Tuesday, August 05, 2008


"Further to earlier reports of the recent London BPP Meeting I can reveal it wasn't only Nationalists arrested but also members of Class War & Anti-fa. Even though they have denied bothering to come out for the meeting on Indymedia I can reveal on the day there were actually 2 groups of Reds out - one at Victoria & the other in the Marble Arch/Edgeware Road area. At least 5 of these were arrested for among other things, possesion of stanley knives, screwdrivers& a hammer(this was confirmed to me on the day by a Police Officer). To our informer who I know will be reading this - thanks. We've not met yet 'Paul' but keep the info coming - yes we're already aware of the Norwood situation & Harlow is being looked at too. Judging from your middle-class accent I can see why you are getting dissillusioned with all the Trotsky worship."



Anonymous said...

If Class War want war, we should give them one. And, ensure we have a camera man to capture it, and upload it to Youtube.

Nothing should give us greater pleasure than showing the general public who the real scum are.

Anonymous said...

So they were carrying what they are ie a bunch of tools.

I'd be more worried of getting scabies from these gutless gimps than being physically hurt.

It always amazes me that so-called Enemies of The State always beg for assistance from the Police when things aren't going their way.

They are cowards of the highest order and only attack when armed to the teeth and numbers are in their favour.

Anonymous said...

Getting involved in an offensive war with the reds is counter productive. It is dangerous (arrest & imprisonment) and a distraction from the job at hand - real politics & the radicalisation of the Aryan people. Self defence of our activities is another matter.

Aberdeen-Patriot said...


More enrichment from our Asian friends and another couple of dead British people.

Anonymous said...

Off subject but worth a gander
holocaust deniers attack on justice

Anonymous said...

Prothink (Exposing the Zionist Agenda of World Domination) is a fantastic site.

Check out the video of Mike phoning into Alex Jones - the Zionist disinformation agent/gatekeeper - and listen to Alex completely go off his head big time.

Anonymous said...

It has been noted in the last few months that violent Red attacks have increased, we haven't seen this level of attacks since the mid 1990s. Bone the head of Class War has moved to London (South Norwood area according to a Guardian newspaper report) from Bristol, where Class War used to have a P.O.Box address. Remember it was Bone's race mixing daughter and her Negro boy friend who were responsible in East London for four good racial nationalist going to prison back in 1993 on trumped up charges and lies.

Anonymous said...

"Bone's race mixing daughter and her Negro boy friend who were responsible in East London for four good racial nationalist going to prison back in 1993 on trumped up charges and lies.

06 August 2008 19:22"

Bones daughter has been busy recruiting in France. They were all camping out in Wales last month.

Anonymous said...

"Getting involved in an offensive war with the reds is counter productive"

I disagree, if they want to use weapons against us, we should exterminate them.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...