Wednesday, January 07, 2009

UKIP feels left out in the race for the EURO trough

Facebook Race
I have noticed there is competition going on regarding Face Book Politician Pages this race has spread to forums blogs and even branch mailing lists. There has been alot of campaging by the English Democrats and BNP over recent days to top this poll.Unfortunately UKIP is currently last and there seems to be no one campaigning for UKIP to top this poll. So we at Bloggers4UKIP have undertaken this challenge. So for abit of fun.Please help us to spread the word to your blogs and to forums. If you have a facebook group please send a email out to your members with Nigel Farage's link.

The results as of 5 pm Today are as follows (7/1/9)

Nigel Farage UKIP (British) - 171 Supporters/
Nick Griffin BNP (British) - 413 Supporters/
Robin Tilbrook Eng Dem (English) - 586 Supporters/


Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter which party wins. They're all the same. No intentions of pulling out of the EU, just lining their own pockets.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter which party wins. They're all the same. No intentions of pulling out of the EU, just lining their own pockets.

07 January 2009 20:47

Sad but true

Anonymous said...

MI5 chief warns of threat from global recession
Britain faces a new security threat as a result of the global economic
crisis, the head of MI5 has warned, in the first ever interview by a
director general of the Security Service.

Anonymous said...

Final Conflict said...

Which opposes race-mixing and Zionism?

Er... none!

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...