Saturday, January 10, 2009

The great white backlash:

Working class turns on Labour over immigration and housing

Labour's Hazel Blears has finally admitted the white working class feels betrayed and abandoned as immigration surges. The Mail went to her own constituency - and found a seething anger that should worry us all...

The official at the housing office was typically blunt. His third customer of the day, a blonde with a northern accent, the pinched face of poverty and a baby in a buggy, looked crestfallen when she heard the news.
'You'll have to wait between one and ten years for a flat from us,' he said, blithely, from behind his desk. 'There are 18,000 people on the waiting list and, as of today, only 30 homes to go round.'

No wonder that when the young woman left, pushing the buggy out of the door into the sleeting rain of the shopping precinct in Salford, Greater Manchester, she looked near to tears. In her haste, she almost collided with Jason Hedgecock, a 20-year-old chef, who has also been queuing at the city's Home Search office.

'My family come from Salford, and I was born here,' he says flatly. 'I have been waiting three years for a home, ever since I left school. I've put my name down for one on the eighth floor over there,' he points to an ugly blue and white tower block, called Fitzwarren Court, across the busy road.



Anonymous said...

Its time people realised that Britain is heavily over populated. If we kicked the immigrants out there would be homes and jobs for all.

Anonymous said...

The standard Labour trick is to say that there are 500,000 job vacancies and therefore plenty of jobs for both immigrants and Britons.

This is one of the most disgusting and deliberate lies they have ever told.

Vacancies are mostly created by people leaving the labour market and being replaced plus people moving between jobs. Half a million vacancies does NOT mean firms are looking for half a million extra workers.

In a recession the demand for extra labour is negative. That's why unemployment rises!

All this bamboozles much of the population and many politicians. But not the New Labour scum of the earth who live breath and eat lies.

Anonymous said...

The photo says it all. Nicely controlled [and therefore completely harmless], protest.

Anonymous said...

what a shame all the angry white workers are being funelled into Zinoist controlled pressure valves.

Anonymous said...

'The standard Labour trick is to say that there are 500,000 job vacancies and therefore plenty of jobs for both immigrants and Britons.'

I can remember when that was the standard Conservative trick.

Anonymous said...

The question is how many angry people in Salford really will vote BNP? They will grumble on about Labour and say they will vote BNP in the run up to an election. When the time comes to place a cross on a ballot slip in a polling station, a thought will cross their mind that if I vote BNP it will risk letting that heartless Tory candidate win, so instead they will begrudgingly mark a cross next to the Labour candidate.

Anonymous said...


"The ultimate goal of the Gaza invasion is to create the conditions to introduce international troops into Palestine...

"Brzezinski, with Brent Scowcroft... insist that the path to Middle Eastern stability requires the deployment of NATO in Palestine...

"Besides Indyk and Brzezinski, one of the main proponents of the international deployment is retired General James Jones, Obama’s pick as national security adviser...

"Neither Syria nor Iran - and by proxy Hizbullah - are interested in undermining their budding relationship with the US, as they have much to gain from a possible rapprochement with Washington." - Conditioning Gaza: preparing to deploy international forces in Palestine?

Anonymous said...

Note Telegraph today Sunday concerning Labour changing the law so they can print money without telling anyone.

This story appeared in NWN some weeks ago but astonishingly failed to get major national press coverage until today. It's so unbelievable maybe they thought it was misunderstood.

Labour will stop at nothing to buy it's way into keeping power. We really are in Mugabeland now.

Anonymous said...

I've never seen anything like this! When John Tyndall was in charge the likes of the Daily Mail did nothing but talk about Gas Chambers and neo-Nazi thugs etc, when describing the BNP and vilifying us so that Joe Public would turn away from our movement. Gri££in must have influential friends in very high places indeed! This article must be pay back for supporting the F**king Jews' onslaught in Gaza? A seat in Brussels (worth over one Million pounds during the 5 years) is money well invested to keep the pressure valve in check!

Anonymous said...

Griffin does not have any friends influential or otherwise. He's simply seen as usable since he's always willing to bend to the requirements of the state system and the press for the sake of immediate self-interest.

Political safety valve? Certainly sir!

He is being used but sees himself as using them.

People like that are discardable and viewed with contempt.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...