"Chris Jackson was right" say ex-BNP Press Officer
The BNP's 'sacked' Press Officer Doc Edwards was indeed sacked by Nick Griffin after they clashed about BNP policy.
Griffin and his foreign side-kick and South African security service operative Arthur Kemp, are pushing for even weaker nationalist policy on race.
Just to set the record straight (see comments):
Julie Russell said...
For everyone's information: My Dad ("The Doc") was not sacked - he resigned. Please see what I wrote in response to what a cocky columnist in the Guardian put (albeit edited slightly by him):
For everyone's information: My Dad ("The Doc") was not sacked - he resigned. Please see what I wrote in response to what a cocky columnist in the Guardian put (albeit edited slightly by him):
(scroll down to the bottom)
Julie Russell
And in case you were wondering - no I didn't get a bollocking! My dad's got more sense now than to even read the papers. He's got better things to do such as play the piano.
BTW if anyone wants to criticise him you'll have to face me first!
If this is an accurate report then it potentially of great significance. Plesae could the source of the report - or others who may be in the know - plesae provide verification of this, or evidence that could support this contention that (a) the 'Doc' was actually sacked by the Chairman, (b) was sacked for differences on policy and, if so, what specific grounds of policy, and (c) how is BNP policy on race being 'weakened'.
This is a highly interesting report and full marks to NWN for their scoop, but in the world of virtual news and internet hype and disinformation we do need supporting evidence. Maybe the 'Doc' or his friends could respond?
doc wasnt up to being questioned by the press and came over when interviewed as incompetent. hope the new press officer gives better performances in front of the camera
The latest issue of Identity, says that Peter Rushton is in fact Nick Lowles from Searchlight (complete nonsence) and that more Proscriptions are in the pipeline.
If Peter is a traitor he is doing more good for nationalism as a traitor, than Griffin and his gang of opportunists as 'true nationalists'.
This doesn't surprise me. The Doc and his family have always seemed to be genuine nationalists, regardless of their loyalty to the current leadership.
And yet another of Griffins loyal chums is betrayed and forced out.
When will they get it?
Kemp has a long and interesting history. His links with Griffin go back quite a way too, but no-one ever seems to mention this.
Which is interesting.
Please explain the links between Griffin and Kemp
The above poster is NOT Old Halifax posting folks. It is a fake.
They are a USA IP address.
Answer him if you like.
"hope the new press officer gives better performances in front of the camera"
Well, I think we all know the reason Darby was given the job is because he'll go the same way as Doc when he messes up. Darby is way to close to Griffin and Griffins personality can't handle that for long.
People should be very wary if they think Griffin is a friend, he's a psychopath in a suit who has no loyalty and it's why he finds manipulating nationalists so easy.
Nationalists on the whole are trusting and honest creatures who can be highly strung, emotional and passionate but for many that attitude is what gets them out leafleting and giving their last penny. Lambs to the slaughter where Griffin is concerned.
There is one man currently giving him the run around though, it reminds me of a scene from one of my favourite movies 'All About Eve' and I wonder if Griffin will catch him before he steal his leading role :-)Somehow I think Griffin will lose this one.
Doc Edwards daughter is an intellectual in her own right.
This blog owner has met her on many occasions.
She will never accept what Griffin suggested to her father .
She will also support her father on this matter of principle against Nick Griffin.
For everyone's information: My Dad ("The Doc") was not sacked - he resigned. Please see what I wrote in response to what a cocky columnist in the Guardian put(albeit edited slightly by him):
(scroll down to the bottom)
Julie Russell
And in case you were wondering - no I didn't get a bollocking! My dad's got more sense now than to even read the papers. He's got better things to do such as play the piano.
BTW if anyone wants to criticise him you'll have to face me first!
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