Saturday, September 01, 2007

The BNP's accounts will be submitted tomorrow !

According to our info, the BNP will be submitting some accounts , some time, some how, some way.

Agent Nick Griffin would like to thank each, and every BNP member, for wasting their membership money on the fine the BNP will eventually pay.
This will be many thousands of pounds, apparently.
NWN : You, the BNP members , voted for the berk.
Now pay for your follies !
'Cough up' and do not complain.
Serves you right !


Anonymous said...

Good job Agent Griffin !


Anonymous said...

screw you griffin from the USA !

Anonymous said...

Is that Nick Griffin ?

He does look jewish.

Anonymous said...

I like the Agent bit for Griffin.

Nice one !

Anonymous said...

Keep an eye on Zen internet the ISP in Rochdale.

Simon Darby also uses Zen.

Anonymous said...

Zen is owned by a chinaman Richard tang.

Anonymous said...

griffin is a piece of shit !

left or right we should have some sense of decency.

Anonymous said...

Is that Nick Griffin ?

He is ugly. No wonder you limeys aint getting no were.

Anonymous said...

We will get rid.

Anonymous said...

nick should pay it from his own pocket. after all, hes always got his wages from mi5. yet another cambridge spy

tonydj said...

Good-bye NWN

Interesting posts

But not constructive

Anonymous said...

Can you submit accounts on a Saturday/Sunday? You'd think the offices of the EC would be closed until Monday.

Kind regards

Sharon Ebanks

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know when Chris Jackson will be making the decision whether or not to stand again?

Anonymous said...

I didn't vote for him, but some of those mushrooms in the dark did!
They must like being kept in the gloom and then shovelled in shit!
Wonder what abracadabra mumbo jumbo Walker and his thieving sidekick Hannam have perpetrated on the poor mushrooms.
The vermin are ready!

NorthWestNationalists said...

Hello Dave if that is really you ?

I don't think it is really.

Your too sharp for that.

NorthWestNationalists said...

Sorry folks, am in Scarborough, so I cannot do my usual internet stuff.

Anonymous said...

West mids warrior;

where is my Mascara ?

We need wogs in the party asap, then we will win power. There are more of them you see. If they vote for us then we win.

Anonymous said...

My jewdar is up !

Anonymous said...

@ West Mids Warrior

You been eating funny mushrooms again?

Anonymous said...

"West Mids Warrior

You been eating funny mushrooms again?"

No, I've just been having you Searchlight trolls for breakfast, as always.

Anonymous said...

YOU voted for NG instead of JT in the first leadership election. Does that mean you are a berk too?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said: "@ West Mids Warrior...You been eating funny mushrooms again?"

Let's just say Easter has been cancelled this year, tee hee!

Anonymous said...

The BNP's accounts will be submitted tomorrow !

Well as they say in the trade
:- "tomorrow never comes"!

I wonder how much frantic head scratching and sucking of pencils (I only said pencils mind!) is going on behind the dark curtain of BNP HQ?

How much of the money that was previously stuffed under one or two soiled mattresses has to be grudgingly brought out again to attempt some book balancing that Houdini himself would have been proud of?

Anonymous said...

Is there any truth in the rumour that Griffin has expelled Mike Easter?

Anonymous said...

Griffin's 00's BNP "accounts tomorrow" are like Anderson's 80's NF "cheque's in the post"

Never trust a cowboy or a second-hand car salesman.

Affordable Accounts??? Hardly. My guess is, like the cars, they'll be 'cut-n-shunt' jobs.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said: "Griffin's 00's BNP 'accounts tomorrow' are like Anderson's 80's NF 'cheque's in the post'"

It was Griffo who expelled Anderson for his financial shenanigans. The comparison is ludicrous.

Anonymous said...

6 days later...

Where are the BNP accounts?

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...6 days later... Where are the BNP accounts?"

Who cares? We're winning!

Bandicoot said...

Where are these elusive accounts?
The Tooth Fairy could have performed better than Walker, Hannam et al.

Oh and to West Mids who says:-

'Who cares? We're winning!'

What is it you think you are winning, exactly?

Anonymous said...

Bandicoot said: "What is it you think you are winning, exactly?"

The leadership contest for starters. LOFLMFWAO.

Bandicoot said...

West Mids said...
Bandicoot said: "What is it you think you are winning, exactly?"

The leadership contest for starters. LOFLMFWAO.

12:13 AM

Yes well that just about sums you lot up doesn't it West Mids?

As long as Griffin is Leader with complete dictatorial control, as in the CULT mode.
As long as Griffin can keep all the money he makes with his scams and dodgy dealings.
As long as he can rubbish and smear long time hard working activists.
As long as NOBODY even suggests a better way of doing things.
As long as anyone with intelligence or professionalism is kept away from the top.

As long as all THAT is going on then YOU are WINNING!

No honour.
No decency.
No trust.
No loyalty.

And not a hope or a care of what the BNP should really be standing for.
To get our country back!
That is what this should be about, West Mids....getting our country back, yet you think that winning is keeping Griffin in power no matter what.
Says it all really.
So let's ask this one again and this one is for you West Mids
'Where Are The BNP Accounts?'

Anonymous said...

Bandicoot said: "As long as NOBODY even suggests a better way of doing things."

Suggest what you like, just do it from outside the BNP.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...