Tuesday, October 09, 2007

News on Mike Easter expulsion

Letter from Mike Easter to Tina Wingfield 10th September 2007

Dear Tina,

Re Your letter of 31st August 07.

I am sorry that you have been forced to write the above letter to me. It seems to many of us that Nick Griffin is getting totally unbalanced and believes that no-one should challenge him for the Leadership of the Party, despite the fact that the Constitution allows for such challenges. You will know that the Party has lost, by various means, several key members over the last few weeks. I believe this is due to Nick's refusal to run the Party openly and properly:
Andrew Spence, the very successful Sedgefield parliamentary candidate, praised all over the Party newspaper. He is alleged to have said, "He couldn't get on with the sleazy people close to Griffin."

Simon Smith, Sandwell Councillor and Black Country organiser. Left because he queried BNP accounts and expenses. Are the Party Accounts still overdue with the electoral Commission?

Clive Potter, President of Solidarity union. Expelled because he insisted on receiving the union accounts.

Scott McLean, resigned as Deputy Chairman and Chairman of the disciplinary committee, in particular, because Nick prevented him doing his job and disciplining Mark Collett. I understand that Scott has remained an ordinary member.

Jonathan Bowden, Advisory Council member, for similar reasons to Andrew Spence.

Before answering your letter in detail, I must point out, as any experienced person dealing with personnel matters knows, that proper reasonable procedures must be carried out. In this matter no steps have been taken. The expulsion came out of the blue.

In your letter, no doubt drafted by Nick Griffin, there is a reference to my relationship with John Tyndall.
Presumably, this is meant as a smear. Unfortunately for you that problem was resolved with a handshake between John and myself and the agreement, "That no dispute had occurred." You will need to delete this paragraph if this matter goes to Court.

In our recent Leadership Challenge, we refrained from repeating the very many stories that are around concerning Nick, for example, his relationship with Martin Webster and his continual incompetence with money. It seems to me to be very foolish of Nick to get into a slanging match when he, himself, is so vulnerable!

In your letter you make assertions that I have not complied with a request from John Walker for information concerning the Reform Group of the BNP. This is a blatant lie!
Please see copy letter attached to Mr Walker dated 7th June 06.
No reply to my letter was ever received. Also, I was working with John Walker for over 5 hours on Thursday, 23rd July 07 and he did not mention any problem to me. If there was a problem, "Is this likely?"

The situation has not changed from the 7th June, which is the Reform Group has never raised any money.
Again during the Leadership election, I neither received money nor any invoices.
There is no requirement to report such monies below £1,000. Please see confirmation from Electoral Commission attached.

Consequently, I believe without further comment that the whole basis for your letter collapses.
Please write to me by return that your letter of 31st August has been cancelled.

Please take this letter as formal notice of Appeal against the decision to expel me from the Party.
Yours sincerely,

Letter from Mike Easter to John Walker7th June 2006

Dear John,

Thanks for your letter of 30th May enquiring about the "Reform Group" within the BNP. (I have been away and only just read it.)

As you can well imagine, I would need to consult with others before replying to your letter in any detail. However, I can say straightaway that there is no intention to raise cash, if at all, that would come under the Electoral rules.

Generally the Reform Group is concerned with getting the structure of the Party into a normal one for a society or corporate body. We want to get away from the current dictatorship system.

Also, and this is my own special area,* I would like to see the politics of the Party laid out once and for all and not, as now, changed every few minutes. In particular, and just as two examples, the current Party Leader has an obsession with Moslems, just as his predecessor had a similar obsession with Jews.
These obsessions have obscured the real aims of the BNP, one of which is the repatriation of all invading foreigners.
Religion does not come into it.
Again the Party is concentrating almost exclusively on 'grotty' northern towns, or areas closely affected by foreigners, and is making no real headway in the English counties.
Enclosed is a leaflet that has been produced to explore possible approaches to the English electorate outside the rundown northern towns. Why are we not fighting the Orpington byelection?
In my opinion, the current leadership has no idea of how to go about it and by default leaves the field open to UKIP and Cameron.
Remember the current Leader is Welsh and JT was Irish – perhaps we should have an English Leader!

Yours sincerely,
M.D.S.Easter*See thenationalparty.org.uk

Email received from the Electoral Commission9th September 2007
Mr. Easter
I write further to our telephone conversation earlier today.

I can confirm that there are no reporting requirements to the Commission that result from the BNP leadership campaign.

There is a requirement that regulated donees provide details of donations received by them of an amount of over £1,000. Regulated donees include members of political parties that receive donations that relate to political activity, such as an internal party leadership campaign.
From the information discussed today and contained in your email it would appear that this threshold was not reached during the campaign and accordingly there are no reporting requirements arising.

I hope this information is helpful.


Jon Spillett
Compliance Manager0207 271 0587


Anonymous said...

i wonder what the truth is about the relationship that nick and collet have

Anonymous said...

So, the expulsion of Easter appears to have no basis at all.

Any application to the court for reinstatement by Easter should therefore succeed and, as there is no defence against it, all costs should be borne by the BNP.

Easter, or any other BNP member, could then apply to the court for Griffin to pay those costs personally and not from BNP accounts.

This is because Griffin caused the expulsion and at the time knew that the reasons given were false and therefore that any application for reinstatement would succeed.

The problem for Griffin is that whatever the constitution says, the law of UK is still supreme. You cannot take money from the public ostensibly for one purpose, ie running the BNP or a company for example, and then use that money for something else, ie your own personal benefit.

If the court found that Griffin had acted for his personal benefit (most likely given the circumstances) then the court would order Griffin to pay for his actions himself and not foist the bill onto somebody else, ie the BNP membership.

Easter should go after Griffin personally.

Every delay by Griffin simply ratchets up the pressure on Griffin himself, because if Easter does not blink first, then the ultimate bill for Griffin just increases.

If Griffin was forced to pay, then he might be tempted to dip his hand into BNP funds...and that would entail theft and false accounting...and prison time.

Perhaps NWN should start its own legal fighting fund?

All the best...Bill Jax

Anonymous said...

"Easter, or any other BNP member, could then apply to the court for Griffin to pay those costs personally and not from BNP accounts.

This is because Griffin caused the expulsion and at the time knew that the reasons given were false and therefore that any application for reinstatement would succeed."

That would be interesting. 10 to 1 he'd hang it on Walker.



Anonymous said...

This takes me back to 1980's when Griffin killed the NF.

Same stuff different party this time.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...