Saturday, August 23, 2008

Just when we thought we’d lost, and lost again…

The EGM of last weekend isn’t as bad as we first thought, well, not now we’ve had time to digest the contents of the new amendments, and once written up, they will be placed online.

Why are they not so bad we hear you mutter, well, it goes like this…

Mr Nicholas John Griffin, was insisting on an amendment that would give him the right to sit upon his increasingly prickly throne for 4 years without being challenged. But, because he lost, the fail-safe’s put in to prevent a mad ( which Griffin clearly is) leader remaining in situ come into force, and this our dear readers means that Griffin cannot be challenged once a year, but THRICE!

How on earth could he have missed this? Well, he missed it because not only was, Mr Nicholas John Griffin, to lazy to write those amendments, as he clearly thought he was going to win. He was also to damned lazy to read them, but to late now, Mr Griffin, they were voted upon and passed.

Who was this genius responsible for the following? We’d like to know, as the man is clearly a friend of the democratic process, and possibly a future BNP leader.

Challenge 1, can be done on Oct/Nov of each year if 20 paid up voting members request it at the annual AGM.

Challenge 2, can be triggered at any time by 2/3rds of the AC impeaching, Mr Griffin, for gross misconduct, and we all know he’s done plenty of that.

Challenge 3, can be done annually after local elections are out of the way and requires no more than 250 signatures, a walk in the park for any serious challenger who would have Griffin in court in the likelihood he should refuse, or tamper, with the membership list.

So, there we have it readers, REAL POLITICS, in action, and there’s certain to be plenty of that over the coming months.

BTW, we hear, Mr Griffin, is away on a sulk because he knows, and is aware of, what he thought we’d missed. Well, we all know now, and we reckon he must be feeling like a proper clown. We couldn't find an image of a stitched up kipper...


Motion 1

Advisory Council

Passed with an amendment defining what a Voting member is – namely a full member with two years continuous membership, who has attended a training event within the year, who is an activist as certified by their Regional Organiser (includes councillors, and officers) and who makes a financial contribution (exempt officers and councillors)

S.5.1. Replace "the organisers of the party's four strongest regions" with "all Regional Organisers".

S.5.2. replace "three times a year" with "four times a year"

Motion 2

Leadership Elections

Passed with amendment deleting all references to election years and 4 yearly term –and replacing 10 Voting Members and 100 members of 24 months standing as nominators to 1/5 of all members of over 24 months continuous membership with the total number of 2 year members being declared on 1st July every year.

The whole of the existing Section 4 should be replaced with:

S.4.1. Elections for the post of National Chairman shall be held every
four years, starting in 2009. Nominations shall open on 20th July in each
leadership election year and close at noon on 10th August. The election
shall be held on a 'one member, one vote' basis in a secret postal ballot
of all members paid up by 1st of July.

S.4.2. Any member of the party may become a candidate for the post of
National Chairman of the party provided that person has on or before the
close of nominations is and has been a fully paid up member of the party
for a minimum of five consecutive years, and has secured the signatures on
his or her nomination paper of ten current Voting Members and one hundred
members each with a minimum of 24 months continuous membership. Each
member can only nominate one candidate.

S.4.3. Notification of a leadership election shall be issued in the
September issue of British Nationalist, while the October issue will
include an A4 manifesto sheet from each candidate (designed and supplied
by them) and a ballot paper, and will be sent by post to all members,
including those who normally receive their bulletins electronically.

S.4.4. A prerecorded debate between the candidates shall be publicised on
BNPtv, a private page on the BNP website will give each candidate up to
six sides of A4 designed by them, the party magazine shall give each
candidate equal space to set out their ideas, and at least three hustings
meetings will be held with equal time for each candidate in different
parts of the country and be open to all paid up members from the areas in
question. In the event that unavoidable external circumstances render any
of these methods of communication impractical they may be omitted or
replaced as decided by a simple majority vote of a special meeting of the
Advisory Council.

S.4.5. The ballot papers shall be kept unopen-ed until the post has
arrived on the third Thursday of October, where all received ballots shall
be opened and counted under the supervision of two senior officials
appointed by the AC who are not candidates, together with the candidates
and up to two scrutineers each.

S.4.6. The election shall take place on a first past the post basis.

S.4.7. In any election year in which no nominations for the post of
National Chairman of the party are received in accordance with Sub-section
2 of this Section, the currently serving holder of the post will be deemed
to have received a mandate from the party to hold it for a further full
term. In any election year where a leadership challenge is entered the
currently serving National Chairman shall be deemed to be nominated
automatically should he wish to stand again.

S.4.8. In event of a General Election being called before the ballot
papers have been posted, the campaign may be suspended at the discretion
of simple majority vote of the AC, resuming the schedule immediately after
polling day.

S.4.9. If an outgoing National Chairman is a paid employee of the party
and either does not wish to remain as such or is not required as such by
the new incumbent, he shall receive severance pay in line with the
statutory requirement, plus one month for each year served up to a total
of eight years, and one week extra for each year thereafter.

S.4.10. The successful candidate in any such election will be considered
as occupying the office of National Chairman immediately on completion of
the counting of votes in that election.

Please note that the following proposed alterations are so closely
connected to the changes proposed for S.4 that it is necessary to take
them together with it as one composite motion 1.

S.5.6. The only other power of the Advisory Council shall be that it may
call a General Members' Meeting by a two-thirds majority of Advisory
Council members voting in a properly convened meeting with a quorum of
two-thirds, even if this is opposed by the National Chairman.
Alternatively the National Chairman may call such a meeting or postal
ballot at any time he deems it necessary. Should such a meeting or ballot
be called, it must be held within 40 days, and the matter which led to it
being called shall be put to the members to decide. If a two-thirds
majority of those voting should vote against the National Chairman then he
is bound to accept that decision or to resign from the leadership,
triggering a leadership election in which he may stand if he so wishes.

S.5.7. The National Chairman may also be held to account by a motion
proposed and supported in writing by twenty Voting Members and submitted
to the party's registered headquarters address not later than 14 days
before the date of the Annual Conference. This motion shall then be
debated and voted upon by all Voting Members at the conference and, if
passed by a minimum two-thirds majority, a leadership election shall be
triggered, using the procedures and time-scale laid out in this
Constitution, but with the schedule starting from 14 days after the date
of the Annual Conference. The previous National Chairman may stand in this
election is he so wishes.

S.5.10. A member of the Advisory Council shall not be removed from the
Advisory Council on the day of an Advisory Council meeting.
General Members' Meetings & Ballots

S.13.2. In the event of the National Chairman or the Advisory Council
calling a General Members' Meeting, at least 14 days' notice must be given
to all members by post with notification of the proposed motions. All
members of the party shall have the right to attend and vote, subject to
the provisions of Section 2, Sub-section 6 of this Constitution.

S.13.3. remove "not later than 28 days before the scheduled date of the
meeting" and replace "National Chairman" with "Chairman of the meeting."

Not passed - Motion 3

Postal ballot option

S.13.5. General Members' Meetings may only be called by the National
Chairman or by the Advisory Council in accordance with Section 5 of this
Constitution. All matters which may be decided by a General Members'
Meeting may also be put to the membership by postal ballot. The motions
for such a postal ballot are to be decided by a two thirds majority of the
Advisory Council or by the National Chairman and are to be sent out in the
first available British Nationalist together with a ballot paper for each
paid up member, who should have a minimum of 14 days in which to return
the ballot paper. The opening and counting of the ballots is to be
witnessed by the proposers and a minimum of two national officers, with
all members of the Advisory Council entitled to attend should they so

Not passed Motion 4

Determination of Core Policies by Voting Members

(Note: This is part of a rolling programme intended to transfer additional
key powers to the Voting Membership, and further changes in that regard
are expected in the future as the institution itself develops)

Remove Section 3.1.d.

S.13.4. Add Section 14 to list of protected Sections in S.13.4. and remove
reference to ghost ss.6.

S.14.2. Change method of notification of any changes to the Constitution
to "or publication on the party's official website."

Add S.14.3. No proposals to change any part of Section 1 of this
Constitution, or to change or adopt any major policy, are to be proposed
to either a General Members' Meeting or in a postal ballot until
previously passed by the Annual Conference of Voting


NorthWestNationalists said...

Some so called BNP 'hardliners' even supported this nonsense !

From what I hear, only Chris Jackson has stood for what NWN says on it's banner/header.

Apparently, Chris Jackson spoke out against every Griffin proposal.

There may have been a few others including Val Tyndall who did stand up.

But some so called nationalist leaders were NOT leaders.

p.s. We are not sure about Jonathan Bowdens sudden reappraisal of the BNP after he was called a child molestor by Griffins CUNTs group and who were seen with security at the RWB.

Anonymous said...

Jonatahn Bowden is no longer a member of the BNP. I understand RWB was a favour for a friend as they had no one else because Griffin had expelled them all.

Anonymous said...

Do you think Griffin might be suffering from Acute porphyria? LMAO

Anonymous said...

More likely, Munchausen syndrome by proxy

Anonymous said...

The CUNTs are no longer Covert nor undercover, so they must only 'NTs.'

Still there is only the two of them.haha

Anonymous said...

You missed something very important in the begining of the article. The egg that should be all over Griffins face. And where is the no red nose for Gods sake.

Nice one.

Anonymous said...

Chris Jackson for BNP leader !

Anonymous said...

If your trusting 'insiders' in the BNP such as the AC, to 'do the right thing' you are mistaken.

Anonymous said...

Chris Jackson for BNP leader !

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"The CUNTs are no longer Covert nor undercover, so they must only 'NTs.'

Still there is only the two of them.haha"
What about Odinsgal then?
Isn't she active in some way?

Anonymous said...

This is very worrying. Mr Griffin's departure financial settlement now seems quite insufficient. Most people seem to have missed this.

An EGM must be held and the arrangement changed to the departing leader taking all available funds. Cheap at the price.

In fact how about a special fund to help Mr Griffin and some of his friends but solely if he chooses to retire? Perhaps 'Affordable C....s'.

Anonymous said...

Arthur Kemp was the one responsible for proposing the amendment, which came as a big surprise to Griffin.

Anonymous said...

Nice that NG has people who use quotes from Goebbels and Loyalist paraphernalia in the (BNP members banned from) Stormfront Forum.

He paints anyone outside the BNP like that as "extremists" and "dinosaurs" and even "nazi cranks", yet because the CUNTs (or TWONTs as there's only 2 of the drug-pushing filth) attack who he pays them to they are ok and moderates?

So after condemning the NPD for selling Hess posters, Griffin must have expelled the TWONTs for being Nazis too!

Or is it only those who oppose Gri££in's hand-in-the-till tactics who get smeared with that moth-eared brush?

Another Gri££in lie to be exposed!

Anonymous said...


I love that photo, suits Griffo to a tee

Anonymous said...

"Another Gri££in lie to be exposed!

23 August 2008 16:03"

Griffin, is a frequent vistitor to the NPD.


I'm reminded of Rob Purcell crying in the back of a transit van after embibing himself.

"No one will ever vote for us. You're all nazis"

Anonymous said...

"Kev Bryan BNP Organiser said...
Chris Jackson for BNP leader !

23 August 2008 02:59"

Only if he's prepared to tour the country and actually let people know who he is. Remember, Griffin worked slavishly to undermine Tyndall for 3 years. What is Jackson doing right now?

Anonymous said...

Folks just as a side Issue, if and hopefully when we get rid of griffin, I would like to see A Kemp, being kept on. He is a good speaker and he has not really done anything wrong. He is a switched on guy and unless he is state he must know what a titarse Griffin is making of the BNP.

Does anyone else think like me.

North East Scotland

Anonymous said...

Disinformation working overtime.

Since the EGM, someone clearly has it in for, Eddy Butler. First we see the vicious rumours on SF where they accuse, Eddy Butlers, girlfriend of having an abortion, and now we see the above, at the given link. The reds in their haste, have revealed their source of information.

Everyone knows that, Eddy Butler, has a wife and a girlfriend, its been common knowledge for the past year, or so. So, why use it against him now?

We've seen, Martin Reynolds, disgusting antics advertised to all and sundry via images he's clearly proud of, we've had Hannam, and Collett, the teenage loving perverts.

I await more of LU's revelations with baited breath, as we may have found the spy in the camp.

Anonymous said...

I note they are calling Butler 3rd rate, even though he was the one responsible for the 'Rights for Whites' campaign, that got the BNP's first ever councillor elected on the isle of Dogs in 1993.

Anonymous said...

"note they are calling Butler 3rd rate, even though he was the one responsible for the 'Rights for Whites' campaign, that got the BNP's first ever councillor elected."

Using tactics Gri££in himself, at the time, was against which must make Gri$$in 4th rate at the very best or a slow learner at least.

For Gri££in changed track, again, and eventually favoured the methods employed by Butler, indeed they form the basis of BNP campaigning and when adhered to produce results. There has been a tendancy of late to ignore canvassing and that is probably why the BNP has not had the election successes it oculd have done

Anonymous said...

"Chris Jackson for BNP leader !

Only if he's prepared to tour the country and actually let people know who he is. Griffin worked slavishly to undermine Tyndall for 3 years. What is Jackson doing right now?"

Yes griffin did a load of pr, including having two magazines to push hisline, Patriot and the croydon one whose name escapes me. He did a lot of meeting and greeting and ran a slick campaign.

Anonymous said...

Gri££in must GO! Grab that vile little man and boot him out FFS!
Greed, lies and failure - this is Gri££in's BNP. He is a worm.

Anonymous said...

Eddy Butler was not responsible for the Rights For whites Campaign, or Derek Beackon's win. He got the name 'Election Guru' because his brilliant idea was that the BNP should canvass like other parties - hardly a stroke of genius. If anyone should get credit for Beackon's win it is Richard Edmonds & his marathon 8 hour leafleting sessions.

Anonymous said...

Most of Butler's 'ideas' were plagarised from the NF who he was a member with before he joined the BNP.

Anonymous said...

I'm interested as to why no one is discussing the EGM over on SF.

Anonymous said...

"I await more of LU's revelations with baited breath, as we may have found the spy in the camp.

23 August 2008 22:06"

They are probably frantically rewriting their article after reading that, or they will pull it.

Anonymous said...

"Most of Butler's 'ideas' were plagarised from the NF who he was a member with before he joined the BNP.

23 August 2008 23:43"

Yes, but the NF never got anyone elected, did they?

Anonymous said...

"Eddy Butler was not responsible for the Rights For whites Campaign, or Derek Beackon's win. He got the name 'Election Guru' because his brilliant idea was that the BNP should canvass like other parties - hardly a stroke of genius. If anyone should get credit for Beackon's win it is Richard Edmonds & his marathon 8 hour leafleting sessions.

23 August 2008 23:41"

I take it you don't like, Eddy Butler, Mr Stanton? Canvassing may not be a stroke of genius, but what prevented anyone doing it before Eddy suggested it? Were you all scared?

Anonymous said...

Butler was the first to bring all the ideas, indluding those he garnered from his days in the NF together. That much is clear from article in the Patriot which Butler contributed to - the major difference was however that Butler chose to avoid anything "confrontational" such as public meetings.

He was also responsible for re-introducing canvassing something only the National Party (at Deptford) had done before, revolutionary it may not have been but it was enough to ensure the BNPs first victory something Richard Edmonds marathon leaflettinbg sessions never did, of course thay will have contributed but the 2 most important aspects, imo, were canvassing and avoiding trouble by staging events the left would attack and Nationalists would get the blame for.

Anonymous said...

I originally placed this comment on Final Conflict's blog a few days ago.

The man is an evil sociopath.

Here are some of the most common features of sociopaths (see how many are applicable to Griffin):-

* Glibness and Superficial Charm
* Manipulative and Cunning
* Pathological Lying
* Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt
* Shallow Emotions
* Incapacity for Love
* Callousness/Lack of Empathy
* Poor Behavioural Controls/Impulsive Nature
* Irresponsibility/Unreliability
* Promiscuous Sexual Behaviour/Infidelity
* Lack of Realistic Life
Plan/Parasitic Lifestyle
* Criminal or Entrepreneurial Versatility

Other Related Qualities:

1. Contemptuous of those who seek to understand them
2. Does not perceive that anything is wrong with them
3. Authoritarian
4. Secretive
5. Paranoid
6. Only rarely in difficulty with the law, but seeks out situations where their tyrannical behaviour will be tolerated, condoned, or admired
7. Conventional appearance
8. Goal of enslavement of their victim(s)
9. Exercises despotic control over every aspect of the victim's life
10. Has an emotional need to justify their crimes and therefore needs their victim's affirmation (respect, gratitude and love)
11. Ultimate goal is the creation of a willing victim
12. Incapable of real human attachment to another
13. Unable to feel remorse or guilt
14. Extreme narcissism and grandiose
15. May state readily that their goal is to rule the world

Hmm, that sums up quite succinctly Nick 'State Asset Trojan Horse' Griffin.

Anonymous said...

No I don't like Eddy Butler and nor do most people that were around back then. As for being scared, that would be hard as i was doing a Prison sentence for most of the campaign - when I wasn't me and all the others from the East End were out battering Reds as anyone who knew me at the time will confirm.

Anonymous said...

No I don't like Eddy Butler and nor do most people that were around back then. As for being scared, that would be hard as i was doing a Prison sentence for most of the campaign - when I wasn't me and all the others from the East End were out battering Reds as anyone who knew me at the time will confirm.

24 August 2008 10:46

I like him, but not everyone can be a public school educated thug like you, can they, Mr Stanton? And, it's not the battering of the reds to which I refer.

Final Conflict said...

"I like him, but not everyone can be a public school educated thug like you, can they, Mr Stanton? And, it's not the battering of the reds to which I refer."

Either put this under your name or make the allegation - but please no more hints and whispers, it's boring and detracts from the issue[s] being discussed.

Anonymous said...

"and detracts from the issue[s] being discussed.

24 August 2008 12:15"

Indeed, and no one appears overjoyed by the EGM revelations. I note that LU have dropped the Butler story in favour of a none story. I wonder why that is?

Anonymous said...

If it's 'not the battering of Reds ' to which you refer, then what is it? Spit it out.

Anonymous said...

"Folks just as a side Issue, if and hopefully when we get rid of griffin, I would like to see A Kemp, being kept on. He is a good speaker and he has not really done anything wrong. He is a switched on guy and unless he is state he must know what a titarse Griffin is making of the BNP.

Does anyone else think like me.

North East Scotland"

I don't agree with everything he says, but Arthur Kemp is a very clever man and a big asset to nationalism.

There must be plenty of people intelligent enough to see through Gri££in, but still trying to convince themselves that sticking with the psychopath is better than the damage which might be caused to the BNP by getting rid of him. Obviously, the figures involved in this equation are changing constantly.

"I await more of LU's revelations with baited breath, as we may have found the spy in the camp.

23 August 2008 22:06"

Who is it then?

I don't check Lancaster Unity every day and the story must have been removed before I got to it.

Anonymous said...

Who is it then?

I don't check Lancaster Unity every day and the story must have been removed before I got to it.

24 August 2008 15:51

The story is still there, but they have failed to add to it. They must have read this blog.

Anonymous said...

So, Griffin has suffered a triple defeat. How delicious :)

Anonymous said...

Has anyone else heard the rumours about Garside and Reynolds being lovers? It seems incredible but woudl explain much

Anonymous said...

I am the reluctant fly on the wall said...

"Has anyone else heard the rumours about Garside and Reynolds being lovers? It seems incredible but woudl explain much."

This of course is exactly how rumours start! IMHO not worth printing. I presume you mean Denise Garside? She who pops up on all sorts of internet forums berating the BNP because she was told by some police once that she and some homosexual friends were beaten up by BNP people. No evidence to prove it at all of course (shame on the police and their thug=BNP mentality). Ms Garside is quite open about her lesbianism. There is no chance that she is in any sort of relationaship with any man.

IMHO much of the "anti-fascist" rabble are probably homosexuals scared much less about the "racism" they bang on about than the fear of what a BNP type government would do to them.

Undoubtedly a BNP government would close off a lot of the taxpayer's financing channelled into pushing gay and lesbian groups and their activities across the country (and undoubtedly some being used on "anti-fascist" activities). That's fair. But other than losing that cash - and being treated the same as the rest of us - I can't see they have anything to fear.

Such rumours do us no good at all - so let this one end here.


Anonymous said...

Clr Chris what gays do have to fear is there not being a BNP government in the future because that means we will be further down the path to an Islamic country. These Muslims hae gays, ma6tter of fact they pretty much hate anyone who does not pray to Paedo fiddler (not Collet) Mohammad.
As you rightly say the only groups tht should fear the BNP are ones that want to be treated better over and above the rest of us, anyone that wants to be treated just as fairly as anyone else wont have no problems in a BNP Britain.

Someone mentioned Aurthur Kemp, I am another that thinks he is a plus point, I think he is genuine, and he is articulate enough to be the chairman of the party.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe the numpties on here pushing for Arthur Kemp. A South African will NEVER lead a British party.

Anonymous said...

Lancaster Unity have dropped the Butler story Lol
Yet more of their lies and bull.

Anonymous said...

LU havent dropped the Butler story its just moved down to about the third post, scroll down and you'll find it.

Its a bit of a non story anyway as Butler has a checkered BNP history being one of those who left to set up the Freedom Party then coming back when it floundered

Anonymous said...

Arthur Kemp is another meagalomaniac and he should never even have a sniff of a pint at a BNP meeting.

Griffin is the ruination of the BNP.
Along with those excoriating charmers Collett, Hannam, Walker, the thugs from C.U.N.T.
Oh and let's not forget Barnes, our one and only dingbat legal swizz!
Well you can add more names as you please, but Arthur bloody Kemp should be high on the list of serious unwanteds.
Is this the Arthur Kemp who was parachuted in to some major high faluting position in the BNP?

Is this the one who was IC 'Internal Surveillance'?

Any party he is in I want nothing to do with.
Some of you seem to think that a good sales pitch is all that is required.

Think again!

Anonymous said...

Eddie Butler was always there at some ridiculously early time on a Saturday or Sunday morning - when there was leafleting or canvassing to do. You lot were still in bed!
(I don't like the bloke, I find him rude and abrupt) - But he is a REAL nationalist - better than a "gang of four" on Stormfront.

Anonymous said...

More pictures of R.W.B. being posted. Is it my imagination or does it look like piss poor. More money out of the Gri££in coffers.

Anonymous said...

Why did the media constantly parrot the BNP's 4000 figure when it was obvious this was a fiction.

The media NEVER do this - they always use police figures that invarioubly 50 - 75% of the actual attendance.

Even when the countryside alliance counted their attendees, the media still tended to underplay it.

Griffin's BNP is getting an easy ride.

Anonymous said...

"Eddie Butler was always there at some ridiculously early time on a Saturday or Sunday morning - when there was leafleting or canvassing to do. You lot were still in bed!
(I don't like the bloke, I find him rude and abrupt) - But he is a REAL nationalist - better than a "gang of four" on Stormfront.

26 August 2008 00:10"

I like, Butler. He's one of the few politicians in the BNP, and they can be counted on one hand!

Anonymous said...

Advisory Council definition of a voting "activist"?

Someone who 'makes a fininacial contribution' [to Gri££in].

Someone who is 'certified' by the Regional [Gri££in appointed] Organiser.

You've been done again.

Anonymous said...

"Advisory Council definition of a voting "activist"?

Someone who 'makes a fininacial contribution' [to Gri££in].

Someone who is 'certified' by the Regional [Gri££in appointed] Organiser.

You've been done again.

27 August 2008 07:56"

I disagree. Griffin is no longer in a position to know who likes him, and who doesn't, and is why he wanted 4 years. Griffin knows that the EGM was the beginning of the end for him.

Anonymous said...

Is there an error in the article ? Sec 4.2 as I read it still includes 10 Voting members + 100 members with 2 years membership not any mention of 20% of the 2yr+ membership. This is either a typo in this article or the situation is even more crazy than ever. I also notice that the new definition of a 'Voting member' now omits the requirement to undertake an activity (of at least 3hrs duration) in support of the Party each week. This activity had to be verified by an 'officer' (which officers could verify it was not clearly set out in the old rules). This means that someone who'se entire 'activity' is writing cheques to NG can be a Voting member. I also understood that the financial rules about voting members were not enforced up to this date because Treasury/Membership did not have the necessary staff/experience and computer software to verify who were regularly donating to the Party. So it looks as if in reality the only criteria for being a Voting member is 2 yrs membership, approval by your Regional Gauleiter and attendance at a training event.

Ivan the proscribed yid from Bradford

Anonymous said...

>>Griffin is no longer in a position to know who likes him, and who doesn't...<<

Griffins spies and toadies are everywhere [is there anyone else left in the BNP?). Every ambitious little zero will run to him to report.

Plus of course, his friends in the state will tip him off about anyone he hasn't noticed.

Anonymous said...

Purging The One-eyed twat's comment on Gri$$in getting an easy ride by the media, it's due to Gri$$in's jewish and government
controllers giving that greedy bastard a helping hand so he can destroy the English Nationalist movement. Should we nationalists
lose the fight to deliver England back to its indigenous people, patriotic white peoples throughout the world will for all time
remember Shnickal-dick Gri££in, as the worst traitor and betrayer England has ever had, who exchanged his soul and betrayed the nationists' cause for shekels. That will be Gri££in's true legacy if he refuses to resign the BNP chairmanship, to allow decent,
honourable people to make the BNP more democratic, its accounts absolutely transparent, to have an independent Advisory Council
staffed by elected members from each of the main regions, and an independent disciplinary body the Chairman cannot over-rule, so scum like Kiddy-fiddler Collet and his co-conspiritor in attempted child grooming, Hannam the Incompetent, and their ilk cannot escape deserved punishment for their unacceptable behaviour and misdeeds. We Nationalists want the BNP free of self-serving, corrupt scum, so we cannot be assailed by enemies of nationalism.
There is no denying that Eddie Butler has been and still is a hard-working nationalist but his personal behaviour leaves a sour
taste. One of the BNP's valid criticisms of the black ethnics, is their profligacy in fathering numerous ofspring by numerous
women, so Eddie Butler's haphazzard wild-seed sowing degarades the BNP's valid highlight of such irresponsible behaviour. Butlers only saving grace, is at least some whiteman is trying to outbreed the blacks.

Arthur Kemp is a state asset - Kemp was an African government intel officer, and once one of those bastards always one of those
bastards, only now he is working for the British government. David Shaylor, ex-MI5 officer, openly admitted MI5 have one of their
operatives working within the BNP. And that bastard wont be door-knocking and delivering BNP leaflets. He will be influential,
either at the top or close to the top, so the three main suspects are Gri££in and Kemp, both photo finishing for joint first place with Kiddyfiddler Collet treading on the joint winners' heels. It's inconceivable that the State has nothing on Gri££in and Kiddyfiddler. Kemp's pedigree includes him being an African Government state witness against a white married couple sent to jail
for many years in an African hell-hole, so anyone suggesting that traitor to stay within the party needs a sicko doctor, straight-jacket and a padded cell.

Remember send funds to the dissidents, and in true Roman fashion Dick Nick before Nick Dicks you.

Anonymous said...

"There is no denying that Eddie Butler has been and still is a hard-working nationalist but his personal behaviour leaves a sour
taste. One of the BNP's valid criticisms of the black ethnics, is their profligacy in fathering numerous ofspring by numerous
women, so Eddie Butler's haphazzard wild-seed sowing degarades the BNP's valid highlight of such irresponsible behaviour. Butlers only saving grace, is at least some whiteman is trying to outbreed the blacks."

I'm afraid your ideology with regard to sex has never ever existed in the entire history of the world. Do you need reminding of the Romans, or even the Victorians? Togas and long frocks did not exempt people from shagging their brains out with who ever, and whom ever, they wished. I'd like to know which version of history you adhere to, as it clearly isn't the true one.

Anonymous said...

"Arthur Kemp is a state asset - Kemp was an African government intel officer, and once one of those bastards always one of those
bastards, only now he is working for the British government."

An interesting character. He reminds me of Darby in his "prissiness" which I've commented on before.

His knowledge of "facts" is impressive. Is he capable of joined up thinking ? I asked him about 9/11. He didn't accept that this was an inside job. So, he is "stupid" or a "wrong un" ? (and you can factor into this, his close association with Gri££in - he must surely know that NG is a bad un ! )

So "March Of The Titans" could be one hell of a cover ! :-)

I think we are confronted with evil clever people. Kemp may be one of them...

Anonymous said...

RWB a piss poor turn out very few tents in the pictures AND VERY FEW IN ATTENDANCE APROX 1000 + why?.
EGM a piss poor turn out only 250 + why.

Some prat = small fish and i mean that stated on stormfront that the BNP membership is now 10.000 members ? 10.000 people through the books maybe.
If the membership is 10.000 then why 0nly 250 plus turn out to vote at the egm THAT = 2.5% PERHAPS HE IS THE JOKER IN THE PACK OF CARDS THAT GRIFFIN HOLDS.
Even griffins second dubious clergyman the RT REV S.STEVENS did not show ,perhaps he realized that GOD was not GOD after all.

keith axon

Anonymous said...

Very perceptive indeed, Mr Smith.

Kemps book is actually very poor. It has however given him a marvellous intro into any meeting.

People have always assumed that because he cobbled together a book about the White Race, then he must be a Nationalist.

All spies have cover, do they not? In a movement composed largely of low-achievers, what could be better than a book?

Anonymous said...

" In a movement composed largely of low-achievers"

31 August 2008 18:47"

What you've described, is why Griffin gets away with murder.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...