To the Stormfront Dick-Heads (NWN:Gri££inites)
I made a comment upon my own forum the other day where I stated I wouldn’t mind Griffin taking a bullet and writhing in agony while he died.
Whilst I don’t apologise for the comment, as I meant it, I do apologise to my friends who have taken some flack over it. I’m actually sitting here and smiling, because those very same people wish death daily upon those who haven’t done half as much as Griffin has done to others, but then they pretend to know Griffin, the reality of the man is a different thing entirely.
People are screaming that I am anti BNP, yes, I am. I’m anti BNP because it and everything it stands for, is a lie.
Every single one of their policies can be ripped to shreds in 5 minutes just by inspecting some of the membership as well as most of BNP HQ.
The BNP claims to stand for family values and morality. WHAT???
Officials who attempt to bed children, upload animal porn to councillors computers, spam people with disgusting emails etc
The BNP claims to stand for freedom of speech. WHAT???
The BNP denies everyone and anyone that right, and some of the dumb members are AFRAID to voice their concerns.
Tell me, how does it feel to be afraid of the very thing you pay £35 a year to belong to?
The BNP claims to be a party of law and order when its ranks are filled with thieves, liars, thugs, drug dealers, and fraudsters. You can say what the hell you like about me, but I won’t promote, or support a LIE, no, I leave that to the morons.
NWN : We know about the sort of stuff that M/s Ebanks has had to put up with. The threats and lies and filth thrown by the 'Nick Griffin fan club'. Their hypocracy knows no bounds. You need the patience of Job to put up with Gri££ins fan club !
gri££ins thugs you mean.
There is no excuse, under any circumstances, for placing nationalists at risk, Ms Ebanks, has it appears, made a serious error of judgement. Whilst recognising, the appalling dilution of nationalist policy, within the now populist BNP, this action is still inexcusable, has no merit and should be condemned.
Some want Chairman Sid from the BPP in charge.
Sid as run up a large Bar Bill in Orlando and as to pay it off washing the pots.
But the the BNP must be saved and griffin and his cabal removed,
the BNP is the only party we have that can win anything .
keith axon.
"There is no excuse, under any circumstances, for placing nationalists at risk, Ms Ebanks, has it appears, made a serious error of judgement. Whilst recognising, the appalling dilution of nationalist policy, within the now populist BNP, this action is still inexcusable, has no merit and should be condemned.
26 January 2008 10:55"
Birmingham members asked me to post it hoping he'd get his head kicked in, so, I'm not alone ;-)
A lot of people hate his guts.
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