Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Has Mike Easter been expelled from the BNP ?

At least one poster to this blog has asked this question.................anyone know for certain ?

Nothing has been posted on the BNP Reform group website ref; this issue: http://www.jackson4leader.com/?


Anonymous said...

All I can say is NWN, I hope he hasn't been. I was thinking of contacting the Reform Group. :(:(:(
Our poor party.....

Anonymous said...

Mike Easter, is being disciplined by Nick Griffin for not getting the 'Jackson Election Challenge' expenses in on time. Considering they were not allowed to produce leaflets or any other paper publication IT IS A FECKING DISGRACE. Their website must have cost a paltry sum of money and cannot possibly be considered an election expense or ANY other REAL POLITICAL party would be charged by the EC for having such an advert at election times.

What is even more disgusting is this comes from a party of THEIVING BASTARDS and INEBRIATE LOSERS who can't even get their accounts IN ON TIME.

WHERE ARE THE BNP ACCOUNTS AND WHY ARE BNP MEMBERS SUCH A BUNCH OF BRAIN-DEAD IDIOTS? WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY SCARED OF, EH? Surely they cannot be scared of the one eyed wonder of a sheep farmer and his pervert security chief?

WHEN YOU KNOW THE TRUTH YOU MUST ACT. DO IT or quit calling yourselves nationalists you yellow bellied morons.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... Mike Easter, is being disciplined by Nick Griffin for not getting the 'Jackson Election Challenge' expenses in on time..."

Oh dear, your humiliating defeat in the election challenge is really getting to you guys, isn't it? What a lot of noise you make for so few people. The BNP is going places, but you won't be around to see it. Get used to it, loser.

Anonymous said...

Mike was around a long time before Griffin put in an appearence, and he'll still be around when Griffin is just a bad memory on the Nationalist scene.

Anonymous said...

"Oh dear, your humiliating defeat in the election challenge is really getting to you guys"

Even though that is untrue, would you care to explain what that has to do with this?

Do you think it ok to allow a jumped up twat with a 3rd rate degree and an insecurity complex larger than Snowdonia national park to just go around chopping people willy nilly? When you cease kissing Griffins arse you'll be next.

The very idea that such a man even dreams of running this country makes me want to take up shooting practice.

Zero regards

Anonymous said...

Mike was around a long time before Griffin put in an appearence, and he'll still be around when Griffin is just a bad memory on the Nationalist scene.

What I can't get my head around is why the BNP election process (that's to say the terms imposed by Griffin, etc) weren't challenged legally. It still can be. Likewise all the trumped up expulsions. The whole thing would be punched right through.

Having endless meetings and comiserations isn't going to get anybody anywhere anytime soon, and there are more than enough people around who would be willing to contribute to a legal fund.

NorthWestNationalists said...

Quite right Anon.

Good post !

Anonymous said...

Bill Jax writes...

If Griffin's expulsions and election rules can be shown to be unjust in court, then the BNP could be asked to pay the court costs of those suing him.

Furthermore, if Griffin's actions could be shown to be motivated by a desire to remove rivals to himself and not for the benefit of the party as a whole, then the BNP could sue Griffin personally for the costs of the whole court action.

All it would need is for one member of the BNP to sue Griffin personally for these costs.

The mere credible threat of such an action would probably force Griffin to behave.

Bill Jax

Anonymous said...

What an absolute joke and laughing stock the BNP is. All of the members on the BNP forum are completely insulated from the reality of what they've joined.

Time to get the news out on these arseholes who claim to be politicians but are really SPIVS.

Anyone who wants the BNP membership list for mailing and emailing people with the 'Griffin File' and various other FACTS can email me and I'll zip you a copy.

Anyone who wants to set up a fund for stamps, envelopes and paper should start now and lets start telling BNP members the truth. We should also start a legal fund to trounce Griffin whose own constitution states "The Chairmans Word Is Final"


Enough of the Internet drivel which solves nothing, let's start posting the facts.


Sharon Ebanks

Anonymous said...

I see that, true to form, you've now given the UAF the low-down on this story?

NorthWestNationalists said...

You were gloating about it yesterday West Mids !

Anonymous said...

i see several times Griffinites are the first to report that the UAF have posted something...

They must spend their time watching (and reporting to?) that site???

Certainly Griffin was recently very nice about Larry O'Hara (on his naval-gazing blog).

Where did Larry go to Uni?


What good chums!

Anonymous said...

WEST MIDS SAID>The BNP is going places, but you won't be around to see it. Get used to it, loser.<
In the Stalinist state, loyalty is no protection.

Eventually, you will also be chucked out.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
WEST MIDS SAID>The BNP is going places, but you won't be around to see it. Get used to it, loser.<
In the Stalinist state, loyalty is no protection.

Eventually, you will also be chucked out.

8:29 PM "

He can't be chucked he's not a paid up member. he just kisses Griffin's arse all day long. Are you homosexual, Tommy? Your master is, maybe you're both in the closet?

Anyway, I thought you were coming to Birmingham to kill me?

Fecking loud mouthed wimp.

Zero regards

pete r said...

I understand that Mike Easter has indeed been expelled from the BNP and given two weeks to appeal.

He is taking legal advice and this certainly will not be the end of the matter.

One of the many ironies of the situation is that Scott McLean, who used to be responsible for the BNP's internal disciplinary procedures, has resigned - so poor Tina Wingfield is now in charge of the expulsion/tribunal process.

Older readers will remember that Tina and her husband Martin described Nick Griffin as insane after his typically paranoid rants during an earlier nationalist split.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous: "Anyway, I thought you were coming to Birmingham to kill me?...Fecking loud mouthed wimp..."

I never said that..but while I'm in the area...

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
Anonymous: "Anyway, I thought you were coming to Birmingham to kill me?...Fecking loud mouthed wimp..."

I never said that..but while I'm in the area...

1:09 AM"

You haven't got the bollox.

Don't you remember me telling you to enter my house gently so as not to disturb the stained glass in the front door? NO? Well, a friend of mine listening in REMEMBERS IT VERY WELL :-)and so do the POLICE

Zero Zero Regards

Anonymous said...

"pete r said...
I understand that Mike Easter has indeed been expelled from the BNP and given two weeks to appeal.

He is taking legal advice and this certainly will not be the end of the matter.

One of the many ironies of the situation is that Scott McLean, who used to be responsible for the BNP's internal disciplinary procedures, has resigned - so poor Tina Wingfield is now in charge of the expulsion/tribunal process.

Older readers will remember that Tina and her husband Martin described Nick Griffin as insane after his typically paranoid rants during an earlier nationalist split.

9:59 PM "

Ah, but at the last AC, Martin Wingfield DEMANDED the expulsion of Bowden for daring to sign the challenge. He called Bowden a "TRAITOR". This coming from a man who dares to edit something called 'THE VOICE OF FREEDOM' is now't but a sick joke.

THE BNP IS CORRUPT AND FINISHED. All Griffin has to do now to put it where the Zionists want it is to get rid of Butler and rumour has it that will happen very soon.

The knock on effect will be one of removing the BNP from the political arena and turning it into a pseudo cult/pressure group with Griffin making LOADS'A MONEY similar to the old NA.



Anonymous said...

The fact that the first thing Easter does after being disciplined is spill his guts to Pete R., of all people, is indicative of the man's treachery and of the ill-will he bears the party.

Tina Wingfield is a good nationalist of many years' standing and I've every confidence she will conduct the appeals procedure in a fair and competent manner.

Anonymous said...

west mids,

Tina Wingfield?!

Surely you mean Tina Denny, or am I the only one who remembers the old National Front!

NorthWestNationalists said...

Northern bloke ....No, I used to know Roger Denny.

Anonymous said...

Tina Wingfield a.k.a. Tina Denny a.k.a. Tina Dalton. I knew the lass when she was a teenager in Ealing, West London - and her mum Jenny who was also a good activist.

Anonymous said...

"Tina Wingfield is a good nationalist of many years' standing and I've every confidence she will conduct the appeals procedure in a fair and competent manner."

You mean like the ilegal expulsion letter she sent to Keith Axon?


Anonymous said...

the letter that tina dalton.denny.wingfield sent me expelling me from the party will come to haunt her in the forth comming court action.i did not renew my membership for the year 2007 because i was expelled in 2006 ,and i am still awaiting amy kangaroo court ups ,sorry diciplinary tribunial.
keith axon

NorthWestNationalists said...

Welcome to the forum Keith ! :-)

Anonymous said...

Keith , you silly bollocks, you effectively expelled yourself by contesting that election in May for the NNP in Birmingham (and compounded it by fighting the by-election this month in Brum for Ebanks lot).

Save what money you have for the 'court action' and spend it on the election!

Anonymous said...

Bill Jax says...
"...the chairman's word is final..."

Well no it is not, not under English law....because under English law nobody can agree to be exempt from the law.

So, for example, you cannot agree to be killed. Such an agreement has no force in law.

So, whatever the constitution of the BNP says, it still must abide by the law.

The BNP takes money from its members and the public for certain stated purposes. It therefore absolutely MUST obey certain provisions of company law. (The fact that the BNP is not a company is irrelevant here.)

Further, the chairman must act reasonably. You cannot agree to allow the chairman or anyone else to act unreasonably upon you. If you make such an agreement, either by signing something or whatever, that agreement has no force in law and he chairman MUST still act reasonably.

I am not sure about the statute of limitations, but I believe it is for 6 years. If so, anyone that was expelled unreasonably since 2001 can still sue Griffin.

I believe that the aggrieved person nee not actually issue a writ within 6 years to keep his claim alive, but needs only o inform Griffin that he intends to do something about it.

All those unreasobably expelled should join together.

If they all used the same solicitor, the costs of issuing a writ for each would be reduced.

They could all trestify in each trial, to establish a pattern of unreasonable behaviour by Griffin.

That way, Griffin would face multiple trials on the same issue with the same witnesses, though the circumstances of each case would differ.

If Griffin lost the first...and was sued for costs as well...and was sued by a BNP member to pay those costs himself and not out of BNP funds...then Griffin would have to give in on every subsequent trial.

If that happened, Griffin could not survive the total loss of credibility.

There is no need for Sharon Ebanks to mail out the BNP membership lists. There is a need to think carefully, co-operate and act on correct information and evidence...not silly threats which Ebanks just never carries out.

Bill Jax

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

To observer [silly bollocks] get the facts strate before you open your mouth....Now how could i have expelled myself from the bnp when i stood for the nnp in the 2007 may electiions .. i was expelled from the bnp in 2006 the date of tina wingfield letter to me was dated..29th august 2006 .i have asked for a disciplinary tribunal so i may defend myself re the reasons for my expulsion,and i am still awaiting so ...up yours
keith axon.

Anonymous said...

I see the topic has made Stormfront...for the time being!

Bandicoot said...

Anonymous said...
I see the topic has made Stormfront...for the time being!

9:30 PM

Not any more it has been locked up tight like a virgin's chastity belt!
Seems, yet again, the leadership of the BNP have got what they want over on Stumpfoot Britain.

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