Thursday, January 10, 2008

Wednesday, 9 January 2008

A message to Nick from Wigan BNP

The following letter was sent to Nick Griffin from Wigan BNP

Wigan BNP Activists: Extraordinary General Meeting

Dear Nick,
As you are aware we have been extremely distressed over the discord in the party during the past month and it has only been our faith in Nationalism and its importance for our future that has kept us from throwing in the towel. We have read both sides of the dispute and have been struck by the difference in tone between them.

The intemperate language employed by Simon Darby in his blog when he first accused the “rebels” of being “Nazis" and the following day “Searchlight moles” does not incline one to believe other statements he makes. A blog full of contradictory statements is to say the least unpersuasive.

By contrast the “enoughisenough” blog is a lesson in restraint with no extreme or unbelievable statements. There is certainly no evidence of an attempt to take over the party. Admittedly it was foolish and wrong to start the blog. It would have been much better to resign in protest over the failings of Mark Collett and Dave Hannam but it was even more foolish to publish details of the dispute on the BNP web site for all to see and to brand those who support Sadie et al as Nazis. To then offer these Nazis an amnesty if they returned to the fold seems to be the height of political naivety and would surely be used against us by our opponents.

The appearance of South African security people in the higher echelons of our party is a certain vote loser and will also be exploited by our opponents.

Why do we need all this security and spying on our neighbours? We are a legitimate party and if we behave as such we should have no fear of the machinations of our opponents and have no secrets worth spying on.

We do NOT believe Sadie, Kenny and matt are Nazis or Searchlight moles, indeed they have been hard working and a credit to the party as have Nick Cass, Jonathan Bowden, Bev Jones, Richard Purdy and many others who are not now with us. We can not afford to lose good people such as these.

The only people who have brought the party in to disrepute are Mark Collett and Dave Hannam but they remain in the party.
On the website it says that no person is above the party and we heartily agree. We can’t see therefore why these two remain an exception to the rule. If they cared about the Party they would take a back seat or are they agents of the state? They have certainly caused more strife than any one from MI5 could have done.

In spite of the above, we remain committed to the Party and you as leader but our enthusiasm is much diminished.

Just think what we could achieve without this dissent.

The feeling of our group and prospective members is that while good workers are being sacked and trouble causers retained we will make no progress. We are losing members because of this and several people who indicated the intention of joining no longer wish to do so.

We resolve therefore to keep our group going on a minimum maintenance basis but feel we are wasting our time in actively campaigning until matters are resolved.

We hope and pray for a speedy, sensible and amicable conclusion to this sorry dispute or our Party and country are doomed.
This will not go away.
Yours sincerely,
Charles Mather,
Wigan BNP Organiser


Anonymous said...

So that is Charles Mather and Wigan BNP for the chop now is it ?

Anonymous said...

Charles Mather, almost gets it, but not quite.

When will people open their eyes and realise that the BNP is a STATE controlled political safety valve?

You ain't supposed to win, that's the whole point of Griffin and Darby's behaviour. You're almost poised for success next year and Griffin and Darby can't allow that to happen. OPEN YOUR EYES.

Anonymous said...

The Wigan BNP activists at their Extraordinary General Meeting with Charles Mather as their organiser come short of the quite obvious conclusion, i.e. that Nick Griffin needs to be replaced. It’s time to let another leader take control of the party. Who? That is unimportant but the normal democratic system will ensure that a suitble person will be selected.
The important thing now is to relieve Mr. Griffin of his leadership duties as soon as possible.

Anonymous said...

Mather must go. Boot him out now.

Anonymous said...

I'm someone who's been mentioned by name on the EiE site. I have long had this paranoid nightmare:

We all take it as a given that Searchlight et al are all a State asset. What if the BNP too is a State asset? What would that mean?

It would mean that the State has an ongoing operation whereby the Left and the Right are kept bubbling away with their attention on each other, while the State gets on with looting this country and its people. Think about it.

A nightmare.

Anonymous said...

The whole of the Nationalist scene in this country is a joke. If enough people came out on Sadie Graham's side (even if they did not agree with her entirely) with the common aim of getting rid of Griffin, he would have to have gone. But instead everyone outside Yorkshire done and said nothing. Even the BPP which could have capitalised on the problems could have grown, but sat back and again done and said nothing. How pathetic.

Griffin, Collett, Hannam, Barnbrook and Barnes have never had a decent job between them and are have all their noses in the trough. None of them are even proper Nationalists. Why should I as a hard working white man want that shower of decadent arrogant Playboy politicians representing me.

What does a nationalist do to make a difference, what do I do?
What exactly do the British Movement do these days? or are they another drinking club.

Anonymous said...

you should see Steve Cartwright's reply to Nick Griffin on the Final Conflict blog!

Anonymous said...

"The important thing now is to relieve Mr. Griffin of his leadership duties as soon as possible."

How can they do that when Griffins security clique issues death threats to those who speak out about Griffin?

Anonymous said...

But jib there is no way under the constitution for NG to be removed !!!

Wigan's "care and maintenance" approach to membership has to be right.

Pay your membership (minimum amount) to retain a vote.

No donations; no sales of VoF or Identity; no buying merchandise or GWR (according to the accounts it's not sure the money goes where it should anyway !).

No leafleting until election time, and then stand without any party label (just leave the box blank). Press will sniff a story - you can explain you are genuine nationalists, without all the bagage of NG, Collette, bugging, "theft" from members etc.

End result - nationalist cllors, free of NG's clutches!

Anonymous said...

Dear Comrade,

I have 13 years active service as a BNP activist and independent pro-white musician. Many of those I am pleased and honoured to call "Comrade" and "Friend" have served their folk for many more years than that. Until the weekend of 8th/9th December 2007 I have counted Nick Griffin amongst them, but that ended when he ordered the burglary of Sadie Graham and Matt Single, and the foiled burglary of Kenny and Nicholla.

Let me confess a few things to you.

I was a regional organiser when N.G. launched his leadership bid in 1999. I wrote to the local members urging them to cast their votes for him. For many years after, the thought that I had played a small part in a painful but vital operation was a matter of quiet pride, tempered only by the fact I had to oppose people who I respected: Richard Edmonds, JT, Ian Dell, etc.

As Nick's cult of personality geared up I privately applauded it; reasoning, "Human nature being what it is... some people need that and If it helps us advance then so be it".

Sadly in recent years it's become more and more apparent that Nick has been developing the nasty little habit of surrounding himself with sycophants and numpties. However by this time I had made some artificial space between myself and the party to protect it from any criticism stemming from my involvement with the more "hard line" Blood and Honour music scene and secondly to grant myself a little artistic freedom.

As I was no longer a Party official it really wasn't my business anymore.I was happier being a grassroots activist without position or a membership card. Spreading a positive and honest message of racial survival through music is simply incompatible with asking a cowed and conditioned electorate to vote for you. Consequently I limited my BNP activities to leafleting, giving occasional speeches and helping to produce fund raising CD's and playing at concerts. (As well as doing a stand-up comedy set at the BNP's Red, White and Blue festival - a set that I hasten to add that was at Nick Griffin's personal request and one I only agreed to do after I ran some of the naughtier, politically incorrect material by Griffin.)

As time passed, news of one badly handled internal discipline problem after another reached me. I have seen this too many times with my own eyes in my native North-East. For example Darlington fundholder and widely suspected Special Branch errand boy, Trevor Agnew, was caught red-handed stealing Party donations but was then re-instated by NG who seemingly finds this treasonable behaviour acceptable.

Factionalism and deliberate branch sabotage in Sunderland was allowed to fester for years, fed by black propaganda from troublemakers like Agnew and the foaming, religious zealot Dave Guynan.

Action was finally taken when Nick Griffin took the belated step to actually accept the resignation of Guynan after his last orchestrated public screaming fit. (Hysterics which cost the Sunderland-South group its regular meeting place, the Landlord's support and even more members).

This half-hearted decision by Griffin to dispense with Guynan's "services" came at least seven years too late for Sunderland and the BNP. Party Leader Griffin was fully aware of the countless examples of Guynan's sabotage, of his public outbursts, his rampant character assassinations, his theft of the PO Box key, his physical assaults and his ranting speeches at meetings. (Full of truly Hollywood-Nazi "Jews control the weather" wackyness and fundamental Mormon-ism).

Despite nearly a decade of this unnecessary disruption Sunderland was the first-ever BNP branch to stand a full slate of candidates in local elections. This is a feat which simply will not be repeated at the next election where there will only be a handful of compliant, Griffinite candidates standing. This serves all Racial Nationalists as a perfect example of where Griffin's cronyism and aversion to decisive Party discipline leads to. For years Griffin has allowed "shipwreckers" to ply their trade and "take their turn in the barrel" whilst honest, dedicated Racial activists have been forced to walk the plank.

Last year, as a further example of this malaise, we saw the Andrew Spence debacle. Spence, a man who raised the BNP's North East's profile to an all-time high last year in Sedgefield, has been discarded by Griffin in favour of the odious Movement parasite and Fire Exit Inspector, Mark Collett and the tragically inept Real Ale enthusiast John Walker. Farce has followed farce with almost always good people lost.

All of this has convinced me that the BNP will never again be a serious organ of resistance to our people's genocide under this man's stewardship. In fact the dark suspicion that Griffin has turned the party into a private money making machine, providing nothing but a play-ground for the worst elements of our movement, is bearing fruit(sour though it is). By this I do not mean the many good comrades who are still holding their tongues, as well as their faith, in our so-called Leadership but I instead refer to the two degenerate scumbags (Collett and Dave "Lock up your daughters" Hannam), who by their own admission tried to pressurise two underage girls into sex in their conference hotel rooms.

Nick has tried to sweep this fact into the memory-hole but he cannot pretend any longer that it did not happen, neither can I and neither should you.( As a matter of fact at Sunderland BNP's Christmas social in 2005 Mark Collett had to be warned off from a public clinch with an underage girl. At the time we put it down to a drunken lack of judgement, not knowing his penchant for trying to take advantage of impressionable 14 year olds).

Even an establishment Party, whose Leader had tried to keep such a sleazy scandal like this from it's membership, would be forced to act and that "Leaders" feet wouldn't touch the floor on the way out of the door.

By his inaction and ultimate complicity Nick Griffin has betrayed the BNP membership and has forced Party activists and supporters into an impossible position. When this scandal fully breaks, as it will, then how can any of us "go to the people" or go door to door espousing honest family values when those to whom we look to for leadership fail us so miserably.

We must remember that the BNP is far bigger than any one man, no matter how many degenerate parasites, wife-swapping doormen, (ex?)-commie journalists, paid trouble-makers, hit-list provocateurs like Lecomber, as well as the donation stealers, "Yes men" and South-African spooks he surrounds himself with.

I should point out that by "South-African spooks" I mean shady (ex?)-coppers and not Zulu or Xhosa Kaffirs, but that is only a matter of time.

I ask you again in all honesty and with a large degree of sadness; How can we look people in the eye any longer and ask them to vote for a party that is peddling it's much vaunted "Christian values" when some of it's disciples wallow in "last days of Rome" decadence? Although, to be fair, if you study the history of all Middle Eastern religions, then Collett and Hannam could honestly claim to be following many a Christian leader's example by trying to molest the underage.

It is to my eternal shame that I once sat in silence whilst Griffin's wife defamed Warren Bennett; slandering him as a thief of party funds (a lie shamelessly echoed by her husband but now fully exposed as spiteful fabrication). At the time I bit my tongue and told myself that it was best not to cause trouble for the sake of the Party.

I told myself that stability out-weighed truth. I now know that I was guilty of moral cowardice.

My silence now would only help store up trouble in the long run and I ask those activists who seem content to rearrange the deckchairs on the Titanic to act solely in the interests our children's future and decide today which type of British National Party they want.

The recent bragging to the Daily Mail by Party officials of Richard Barnbrook's decision to make himself a race-mixer by default has also helped to identify the leadership's true yellow colours and shows the real dangers of the course Griffstein has set us on; namely, spew enough **** and eventually you'll start to like the taste.

Do not forget that Our Infallible Leader has caused this crisis. His response to those who have dared to demand internal self-discipline is there for all to see: burglary, spying, intimidation, lies, false accusations, fabricated evidence and disabled goon squads demanding access to good comrades' homes.

The painful truth for me and many others who counted this man as a friend and a true comrade is that he is now plainly neither.He has betrayed the hopes of us all by putting his own selfish motives before honour, loyalty and the BNP -
the best defensive weapon the native British folk have in these darkest of days.

I will never forgive him. More importantly neither will our Ancestors nor the Generations still unborn.

I offer some good advice to those with the wit to heed it:

If you are the type who has only recently raised their head from the goyim feed-trough and in your new-found zeal you find the comforting urge to join in with the herd's fury at those who have dared question Our Glorious Leader-think twice before you do. Your shepherd is revealing himself to be a butcher. He has promised new green pastures if you hold faith but instead there are some of us who already have the stench of the slaughter-house in their nostrils.

Save your anger for farmer Griffin - you'll need it later on.

Yours for Race and Nation

Chris Telford

Anonymous said...

As long as Griffin continues to hold the party back by ...

... deliberately wrecking successful branches ... ensuring that idiots are appointed to positions that they are utterly incapable of filling ... protecting guaranteed-trouble liabilities like Collett and Reynolds ...

... the state will continue to help him plunder the party.

What a wonderful set up.

The state doesn't even have to pay him - the members are doing that already.

Anonymous said...

"What a wonderful set up.

The state doesn't even have to pay him - the members are doing that already."

"You ain't supposed to win, that's the whole point of Griffin and Darby's behaviour. You're almost poised for success next year and Griffin and Darby can't allow that to happen. OPEN YOUR EYES.

1:39 AM"

Anonymous said...

Imagine a man who worked for the secret service introducing his son to the way of life and money to be earned at the age of 15. He takes him to his first meeting and shows him the path he must take in order to keep the political status quo of left and right. His job to infiltrate and takeover then destroy any organisation that might disturb the balance, and his reward? A seat in Europe where he can be seen to be legitimately getting £1million over 4yrs. He then retires…

Anonymous said...

"I'm someone who's been mentioned by name on the EiE site. I have long had this paranoid nightmare:

We all take it as a given that Searchlight et al are all a State asset. What if the BNP too is a State asset? What would that mean?

It would mean that the State has an ongoing operation whereby the Left and the Right are kept bubbling away with their attention on each other, while the State gets on with looting this country and its people. Think about it.

A nightmare."

I believe the State organises infiltration on the right and on the left. It is therefore in a position to play one off against another. At election times it can boost a Nationalist party by telling its contact in the newspapers to give publicity or withdraw publicity if needed. I suppose this would depend on whether the next Bilderberger candidate for PM was in the Labour Party or the Conservative Party. Although small parties couldn't gain power - they can promote one of the big two by the election dynamics.

What I call the Organic Left ad Organic Right are seemingly naturally at odds with each other. I believe the State is happy with this situation. There is a asymmetry here. The rich control and the poorer people are divided !

The establishment is the reason for mass immigration. Not Labour or Conservative. Long term I believe there needs to be a coming together of genuine "left" and genuine "right" ideologies. A new synthesis is needed. The "Left" in its purist form promotes the interests of "other" people - perhaps concerning itself with third world poverty. the "Right" want to preserve our way of life and quite rightly so.

I believe a middle path is possible, but difficult. The Left needs to overcome its hatred of the indigenous people and I believe the Right can only really be comfortable with itself when it does have a compassionate (but not indulgent) outlook on others. This middle path I believe to be money reform eg banks and taxation that is responsible for the movement of large numbers of people around the world.

Simon Smith (cllr)

Anonymous said...

I like Darby's blog this week where he refers to Martin Roberts as "my friend".

Martin Roberts, ran the Boot Locker store on Ebay where he was selling badges and various other merchandise with the BNP party logo on it, and all unknown to the party. He made hundreds and never donated a penny of it to the BNP. Naturally, this is why, Darby, calls him his friend. Darby seems attracted to thieves, Salvage who stole hundreds from the Black Country Branch, and of course, Griffin, Hannam and Collett. No doubt his handlers tell him to encourage the base and mediocre.

Anonymous said...

Siegfried said...
"The whole of the Nationalist scene in this country is a joke. If enough people came out on Sadie Graham's side (even if they did not agree with her entirely) with the common aim of getting rid of Griffin, he would have to have gone. But instead everyone outside Yorkshire done and said nothing. Even the BPP which could have capitalised on the problems could have grown, but sat back and again done and said nothing. How pathetic.

Griffin, Collett, Hannam, Barnbrook and Barnes have never had a decent job between them and are have all their noses in the trough. None of them are even proper Nationalists. Why should I as a hard working white man want that shower of decadent arrogant Playboy politicians representing me.

What does a nationalist do to make a difference, what do I do?
What exactly do the British Movement do these days? or are they another drinking club."

Siegfried, you are totally right. All Pete Williamson does is cover Griffin's flank. I don't know whether the people who were so easily taken in by NG for so long will be up to the job of outwitting him. In any case, what sort of nationalists are they, if they include Danny Lake in their number?

Maybe the only solution is to slowly rebuild the National Front, town by town, but it will be hard.

It should never have been allowed to come to this.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Griffin is state, but I believe the state like him and have given him the occasional leg up because he is corupt and bad for Nationalism long term.

The sad fact is that Griffin has engineered things so that it is impossible for him to be replaced and anyone who becomes a likely contender is ousted. Time is running out for white people in Britain and unless something is done soon we will lose forever.

A credible movement without the scroungers and money men of Griffin and his ilk has to be built or else God help future white generations.

Anonymous said...

The internet is a miracle, but not one without its detriments. If it had been around for the last hundred years, our fathers and mothers would have told us each as soon as we could understand that one must NEVER air dirty laundry on the internet, no matter what others are doing or saying. The abstention from web-forum mud-slinging should be the number one rule of all political organizations. At the very least, our leaders must learn that ANY foray into this pit of indignity diminishes their authority and thusly their effectiveness as leaders. After all, the unification of disparate elements under one banner is the leader's primary purpose.

Wishing British comrades good luck from Seattle,


Blood of Suffolk said...

a note to Charles Mather, cheer up matey, I have seen all this before, just keep your chin up n carry on as normal, it will all come out in the have to remember you are here to serve the British people and 2 millenium of our history.

Anonymous said...

Griffin is a winner and people with small penises do not like winners do they martin Webster?

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...