Sunday, January 27, 2008

Dear Mr Griffin...

A person still within the relatively high ranks of the BNP, has asked us to pose two questions. The first being brought about after reading the EiE blog and Ian Dawsons comments on his resignation email. We Quote:

Deliberately Leaked Resignation Email

Nick Griffin has accused me of deliberately leaking my resignation email, which he claims contained disgraceful lies and misinformation. I can honestly say that I did not leak that email to anyone. That is the honest truth and people can have my word on it. (That is my word Nick, not your word, as the former can be taken as gospel the latter should not be trusted). Also the resignation letter did not contain any lies (you seem to think that the claim about Mark making money from leaflets is libellous, yet I never said I could prove it with firm evidence, just that I would ‘stake my life on it’ based on the things which I had seen, heard and experienced – and Mark Collett HAS made money from leaflets in the past. There is a difference and as Mark’s reputation would unlikely suffer, being as low as it is, then your claim for libel (don’t forget you have libelled me and both you and Collett have slandered me with your Searchlight/State Asset and various other accusations) does not stack up – though feel free to try it as my legal representative would have a field day with that one. The email was an internal email and was sent through the proper channels to AC members only.”

The second, because he knows, Mark Collett uploaded pornographic material to the Internet of Nick Griffins bodyguard, Mr Martin Reynolds, and which is now in wide and embarrassing circulation.

The BNP member wants to know why, Mr Nicholas Griffin clings to Mark Collett, because this BNP member claims to know that it was, Mark Collett who forwarded the Ian Dawson email to the opposition.

So, because this member would be expelled were he to ask himself, we shall ask for him.



Anonymous said...

"Mark Collett uploaded pornographic material to the Internet of Nick Griffins bodyguard, Mr Martin Reynolds"

I don't doubt it but I cannot understand why Collett would do that. He must have had MR's permission to do so, but surely MR would have known it would raise a stink and that he might have to resign his position. As, indeed, he is alleged to have offered.

And, if he hadn't given permission then I believe Collett would have gone into hiding because he isn't exactly blessed with bravery! In fact, he is an arrant coward.

I recall the time he and a group of YBNPers, having had a half-pint shandy, drove to the house of a fellow Nationalist, and bombarded it with eggs and stones. The guy wasn't home, but his wife and three children were, and they were terrified as they cowered away from the windows.

The Leeds branch called him to a disciplinary meeting, but he refuse to attend. Instead he phoned Griffin who assured him he didn't have to go if he didn't want to!

Anonymous said...

2 + 2 is nicely adding up to Mark Collett being State-sponsored. The damage he has done to the BNP is irretrievable.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it was Mark Collett who filmed the footage whilst they where swinging.
Hee Hee

Anonymous said...

I always understood that Collett was the 'fourth man' and indeed was the gentleman who uploaded the Reynolds pics on to the internet.

Anonymous said...

"I recall the time he and a group of YBNPers, having had a half-pint shandy, drove to the house of a fellow Nationalist, and bombarded it with eggs and stones. The guy wasn't home, but his wife and three children were, and they were terrified as they cowered away from the windows.

The Leeds branch called him to a disciplinary meeting, but he refuse to attend. Instead he phoned Griffin who assured him he didn't have to go if he didn't want to!"

That would explain why Collet, is suspected of smashing Cllr Chris B's windows.

Nationalist Enquirer said...

>"drove to the house of a fellow Nationalist, and bombarded it with eggs and stones. "

Yes, Collett and co wore balaclavas but didn't cover up the numberplate of the car. Nor did they take into account the security camera which caught the entire act. C and more so her kids, were terrified

Anonymous said...

"That would explain why Collet, is suspected of smashing Cllr Chris B's windows."

Chris must rue the day he brought this creep into the BNP.

Anonymous said...

"Yes, Collett and co wore balaclavas"

A little something they picked up from, Lecomber? I wonder why Eddy Butler allowed Lecomber to get away with it?

Anonymous said...

"Instead he phoned Griffin who assured him he didn't have to go if he didn't want to!"

There were 3 in the bed and the little one said, roll over...

Anonymous said...

"I recall the time he and a group of YBNPers, having had a half-pint shandy"

Is that all! Tony Lecomber told me that even he wouldn't allow his child to attend YBNP gatherings. Lecomber stated that anal sex, drugs and alcohol were flowing like the rivers of Babylon, and some of them were just 12 and 14yrs old.

Anonymous said...

"Is that all! Tony Lecomber told me that even he wouldn't allow his child to attend YBNP gatherings. Etc"

No, they had been at a grown-ups social, and a half shandy was too much for them. Went straight to their little heads, bless 'em!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"I recall the time he and a group of YBNPers, having had a half-pint shandy"

Is that all! Tony Lecomber told me that even he wouldn't allow his child to attend YBNP gatherings. Lecomber stated that anal sex, drugs and alcohol were flowing like the rivers of Babylon, and some of them were just 12 and 14yrs old.

27 January 2008 22:39

If this is true, please can someone go to the police, and inform them of this. I have kids of my own, and the paedophilia in the bnp cannot be covered up.

If Collet gets banged up and put on the sex offenders register, griffin will resign also, leaving the way for new leadership free from nonces, thieves, and criminals of all descriptions.

As for Blackpool, why haven't the police arrested Collet, or are they protecting an informant, giving him immunity from prosecution?

If someone somewhere has photos of collett/hannam's child abuse, do the right thing for the sake of the party.

Keeping quiet allows the child abuse to continue.

Anonymous said...

"If this is true, please can someone go to the police"

The police don't give a sh1t, and we have to ask why.

Anonymous said...

Is an organisation run by such a revolting collection of thugs, crooks and perverts worth bothering with?


Anonymous said...

"The second, because he knows, Mark Collett uploaded pornographic material to the Internet of Nick Griffin's bodyguard, Mr Martin Reynolds, and which is now in wide and embarrassing circulation."

Posted by Tartarus at 12:34 am on 27 January 2008.

Was it Mark Collett's foot that appeared in the Martin Reynold's (et femme's) porno shoot?

Was Collett indeed the "Fourth Body"?

I think we should be told.


David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...