__________________Rep. David Duke, P.O. Box 188, Mandeville, LouisianaCall to order books: (985) 626-7714 DavidDuke.com European American Unity & Rights Organization (EURO)
The home of real patriotic British people. The independent nationalist voice in the UK. The Red Rose County - Lancashire. A cummerbund & Griffinite free zone.Nick Griffin wrecked the National Front in the 1980's and then he wrecked the British National Party when he hijacked the BNP in 1999.A blog that supported John Tyndall.
Monday, April 30, 2007
__________________Rep. David Duke, P.O. Box 188, Mandeville, LouisianaCall to order books: (985) 626-7714 DavidDuke.com European American Unity & Rights Organization (EURO)
Over 3,300 supporters of Germany's National Democratic Party (NPD) protested "liberation" ceremonies marking the end of World War II on Sunday.
The NPD gathered in Alexanderplatz square to denounce the "cult of guilt" afflicting Germany.NPD leader Udo Voigt said, "This was not a day of 'liberation' but a day of defeat for Germany and it's nothing to celebrate."
Eight communists were reportedly arrested for throwing objects from behind police barricades. A few scuffles broke out when they came too close, but they were unsuccessful in disrupting speakers.
Germans said the two hour rally was the largest ever held
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness or despair but manifestations of strength and resolution...
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Friday, April 27, 2007
tiene el placer de invitarle a la conferencia que tendrá lugar en Barcelona mañana sábado día 28 de Abril
Hitler, Himmler y los campos
de concentración de Europa oriental
La historia como fue
Horario de 10 a 14 horas y de 16.30 a 20.30 de la tarde de lunes a sábado.Apartado de Correos 34055 E-08006 BarcelonaTelf.: 932370009 Fax: 934159845Nuestra cuenta bancaria: La Caixa 2100-1344-60-0200026408IBAN ES32 2100-1344-6002 0002 6408 / BIC CAIXESBBXXX
Por tratarse de una celebración privada, queda reservado el derecho de admisión.
No traiga su teléfono móvil
Prohibido fumar
Se ruega asistir vestido con corrección
(Personas de estética skin abstenerse)
NWN: We have received the following posts that have been deleted from SF UK by John Joy Tree/ Andy Robertson, which we are reproducing in full below. This form of censorship by the Griffinite toadies must cease !
Some Noteworthy Stormfront Posts by Tyndallite No. 1
The following post by Tyndallite was recovered to another forum (there was another one supporting Chris Jackson which has apparently been deleted by mods) has earned the poster a threat from the BNP to the effect that if he doesn't delete it he will be expelled!!
What price the "Free Speech Two" eh??
Originally Posted by Tyndallite
* Le Pen only gets 11% (half the vote that he expected)
* Trails in a dismal 4th place.
* 90% of the French electorate vote (which is almost everybody), thus giving a much truer indication of the French voters' opinions, and thus showing that Le Pen only has about a 10% core vote of the electorate to count on.
Perhaps the reason for this dismal showing is contained in his statement to immigrant youths living in ghettos:“You are the branches of the French tree. You are as French as can be.”, and also by his watering down of his policies in general (remember the black female on one of his election campaigns?).
This should be a lesson to be learnt for the Griffin camp and their liberal limpdick 'thinkers', who constantly like to tell us how clever they are with their "we want immigrants in the party" type claptrap (and other such silly 'ideas').Le Pen's watering down of his rhetoric and policies, and his arsekissing to the immigrants, obviously didn't cut the mustard with the electorate.
Although the people are fed up with the immigrants, they have chosen to side with the equivalent of the Tories (perhaps a 'better the devil you know' feeling), rather than go with Le Pen, who they may now see as a man who doesn't have any clear ideals, a man who just says whatever he thinks the electorate want to hear.
This shows the danger in adopting such a mercenary tactic. Obviously, extremist type comments should not be used by Nationalists, but by trying to be all things to all men, a party could simply be seen as 'just like the others'. If this becomes the case, and Nationalists do appear to be just like the rest, then why would the electorate bother taking a chance on Nationalists in the first place? Better the devil you know, is a principle that should not be overlooked by the BNP 'intellectuals' (the same 'intellectuals' you may remember who were calling for immigrants to be let into the party).
No. Nationalism should always show itself as different to the opposition. The myriad opposition parties, should all be shown to be one and the same ideology, Internationalism. Nationalists should always distance themselves from this Internationalist paradigm, and ALWAYS be crystal clear about immigration. Le Pen muddied this clarity with his own waffle ...... and paid the price.
And the second deleted post is;
Another Tyndallite hit....
Originally Posted by Tyndallite
(1) Marine is the main person responsible for Le Pen's watering down of his policies, so I don't personally have much faith in her 'judgment of the situation' abilities.
(2) This election reminds me of the Thatcher lies of the 79 general election. France seems to have regressed 30 years.
(3) Sarkozy and his Tory types will not be able to solve this issue.
(4) I predict a riot. I predict that the immigrants will now go on even more extreme burning sprees in order to humiliate Sarkozy.
We should not water down our BNP policies any more.
Ignore the sawdust Caesars of the BNP with their silly limpdick liberalism. We should educate the present incoming party members. They need to be educated to understand that the political classes are not letting all these immigrants in out of a mistake of policy (as Tory types wrongly believe).
The political classes are letting them in because they wish to deliberately exterminate the white race.The difference between a Nationalist, and a know-nothing tory type pratt (and the majority of the British public), is the conspiracy theory that we whites have been marked down for eradication (whether Jews are behind this conspiracy is a secondary question, and not the important fundamental issue).
The fundamental issue is that our members understand this deliberate extermination policy, for if they don't, they may drift back into lib/lab/con if those parties begin promising to crack down on immigration etc (like the public did in 79 when Thatcher started peddling her bull**** about how we were being swamped by alien cultures).
The present bunch of party members seem to be airhead (although well intentioned) naive tory types, without a clue as to the big picture.
They're easy-come-easy-go (and easy to manipulate, just how Griffin likes them I suspect).The present party leadership strike me as similar to the liberals in their denial of information to others. For example, Lib/Lab/Con politicians have all had a grounding in Classical civilisation, but deny such knowledge to our young people (by ensuring a study of Antiquity is kept off the school curriculum).
By the same token, Griffin and co are well aware of the real issue of white extermination being a deliberate policy by the establishment (the conspiracy theory), but deny such knowledge to the members.
We can learn a lot from Le Pen's recent dismal performance.
On September 11, 2001, the most infamous day in American history, the tallest buildings in New York were not knocked down by airplanes hijacked by Arabs — they were destroyed by demolition charges.
This is no longer wild conspiracy theory — it is a series of provable facts, deftly presented on a website that every American should not only read but possibly memorize, so they can repeat it verbatim to every law enforcement officer in the country.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
London, April 20, 2007
A yiddishe revolution in America's media
The colonel loathed the wartime US President Franklin D. Roosevelt, whom he viewed as being in cahoots with the British and a traitor to his social class. In McCormick's view, FDR was unsound because he was in thrall to the Jews. Now, after a very public auction, the Tribune Company has fallen into the hands of a very Jewish entrepreneur, Sam Zell, described by the American Jewish paper The Forward as a "billionaire boychik".
At the state-of-the-art Washington bureau of the main titles, the reporters in their gleaming steel work pods regard the arrival of Zell as the second coming. Uncertainty is the enemy of newspapers and ever since the Tribune group was put on the block, there has been nervousness about new ownership.
Zell, described by Forbes magazine as the 52nd-richest man in America, is as Jewish as you can get. The son of Polish refugees from the Shoah, he attends a traditional synagogue regularly, is a big donor to Israeli- and Jewish causes and made most of his money in property. But unlike many Jewish philanthropists, he shows little interest in associating with the rich and the great, eschews the idea of having his name plastered across donated buildings, and at the age of 65 years he still prefers denim to Brooks Brothers.
Even though Zell is a neophyte when it comes to the press, he has eased concerns with plans for an employee shareholder ownership plan which would give workers a stake in the enterprise and incentivise them to "deliver the goods".
In the financial world, Zell, whose original family name was Zielonka, is known as the "grave dancer" because of his success in picking up burnt-out businesses, cutting costs, fixing them up and turning them around.
It might have been thought that the Tribune company -- which aside from its main newspaper titles also owns 25 television stations, the Chicago Cubs baseball team and its historic ground, Wrigley Field -- is hardly the kind of burnt-out business in which Zell specialises. But most American big-city newspapers are currently regarded as in the emergency ward.
Circulations even for emblematic titles like the Los Angeles Times have been tumbling, advertising revenues are under pressure from the Internet and the magic pill of making online news and information pay is still a long way off. The days when the Chandler family, founders of the LA Times, ruled over California's media have gone. The family, which dominated California's power elites, sold the paper to the Tribune in 2000, ending a 120-year association.
This title, like the Chicago Tribune, was also known for its trditional, preppie background and its disdain for Hollywood and things Jewish.
Yet in many ways, the LA Times ought to be the jewel in the crown of Tribune. It ranks alongside the Washington Post and New York Times in the annals of quality journalism in the United States. Its reputation began to suffer when it became part of a media conglomerate, losing the special edge which comes with local ownership.
Indeed, it is thought that Zell could recover some of his investment rapidly were he to sell the paper on to another Jewish tycoon, the movie and record producer David Geffen, one of the founders of Dreamworks with Steven Spielberg.
The scenario is favoured by some of the paper's workforce. Geffen is much more of a political figure than Zell, having been an early supporter of Bill Clinton. More recently, he raised $1.3 million (£650,000) for Democratic presidential contender Barack Obama at a star-studded Hollywood fundraiser.
Were Geffen to acquire the LA Times, it would be a transformational deal.
The big question for British Jews when the Telegraph changed hands in 2004 was whether the new owners, the Barclay brothers, would be as friendly towards Israel and the Zionist cause as Lord Black. Among British media, which are often hard on Israel, the Black Telegraph had been a beacon of fairness. The US media are very different. They generally start from the point of view that Israel is a good thing, an exemplar of democracy in a crazy part of the world and, crucially, an important strategic ally of the United States.
Yet the histories of the Chicago Tribune, banned from many Jewish households over the decades, and the LA Times have been very different, despite the large Jewish populations in their respective cities. Ownership by Zell and possibly by Geffen, if the LA Times is disposed of, would be likely to change the complexion of the papers.
Zell and Geffen may not be traditional newspaper proprietors, but both are overtly Jewish and pro-Israel. They would bring a different perspective to the previous American first-owning families, whose culture still lingers on the fringes.
Zell insists he will leave journalism to those who know about it. But newspaper proprietors always find it hard to keep their hands out of the cookie jar.
Alex Brummer is City Editor /DAILY MAIL
'A senior Church of England bishop who has a number of British National Party (BNP) councillors in his diocese, has written in an anti-fascist magazine, urging Christians to vote against the party in the forthcoming local elections.
The comments from Rt Rev Nicholas Reade, Bishop of Blackburn, who was writing in 'Searchlight' magazine, make him the latest in a long line of church leaders and denominations to publicly urge votes against the BNP in the local elections next week.'
Surely our good selves can now show the primate, the error of his ways. After all, communism is anathema to christianity. That is if the 'good gent' is a christian in the first place !
An own goal for this lefty idiot methinks ! : - )
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
RACords Rundbrief
Granted, we can't read the minds of Jewish congressmen like Lantos, but nonetheless, we can think of a reason for a Muslim state being created in Eastern Europe: such a state would, sooner or later, cause trouble for its non-Muslim neighbors.
The neocons of America wanted easily-manipulated democrazy for Russia, but they got Putin instead, who expelled Jewish billionaires from Russia and who probably won't let any negroes or Pakistanis become "equal" to Whites [1].
[1] democrazy = a place where all humans are equal, regardless of race, sex, religion or toilet habits, and a place where Jews can dominate the media, banks and other key parts of society
[2] many people in Eastern Europe hate Jews because of Jewish involvement in communism there, and furthermore, David Duke's book was being sold inside of the Russian parliament building, which we found both astonishing and funny
This was taken from a jewish east London website, link below. We do recall that when Chaplin died some jewish radicals dug his body up in Switzerland circa 1977 and reburied it in a jewish cemetary.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Craig Cobb (VNN) asks Steve Rowland (NF) to discuss the BNP’s “liberalising” policies.
Listen to Mr Steve Rowland’s views regarding the British National Party starting just after 20 minutes after the start (at 20:25). His views are put very blunt and for newcomers must be quite as eye opener though for anyone familiar with the sorry state of the BNP’s leadership it comes really as no surprise.
The other night I was invited out for a night with "the girls".
I told my husband that I would be home by midnight, "I promise!"
Well, the hours passed and the margaritas went down way too easy.
Around 3a.m., a bit worse for wear, I headed for home.
Just as I got in the door, the cuckoo clock in the hall started up and cuckooed 3 times.
Quickly, realizing my husband would probably wake up," I cuckooed" another 9 times.
I was really proud of myself for coming up with such a quick-witted solution, in order to escape a possible conflict with him. Even when totally smashed...3 cuckoos plus 9 cuckoos totals 12 Cuckoos = MIDNIGHT!
The next morning my husband asked me what time I got in, and I told him
He didn't seem concerned at all. Whew! Got away with that one!
Then he said, "We need a new cuckoo clock."
When I asked him why he said that, "Well, last night our clock cuckooed three times, then it said, "Oh shit.", cuckooed 4 more times, cleared its throat, cuckooed another 3 times, giggled, cuckooed twice more, and then tripped over the coffee table and farted."
there is no politics in the damned thing ! There are 'adverts' such as the RWB and even the costs of using tentpegs for the members. There is also talk of Trafalgar Club fundraing stuff. There is a fireworks display (NWN:bring your wallets). Scotland are flogging mugs and other such ephemera. Where are the training seminars and policy/ideology discussions ?
Ideology is the driving force in nationalism. Without it what drives the BNP ?
Subject: Washington Times on NeoCon/"Nationalist" alliance
The below analysis published in the Washington Times on 11th April about how and why ultra Right Wing Zionists are cosying-up to various "Nationalist" groups in Europe) should be read with great care.It substantially conforms with the analysis which I expressed to you more than a year ago, and which I have rehearsed in many subsequent postings and bulletins:
1. The Jews were the force which, via money power and media power (and hence political power) encouraged mass Coloured Immigration into Britain and elsewhere in Europe as a means of disrupting and subverting White-Gentile nations, underminding their sense of racial and national solidarity and, thereby, enhancing the power of Jewry which, by strict application of racialist policies, protects itself from the debilitating multi-racial chaos swirling around in the gentile world.
2. In recent years Jewry has woken up to the fact that the numerical size of the Muslim population in Europe is growing at a huge rate, as are other non-White immigrant groups. The growth of the non-Muslim/non-Whites doesn't bother Jewry as these people are not co-ordinated by a common political loyalty or religious belief.
The Muslim non-Whites, on the other hand, DO have a common religious and political focus (just like the Jews) and, what is more, on account of the Palestine situation and, latterly, the Iraq situation, the Muslims are politically and religiously opposed to Jewry.
3. Hence the Jews feel their domination over the body politics of the European nations will become progressively diluted if the Muslim populations (however poor) increase within European nations while the Jewish populations (however rich) decrease -- either proportionately or in absolute terms. However much gentile politicians lust after Jewish cash and media patronage, the bottom line for them on polling day is the number of votes for them in the ballot boxes.
An increasing Muslim population might be able to muster cash as well as votes to influence our craven politicians.
4. Thus ten or more years ago the Jews set about trying to devise a plan whereby the Muslim population can be cowed, discredited and, ultimately, forced out of European nations (a policy inclusive of keeping Turkey out of the EU!) on the grounds of their proclivity to "terrorism", whilst at the same time not discrediting and dismantling the "multi-racialist project" or stopping further non-White immigration (providing it is not Muslim!) -- regardless of the fact that the number of White casualties from Afro-Caribbean violence and crime in Britain far exceeds Islamic extremist terrorist outrages, such as the 7th July tube bombings in London.
5. Part of this Jewish project has been to infiltrate and adjust the policies and strategies of European "Nationalist" parties so that they accept the de facto multi-racialist situation of their respective nations; abandon their anti-Jewish policies; and concentrate their energies on making war on "Islam"/the Muslims -- a strategy which the ignorant rank-and-file 'lumpen' of "Nationalist" parties will not be able to distinguish from the earlier Nationalist campaign against ALL Coloured Immigration, for repatriation and a total rejection of the multi-racial concept. This cynical Jewish strategy is summed-up in their "Clash of Civilisations" construct which suggests falsely that Jewish values are part and parcel of Western/European/Christian civilisation; that Jewry and Israel are part of "Us"!
6. We have seen exactly that policy transformation enacted before our very eyes within a year of Nick Griffin taking over the British National Party in 1999. We saw it enacted within the Front National in France, especially after Jean Marie Le Pen's daughter, Marine, got elected to the European Parliament and immediately joined a delegation to visit Israel.
It is no doubt as a result of that visit (probably including a ritual visit to and a genuflection at Yad Vashem) that she came into contact with the Israel ultra-Right: Bibi Netanyahu and Conrad Black's wife, Barbara Amiel.
I am quite sure that Nick Griffin has been lobbied by Marine Le Pen in this regard, and that it was thanks to her that early last year Griffin was telephoned by Amiel with an opening gambit: "Isn't it about time we were talking to each other.....?"Regards,Martin Webster.
http://washingtontimes.com/op-ed/20070410-100624-4394r.htmWashington Times - 11th April 2007TODAY'S COLUMNIST
In bed with Islamists
By Paul Belien
For almost four decades, Muslims have been the fastest-growing segmentof the population in Western Europe. As a consequence, the Muslim vote isbecoming ever more important.This first became apparent in the September 2002 general elections inGermany, when Socialist candidate Gerhard Schroeder beat Conservativeopponent Edmund Stoiber with the slightest of margins -- barely 8,864votes.Germany is home to almost 700,000 Turkish-German voters -- inaddition to nearly 3 million non- (or rather not-yet-) voting Turkishimmigrants.
The Muslims voted overwhelmingly for Mr. Schroeder.
They did so again in 2005, though then the native, or "German-German,"vote went to the right to such an extent that it resulted in a narrow victoryfor Christian-Democrat candidate Angela Merkel. As time goes by, however,it will become ever more difficult to counter the Muslim voting bloc.
Last year the Muslim vote tipped the balance toward the left in the localelections in both the Netherlands and Belgium. The Institute for Migrationand Ethnic Studies of the University of Amsterdam found that 84 percent ofthe Turkish immigrants in the Netherlands voted for the left, as did 90percent of the Moroccans.In Antwerp, Belgium's largest port, the anti-Islamist Vlaams Belang partywon 33.5 percent in October's local elections.
Sociologist Jan Hertogencalculated that without the immigrant vote the VB would have polled 40.4percent and would have beaten the Socialists.Most of the immigrants who came to Europe during the past decades wereattracted by the generous welfare benefits that Western Europe lavishlybestows on the "underprivileged." Today, as more and more young Muslimsreach voting age, European parties have begun to cater to Islamist causes.Left-wing politicians in Europe introduce separate swimming hours forwomen in public pools, impose halal food on cafeterias and demand thatschools banish the Holocaust from history lessons.Pundits who predict that Western Europe is about to witness a shift to theanti-immigrant right are mistaken. This trend will be over by the end ofthe decade, when the impact of the immigrant vote will move Europeanpolitics dramatically to the left. The right's chances of winning electionsare dwindling.
The anti-immigrant right realizes this. As Filip Dewinter, the AntwerpVB leader, said after last year's elections:"I am a realist. The number of potential voters for our party is decliningyear by year... In the past ten years the number of new Belgians inAntwerp -- half of whom are Moroccans -- has doubled. ... If the number offoreigners in Antwerp continues to grow by 1.5 percent a year, as itcurrently does, then in 20 years from now there will be more people offoreign than of indigenous extraction in this city."The Muslim vote is also bound to have a major impact on the upcomingFrench presidential elections on April 22. More than 10 percent of theFrench electorate is Muslim. Since Muslims are the youngest part of thepopulation, representing almost a quarter of those under 20 years of age,their political importance will only grow.In some French cities already half the inhabitants are Muslims. This makesit all but impossible for the right to win in urban constituencies -- unlessvirtually all the indigenous "French-French" cast a right-wing vote.
Nicolas Sarkozy, the candidate of the ruling center-right UMP party, seemsconvinced that many indigenous French might, indeed, do this. Hence, he isspeaking out loudly against an Islamist takeover of French urbanneighborhoods, such as the Parisian suburbs.If Mr. Sarkozy's strategy proves to be the right one, it shows that manyFrench have come to realize that these elections offer the last chance topreserve something of the old France.Some politicians on the European far-right, however, seem convinced thatthe Islamization of Western Europe has become inevitable. Like the partiesof the left, they hope to counter electoral decline by striking a deal withthe Islamists.This explains why last week Jean-Marie Le Pen, the leader of theanti-immigrant National Front in France, emphasized that, unlike Mr.Sarkozy, he does not want to "clean the suburbs out with a high pressurehose." (NWN: And hence why Sarkozy beat Le Pens populist nonsense. Griffin take note ! )
Mr. Le Pen told the Muslim youths in the suburbs: "You are the branchesof the French tree. You are as French as can be."
We are on the eve of a crackup of the so-called European far right betweenpro-Islamists and anti-Islamists. This rift was one of the reasons why theAustrian Freedom Party fell apart.Within the French NF, too, traditionalist Catholics feel less and less at easewith the pro-Arab policies of those who consider America to be a greaterthreat to Europe than North Africa and who prefer Hamas over Israel.One might argue that anti-Semitism is at play here. But it might also bejust the same political opportunism that has affected the left.
=======================================From: [deleted] <[deleted] @[deleted] .fsnet.co.uk>To: Martin Webster
Subject: Stop The BNP
Martin, Something of interest. [deleted] http://www.somethingjewish.co.uk/15th April 2007Vote to stop BNP by: Ben Simons The Board of Deputies of British Jews is calling on all communities to unite in making sure voters across the country reject the far right British National Party (BNP) in May's local elections.The move comes following a record number of candidates who will be standing for the BNP on May 3. More than 800 BNP candidates will be contesting seats compared to 363 in 2006 and 221 in 2004.
"This development demonstrates once again the danger of complacency when it comes to the far right," said Board president Henry Grunwald. "Holocaust denial and Jewish conspiracy theories remain core elements of the BNP¹s ideology." Grunwald added: "Any gains in the party¹s popularity damage society as a whole by stirring up tensions between communities and undermining the values of tolerance that have allowed the Jewish community, and other minorities, to flourish in Britain.
Most importantly, this is a wake up call for us to work with other communities in making sure that we get out the vote to oppose the BNP at election time."
But in an email to SomethingJewish.co.uk, the BNP claims Grunwald is wrong.
"Can you show me where 'Holocaust denial and Jewish conspiracy theories' appear in BNP literature, web sites, manifestos, etc? I've never seen them," said BNP national press officer Dr Phill Edwards."It's an own goal by Henry Grunwald because he is demonstrating his own paranoia and insecurities which, unfortunately, so many Jews seem to possess."The BNP has Jewish members - I know one of our elected councillors is Jewish and I know at least two regional organisers who say they are Jews. Grunwald is out of touch and does his people a disservice."
Meanwhile, Holocaust survivor and Unite Against Fascism supporter Henry Guterman has spoken of his concern."Having lost many members of my family in the Holocaust, I do not want to see a repetition of the Nazis systematic annihilation of many communities who spoke up against their evil policies."That is why I am determined to fight the BNP who are trying to copy Hitler¹s method of coming to power."
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Sunday, April 15, 2007
A UK Column in depth view of the World Economic Forum/WEF. A must see video.
Someone has just tried to post the link to this website on here, we have deleted it. WARNING 2008 list online WTF is going on at the BNP ? ...