Friday, October 19, 2007

Elite mischief - Dr David Kelly -no prints on his knife - De Menezes, doctored photo - Princess Di and the hitmen

Fresh doubts were raised over the suicide of Dr David Kelly after it
emerged that no fingerprints were found on the knife he supposedly used to kill himself.

The Hutton Inquiry into the death of the Ministry of Defence weapons expert ruled that he slashed one of his wrists with a blunt garden knife and took an overdose of pills.

But the campaigning Liberal Democrat MP Norman Baker has carried out his own investigation after forensic experts questioned the official version of events.

He has called for the case to be re-opened after Thames Valley Police revealed that no fingerprints were found on the knife.

The Lewes MP made the discovery after submitting a Freedom of Information request to the force.

The lack of fingerprints is especially strange as police records also revealed the germ warfare expert was not wearing any gloves when he died nor were any found at the scene of his death.
Daily Telegraph
Picture of Menezes and bomber 'manipulated'
By Richard HoltLast Updated: 1:21pm BST 17/10/2007
A composite picture designed to show the similarity between the shotinnocent Brazilian man Jean Charles de Menezes and the failed suicidebomber for whom he was mistaken was dishonestly manipulated, it has beenclaimed.
Video: Jury shown new footage
The picture, showing half the face of Mr de Menezes and half the face ofHussain Osman, was shown by lawyers for the Metropolitan Police at theforce's trial at the Old Bailey.Police image compares Hussain Osman (left) and Mr de Menezes
The image was used to show how officers, who shot Mr de Menezes dead inJuly 2005, may have had difficulty telling the difference between thetwo men.
Clare Montgomery QC, prosecuting, told the court that it had been altered "by either stretching or resizing so the face ceases to have itscorrect proportions".The judge, Mr Justice Henriques, told the jury: "A serious allegation has been made that a picture has been manipulated so as to mislead."
Daily Telegraph
Princess Diana death dossier 'disappears'
By Richard HoltLast Updated: 5:49pm BST 05/09/2007
Tens of thousands of legal documents and photographs detailing thecircumstances surrounding the death of Diana, Princess of Wales, havegone missing, according to a French newspaper.Diana, Princess of WalesJust weeks before the opening of the high-profile inquest into herdeath, Le Figaro reported that a Parisian lawyer had been told a dossiermore than a metre high has disappeared.The inquest into Diana's death is due to open on Oct 2Jean-Louis Pelletier, who represents a French paparazzi photographer,said his request for access to the case files had been turned down bythe French courts, as the entire dossier could not be found."It's the first time I've seen anything like this. There are certainlyfiles that disappear from time to time, but, in this particular case,it's not normal," he said."All the more so since the case is still ongoing."Mr Pelletier is the lawyer for Fabrice Chassery, one of nine paparazziaccused of the manslaughter of Diana and her companion Dodi Fayed afterthey were killed in a car crash in a tunnel under the Pont de l'Almabridge ten years ago.The charges were dismissed in 2002.Mr Pelletier wanted access to the case files to prove Mr Chassery tookone of the most notorious pictures of Diana, which showed her trapped inthe wreckage of her Mercedes moments after the crash.advertisementThe picture was published after the accident but quickly withdrawn, anddeposited in the French courts' case files.Mr Pelletier claims it has since been republished as part of a USdocumentary in 2004 and then again in Spanish and French publicationslast year, and wants to halt further publication.He told Le Figaro that the original case files could not be foundanywhere in the records of the French High Court, or the Court ofAppeal. He has also searched at local district courts without success,he said.
NWN: We think that Dr Kelly was murdered to cover up the Iraq war that Blair was pushing for.
We also think that Diana was 'bumped off', due to her actions in running around with 'wogs' . Her behaviour would have totally destroyed the Royal Family, and severely hurt the Crown and ultimately Britain . We could not have had the possible future King William being the half brother of the progeny of an Egyptian crook from Cairo.
The Menezes case, by contrast, was just the 'cover up' by top Met Police Officers. For those with an eye for such things, if they have a look at the immediate aftermath of this shooting ,there is a small group of men that are standing aloof from the Police. In our opinion, those men are SAS, and who had been sent into action by such incompetent idiots /senior Police Officers such as Cressida Dick.
The SAS were just following orders. The Senior police officers, the Dicks of this World, are to blame (Pun intended) for the killing of this Brazilian bloke.


Anonymous said...

Kelly was murdered by blair.

Anonymous said...

Kelly was murdered as was Diana.

Anonymous said...

Blair had nothing to do with the murder of Kelly. His shocked reaction was only too obviously genuine (which is not to say that he didn't want Kelly to shut up. He just didn't expect a murder).

It was CIA, MOSSAD, or possibly a British murder squad controlled by the people above and behind Blair.

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