Saturday, January 26, 2008

Last German survivor of WWI passes away unnoticed

Dr. Erich Kästner, thought to be the last survivor of the German Imperial Army, has passed away with barely an acknowledgement in Germany.
Link from Belfast
NWN: This is disgraceful ! No comment for a guy, and the last of his generation who served his Country in that conflict.
This is another example of Germans being put upon and having to be the hated figures of history.
Other soldiers like myself know the truth.
Old soldiers never die......................


NorthWestNationalists said...

We should have a State Funeral for Harry Patch, when it is his time.

The guy is a walking legend.

NorthWestNationalists said...

British squaddies have admiration for herr Dr.Kastner.

Blood of Suffolk said...

Erm......who gives a shit if some ol kraut has just dropped his cloggs...he was trying to kill my grandfather n millions of other British squadies in the 1914-1918 war and then his sons where trying to kill my father n millions of other British folk in the 1939-1945 war. Sad it is to hear of any old soldier pass on but get real. Presumably your ancestors didn't fight for Britain in the two World Wars of the last century

Anonymous said...

Blood of Suffolk said...
"Erm......who gives a shit if some ol kraut has just dropped his cloggs...he was trying to kill my grandfather n millions of other British squadies in the 1914-1918 war and then his sons where trying to kill my father n millions of other British folk in the 1939-1945 war. Sad it is to hear of any old soldier pass on but get real. Presumably your ancestors didn't fight for Britain in the two World Wars of the last century

26 January 2008 13:25"

Pathetic. Isn't it amazing. Some are fighting the coloured invasion of Europe and the cabal of traitors who are taking away all our futures. Others are still fighting the First World War. My grandfather fought in WWII, but no German I've met ever held this against me or him. If a teenager served his country against ours 90 years ago, it hardly seems a fitting reason to hate him a lifetime later on. It isn't the ordinary soldiers or civilians who make the decisions that lead to wars.

Anonymous said...

I see from the report in Spiegel that Germany keeps no official records regarding the dead in either 1914-18 or 1939-45.,1518,530319,00.html

"The last surviving German army veteran of World War I is reported to have died in Hanover, aged 107. No official confirmation was available nor is it ever likely to be. Germany keeps no official records on its veterans from the two world wars...

"The stigma of war crimes, defeat and destruction prevents Germany from feting its veterans of World War II. The fighters of World War I have similarly been erased from the national memory. [Bernhard] Chiari [of the German Army's Military Research Institute] said Germany's memory of World War I was tainted by the crimes of World War II.

""Any form of commemoration of military events is seen as problematic here," he said. "Our veterans only take part in public ceremonies when they are invited abroad to join commemorative events with veterans from other countries. World War I is seen as part of a historical line that led to World War II. You can't equate the two but there is much debate about it.""

Anonymous said...

This just in.... WTF is going on??


Army will accept Devil worshippers ..but only if they're NICE

Satanists are being allowed to join the Army - but only if they prove they are NICE.

New recruitment rules list Devilworship alongside debt and drugs as reasons to be barred from service.

But the Army is now 3,000 soldiers below fighting strength and defence chiefs insist there's no blanket ban.

An MoD spokesman said: "We do not discount Satanists straight away but the nature of the job is selfless rather than selfish.

"Working together and looking out for others are contrary to Satanism, so they'd have to compromise their beliefs.

"But if they feel they can do that, they can join." The Navy already has at least one Devil-worshipper in its ranks. Chris Cranmer, 28, was given the goahead to hold satanic rituals aboard the frigate HMS Cumberland.

Source: Sunday People.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...