Friday, September 14, 2007

BNP's 'thieves, dinosaurs and miscreants' - get almost 30% of vote !

Re: Irwell ward by-election(Rossendale 2/3)Thursday 13th september

Labour 379
Con 312
BNP 281 (27.5%)
LD 48
Turnout 27%


Anonymous said...

The most important figure here is the low turnout - 27%.

In other words, 73% saw NONE of the candidates as having anything to offer.

pete r said...

Superb vote for Kev and the Rossendale branch.

I wonder whether the Voice of Freedom will dare to insult them next month!

Last night I went to an election count in Lewisham - 30 years on from when that borough made nationalist history.

Amazingly there was no violence.

Tess Culnane finished fourth out of six candidates, defeating UKIP and the Greens, despite the cock-up by a section of the NF leadership which meant she didn't have the party name on the ballot paper :-(

Anonymous said...

Didn't realised you campaigned in this one, NWN!

Anonymous said...

Charlie Mather said...........

well nothing really !

Anonymous said...

The old dinosaurs of Burnley scored the start of the rise of the BNP.

Anonymous said...

When is the BNP going to wake up and realise that you need more than a name to win?

Apart from Kev's sound performance the other by-elections were dire.

The BNP needs to start asking itself why it fails. It goes deeper than bad press coverage, MUCH DEEPER. Their strategy is ALL wrong and I post that for the benefit of genuine activists and not the greedy bastard Griffin who doesn't give a shite wether you win or lose.


SE (One of the RATS in this months Identity magazine)

Anonymous said...

Apart from Irwell (well done) a bit of a wipeout and members should be asking why it keeps happening under "election winner" Griffin. How much Eddy had to do with these elections I don't know but I reckon there's got to be a chance Griffin will point the finger in his direction.

There's been efforts to interest BNP members in electoral trends and proper anlysis on SF and other forums but they aren't interested, just shouting down anybody who says look a bit more deeply, because this or that so called success wasn't what their telling you.

But there's going to be a time when one promising result among lots of washouts isn't going to be enough.

Anonymous said...

Originally Posted by pheonixrising on Stormfront UK

One of our voters in Irwell was subjected to a racist attack by sub-human scum for having a vote BNP poster in his window, they smashed his wifes car up on Wednesday night bricking the windows and spraying BNPon the bonnet, they then went around the back and smashed up his works van, again smashing the windows and spray painting "WHITE BNP" accross the sides, the nature of the graffiti says it was ethnics that did this and the police have logged it as a racist attack. an interview with the voter should shortly be appearing on BNP TV.


Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
Apart from Irwell (well done) a bit of a wipeout and members should be asking why it keeps happening under "election winner" Griffin. How much Eddy had to do with these elections I don't know but I reckon there's got to be a chance Griffin will point the finger in his direction."

Campaigns fail for many reasons.

1, How much activism took place?
2, What were the leaflets like?
3, What was the calibre of the canvassers? But, more importantly, what local disaster was going on?

If you study the BNP, all it is, is a protest vote. Not only is that nothing to be flattered about, it is also the road to ruin.
People will only GENUINELY vote for you if they feel confident you can do the job and the biggest opportunity the BNP have ever had is B&D which has been pissed up the wall by inebriate ego, inexperience and sheer laziness. The BNP won't get another chance like B&D. The BNP is finished and I pity the activists next May.



Anonymous said...

One reason the BNP isn't saying a dickie bird about these results is because the only half way good result came in an area where BNP members supported Chris Jackson. I reckon Fingers wouldn't have been too pleased if they'd won in Irwell and there's probably trouble on the way for any pro Jackson branch that does better than average.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...