Britain's few great Patriots”; afterall, Harvey was about the only member of the right who sought to continue Tyndall’s imperial vision, though Harvey's Springbok Club was a complete and utter failure.

In South Africa Harvey was Brendan Willmer’s bum boy until Harvey betrayed him in the early 80s, then Harvey turned his sickly affections to Arthur Kemp. Who knows who Harvey's leeching off now.

After he returned to the UK Ian Anderson foolishly let Harvey return to the Kent Branch of the NF but then Anderson later kicked him out - if Harvey continues to deny this with the moderator's permission I'll state why Harvey was kicked out.

Harvey is now only known for two things: for being a Searchlight informant, and for those nappy photos.

Perhaps the question we should be asking is was it Harvey who introduced Hill and Collins to Searchlight?

Intrigued said...

So why was Harvey kicked out of the NF? Was it because Anderson caught Alan Harvey and Alan Winder doing 'sex magick' together?

Anonymous said...

The posting under the the name of Peter King (who sadly died in 2011) is quite clearly phoney. The writer seems to be totally incapable of saying anything which is true. The writer, whoever they be, quite clearly is not only a serial liar but also, by his apparent obsessions, a sexual pervert. A pathetic failure in life who can do nothing other than attack those who acheve success in the political arena and who are admired and popular. Such "I hate the world" characters usually end up by topping themselves - as was the case with the late and unlamented Mike Keith-Smith. Hopefully the writer will shortly follow Keith-Smith's trip to Porchester Castle!

Stuart said...

Any nappy-photos probably relate to G. Lauder-Frost, who is widely reputed to like being dressed up as a baby and then being mothered by his wife.

Speke, Liverpool. 'Diversity is NOT our strength'  - it is causing chaos, and possibly even worse.