Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The latest BNP members bulletin..............

there is no politics in the damned thing ! There are 'adverts' such as the RWB and even the costs of using tentpegs for the members. There is also talk of Trafalgar Club fundraing stuff. There is a fireworks display (NWN:bring your wallets). Scotland are flogging mugs and other such ephemera. Where are the training seminars and policy/ideology discussions ?

Ideology is the driving force in nationalism. Without it what drives the BNP ?


Anonymous said...

The BNP's new neo-con "ideology" in a nutshell, or "The Lament Of The BNP's March Violets" !

The council repossessed my flat, 'cause of the Moslems.
My life stinks, 'cause of the Moslems.
My car won't start, 'cause of the Moslems.
My wife left me, 'cause of the Moslems.
I can't get it up, 'cause of the Moslems.
All of my problems are, 'cause of the Moslems.
I get drunk every night, 'cause of the Moslems.
I'm not in control of my life, 'cause of the Moslems.
I don't have a "pot to piss in", 'cause of the Moslems.
Internet cost too much, 'cause of the Moslems.
I can't afford the nice things at the shop, 'cause of the Moslems.
It's too damn hot outside, 'cause of the Moslems.
My daughter is a whore, 'cause of the Moslems.
My life is boring, 'cause of the Moslems.
There is a hole in my roof, 'cause of the Moslems.
I lost my car keys, 'cause of the Moslems.
I'm a granddad at 25, 'cause of the Moslems.
I can't get ahead, 'cause of the Moslems.
I have lots of "duct tape" on my car, 'cause of the Moslems.
I can't find a job, 'cause of the Moslems.
I don't enjoy life, 'cause of the Moslems.
I don't get any women, 'cause of the Moslems.
I've got a virus on my PC, 'cause of the Moslems.
It's too damn cold outside, 'cause of the Moslems.
I don't mow my grass, 'cause of the Moslems.
I don't have a life, 'cause of the Moslems.
Cigarettes cause 'cancer, cause of the Moslems.
I'm a failure, 'cause of the Moslems.
I make the minimum wage, 'cause of the Moslems.
I spilled my beer, 'cause of the Moslems.
I don't leave the house, 'cause of the Moslems.
We get 5 channels on the TV, 'cause of the Moslems.
We don't have running water in the house, 'cause of the Moslems.
I'll never be important to anyone, 'cause of the Moslems.
I'm a second class citizen, 'cause of the Moslems.
My dog died, 'cause of the Moslems.
I was a "below average student", 'cause of the Moslems.
My boss is always on at me, 'cause of the Moslems.
I'll never mount to anything, 'cause of the Moslems.
My failure at life is, 'cause of the Moslems.
I hate Moslems, 'cause of the Moslems.
It ain't my fault, 'cause of the Moslems.

Anonymous said...

That sums up the bnp! Who said griffin was a one issue man?!!

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