Friday, September 14, 2007

What have these two got in common ?

BNP leader Nick Griffin employs thugs and hooligans to threaten nationalists to 'toe' the Griffin dictatorship. Griffin uses Tommy Williams of Sheffield, to threaten and abuse any threats that Griffin perceives.

Williams is an ex(?) drug dealer and user himself, and is very close to Griffins bodyguards.

Williams is also a guitarist who used to do 'Rock against racism' concerts.

Williams is of course, not a BNP member.

But he has helped the BNP lose many intelligent people by using his web presence of the appropriately named covert undercover nuisance tactics (CUNTS ) .

Tommy Williams is a thug and a bully !

The nationalist movement ought to be rid of scum like Williams and Griffin.

NWN: The main thing is, will the British media make anything of this stuff ? This is 'political dynamite' and the police know about it.

We at NWN know that the BBC check up on here regularly too, as they did today.


Anonymous said...

both twats

NorthWestNationalists said...

IP Address 81.154.133.# (British Telecommunications)
ISP British Telecommunications
Location Continent : Europe
Country : United Kingdom (Facts)
State/Region : Rochdale
City : Heywood

Gave out foul abuse !

Anonymous said...

Nick Griffin loves to be around would be gangsters and thugs. I mean why has he loved 'bomber Lecomber' for so long ?

Anonymous said...

Awwww, bless, if it isn't the arsehole who refers to my son as a retard and the other arsehole who treats the membership as if they're retards.

I'm still waiting for you to kill me, Tommy, you sad backward fuck-up :-)

Anyone want to guess why the BNP gets nowhere? It's because the general public KNOW that the BNP has people like that in it.

Triple zero regards


Anonymous said...

"NorthWestNationalists said...
IP Address 81.154.133.# (British Telecommunications)
ISP British Telecommunications
Location Continent : Europe
Country : United Kingdom (Facts)
State/Region : Rochdale
City : Heywood

Gave out foul abuse !

11:17 PM"

What sort of foul abuse? I think it's only fair that people can see what Griffin and his buddies are REALLY like.



Anonymous said...

Doesnt Nick Griffin campaign to rid the BNP of people just like he discribes in the picture above his?

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
Doesnt Nick Griffin campaign to rid the BNP of people just like he discribes in the picture above his?

12:03 AM"

Yes, but some of us know Griffin is a liar and a hypocrite.



Anonymous said...

One is a crook and the other is a thug/crook ?

NorthWestNationalists said...

One of many threats by close friend and 'attack dog' of Nick Griffin (, but at least Williams has admitted he is paid by Griffin), Sheffield based and ex-druggie Tommy Williams;

"Pete. Once again I find you name dropping and once again I find that you are involving me. Just what exactly are you thanking me for? Last time I called you because of something like this I told you some of the people who are involved including myself would come upto Rochdale to meet you, but you refused."

Anonymous said...

"Pete. Once again I find you name dropping and once again I find that you are involving me. Just what exactly are you thanking me for? Last time I called you because of something like this I told you some of the people who are involved including myself would come upto Rochdale to meet you, but you refused."

He's a brave lad isn't he, he wants to bring

"some of the people who are involved including myself"

To meet you, just one man.

Here is what he put in writing to a friend of mine.

"Will you be in Leeds this week or are you just going to carry on acting like a retard? I'm sure No Surrender will be more than happy to answer any of yer questions and I'll be more than happy to slap you around a bit and teach you some manners"

Ain't Griffins buddies nice electable, respectable people. Just the sort of folk that make British people want to vote BNP?



Anonymous said...

Williams is just a stooge for others. But here he is attacking Chris Jackson....

09-10-2007, 10:08 AM #72
Shove The Dove
Forum Member

Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 123
Re: Mike Easter banned from the BNP?


Originally Posted by Anglezarke
And do it quick before they get slung out with the usual accompaniment of character assassination.

Funny how Chris Jackson hasn't suffered any of this abuse etc, why do you think that is? Infact its only the losers, the hopeless and the drama queens who seem to be surplus to requirements, but not Chris? Do you think that Chris might be involved with Griffin and it was all just a big ploy to out the genuine wasters and glory seekers?. Despite what happened Chris has many friends and genuine supporters and it will stay that way. Maybe you should just stick to internet politics and leave the real thing to the grown ups eh? Now run along. Anyone else know why Chris hasn't suffered any of the 'purging' and not been subject to this intimidation?

Anonymous said...

A 'dicky bird' says that Chris Jackson knows all about Tommy Williams !

Anonymous said...

Nick Griffin supports that !

Anonymous said...

I am glad the police are involved against a sub human like Tommy Williams.

His threat to rape a woman is just too much.

NorthWestNationalists said...

IP Address 81.154.133.# (British Telecommunications)
ISP British Telecommunications
Location Continent : Europe
Country : United Kingdom (Facts)
State/Region : Rochdale
City : Heywood

IP address of Mark Hamill the ex-Rochdale BNP treasurer. Hammill did a runner with BNP funds we hear. He is not wanted by the Rochdale BNP apparently.

Anonymous said...

Nick Griffin has to be tarred by his own friends. Tommy Williams is obviously a criminal.

This is very sad for the BNP.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


I won't be coming to the next Red white blue !

Unless I get free beer.

Anonymous said...

Neither look 100% British !

Sorry for posting just my view.

Anonymous said...

Just what is Steve Bradys role in the BNP ?

NorthWestNationalists said...

This is *********** and *********** I will tell all my mates that Griffin is a *********.

NWN: I am getting fed up of censoring posts on here. Please posters, stop the bad language.

Anonymous said...

is that the finger nick stuck up martins bottom

Anonymous said...

...and just for a giggle!!

Anonymous said...

"Just what is Steve Bradys role in the BNP ?"

Is Steve involved with Nick Griffin? I haven't seen him in years, but I always thought he had both personal and political integrity. Also, he outsmarted Griffin in 1986. I wouldn't think either of them would forget that.

Anonymous said...

""Anyone want to guess why the BNP gets nowhere? It's because the general public KNOW that the BNP has people like that in it.""


Thugs like Williams ensure that the BNP will never get beyond the sink-estate vote.

Anonymous said...

Your obviously hurting Nick Griffin you folks at NWN.

Best wishes !

Anonymous said...


Thugs like Williams ensure that the BNP will never get beyond the sink-estate vote.

6:09 PM"

The BNP confuses politics and ideology, albeit a hypocritical ideology and what they seriously fail to realise is the general public don’t want to be told how to live, they want politicians that they know will deliver them their daily bread. They want basics like good education and a sound housing system that caters for the needy as well as the owner. They want a healthcare system that functions for those who need it, a pension and employment. They want security.

When they turn to the BNP all it is, is a protest vote. The voter will say to him/herself that their favourite party has failed them in one or two areas and give them a bloody nose by voting BNP. Their gut instinct tells them the BNP are unfit and incapable of forming a government and time and time again the BNP proves them right.

Richard Barnbrook who told me personally that they hardly put a leaflet out in B&D and were stunned when they all won has been selected as mayoral candidate, why? This is a man who mouthed it off about lack of housing and various other things yet when confronted with the council budget flounced out of the meeting taking everyone else with him. Where were the BNP councillors comments on the council tax rise coupled with service cuts? Isn’t this why the public elected them, to fight their corner yet at the first hurdle the BNP failed them. If Barnbrook and the councillors were incapable of putting a budget together or discussing and arguing the contents why wasn’t an expert brought in by the BNP to aid and assist?

Why is it that the supposed 4th party of Britain doesn’t have a shadow cabinet in training for everything from social services, foreign affairs to health? Why is it that when Griffin was asked this question he responded with “We tried this once and it didn’t work”. Who gives a feck if it didn’t work IT’S WHAT THE PUBLIC EXPECTS FROM SANE AND NORMAL POLITICS.

Competent politicians are what the public expects and the BNP fails on ALL counts. Any chance of getting experienced people are continually scuppered by Griffins egotistical expulsions and his desire to be friends with some of the worst dross ever made in Britain.

The BNP isn’t stuffed to the gills with politicians and economists, it’s filled with frightened people looking for answers from people who give less of a shit than the LAB/TORY parties put together and the sad thing is, everyone gets tarred with the same brush as Griffin and the brain-dead William’s of this world.



Anonymous said...

Steve Brady is 'Steve Johnson' who writes for Voice of Freedom.

Brady is an oddball who was also married to Gerry Gables current wife Sonia Hochfelder.

Brady was heavily involved in the last populist bullshit but Tyndall & Webster turned him and them over around 1975.

Now Brady is involved in another 'populist' nationalist takeover.

Anonymous said...

Nick Griffin is an upper middle class berk and just like them, he gets a thrill from rubbing shoulders with the 'hoi polloi'.

Historically the 'upper classes' 'get turned on' by the menace of criminals, gangsters and wrong 'uns in society, just like so many so -called celebrities fawned over the Kray twins.

Griffin is a stereotypical brat of the upper classes.

Anonymous said...

"Griffin is a stereotypical brat of the upper classes.

11:19 PM"

The only upperclass trait that Griffin posesses is the squandering of OTHER peoples money.



Anonymous said...

Please John Tyndall inspire our nationalist leaders with honesty, integrity and drive.

Anonymous said...

What about Griffins white Rolls Royce ?

Anonymous said...

Bowden might not have been everyones 'cup of tea' but he was more intelligent than Nick Griffin.

Bowden supported Chris Jackson and therefore was attacked by Nick Griffins paid man Tommy Williams.

Anonymous said...

John 8:32

"Know the truth and thr truth shall set you free."

Anonymous said...

"Burnley bugger said...
What about Griffins white Rolls Royce ?

12:43 AM"

I doubt very much that, that would be Griffins style. He's more of a top of the range 'Rover' or 'Volvo' type man. Having said that he once sold Japanese cars so maybe a Datsun is more his style :-)I personally see him seated in a white ford capri well rusted and held together with bird shit complete with fluffy dice and Jackie and Nick on the top front windscreen.



Anonymous said...

I met Steve Brady in a London pub in 1976. Richard Lawson and Dave McCalden were also there. I didn't trust Brady and Dave McC said something like "be careful what you say to him".

I've been out of it for a long time (teo heart attacks and bypass surgery) but I'm interested to know what Brady's been up to and where he stands.

Anonymous said...

Steve Bradys cat said...
Steve Brady is 'Steve Johnson' who writes for Voice of Freedom.

Thanks for the info, 'cat'.

In the first issue of the old 'Vanguard' magazine, back in 1986, Steve Brady wrote: "In the very long run...possibly no-one will remember us...

"But if the people of that far-off day can look about them and see hair the hue of sunlight on ripe cornfields, can gaze into the depths of eyes the blue of midsummer's heaven, then we will have our fitting memorial. If not, we will have failed forever, and nothing else that we did will have mattered at all.

"Let us not fail, let us keep the Faith, let us preserve the Race. Let us be radicals indeed, but let us above all else be racialists."

In 1986 he wrote the above, I can't criticise him for later joining the BNP (I am a member myself and work hard for the party), but why does he now follow Nick Griffin's line?

It is a mystery of nationalist politics: why do Strasserites always finish up by becoming populists?

Anonymous said...

""The only upperclass trait that Griffin posesses is the squandering of OTHER peoples money.""

Don't forget the arrogance with which he does it.

Anonymous said...

SE is right.

Griffin will not allow talented people in the party. He sees them as being the very people who will eventually get him out. And he's right.

Unfortunately, many of the members are no better. Envious and resentful refugees from old-Labour who hate anyone with talent and ability.

An ideal marriage.

Anonymous said...

Steve Brady certainly wasn't 'married' to Gerry Gable's current wife. She was living with him (and various other people like Keith Thomson at different times) but that's about it.

I well remember the girl, plain as hell but she must have had something going for her.

Anonymous said...

Why does no real nationalist know about just where Tommy Williams actually comes from and where he lives ?

Thugs like him should be in jail.

We dont need stupid nazis like him in the BNP.

Anonymous said...

It was Chairman Nick who gave them their name. He is having a good laugh at you and them.

Anonymous said...

""We dont need stupid nazis like him in the BNP.""

Williams is not a National Socialist. He couldn't even spell it.

  A new book about Jonathan Bowden has been published.