Tuesday, September 25, 2007

BNP - now a Virtual Party?

Last weekend NWN spoke with a well known activist and an ex-BNP Councillor, and both said that the BNP has now become a 'virtual party'.
A political party that doesn't really exist.
For example; how many jobs has Simon Darby now got ?
One of the two used the very funny analogy of the late comedian Peter Butterworth in the funny CARRY ON ABROAD film, doing every job from Hotel manager, porter, head chef and wine waiter amongst others.
They cited the fact that even here in Lancashire, a previous major BNP stronghold, the situation is dire. Rossendale BNP fought three council seats recently. In the ward they canvassed, they got an excellent vote and came mighty close to providing a big upset.
In the other two wards, they were unable to canvass due to a shortage of activists.
Blackburn and Oldham BNP are all but moribund, and apparently Burnley BNP is split down the middle.
Both people cited a lack of activists for the way morale is suffering in the BNP.
Both said that this is the reason Nick Griffin does not want to fight the possible General Election in October. The BNP will be made to see its own shortcomings in terms of morale, shortage of activists , and a shortage of money. They also mentioned that there is no Regional Organiser in Lancashire nor Yorkshire Regions, which is contrary to the BNP Constitution, and there hasn't been for some time.
By running a 'virtual party', a facade, they can fight the Euro elections just by putting up the money and using the free leaflet delivery option. A mention was made of the liking that Mr.Griffin has for cash, and in their 'half joking' way, suggested that Nick Griffin might put his name at the top of all the BNP lists right across the Country , such is his desperation to get on the 'Euro gravy train'.
They did say that especially in the North West, a BNP Councillor should be placed at the top of any Euro election candidates card.
Both also agreed that it shouldn't have to be like this , Nick Griffin should do the right thing !


Anonymous said...

Right now, why would anyone be an activist?

Your efforts will be wasted, your money misused, and then to cap it all off, you'll be stabbed in the back.

Anonymous said...

"Right now, why would anyone be an activist?

Your efforts will be wasted, your money misused, and then to cap it all off, you'll be stabbed in the back.

8:27 PM"

Very true

Anonymous said...

The BNP has squandered its opportunities through greed and using the media quick fix. At a time when it should have been sinking roots and getting to grips with the real communities out there it relied on the press to print sensational stories to garner them a protest vote rather than a genuine vote.

Griffins refusal to allow anyone to share the reigns of power from the bottom up has killed it. The vast amount of talent in the BNP is overlooked and wasted just so that Griffin can keep his mucky little secrets and cards close to his chest. There are many more people in the BNP actually QUALIFIED to do the accounts but he prefers uneducated ass kissing morons who allow him to get away with his stupidity and sloppiness. There are many more people QUALIFIED at designing leaflets and handling the media.

Griffins operation is 3 greedy little men in a boat when it should be a well steered ocean liner. I hope he can live with what he‘s done. And I hope the members can live with the disappointment of May next year.

If Griffin allowed each of the branches their own money they could grow at a rapid rate with current, appropriate and professional literature. It makes you wonder why he won’t, doesn’t it? I did it in 2006 and Birmingham will never see the like again as this May proved but I don’t believe Griffin wants the BNP to advance, if he did he would have paid the Burnley group for the court case and he wouldn’t have interfered in Solidarity and he’d give back the money to the branches so they could GROW.



Anonymous said...

something doesnt seem right. its like the bnp has "been told not to make any further advances" . maybe the rumours of gridffin being a cambridgwe spy are not far off the mark

Anonymous said...

Nick Cass is Yorkshire regional organiser so get your facts right. He has been for several years and the region is doing reasonably well.

Anonymous said...

the unbeliever said...
"something doesnt seem right. its like the bnp has "been told not to make any further advances" . maybe the rumours of gridffin being a cambridgwe spy are not far off the mark"

All successes are at local level. I disagree with the party's strategy, the over-emphasis on raising money and even some of its policies, but no-one has told us not to try. Quite the opposite. Nick Griffin is incapable of distinguishing between his own interests and those of nationalism -and the latter ends up suffering. Others may take advantage of this, but I don't believe he is actively working for anyone else.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
Nick Cass is Yorkshire regional organiser so get your facts right. He has been for several years and the region is doing reasonably well.

4:31 PM"

Don't be so bleedin daft, the BNP is not doing well at all. 25yrs and how many councillors out of 22,000 council seats?

What does it take to win an election? It takes capable people and money and as long as Griffin keeps taking the money away from the branches and promoting and supporting morons instead of capable people, the BNP will go nowhere.

The public know that there are people like Tommy Williams just under the surface, egotistical morons like Collett and financial figureheads who would struggle to use an abacus found in most infant schools. Griffin hangs onto these people because HE IS these people underneath and the public KNOW IT, SENSE IT AND SMELL IT.

The public vote for security, do you really think they'd have confidence in Walker if he was in number 11? Don't make me larf and quit making excuses for the arsehole happy to take everyone down the toilet so he can get-a-board the Euro gravy train. And, someone should tell Griffin that he's been breaking the law in the meetings he's been attending up and down the country.




Anonymous said...

I notice NWN likes to check IP addresses. Feel free to check mine, I'm using a proxy. If you would like to check it, you should come up with which is based in California. The truth is that I'm in the UK. If you come up with my real IP address then I've wasted £20 on some useless software.

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