Friday, August 29, 2008

Everyone is Searchlight except me; says Joe Owens !

Dear Peter,

Thanks for sending me Joe Owens' pathetic and illiterate little squib posted on the 'Stormfront UK'. Owens says he doesn't find it "strange" that you post some of my items on your blog, as he claims that we are "both 'Searchlight'." Hi-ho!

In the light of that, how does he explain his long and persistent e-mail correspondence with me, initiated by him via a text message in January 2006, and terminated by me with a "Delete/Unsubscribe" notice to him in November 2007?

During that period there were a total of 97 exchanges, nearly all instigated by him. This volume of contact with me should be sufficient indication of Owens' hypocrisy in denouncing your posting of my commentaries!

Owens wanted me to assist him with the promotion of his memoirs which were then being 'ghost-written' for him by a professional journalist working for a mainstream tabloid newspaper (I think the 'Daily Mirror', which has a long-established close liaison with 'Searchlight').

In due course this relationship with the tabloid "ghost-writer" lapsed, perhaps because the memoires were so turgid.

Owens sent me a whole chapter of the stuff.

It was nothing but a chronicle of punch-ups in the Merseyside area. That may have been the substance of the life of the Liverpool Branch of the National Front, but it was certainly not a reflection of the work of the party as a whole.

'His' text did not give one iota of the political context of the NF.

The screed served only to confirm the view of the nationalist movement beloved by 'Searchlight' and the establishment media: that the nationalist movement is merely a gang of thugs. I conveyed my opinion to Owens in those terms, and indicated that I was unable to assist him with the promotion of his memoirs. First Black Mark against me in Owens' resentment book!

Later Owens badgered me to confirm his view that the attempt made by Tony Lecomber during Christmas 2006 to recruit him as an assassin of Establishment figures was "an entrapment operation organised by the Special Branch/MI5". Why Owens wanted a statement from me confirming that view, I do not know, but I could not oblige him. I maintained to Owens that Lecomber (then Gri££in's No. 2 man) was quite sincere (if nutty and misguided) about his proposition.
I think Lecomber approached Owens because of Owens' boasting about his connections with the Liverpool criminal underworld and allegations of murder. Second Black Mark against me in Owens' resentment book!

As a PS on the Lecomber/'Murder Incorporated' affair, I should mention that Liverpool Police got to hear of Lecomber's proposition to Owen and approached Owens for a statement. Owens refused to assist with their investigation, so it lapsed.

Finally, Owens and I fell out over my interpretation of the way in which Joe Pearce, once the leader of the Young National Front and of nationalist 'radicals', not only abandoned the nationalist cause (along with his first wife and children) but also denigrated it to the media in order to gain himself a new life as "Joseph Pearce", a new wife and a well-paid career at a Roman Catholic university in Florida.

Owens disliked my article about Pearce and began forwarding me 'anonymous' critical letters about it which he claimed to have received. I do not entertain anonymous correspondence, first or second-hand, and so I terminated my contact with him. Third and final Black Mark against me in Owens' resentment book!

Hence his silly posting on 'Stormfront UK' .

Such is life.


Martin Webster.


Anonymous said...

Bang on.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps all this furore is because he has another book coming out soon & he wants to get the publicity ball well and truely rolling?

Anonymous said...

I have been following the thread in question on SF. Why don't Eddie Stanton & Joe Owens both take a polygraph test and then we'll all know just who the grass is and who is working for who. I know ES is willing to as he said as much in the thread.

Anonymous said...

Joe Owens, is a dangerous paranoid schizoprenic, who lives in a world so steeped in his own created conspiracy, that he lost touch with reality years ago. He, and others like him, are why nationalism will always be a dead duck. He should fuck off and take his gangland fantasies with him.

Anonymous said...

I must admit ANY serious political party would have kept Owens well away from the party.

Griffin employed him for gods sake !

Anonymous said...

Organised crime has always been run by Jews, in this Country & others. Owens was a Gangster, therefore could all these accusations of Nationalists working for the State be inspired by a Jewish plot to undermine us? Is Owens in the pay of the Jews.

Anonymous said...

Owens admits he is a 'friend' of Larry O'Hara - that says it all.

Anonymous said...

It would appear he is suffering acute cocaine induced paranoia.

Anonymous said...

Does he supply the C.U.N.Ts?

Anonymous said...

The soppy Cunt. He does sweet FA yet accuses the people that do of being State.

Anonymous said...

He says he is gonna set up a youth movement called 'Pure Rage'! Where will he recruit from? Broadmoor or Rampton.

Anonymous said...

Owens is a legend in his own mind. He believes everything can be sorted out with fists, and this is just the sort of man the reds love, and love to quote. He calls people searchlight, but after years of him being out of the BNP, Owens name still pops up on their lists to shove through peoples doors. Its time he just went away and let decent people do the job.

Anonymous said...

We all know that Mark Collett was the one who leaked stuff from the AC meetings to Joe Owens and in turn Joe Owens liked to play the big amn and told all and sundry what he had heard from Collett - this I believe is how Searchlies came to know a lot of what was going on in the AC meetings.

Even Nick Griffin was well aware of this but never done anything about it.

Anonymous said...

Its great to watch the childishness over on SF. They slag people off but can't handle it when its done to them LOL

Anonymous said...

"We all know that Mark Collett was the one who leaked stuff from the AC meetings to Joe Owens"

And we all know it was Griffin who told Lecomber to go forth and whack govt ministers. Why haven't the state arrested Lecomber and Griffin? Well, we all know now, Owens, refused to press charges. So, why did Owens complain to all and sundry and then refuse to press charges?

Anonymous said...

Owens is a semi-literate moron that needs a 'ghost writer' more for the fact that the two remaining brain cells he has in his thick head are needed to keep his paranoia speeding around him.

For all his gobshite criticism and sour-grape whining about Martin Reynolds, he himself knows about as much about personal security as does the pope.

Just because someone can pull a trigger and bash a few heads, doesn’t make them professional security.

Owens is a fool and should be treated with the contempt he deserves by totally ignoring him.

He’ll soon dry up and be forgotten about soon anyway I'm sure.

Anonymous said...

I find his relationship with Collett quite interesting. The BNP claims to be against "Vermin and Scum" but here we have someone who dreams of leading the BNP consorting with a gangster. Mind you, Collett already has a bad rep because of his attempt to have sex with school girls. How can ANYONE take the BNP seriously?

Anonymous said...

"Well, we all know now, Owens, refused to press charges. So, why did Owens complain to all and sundry and then refuse to press charges?

29 August 2008 11:44"

Owens never pressed charges because he struck a deal with Griffin/Collett to get rid of Warren Bennet, instead.

Lecomber, is still in the BNP, and meets with Richard Barnbrook once a week over dinner. Now, you tell me, why would the BNP's only elected GLA member do that? Can't you just see the headlines?

"BNP GLA member dines with convicted bomber"

Way to go BNP, straight down the effing toilet, standing on a platform of Muslims blowing up the tube while you dine with a bomber...............

Feel sorry for the ordinary member whose names is dirtied on these bloody stupid people.

Anonymous said...

Of course Owens refused to press charges - if he had his credebility in the underworld would've been in tatters. So why put it in the public domain at all? To embarass British Nationalism & promote his book. (which incidentally was published by a vanity publisher because no decent publishing house would touch it).

Anonymous said...

Everyone is is working for the State except Owens? How did the State get their hooks into these people in the first place? Far more likely that a self-admitted major league criminal would be compromised on some robbery or drug deal gone wrong and offered a deal.....

Anonymous said...

Everyone knows Lecomber is still on the BNP payroll,he does runs all over the country delivering BNP DVD`S and other things ,he was never sacked.

Joe Owens mmm strange one, it seems all he has done since he appeared on SF is to wind up the misfits on there what his motive is not sure,he is certainly dividing,dont know about conquering ?

Leave him to it he will soon blow out of wind and fade away.

Anonymous said...

Sour Grapes with Owen,thats all it is,and what ever respect Owen had he should stop now with all of this because he is turning into a bitter twisted old man,he needs to grow up and leave the gear alone

Tony Wells

Anonymous said...

My old pal. Tony North, west, south, etc. Yeah, what a 2 bob mug that lump of shit Owens has turned out to be - publicity seeking media whore. At least Eddie stanton doesn't pretend to be anything other than a complete sociopath. And why would he? Warren Bennett was not his downfall.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Peter, good to see you are still up. Can we call a truce now we know what a complete cunt Owens is? eddie Stampton???

Anonymous said...

Of course Owens refused to press charges - if he had his credebility in the underworld would've been in tatters.

Funniest quote yet!

What f*cking credibility?
Even in his doorman days, the rest of us just used to laugh at him, the guy was LJ's shadow and it was only cos of LJ that someone didn't mess him up, gangster my arse...
Seeing as your reading this Joey, remember how you shit your pants every time SC was in the area?

Anonymous said...

One obvious conclusion is that Griffin has sent a couple of his most retarded followers to infiltrate SFB and make it useless for informed debate.

As to Joe Owens some of his conspiracy theories seem more than a little far fetched

Anonymous said...

Owens death threat last weekend seems to have been seen by many before it got pulled by STORMFRONT.

Anonymous said...

Owens is also mentioned in Andi Ali's book Dead Paki Walking: A Study of the BNP.........remember him, quite infamous a couple of years back but now nearly 50 and suffering from arthritis

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...