Subject: Schools in 1960 compared with the present day
School 1960 vs. School 2008
Take a look at these comparisons and ask yourself - have things improved in our society thanks to 'government' intervention?
The home of real patriotic British people. The independent nationalist voice in the UK. The Red Rose County - Lancashire. A cummerbund & Griffinite free zone.Nick Griffin wrecked the National Front in the 1980's and then he wrecked the British National Party when he hijacked the BNP in 1999.A blog that supported John Tyndall.
Pressure builds up on Nick Griffin to leave !
"The Nottinghamshire village of Brinsley hosted the first ‘Voice of Change’ conference yesterday (27th).
113 patriots attended the event despite the best efforts of some of Griffin’s cabal to put people from their regions off with threats of expulsions from positions and ostracism. The venue and date had previously been set aside for the BNP’s annual January Organisers’ Conference but that was before Sadie was purged by Griffin.
Former South East Regional Organiser Cllr Roger Robertson chaired the Conference and introduced each speaker on stage in turn. First to speak was former Head of Administration and Scottish Regional Organiser Kenny Smith.............................http://enoughisenoughnick.blogspot.com/
News coming in of this meeting seems very positive.
At last, a plan to revitalise the BNP and put honesty and democracy back into the movement, has shown itself to have a great 'head of steam' within the BNP.
Correctly, at least one main speaker drew attention to the fact that some have pointed out Mr.Griffins dishonesty in dealing with people and money has been happening since 2002. This blog when in it's first stages, has been pointing this out since late 2001 !
A new Leadership challenge is the way to take back, what was, in effect 'hijacked' by Mr.Griffin and his cronies in 1999 .
BNP Reform people where at the meeting, and it was good to hear that Richard Edmonds and Mike Easter were there to offer support and listen to the complaints and concerns of seemingly many other BNP members and activists.
Now we have known for a while, that Gri££in likes to 'fly kites' to see the kind of uproar he will face, when he has consistantly pushed for a removal of all that genuine nationalists hold dear. He has pushed for a multi-racial BNP since day one. He was the one who pushed for a removal of the compulsory repatriation policy - that was the thin end of the wedge.
In 2002 ,he pushed for a multi-racial family in Oldham to stand for the BNP.
The Oldham BNP told him where to get off !
Now he has Dicky Barnbrook and his multi-racial family............
BNP chief on police march
Thousands of police march in London over 'unfair' pay
Evening Standard comment: A march that discredits police
A senior member of the BNP marched at the head of a huge police demonstration over pay in London today.
Richard Barnbrook, the far-Right party's leader in London, walked alongside top members of the Police Federation and at one point was yards from Liberal Democrat Mayoral candidate Brian Paddick.
Mr Barnbrook, a BNP councillor in Barking & Dagenham and a candidate in the election to pick London's next Mayor, told the Standard he took part to support the police and denied his presence was an embarrassment. An estimated 22,500 off-duty police officers, many wearing white baseball caps with the logo "Fair play for police", walked from Park Lane to Millbank, passing close to the Houses of Parliament.
Police Federation officials claimed they were powerless to prevent Mr Barnbrook from marching. Spokesman Metin Enver said he was not invited specifically but police officers recognised him when he turned up. He said: "Some of my colleagues saw we had the BNP Mayoral candidate with us. The one thing we want to make clear is we didn't invite him. It wasn't a closed march. He chose to attend by his own accord which is his right in a democracy. It is disappointing if anyone chose to join the march for their own agenda.
"We didn't ask him to leave because whether we like it or not we live in a democracy."
NWN: Comments please ? Certainly, we need an honest Police force, but I remember the way that the miners were treated by the Police in the Miners strikes of the 1980's.
Coppers also waved wads of £10 notes at the workers at fleet street /wapping industrial dispute too, trying to take the piss out of the strikers.
The Police were raking in the dosh especially with the overtime payments in these 'politically motivated actions' by the Thatcher regime.
So many people now won't support them, when they should be supported, and why should they ?
We ourselves, either NF or BNP have suffered by Police 'dirty tricks' , harassment, and in some cases beatings over a 30 year period to my own knowledge.
Certainly the Barnbrook pic was a stunt, which Herr Griffin is known for. But if it wasn't for the London Evening Standard making a story out of it, no one would have known !
The story was positive to the BNP.
Now the question is; why did the press give good publicity to the BNP ?
We have Andy Robertson/John Joy Tree (boo) , Godwinson/Charlie Schmid ( an honest bloke really) and Red X Knight , some guy from that 'hotbed of white British nationalism', Ulster (Kerr ?).
There is a scramble now, as Red X and Goddy have had enough. We are not surprised.
This forum has pointed this out for many a year, certainly since John Joy Tree/Andy Robertson paid his way to be a super mod on SF.
Now we have Nick Griffin /PTD actually determining forum policy and Joy Tree jumping to it !
The real problem lies with SF owner Don Black. There is loads of info explicitly showing Blacks support for Griffin. For example;
Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2002 09:19:33 -0400>
To: rochdalebnp@hotmail.com>
From: don.black@stormfront.org>
Subject: Re: Hello>
CC: webmaster@stormfront.org> >
Peter,> > What username are you using on the board? There's no account with the email > rochdalebnp@hotmail.com.> > I like Nick Griffin, with whom I'm personally acquainted, though I don't > think any moderator has removed legitimate posts supporting Tyndal, much > less ban the poster.
We have pointed out to Don Black that they, the yanks, should NOT play any part in the internal dealings of nationalism in Britain or any other Country.
We now have the situation where anti-Griffin posters only have one thread on SF UK, which of course makes it easier for the Griffin troublemakers to flood and destroy it at will.