Sunday, September 23, 2007

Where are the BNP accounts ?

This site will continue to 'badger' Nick Griffin and his totally incompetent running of the BNP. Griffin used to slag off John Tyndall of his running of the BNP.

John Tyndall was a true gentleman, and you were allowed to argue with him, without getting expelled.

Griffin by contrast, is a clone of Tony Blair.

We, in opposition to Griffins 'cuckoo like takeover' of the BNP, sadly, are in need of JT. He is not here when we need him the most.

With every day that goes past the fine by the Government increases. It must be in the £thousands now.

What has Griffin got to hide ?


Anonymous said...

The BNP accounts when they are finally filed will be incorrect and I have the printed documented and hard copy evidence to prove it.

So, I'm ready when they are and this file will then wing its way to the EC.



Anonymous said...

Sharon Ebanks said: "The BNP accounts when they are finally filed will be incorrect and I have the printed documented and hard copy evidence to prove it.

"So, I'm ready when they are and this file will then wing its way to the EC."

Sharon, don't you realise how increasingly ridiculous you look with your repeated threats which are never, ever delivered?

Anonymous said...

"Sharon, don't you realise how increasingly ridiculous you look with your repeated threats which are never, ever delivered?

1:37 AM"

I'm waiting for the BNP accounts to appear online first :-) I shall then demand they be pulled back off.

Zero Regards


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