Friday, September 28, 2007

Before the Griffinite Stormfront mods delete the post !

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Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: England
Posts: 883
Great White Records
Does anyone know how much Great White Records has donated to the BNP up to date. I do not recall seeing any presentations of cheques in Freedom.The Freedom newpaper refers to " the partys Great White Records" but Nick Griffin said in his blog it is an independent company.It certainly gets a lot of advertising, 2 page spreads in Identity, adverts in VoF and a front page ad on the website. Does GWR pay for these adverts.Many branches also sell GWR CDs alongside BNP literature as if it is official merchandise. GWR must have sold at least £250 000 of CDs over the last 2 years or so. So how much has been donated to the BNP? And why does Martin Wingfield give the impression that GWR belongs to the BNP?


Anonymous said...

The BNP membership paid for the setting up of GWR to the tune of almost £50,000 although some have said closer to £60,000. Therefore it rightly belongs to the members.

GWR declare to the public on their site that they donate to the BNP, yet not only has it never been declared in BNP accounts, GWR hasn't filed accounts for two years.

Naturally this sort of thing doesn't bother the ordinary BNP member because they're either not on the Internet or as some dickhead recently stated on the BNP owned but proscribed SF "There are more important things to worry about".

What could be more important than knowing the party you support and elect is capable of financial management? How else will you get the NHS, PUBLIC TRANSPORT, SOCIAL SERVICES, Police & Fire services and various government departments to run correctly if you cannot even be trusted with a few thousand pounds? And, if you keep using the opposition parties as your marker for corruption it makes you as bad as they are. It matters not how big or small, theft is theft and I'm still waiting for Griffin to refund the members who donated to my court case instead of allowing his father, Edgar, to lie to people by claiming the BNP paid it and that I'm still a current member.



Anonymous said...

I wouldnt trust Griffin with a used ashtray !

Anonymous said...

SF gets funnier by the day...

The BNP explain this several weeks ago, the national accounts were in on time but the regional accounts are late because certain groups and branches are late with their local accounts"


"Having recently spoken to a regional organiser whose group appears on the culprits list tells me the accounts were definately submitted on time"

Every group and branch submitted their petty cash books in January this year and many had their books wiped to zero and returned to them leaving no financial trace whatsoever. I've also been told that some fundholders have resigned after getting pissed off with not being allowed to have THEIR branches money. Why won't Griffin allow the branches their own money? And, why does the BNP keeping writing cheques that bounce?

So, who else is the BNP going to blame?

In a party of supposed professionals they use a deputy treasurer who hasn't filed GWR accounts for 2yrs and has moved from a terraced house to a farmhouse and a pisshead who can't count to 5. I don't think the other parties have anything to fear from the BNP.



Anonymous said...

Not that old trick again.

Use someone elses money to set up your business. Profits go to you, losses to them.

You'd think that the punters would have caught on by now.

Anonymous said...

"Not that old trick again.

Use someone elses money to set up your business. Profits go to you, losses to them.

You'd think that the punters would have caught on by now.

9:23 PM"

They can't catch on. The great brain-washed only get to read BNP publications where Griffin blames everyone else and all in the garden is rosey...



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