Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Sainsbury's says immigrants have 'better work ethic' than Britons

The supermarket giant says migrant workers have a strong work ethic

Sainsbury's said that it will employ more immigrant workers because they have a "superior" work ethic.

The supermarket chain said it hopes the diligent approach of Eastern Europeans and other new arrivals will spread to domestic workers.

"We have found migrant workers to have a very satisfactory work ethic, in many cases superior to domestic workers," the company said in evidence to a parliamentary inquiry on the economic impact of immigration.

"We believe that this results from their differing motivations, they want to learn English, or send money home to their families.

"They tend to be more willing to work flexibly, and be satisfied with their duties, terms and conditions and productivity requirements. In the long term, this could have a positive effect on their domestic colleagues."

Sainsbury's said its use of immigrant labour in retail and distribution had "grown significantly" in the past two years, though it does not keep figures for how many of its 150,000-strong workforce are migrants.
NWN: So its nothing to do with keeping a strong stable labour force ? This reserve army of cheap Labour is just the ticket for these fat cats. Just how much does Lord 'Oi Veh' Sainsbury donate to the labour party ? The party for the working man ! And also the party that has self admitted they have lost control of immigration.
The big supermarkets are all seemingly crooks of the highest order. But we will not shop in Sainsburys.
P.S. Supermarkets have been using this cheap foreign labour for ages. In terms of % of labour, they employ a much larger number than their size in the UK population.
As an example; wait till you try getting your weekly shopping this coming weekend.
It is Eid , which marks the end of Ramadan. Queues around the block as the muslims take their holidays and the numbers of white British supermarket staff will be 'run off their feet' trying to cope .


Anonymous said...

all the native brits should stop shopping at sainsburys and leave the hard working immigrants to shop there.

Anonymous said...

"We have found migrant workers to have a very satisfactory work ethic, in many cases superior to domestic workers," the company said in evidence to a parliamentary inquiry on the economic impact of immigration.

"We believe that this results from their differing motivations, they want to learn English, or send money home to their families.

"They tend to be more willing to work flexibly, and be satisfied with their duties, terms and conditions and productivity requirements. In the long term, this could have a positive effect on their domestic colleagues."

The death knell for the unions?

Bring out the shackles.
The Dickensian era is back

The Jews refuse to change, don't they? Sainsburys is no better than their Jewish counterpart 'Cautaulds' who owned British children for £5 till they were 21 and owned one of the biggest black slave plantations in America, yet, it's us nasty lazy Whites that did it and must pay reparation and become slaves yet again while they bring in the new blacks.



2024 - new film  -  'THE ORDER' Bob Mathews ; " We must secure the existence of our people, and a future for white children ...