Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A comment about last weeks 'Senior' nationalist meeting posted to us...

The entire meeting was rather disastrous, actually. Eddy Morrison had been drunk all week and wasn't in attendance.

Sid Williamson was pissed out of his head (I believe now what they say about him on VNN)

He kept shouting he is 2 i/c the BPP after Kev Watmough.

He declared he wasn't going to chair the meeting so when Tony Braithwaite and Pete Rushton took the platform, Sid lurched up and made a speech of sorts, much to the embarrassment of most there.......

TB spoke for a while on the necessity of nationalist unity, as did Pete,interrupted occasionally by Sid calling-out, standing up, and waving his arms. When Tony went to introduce Gunther, Sid bellowed that we should have a break.

However he was ignored and Gunther 'took the floor'.

He spoke for some time on the state of nationalism in Germany, again with the odd interjection by Sid. I felt for the man. He had come all that way to address an audience of 17, including a child! God knows what he must have thought........

I saw the write-up on their website and it was certainly greatly exaggerated! I was going to post on SF about it, but then thought it would be a bit unfair of the decent chaps who are drawn to the BPP, so I just left it.

NWN: This is the only report that we have seen/heard, about this activity. Strange that !


Anonymous said...

I was thinking that too. Looks like it only just about got off the ground what with only 17 present.

Anonymous said...

I think this explains why the England First Party put out the statement it did recently distancing itself from the joke that is the BPP. There is nothing to gain being linked or associated with them and perhaps Steven Smith will wake up to the fact also that he is doing himself no favours by attending their functions.

Anonymous said...

Sid Williamson posting on Stormfront claims the report on here is "utter drivel." I was there too and every word of it is true. Sid was so drunk he couldn't even chair the meeting.

Anonymous said...

Steve Smith should cut all links with the BPP. If he doesn't, the press will forever link him with Team Drunk.

Anonymous said...

Not exactly a Nuremberg rally was it?.

Anonymous said...

Inviting fools like Williamson damaged the event's credibility, big time.

Ogmios said...

'Senior' does not always equate with 'serious';

No serious British nationalists meeting would have proven incompetents such as Williamson invited to the event.

Anonymous said...

Time for 'saltdean nan ' to start a new Neanderthal movement? - now that the BPP has tired of his negroid knife waving antics and his bullying threats.

When will it sink in that he only represents himself, not Nationalism as normal people know it.

Anonymous said...

The Walter Mitty fantasy world of 'Sid' Williamson would make a classical case study in clinical psychology.

A recent delusion sufferd by Williamson was a belief put in print on Don Black's forum(SF) that Williamson actually believed he had had a career in "politics".

I am not sure what part of getting pissed qualifies as politics.
Perhaps all will be explained in the book the fat cunt promised to write.


Anonymous said...

Disgusted by Pete Williamons attacks on whites, including the living and the dead, a "Williamson Watch" site has been set up to expose the fat bastard and his support group of Odinsdaughter 88 Bev K., Masty Burns and the rest of the scum in Williamsons thug group . A collection of lowlife tossers that debase nationalism and give it a bad name.


Joe Biden:  I am a Zionist !