Where are the British National Party accounts ?
By popular demand we have opened this thread. Unfortunately, this blogger does not allow 'stickies', we wish it would.
Mr.Griffin was asked this question about the accounts recently , and his response was as you see above.
Here's the place to look...
Scene I
(in a dank back bedroom with a 25 watt dim bulb, answering to the name of Hannam)
Hannam and Walker are busy at it.
Sucking on the end of a dirty pencil and scribbling feverishly, so that their very own Shylock will pat them on the head and reward them with a slice of dry bread and dripping.
Muttering and mumbling, they twist and turn in somewhat of a state as The Numbers Just Don't Add Up.
Scene II
Alternative scenario
(In the smart and airy offices of 'Silver and Co.)
Some pinstriped, gelled hair, yuppy is pronouncing with the gravitas of a Doomsayer
'but sir, these accounts do NOT add up, and therefore, sir, we cannot sign them off!!'
Scene III
(somewhere in Croatia or Welsh Wales)
Much frenzied activity, lots of yelling, expletives abounding, cries of 'shoot the vermin', whilst shoving used notes into swag bags.
To to a rousing chorus from the audience/vermin in between booing and stamping of feet:-
'Why are we waiting, why are we waiting, why are we waaiiitng oh why oh why?'
"to a rousing chorus from the audience/vermin in between booing and stamping of feet:-
'Why are we waiting, why are we waiting, why are we waaiiitng oh why oh why?' "
LMAO :-)
I wonder if any BNP organisers/fundholders looking in would like to comment on Hannam/Walker for wiping their petty cash books to zero?
And, I wonder if the BNP Brandwood candidate, Mr Robert Purcell, would like to comment on the FACT that when he was Birmingham organiser he took several thousand pounds from a Birmingham businessman without ever declaring it? Don't deny it Robert, the business man put the donations through his books :-) There is a record of it.
He might also like to comment why he states he has been a BNP member since 1997 when he didn't join the BNP untill after Keith Axon stepped down as Birmingham organiser in 1999 :-) It's very important to keep records, Rob.
Does anyone have this months 'Identity' to upload?
Apparently there is a page with 3 rats and Griffin claiming all innocence re the money. LOL
Here wheres that quid ?
It is a well known fact that the odious Robert Purcell went out of his way to cause as much trouble as possible for Sharon Ebanks.
Is it true he is still a virgin?
He looks it
"Old Halifax said...
It is a well known fact that the odious Robert Purcell went out of his way to cause as much trouble as possible for Sharon Ebanks.
Is it true he is still a virgin?
He looks it
1:23 AM"
He's still doing it, he thinks I don't get to hear about all his lies. Ask yourselves this...
If you were the organiser in the 2nd city taking several hundred pounds at each monthly meeting and none of it was ever banked, wouldn't you ask questions of your fundholder? Rob didn't but I did and WE ALL know why you NEVER EVER questioned your fundholder, Rob, SO QUIT TELLING LIES ABOUT ME THERE'S A GOOD BOY. You've already been slapped down for your two faced lies and fantasies on SF.
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