Saturday, October 06, 2007

Evidence from the past about Nick Griffins corruption with money

The documents are from ex-BNP Councillor Robin Evans in Blackburn. But we see the issue of money going missing yet again with reference to ex-bankrupt Nick Griffin. Mr.Griffin should never have been allowed near money after being declared a bankrupt.

This site will show many other documents we have concerning Nick Griffin and his financial corruption in the BNP, very soon. We have evidence from Mike Newlands, the Edwardses, Walter Carr and many others.

The issue of money going into Nick Griffins hands is always the same issue since 1999.

When anyone makes a comment, they are sacked by the despot Griffin.

Oi Griffin, go now, immediately !

Griffin has done enough to get sent down.

Watch this space..........

Please click on them to enlarge.


Anonymous said...

£100 for a banquet that cost £10 ?

Sounds about right with crook Griffin.

Even his own Trafalgar club ripped off it's own members by serving sandwiches/butties, instead of the annual Chairmans speech and dinner.

Fancy turning up with a black tie and cumerbund, and the lady wearing cocktail dress, and only receiving butties ?

Anonymous said...

I love these comments from the newbie BNPers about keeping 'our washing' in private.

What if you are banned by Griffin ?

How can you keep it private then when he calls you 'vermin' ?

Far too many still cannot get their thick heads around the fact that the BNP is NOT Griffin, and Griffin is NOT the BNP.

The members are the BNP.

Anonymous said...

Evans was not 100% nationalist, but he obviously knew that Griffin loved the money even then.

NorthWestNationalists said...

Will posters please be aware that bad language will not be tolerated on here.

Also, any obvious reds or tories, your posts will not be published unless we are laughing at you.

We allowed West Mids Warrior/Nick Griffin to post the odd message to allow discussion on here.

This board supports genuine British nationalists.

We make no apologies for having censorship in support of our cause.

If we don't post your comment then tough !

Anonymous said...

Today, 08:29 PM #13
Forum Member

Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Man of the north
Posts: 31
Re: NG takes on the criticism directly


l am pro griffin but l have no problem with people who question him, but what makes me sick is people who side with the reds to attack him, not so much attacking nick itself,We should keep everything in house ,If you have a problem with nick .email him(he replies like 95 percent of his emails) or take up with him at a meeting.How anyone could email luaf secret info which would harm us l don't know,There reds they want to quash all nationalist groups and all racism and promote race mixing.People who send info to luaf should be kicked out but not old ex nf nationalists like RE who don't like griffin but would never side with the enemy.

Anonymous said...

Anon you have been in the movement for what........5 minutes ?

Why do you think that people who do not like Griffin due to what HE has done to them should just disappear ?

Sorry. It seems that there are more of us now than you newbies.

You have never e-mailed Griffin or know anything about him.

That is the problem.

All those who support him, do not know him personally !

Anonymous said...

'People who send info to luaf should be kicked out but not old ex nf nationalists like RE who don't like griffin but would never side with the enemy.'

John Tyndall was kicked out of the BNP,twice, as was the owner of this blog.

Anonymous said...

Richard Edmonds is a grave disappointment for true nationalists.

NorthWestNationalists said...

Richard Edmonds is very poor now and his sitting with thugs on nationalist platforms like Pete Williamson and the 'cunt group' is appalling.

Only last week I received a Friends of John Tyndall leaflet to buy JT stuff.

TYR and RE are taking the piss !


Anonymous said...

Very touching letter Robin.

You did however forget to mention that you were elected because of the help you received from BNP members the length and breadth of the country. Without their time and effort you would not have got elected.

Nick Griffin may not be perfect but most of us are in this cause for our peoples future.

When you resigned you stabbed all the hard workers who fought to get you elected in the back.

There is no honour in that!

Anonymous said...

robin evans is a right one to talk about money going missing. maybe he would like to comment on the money HE STOLE from blackburn branch at a rwb one year. money that was raised by hard working blackburn branch members

Anonymous said...

ask robin what happened to blackburn branch funds that were raised at the rwb.

Anonymous said...

"loyaltothecause" needs to wonder WHY Robin resigned.

NorthWestNationalists said...

I have never met Evans and have no great compunction to do so.

The letter was an example of, yet again, the money being frisked off the poor downtrodden BNP membership. Nothing more and nothing less.

This thread is about Nick Griffin and his scams, NOT Robin Evans.

Anonymous said...

"Fancy turning up with a black tie and cumerbund, and the lady wearing cocktail dress, and only receiving butties ?"

Surely the biggest disgrace is, that NOT a single penny goes to the BNP? You would think charges of fraud would be levied at its sole benefactor but the police won't touch this STATE operator with a barge pole. Griffin is a traitor and a fraud. Nearly £90,000 a year in TC memberships alone and how much do they donate seperately?

What is written on the BNP site is surely against the trades description act? May be the powers that be won't act against Griffin because they feel we deserve it and it serves us right...



"We the British people have never had such an opportunity to make a difference to the future of our country! All over the UK we have members working in their local communities using "people power" to get the message out. In order to get the message across to the whole country we need your help by joining the Trafalgar Club.

The Trafalgar Club is an elite fund-raising group.

Contributing this way to the British National Party is a good investment for your future."

Anonymous said...

"Nick Griffin may not be perfect but most of us are in this cause for our peoples future."

Ha! He's ensured nationalism has no future.

Why don't you ask him what he said to me at the 'Quality Hotel' on junction 10 in Walsall when I was about to hand him the biggest donor the BNP has ever had? I can tell you now that Griffin doesn't give a damn about Britain or you.

Fortunately the man was a friend and I persuaded him to keep his money.



Anonymous said...

Pete Williamson pulled a knife on a fellow nationalist in Oldham a couple of years ago.

Only wogs pull knives.

NorthWestNationalists said...

Williamson is a bully and a thug.

No-one knows where he comes from anyway.

One minute he is from Scunthorpe, the next he is from Wigan, and then he says he is from Manchester.

My gripe is that certain nationalists accept this buffoon.

These nationalists include ; Pete Rushton, Richard Edmonds and Rick Fawcus.

Anonymous said...

Have the BPP filed their accounts yet?

Anonymous said...

No comment fron big Bevs husband Dave.

* This section/comment is banned from here. I personally like Dave. I have known him for over 30 years in the struggle.

Anonymous said...

These nationalists include ; Pete Rushton, Richard Edmonds and Rick Fawcus.

Anonymous said...

Bev Jones, the South African , can either support or join we, the genuine nationalist oppsition.

Anonymous said...

It's all very well to slag off Richard Edmonds, but what's the betting you people haven't done 1% that this man has done for the cause. RE sits on tables with everyone, speaks at all Nationalist meetings, he keeps active and doesn't slag off others.

Pity a few more people can't follow his example.

We all know what a scum bag NG is !! But the BNP is still the only show in town, until you are expelled please support it.

Anonymous said...

Sharon Ebans said this -

Why don't you ask him what he said to me at the 'Quality Hotel' on junction 10 in Walsall when I was about to hand him the biggest donor the BNP has ever had? I can tell you now that Griffin doesn't give a damn about Britain or you.

Fortunately the man was a friend and I persuaded him to keep his money.



Can you tell us what he said then as Griff the Stiff refuses to answer me. We would like to know what he really thinks of us and what he thought of your donor.

Anonymous said...

All those with evidence against the Bloated Bastard should puruse their issues all the way. They should not give up.

I can assure you that the issue with the Solidarity union and the hi-jacking of it by Nick Griffin and his per weasel Pat Harrington and the theft of its funds is not over.

This story will run and rund until we see see justice. then it will come back to haunt those two crooks and the sycophantic muppets who went along with it will eat their words.

When we have further nes North West Nationalists will be the first to know.

Don't give up.

Anonymous said...

"Richard Edmonds is very poor now and his sitting with thugs on nationalist platforms like Pete Williamson and the 'cunt group' is appalling."

I think you may be confusing Sid Williamson from the BPP with Pete Williamson from the 'cunt' group. Richard Edmonds lives and breaths the memory of John Tyndall's BNP constitution and has dedicated his life to Nationalism putting money, personal safety and his liberty aside. He is no friend of Griffin and held the BNP together up until the point Griffin took over. We should be humbled in his presence.

NorthWestNationalists said...

Siegfried; Pete and SID Williamson are one and the same person.

This is not the first time that something like this has happened.

Last year Mark Cotterill was allowed to speak at the JT dinner.

JT was not a big fan of Mr.Cotterill.

Anonymous said...

JT knew that Cotterill was State.

Yet this shyster still took in people until the wheels fell off over his race-mixed cooncillor.

Nationalism will never get anywhere until we grow up enough to get rid of the money-grabbers and shysters.

Lancashire Hillbilly said...

I wish Edmonds had have put us all out of our misery when he walked out of the Nationalist Alliance/SSG that we worked so hard to build back when JT died.
Had I known that it was all just a John Tyndall Fan Club I would never have joined.
BPP Loyalist.

  A new book about Jonathan Bowden has been published.