I really need your help on this one! -- David Duke
A Vital Fourteen Day Fund Appeal!
I need the support of every Stormfront reader to keep the English edition of Jewish Supremacism and My Awakening in print!
My Awakening & Jewish Supremacism:The English Editions Have Gone Out of Print!
Here are some of the covers of Jewish Supremacism from around the world. From the left is the U.S., Sweden, Ukraine, Iran, and Russia
Davidduke.com has become one of the most important Internet Websites in the world standing forthrightly against the Jewish supremacist threat against the heritage and freedom of our people.
Dr. Duke’s Books, My Awakening and Jewish Supremacism have become two of the two most influential and important books in the world. No books in the world are more important for the awakening our people. Unfortunately, they have now gone out of print!
Fortunately, David Duke has been working tirelessly on editing and updating new editions, but to publish these new editions we must raise $80,000.
We must raise the funds to reprint My Awakening and Jewish Supremacism.
Printing costs are expensive so we must borrow and depend on your gifts to reprint them.
Right now, the final proofs of the newly updated and newly indexed Jewish Supremacism are ready for printing in early April.
We must raise $80,000 immediately!
If we meet our fundraising target, My Awakening will be republished soon after.
Please take a moment make a donation to support this vital effort.
Personal to you from David Duke!
Dear Friend,I could make quite a good living just from the royalties of these books which are now available in 14 languages around the world — except for the fact that I personally keep little money from the book sales; those funds go directly into our operating fund for our work and activism.
I get only a fraction of what I would rightly earn if I kept the royalties for myself and family.
I have also sent out, at my own expense, thousands of these books to influential people, and their impact has been incredible. I hear from many people whose names you would recognize, who have awakened in no small part due to these books and Davidduke.com.
Book revenue goes directly into our Herculean efforts to wake up our people; sometimes we must even borrow a little because we are in such a desperate race against time.
The clock ticks on our people’s survival. We must go all out each and every day!
So, I ask you for your deepest generosity. This is the first direct appeal for material support that we have ever made on Davidduke.com.
Your gift makes possible my books, my broadcasts, my lectures, the very life of work that I lead in service for our heritage and freedom.
We must now raise at least $80,000 for in the next weeks for republishing these vital books and related expenses necessary to spread our message.
We have only 14 days until the payment is due on the Jewish Supremacism new edition.
I pray I can count on you to make a significant contribution to this effort.I really need your generous help to make this possible!
Here is the link where you can make an immediate donation.For Our Heritage and Freedom!
David Duke
PS Thanks for you generous supportHere is the link to help keep My Awakening and Jewish Supremacism in Print
Here also is an email link to personally let me know if you have contributed or made a pledge to this vital appeal!
__________________Rep. David Duke, P.O. Box 188, Mandeville, LouisianaCall to order books: (985) 626-7714 DavidDuke.com European American Unity & Rights Organization (EURO)
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