Sunday, October 14, 2007


[12. Oktober 2007]

"Heil Hitler - Herr Friedman!" Mit diesen Worten eröffnete Horst Mahler den Schlagabtausch mit Michel Friedman, der sich auf dessen Einladung hin am 4. Oktober 2007 in einem Konferenzzimmer des Münchner Flughafen-Hotels KEMPINSKI ereignete.
Friedman wollte wissen, was Mahler von "den Juden" halte, - und bekam entsprechenden Bescheid. Ferner äußerte sich Mahler auf Fragen über die Bedeutung Adolf Hitlers, den Holocaust, die Jüdischen Weltherrschaftsbestrebungen, die heilsgeschichtliche Feindschaft zwischen Juden und Deutschen, die Wiederbelebung des Deutschen Reiches und über das unvermeidliche Ende der Jüdischen Herrschaft in der Welt. - Dem Juden hat das offenbar nicht gefallen.
Friedman hatte wohl erwartet, daß Mahler sich scheuen würde, die in seinen zahlreichen Schriften dargelegten Standpunkte auch in Gegenwart des Jüdischen Inquisitors auszusprechen. Werden sie doch als die „schlimmsten antisemitischen Hetztiraden der Gegenwart" verketzert.

Aber Mahler beharrte auf seinen Thesen über das Judentum und über die jahrhunderte alte Feindschaft zwischen dem Jüdischen und dem Deutschen Volksgeist und deren schließliche Versöhnung in der Überwindung Jahwes, des eifersüchtigen und völkermörderischen Gottes der Juden. Friedmans Versuche, Mahlers klare und genaue Antworten durch ständige Unterbrechungen zu zerreden, verhinderten, daß es zu einem Gespräch kam, das diesen Namen verdient. Mahler wies den Störer in seine Schranken mit dem Hinweis, daß die „Friedman-Masche" bei ihm nicht ziehe. Mit der Aufforderung, Friedman möge endlich „ mal die Klappe halten und zuhören" schaffte er sich Raum. Ungerührt von den Friedman'schen Sabotageversuchen thematisierte Mahler die Verwurzelung des Jüdischen Weltmachtstrebens in der mosaischen Religion mit einem Zitat aus dem Alten Testament ( 5. Mose 28,1).

An anderer Stelle sah sich Mahler veranlaßt festzustellen, daß Friedman nicht über Argumente, sondern nur über die Unverschämtheit verfüge, seinen Gesprächspartner ständig zu unterbrechen. Angesichts Mahlers bekannter Wesensart, "kein Blatt vor den Mund zu nehmen", wirkten Friedmans Versuche, sein Gegenüber "vorzuführen", reichlich hilflos und aufgesetzt. Gemäß Jüdischer Selbsteinschätzung unternahm er es - freilich erfolglos -, Mahler in grotesk anrührender Weise einzureden, er wolle doch bloß selbst ein Jude sein. „Lassen Sie sich beschneiden", so Friedman, „gehen Sie zum Rabbiner … dann lernen Sie alle unsere Tricks."
Alles in allem hat die Begegnung ein hochinteressantes Tondokument hervorgebracht, das die Juden vielleicht lieber unter den Tisch fallen lassen würden.
Press release

[12 October 2007]

"Heil Hitler - Herr Friedman!" With these words Horst Mahler opened the heated exchange with Michel Friedman that took place on 4th. October 2007 in a conference room of the Munich Airport Hotel KEMPINSKI at his invitation.

Friedman wanted to know Mahler’s views on “the Jews” – and he received a suitable reply. In addition, Mahler expressed his views on questions relating to the significance of Adolf Hitler, the Holocaust, Jewish endeavours at world supremacy, the redeeming historical enmity between Jews and the Germans, the revival of German Reich and the inevitable end of Jewish domination of the world. That obviously did not please the Jew.

Friedman had probably expected that Mahler would balk at actually voicing the opinions expressed in his numerous writings in the presence of the Jewish Inquisitor. These works are branded as the “worst heretically anti-Semitic tirades of the present times”.

In addition, Mahler continued with his statement about Jewry and the centuries old enmity between the Jewish and the German way of thinking and their ultimate reconciliation in overcoming Jahveh, the jealous and genocide-passionate God of the Jews. Friedman’s attempts, to confound Mahler’s clear and precise answers by constant interruptions, prevented the conversation having a constructive purpose. Mahler dismissed his disruption with the observation that the "Friedman trick" would not work with him. Finally, at the suggestion that Friedman “should shut up and listen" Mahler was able to continue. Unmoved by Friedman's attempts at sabotage Mahler voiced his central theme of Jewish striving for world power as exemplified in the Mosaic religion with a citation from the Old Testament (5. Moses 28.1).

At one point in the discussion Mahler saw it was necessary to point out that Friedman did not have arguments but only the impertinence to constantly interrupt his discussion partner. Since Mahler is well-known for not mincing words, Friedman’s attempts to make him look like a fool appeared rather destitute and deceptive. According to Jewish self appraisal he attempted – it must be pointed out unsuccessfully - talking to Mahler in a bizarre manner suggesting Mahler merely wants to be a Jew himself. "Get yourself circumcised", suggested Friedman "go to a rabbi … then you will learn all our tricks."

All in all, the meeting produced a highly interesting audio recording that the Jews would probably prefer to forget about.


Anonymous said...

A translation would be handy! Cheers!!

Anonymous said...

I use a translator called babelfish to do the translation job,

Press release [ 12 October 2007 ] "welfare Hitler - Mr. Friedman!" With these words refuge Mahler opened the hostile exchange with Michel Friedman, which occurred on its invitation on 4 October 2007 in a conference room residents of Munich of the airport hotel KEMPINSKI. Friedman wanted to know, what got Mahler of "the Jews" to hold, - and appropriate answer. Furthermore Mahler on questions expressed itself over the meaning Adolf Hitler, the Holocaust, the Jewish world domination efforts, the welfare-historical enmity between Jews and German, the revival of the German Reich and over the inevitable end of the Jewish rule in the world. - that obviously did not please the Jew. Friedman had probably expected that Mahler would shrink from itself, to express the points of view stated in its numerous writings also in presence of the Jewish Inquisitors. They are verketzert nevertheless as the "worst anti-Semitic Hetztiraden of the present". But Mahler persisted in its theses over the Judentum and over the centuries old enmity between the Jewish one and the German people spirit and their schliessliche reconciliation in the overcoming Jahwes, the jealous and voelkermoerderischen God of the Jews. Friedmans of attempts to zerreden Mahlers clear and exact answers by constant interruptions prevented that it came to a discussion, which earns this name. Mahler pointed the disturber into its barriers with the reference that the "Friedman mesh" does not pull with him. With the request, Friedman may hold finally "times the flap and listen" created itself it for area. Ungeruehrt of the Friedman' sabotage attempts brought up for discussion Mahler the rootedness of the Jewish world aspiration for power in the mosaischen religion with a quotation from the old person will (5. Mose 28,1). In other place Mahler saw itself determining compelled that Friedman has not arguments, but only over the insolence, to constantly interrupt its interlocutor. In view of Mahlers well-known kind of nature of taking "no sheet before the mouth", Friedmans attempts worked, its opposite "of demonstrating", plentifully helplessly and touched down. In accordance with Jewish self-assessment he undertook it - certainly unsuccessfully -, to talk Mahler in grotesque touching way he wanted to be nevertheless only even a Jew. a "leaving you to cut itself", thus Friedman, "you go learning to the Rabbiner... then you all ours cheat." All in all the meeting brought an high-interesting clay/tone document out, the Jews would perhaps rather let which fall under the table.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...