Well, for £5,000 they can.
Nicholas John Griffin, yes, he who instigated legal action out of spite against the ‘Rebels’ in December last year has done something rather silly. Two weeks ago the ‘Rebels’ solicitors wrote to, Mr Griffin, about his failure to prosecute the action instigated by, Mr Griffin, in April of this year. Mr Griffin, was given two weeks to respond, and that deadline passed yesterday evening.
We can conclude two things from this
1, That Mr Griffin believes himself above all legal requests
2, That Mr Griffin hasn’t paid the bill of his own acting lawyers ’ Gilbert Davies’ and that they no longer represent him because of this.
We at NWN tend to the latter, particularly as one of the BNP’s top table has been frantically ringing around begging for donations. Clearly the RWB money has dried up already?
So, where does the £5000 and your dreams come into this?
The ‘Rebels’ need just £5000 to force, Mr Griffin, back into court, and as, Mr Griffin, and, Mr MI5on Darby, are the registered claimants on the case brought against the ‘Rebels’ in April, it is they who would have to pay, and pay they would, as costs ordered against them would make them bankrupt and incapable of leading the BNP. Forget the 5% and, Mr Griffins severance, you can now rid yourselves of them using the law.
How much is the BNP worth to you? Your dreams are just £5000 away
Donate here to get rid of, Mr Griffin, and Simon Darby, now:
Nicholas John Griffin, yes, he who instigated legal action out of spite against the ‘Rebels’ in December last year has done something rather silly. Two weeks ago the ‘Rebels’ solicitors wrote to, Mr Griffin, about his failure to prosecute the action instigated by, Mr Griffin, in April of this year. Mr Griffin, was given two weeks to respond, and that deadline passed yesterday evening.
We can conclude two things from this
1, That Mr Griffin believes himself above all legal requests
2, That Mr Griffin hasn’t paid the bill of his own acting lawyers ’ Gilbert Davies’ and that they no longer represent him because of this.
We at NWN tend to the latter, particularly as one of the BNP’s top table has been frantically ringing around begging for donations. Clearly the RWB money has dried up already?
So, where does the £5000 and your dreams come into this?
The ‘Rebels’ need just £5000 to force, Mr Griffin, back into court, and as, Mr Griffin, and, Mr MI5on Darby, are the registered claimants on the case brought against the ‘Rebels’ in April, it is they who would have to pay, and pay they would, as costs ordered against them would make them bankrupt and incapable of leading the BNP. Forget the 5% and, Mr Griffins severance, you can now rid yourselves of them using the law.
How much is the BNP worth to you? Your dreams are just £5000 away
Donate here to get rid of, Mr Griffin, and Simon Darby, now:
Many thanks to S.O.S for a most enlightening article
I hope people will spread this through the BNP membership. £5000 is nothing to get rid of Griffin. I've just donated £10, but that's all I can afford.
I've just sent a cheque for £100 as this is the only way we can defeat the money grabbing one eyed bastard!
Goog Luck to the BNP 6
Perhaps Griffin could sell the Truth Truck to raise the £30,000 for his solicitors fees, oh, wait, he can't. The Truth Truck, is only on loan.
Urghhhhhhhhh, look at Darby grinning like a wonky toothed cat. That photo makes me want to smash his face in. You should have heard him on stage at RWB
"Griffins my friend, he's a decnt bloke, you should vote for the 4yrs"
Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh, cheque in the post.
"We at NWN tend to the latter, particularly as one of the BNP’s top table has been frantically ringing around begging for donations. Clearly the RWB money has dried up already?"
This seems to be a daily ongoing activity. A long standing donor and personal friend gets a call EVERY month. Things are getting very desperate.
The timing couldnt be worse for Griffin, he has cocked up big time. A lot of ordinary members who couldnt or didnt make it to the RWB are very displeased with the severance pay deal.
Griffin needs a miracle to get through this financial crisis. Let's pray he doesnt get it!
As Gri££in and Darby are acting as representatives of the BNP the BNP would be liable for any costs awarded against them. It might bring a smile to the faces of the rebels for a short time but I wouldnt want to be the one to go down in history with the dubious honour of being responsible for bankrupting the only hope (once Griffin has gone) for the British people. A big mistake to go after Gri££in in this way, its a gamble and it might backfire. If the rebels lose they will have to pay the costs to the BNP.
I've just given fifty quid, and that went on the credit card because things are tight right now. Please keep us updated - perhaps a donation image so we can keep track.
Nothing is assured here - the Courts will decide and it's a gamble for Griffin and the rebels. One winner and one loser. I wouldnt get my hopes up on this news. Anything could happen. If Griffin is protected by the State by way of 51Mon Darby, his best mate (er... his only mate) the rebels are on a hiding to nothing. They might be looking for £5000 today but £50,000 when the dust has settled and they have two lots of court costs to pay.
Good luck, small cheque on its way. My dream is Gri££in's nightmare!
"Griffin needs a miracle to get through this financial crisis. Let's pray he doesnt get it!
19 August 2008 17:04"
I overheard Griffin bragging about "2 Scottish idiots with money" at RWB, I wonder who they are? And, if they're looking in, don't give Griffin a penny, you'll regret it. We all do.
"its a gamble and it might backfire. If the rebels lose they will have to pay the costs to the BNP."
I'm afraid you're wrong. The BNP doesn't have to pay a penny.
"Anonymous said...
"its a gamble and it might backfire. If the rebels lose they will have to pay the costs to the BNP."
I'm afraid you're wrong. The BNP doesn't have to pay a penny.
19 August 2008 17:46"
And, the rebels won't lose.
Anonymous said...
The timing couldnt be worse for Griffin, he has cocked up big time. A lot of ordinary members who couldnt or didnt make it to the RWB are very displeased with the severance pay deal.
Griffin needs a miracle to get through this financial crisis. Let's pray he doesnt get it!
Griffin didn't give 28 days notice for the EGM so the changes that have been made shouldn't be allowed. I can't see any court allowing him to go ahead with these changes should somebody need to take him on.
"the rebels are on a hiding to nothing. They might be looking for £5000 today but £50,000 when the dust has settled and they have two lots of court costs to pay.
19 August 2008 17:28"
At least they have the guts to challenge him. They can have my money.
I overheard Griffin bragging about "2 Scottish idiots with money" at RWB, I wonder who they are? And, if they're looking in, don't give Griffin a penny, you'll regret it. We all do.
19 August 2008 17:45
Griffin has always used Scotland for it's money. Scotland used to fund the rest of the UK at one time. BNP HQ still hasn't given back the money they took from the Scottish accounts in December instead HQ feeds the Jocks wild stories of frozen accounts, K.Smith stealing the money etc etc. When will the jocks ever learn?
Interesting to see the Griffinites on here putting out scare stories. Who sent you, Darby? He's the one who stands to lose the most :)
"I'm afraid you're wrong. The BNP doesn't have to pay a penny.
19 August 2008 17:46"
True, Griffin should have called an EGM before going ahead with this action. As a member of the BNP I do not give my permission for Griffin to spend my money in this way. We are all shareholders with joint liability. Griffin will be breaking the law if he uses members money, and we'll put him in court AGAIN if he tries it on.
"Griffin didn't give 28 days notice for the EGM so the changes that have been made shouldn't be allowed. I can't see any court allowing him to go ahead with these changes should somebody need to take him on.
19 August 2008 17:48"
Is that true? What date did the members recieve it in writing?
"Is that true? What date did the members recieve it in writing?
19 August 2008 18:14"
Griffin first publicised it on July 28th, giving only 21 days notice.
Anon said
"Is that true? What date did the members recieve it in writing?
19 August 2008 18:14"
Griffin first publicised it on July 28th, giving only 21 days notice.
19 August 2008 18:20
This is really good information.
Can someone official confirm that it was only 21 days notice that Griffin gave prior to the EGM.
In that case the Real BNP can initiate a legal challenge in time to annul the absurd measures agreed at the EGM and which had been orchestrated by Griffin and his corrupt cabal.
However, the primary goal is to support the VoC dissidents in their legal challenge to Griffin.
Could anyone please advise me how long the VoC dissidents have to cobble the funding necessary to launch their legal action against Griffin?
I am awaiting a loan repayment and will gladly give this to help cover their costs but it will take a while before I receive it.
In the meantime we shoulds all be willing to donate something.
Now that sensible nationalists are stopping donating their hard-earned money to BNP plc that money can now be used in the best chance that geuine British nationalists have had for years in their campaign against the lies, despotism and deceit of one Nicholas Griffin.
All spare cash to the VoC dissidents!
"I overheard Griffin bragging about "2 Scottish idiots with money" at RWB, I wonder who they are? And, if they're looking in, don't give Griffin a penny, you'll regret it. We all do."
I know for a fact that a well known Glaswegian BNP with deep pockets bunged Griffin a few thou last week to bail out fund shortage to get through the RWB. It was a LOAN - not a donation apparently but only a mug would lend a penny to Gri££in, He wont see a wee baubee of that ever again.
Can anyone with some semblance of legal knowledge advise on the legality or otherwise of Grifin's severance package?
For an elected official of an unincorporated association such is the BNP and who could elave by choice or by being voted out of office, is a serance package in line with the BNP Constitution?
Is this kosher?
"I'm afraid you're wrong. The BNP doesn't have to pay a penny."
Er yes it will have to, the money for the April court hearing came from BNP coffers and any loses from the next hearing would have to come from the BNP chest. Remember Mr Griffin and Darby are acting as REPRESENTATIVES of the BNP, they are not liable themselves. If you dont believe me ask the new Treasurer, Jenny Noble will be able to enlighten you about the solicitors bill and see that it is made out to the BNP and not Mr Griffin and Darby. Get your facts right there's a good chap.
"Scare stories" no one needs to spread scare stories when the truth is pretty bleeding obvious, Griffin is taking a gamble with BNP members money here.
As a card carrying member I dont want to see a penny spent on parasitic lawyers and the whole bloody justice system which is corrupt and under the control of our enemies. Why cant the two parties (Griffin and the Decembrists) resolve this out of court to save everyone a whole lot of bother and cost?
Has no one thought of this as commonsense for all concerned?
Tartarus reported it on the 11th of July, but members didn't recieve their bulletins untill after that. I got mine on August 11th. Can any other members state when they got theirs?
BNP and Proud said...
"Scare stories" no one needs to spread scare stories when the truth is pretty bleeding obvious, Griffin is taking a gamble with BNP members money here.
As a card carrying member I dont want to see a penny spent on parasitic lawyers and the whole bloody justice system which is corrupt and under the control of our enemies. Why cant the two parties (Griffin and the Decembrists) resolve this out of court to save everyone a whole lot of bother and cost?
Has no one thought of this as commonsense for all concerned?
Griffin should have thought about it before he used BNP members money to take the rebels to court, it was Griffin who wanted to make these young families homeless, it was Griffin who held the personal vendetta against the rebels and decided to use BNP money.
BEST OF BRITISH to the December rebels!
Prevent me from having my say would you Mr Griffin, well just for that a £50 cheque is in the post this evening.
Also I've agreed on a payment from the police for a wrongful arrest case that's been ongoing since May 2004. I did say I'd put the whole amount into the Lancaster group's funds, but I think getting rid of the dictator Griffin is more important so as soon as I'm paid out there'll be another cheque on the way.
Still fighting a second arrest from July 2005, but when I win that there's another cheque that will be on its way.
Ban me would you Mr Griffin!
Chris Hill
Will this mean more bloody begging letters from Griffin?
They will give me something to burn when the weather gets cold anyway.
Small cheque on the way.
Scott McLean and Steve Blake are rich guys (from hard work i may add) they could easily afford £5,000. Both have their own businesses.
"it is they who would have to pay, and pay they would, as costs ordered against them would make them bankrupt and incapable of leading the BNP."
Dont be stupid. Griffin IS a discharged bankrupt and he is in charge of the BNP, so it is hardly a problem is it? Can someone with any legal knowledge tell us who will be liable if the rebels win, Griffin personally or BNP members? If the former he can just make himself bankrupt, if the latter that might be a problem as I am sure that an unincorporated association like the BNP cannot be made bankrupt or make itself bankrupt. Hopefully some legal brains out there can answer?
"Scott McLean and Steve Blake are rich guys (from hard work i may add) they could easily afford £5,000. Both have their own businesses."
Having a business of one's own doesnt make one is rich, unless of course you happen to have a blank cheque book from the BNP membership like a certain Mark Wollett who is trolling this forum like the cretin and coward he is. Where's the fire escape?
BEST OF BRITISH to the December rebels!
I'll second that. Best of British justice to make them pay for stealing memberhsip list, spreading rumour about their hard working colleagues, setting up bogus blogs and web sites, sending out bogus bulletins, holding on to BNP properties when ordered to hand it over, bringing the BNP into disrepute, removing money from BNP bank accounts, collaborating with the BBC/Searchlight/ the State telling lies about the National Treasury, the Chairman and his officials, wasting police time by submitting bogus crime reports when no crime had taken place which is why no one from our securtity has been arrested or even questioned. The fact is that the list of their treason goes on and on but the long arm of the law catches up with them in the end. May they be punished severely for their crimes against the Party and its Leader.
"Scott McLean and Steve Blake are rich guys (from hard work i may add) they could easily afford £5,000. Both have their own businesses."
£5000 is small change to these guys - they are just playing on the sympathy vote as Sadie and Nichola Smith are young mothers and there is no way they would lose their homes as the VOC rebels claim, it's all a load of bull. They are being secretly funded by Blake and Mclean and have thousands in their account. Their appeal for money is a scam.
I would imagine that most of the money siphoned off by Gri££in over the years, has been wisely placed in the names of other £amily members.
He has the best advice our money can buy.
I would be surprised to discover that he had much in the way of assets.
His finances and bank records would be subject to some scrutiny and his discharge might take a long time (as he was bankrupted before)
He would still be chairman, he could not stand as MP (until discharged I think?) He might still be able to run in the European parliamentary elections - can anyone confirm this?
He may be a criminal nutcase, but he is no fool.
Please will somebody explain: How would bankruptcy stop these men from leading the BNP?
Another question for a legal brain.
If Messrs Darby and Griffin are taking legal action on behalf of the Party Members HOW DO I OPT OUT? How do I make it known that I want no part of the persecution of the VoC people.
One other point, why has there been no disciplinary tribunal against any of the "Rebels"? Where is the proof that they are guilty of ANY wrong doing?
And last of all, check these...
To "Vengence shall be mine"...
Remember Andy Sykes, Jason Gwynne, Ian Cobain...?
They did much worse than the VoC yet the Party left them alone. Why?
The VoC have never faced a tribunal to which they are entitled.
I want to know why the Party leadership did not deal with Sykes etc in the same way they dealt with Sadie and Kenny.
'May they be punished severely for their crimes against the Party and its Leader.''
Do you know how creepy you sound when you say that?
Read 1984 if you're not sure what I mean.
Any thing, short of violence, that could get rid of Griffin is to be welcomed and explored. The man has organised it so that the BNP will probably not survive his sacking or retirement. In reality he is one of the biggest traitors in British history. If he isn't a mason of Belgian Jewish descent; he should be.
Vengeance shall by mine said...
BEST OF BRITISH to the December rebels!
I'll second that. Best of British justice to make them pay for stealing memberhsip list, spreading rumour about their hard working colleagues, setting up bogus blogs and web sites, sending out bogus bulletins, holding on to BNP properties when ordered to hand it over, bringing the BNP into disrepute, removing money from BNP bank accounts, collaborating with the BBC/Searchlight/ the State telling lies about the National Treasury, the Chairman and his officials, wasting police time by submitting bogus crime reports when no crime had taken place which is why no one from our securtity has been arrested or even questioned. The fact is that the list of their treason goes on and on but the long arm of the law catches up with them in the end. May they be punished severely for their crimes against the Party and its Leader.
19 August 2008 21:15
FUCK OFF DARBY! What a twat.
"I'll second that. Best of British justice to make them pay for stealing memberhsip list, spreading rumour about their hard working colleagues, setting up bogus blogs and web sites, sending out bogus bulletins, holding on to BNP properties when ordered to hand it over, bringing the BNP into disrepute, removing money from BNP bank accounts, collaborating with the BBC/Searchlight/ the State telling lies about the National Treasury, the Chairman and his officials, wasting police time by submitting bogus crime reports when no crime had taken place which is why no one from our securtity has been arrested or even questioned. The fact is that the list of their treason goes on and on but the long arm of the law catches up with them in the end. May they be punished severely for their crimes against the Party and its Leader.
19 August 2008 21:15"
Methinks you are a moron about to have egg on your face.
"May they be punished severely for their crimes against the Party and its Leader."
Is this from North Korea ... or the Griffin BNP?
I'll be sending a £50 cheque not only to piss Nick off but to help the cause of British Nationalism as well. Two birds with one stone now that is good value for money.
It has been reported that there were 1800 people at the RWB over the weekend. I was there both days and I don't think there were more than 300 people on the Saturday and perhaps 500 on Sunday. But given most of the 300 people on Saturday were also there on Sunday as well, a more realistic figure for the total weekend attendance would be 550 to 600.
I also saw a few people turn up for the EGM afterwards, but as I don't think they had to pay I don't think they should be counted as being at the RWB itself.
"A big mistake to go after Gri££in in this way, its a gamble and it might backfire. If the rebels lose they will have to pay the costs to the BNP."
Let's not forget that it's Gri££in who went after the rebels by initiating this court action not vice versa.
If that ends up bankrupting him or the party then that's not the rebels' fault, but the fault of Gri££in and (indirectly) the fault of those party activists who have maintained this charlatan in office for so long.
Will Griffin or the BNP have to pay the costs?
First, the rebels must win.
Then, any member of the BNP must petition the court to protect his, ie the member's interest.
That member must establish that Griffin had no case and therefore was NOT acting as a representative of the BNP.
Whatever the constitution of the BNP says, the fact remains that nobody can agree to opt out of the law.
The BNP takes money from members and the public ostensibly for certain political activities. It does NOT take that money for the benefit of any single member, ie Griffin.
Nobody in the BNP, not even Griffin, can spend BNP money for personal benefit.
The case against the rebels was borne out of spite and to protect Griffin personally.
If that can be established, then it gfollows that Griffin was NOT acting as a respresentative of the BNP but for himself. He therefore becomes liable.
£5,000 is a most important step, but not the last in a campaign to remove Griffin.
A member, any member, must petition the court to prevent Griffin using BNP funds and must win that petition.
Then a court order must be enforced.
Then it is over.
All the silly scare stories by the Griffinites will do no good. The lawyers for the rebels know the position. The scare stories will only scare readers of this blog, who are not actually taking the legal decisions. But the presence of scare stories shows that the Griffinites are scared.
Bill Jax
Is this from North Korea ... or the Griffin BNP?
19 August 2008 23:53"
LMAO, what a joke the BNP has become.
"All the silly scare stories by the Griffinites will do no good. The lawyers for the rebels know the position. The scare stories will only scare readers of this blog, who are not actually taking the legal decisions. But the presence of scare stories shows that the Griffinites are scared.
Bill Jax"
Hear hear
Anonymous said...
The case against the rebels was borne out of spite and to protect Griffin personally.
If that can be established, then it follows that Griffin was NOT acting as a respresentative of the BNP but for himself. He therefore becomes liable.
Griffin and Darby took the rebels to court acting for themselves and the members of the BNP. Griffin and Darby are liable for the costs in the first instance.
"Griffin and Darby are liable for the costs in the first instance.
20 August 2008 15:03"
100% true, and is why Griffin and Darby will soon fall out. I often wondered why Darby moved to Welshpool, he should have learned from others that Griffin has no need for friends.
"100% true, and is why Griffin and Darby will soon fall out. I often wondered why Darby moved to Welshpool, he should have learned from others that Griffin has no need for friends."
Griffin will do as Darby "advises" and Darby has very deep pockets as he can rely on his paymasters, the State, to bail him out. The only reason Darby moved to Welshpool was to keep a closer eye on his charge. But this is assuming Griffin loses and Darby often says "Griffin never loses". I wonder why he says that with so much confidence?
Concerning the attendance at this year's R,W&B. I also make it about 500 to 800 people including kids. The media is still stating the figure of 4,000, thus boosting Gri££in as they usually do. The fact is we will never know the true figure as everybody paid on the gate and the numbers could easily be inflated and made up in the 2008 accounts to be publised next year. Gri££in could move money/figures around to hide the true ticket sales? I wonder how much he charged each region to pict up their marquees?
What were the ticket prices this year.
People paid on the gate I know but how much.
Entrance cost was £25 for adults I think.
Regarding attendance I would say there were more there than last year - certainly was for Griffin's speech.
No atmosphere though to speak of.
Brave of land owner Alan Warner to stand his ground but it looks like the BNP leadership wont reward him by having next years RWB there, thanks anyway Alan hope Griffin doesnt do the dirty on you but looks like he will
"hope Griffin doesnt do the dirty on you but looks like he will
20 August 2008 19:40"
Nothing new there...
Quack Quack said...
"Scott McLean and Steve Blake are rich guys (from hard work i may add) they could easily afford £5,000. Both have their own businesses."
£5000 is small change to these guys - they are just playing on the sympathy vote as Sadie and Nichola Smith are young mothers and there is no way they would lose their homes as the VOC rebels claim, it's all a load of bull. They are being secretly funded by Blake and Mclean and have thousands in their account. Their appeal for money is a scam.
You know a lot dont you fountain of truth and wisdom. Rearrange these words into a well known phrase and apply them to yourself.
"Cock I A Am"
Aberdeen P
This fund is really important - it seems as though as lot of the wealthier contributors have become disillusioned due to the stagnation since December.
There is nobody left but us "peasants" -I have put in all I can afford, and will do so again next week.
I am asking you all, on behalf of our kids!- please "chip-in" - send the VOC folk any odd money you can muster... if you have a few odd Euro notes left over from your holidays - please post them in (Ironic eh?) -- it all counts
Griffin is at the controls - he is crashing our party and our future.........
It is time to storm the cockpit
I can't disagree with the following on the Challenge site
"We have listed just a few comparisons of just how Griffin shows his contempt for the membership.
Average activist/organiser- Donates a huge sum each year to help keep their group or branch ticking along.
Griffin- Takes home £25k a year plus thousands through the Trafalgar Club and form11 expenses.
Average activist/organiser- Spends a fortune on petrol each year and adds thousands of miles onto their car.
Griffin- Chauffeur driven around the country and charges local groups to speak at their meetings, despite this being his job! He also claims expenses for food, hotels etc all from the Party.
Average activist/organiser- Will sometimes pay for their membership and activism by loosing their job/career/livelihood and maybe socially ostracised.
Griffin- The chairmanship is his livelihood; and business is doing great. Has open channels to many media outlets. Focus of attention internationally.
Average activist/organiser- Can be expelled or purged from the Party by Griffin and left with absolutely nothing whatsoever.
Griffin- He wants it to cost our Party 30k just to see the back of him.
Average activist/organiser- Sometimes risks physical attack and abuse during their legal and rightful activities.
Griffin- Doesn’t even leave the house without a personal minder and will sometimes insist on a large personal security team for public events.
I could go on and on, and I’m sure a great many members could a few to add themselves.
Griffin is now like a spoilt child in a sweetshop, he is stamping his feet while filling his pockets as quickly as he can before he is thrown out on his ear. He is a parasite."
Qwack Qwack is totally qwackers, a traitor and Nick `Everything' Gri££in's bootlicker. Gri££in needs a confessional box not his scamming Lying Fuck Truck.
True English patriots should rally to the Dissadents' cause, by giving as much money as each can afford and a bit more if possible -its a straightforward case of Purging the Haemorrhoids off the arse of humanity .... Dick Nick before Nick Dicks You.
With luck the Zionists' stooges Rabbi Grabbit Gri££in and his acolyte Kiddyfidler Collet meet a most fortunate accident.
Sadie, Matt, et al, my cheque is on the way to you, to drag the those to Zionist placemen into court.
I see the price of treachery has risen from 30 pieces of silver to £30,000.... let's hope Gri££in emulate Judas by hanging self at the first opportune moment.
As for getting Kiddyfidler to spill the beans on his corrupt partner(s)-in-crime, just the threat of America's latest sport of a waterboarding will having that treacherous little rat sqealing for his mum, and giving names,dates and the low down on Gri££in, Hannam, Walker et al.
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