Monday, January 19, 2009

Griffin's Letter

For Urgent Attention, Chief Constable, Lancashire ConstabularyPolice HQHuttonPrestonPR4 5SB

17th January 2009

Dear Chief Constable Finnigan,
I wish to make a formal allegation of incitement to racial hatred, contrary to S.5 of the Public Order Act, whereby it is an offence to use words intended or, having regards to all the circumstances, likely to incite racial hatred.

The offence was, I believe, committed by Lauren Booth in the course of her speech to the Muslims for Gaza rally in Corporation Park, Blackburn, on Sunday 11th January 2009, a copy of which may be found on the BNPtv footage posted together with my analysis of the speech and situation on the main news section of on Saturday 17th January.

As you should already be aware, this rally was attended by many thousands of mainly young Muslim men, already in a high state of anger as a result of media coverage of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict in Gaza. As one of Britain’s leading experts in this particular piece of legislation, I have no doubt whatsoever that there is a prima facie case against Ms Booth. In particular, her use of the plural in the phrase “you are the criminals we detest”, juxtaposed with comments such as “we want Israel out of this country”, (not, please note, “the Israeli Embassy”, but simply “Israel”) are clearly likely – if not intended – to be taken by those present as a green light for hatred, indeed quite possibly actual physical violence, against individual Jews and against Jewish businesses in our High Streets.

That she intended mischief is indicated by her deliberately setting out to enrage the audience with stories – totally fictitious as far as any news reports coming out of Gaza would suggest – of “chemical weapons” being used by Israel in the targeted attacks on Hamas terrorists which she presents as random attacks aimed at innocent women and children.

Given the deep-rooted traditional hostility to Jews, simply on account of their being Jews, in the Koran and the Haddith, to make such a speech to a large Muslim audience can only incite hatred against Jews; the legal threshold of ‘likelihood’ cannot fail to be crossed.

If it should be that a ‘softly softly’ policing policy meant that you did not feel able to station a police video team in the park to capture speeches as evidence in the event (clearly foreseeable under the circumstances) of incitements to violence or racial or religious hatred, then you only need to ask and BNPtv will supply you with the original footage recorded by our camera crew in the park. Although it is shaky it is clearly audible throughout and the speaker can be very clearly identified.

I am also told that Wayman Bennett of the criminal conspiracy operation ‘Unite Against Fascism’ addressed the same rally and said, among other provocative statements that “Israeli Jews should go back to wherever they came from – New York or wherever it is”. I have not seen this footage myself, but urge that you also investigate this.

As the Gold Commander during the 1981 Burnley riots, you must have a very good appreciation of the very serious danger involved here, with outside agitators doing their very best to increase tensions in Blackburn. Should the situation in Gaza not be permanently resolved very soon, it is highly likely that Ms Booth’s call for a far larger demonstration in the town will be answered. That being the case, it is vital if the peace is to be maintained and the law upheld that the police force take action now to show that incitement to racial hatred and violence is unacceptable not only if the alleged victims are Pakistani Muslims, but also members of other races and religions.
I look forward to hearing that you have set in motion the appropriate action very shortly, not least because – as my analysis which accompanies the video makes clear – we do not have much time left in which to damp down the growing hysteria and alienation being produced by agitators such as Ms Booth.

Yours sincerely

Nick Griffin

PO Box 14
SY21 0WE


Blair’s Sister-in-Law Incites Moslems: “We Want Israel Out!”
by Hillel Fendel

At a rally of 10,000 Muslim men in England last week, Lauren Booth called to Israel: “You are the criminals that we detest!”

Booth, sister of the wife of UK Middle East envoy Tony Blair, spoke at an anti-Israel rally held last Sunday, Jan. 11, in the large town of Blackburn, 35 kilometers north of Manchester. An estimated 10,000 people, mostly young Muslim men, were in attendance.

Sources in England report that the rally was totally ignored by national media, including the BBC, despite the fact that it was “probably the largest Islamic protest march in the UK since the Bradford book-burnings against Salman Rushdie and free speech twenty years ago.” So writes far-right politician Nick Griffin.

Booth fired up the crowd by calling for the closing of the Israeli Embassy in London, accusing Israel of “blasting” women and children with chemical weapons, and exhorting the Moslem community to “bring 40,000” to their next anti-Israel protest in “the middle of your city.”

“Today we are all Palestinians,” Booth ranted. “We will fight for you and your children! And we have a message to you, Israel. You’re finished. That’s it. No more stories about self-defense. No, no, that’s over. You – you are the nation of hate! And you are the criminals – that we detest! … We are angry, and we want Israel out of this country!”

Booth said she represents the “good people of our country who are angry and disgusted now, because our country has an ambassador in Israel! Withdraw him! We do not want an Israeli embassy in London – they are criminals! Say it with me now: Israel – out! Out! Out! [Crowd screams: Out! Out! Out!]"

She then entertained the crowd by asking them if they remember Tony Blair, how they feel about him as Middle East envoy - the crowd booed in response - and then said, “I have his number here, let me call him; hang on a second.” As the crowd laughed with approval, Booth apparently dialed Blair’s Jerusalem office, telling the crowd, “Hang on, let me put this on speaker phone,” and then saying into the phone, “Hello? Hi, I have a message here from the British people for Tony Blair, about Israel and his role: Shame on you! Shame on you!” She then let the crowd’s roars of agreement be heard on the phone.

Griffin later filed a complaint with the local police constable, writing as follows:

“I wish to make a formal allegation of incitement to racial hatred, contrary to S.5 of the Public Order Act, whereby it is an offence to use words intended or, having regards to all the circumstances, likely to incite racial hatred. The offence was, I believe, committed by Lauren Booth in the course of her speech to the Muslims for Gaza rally in Corporation Park, Blackburn, on Sunday 11th January 2009… This rally was attended by many thousands of mainly young Muslim men, already in a high state of anger as a result of media coverage of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict in Gaza. …[H]er use of the plural in the phrase “you are the criminals we detest”, juxtaposed with comments such as “we want Israel out of this country”, (not, please note, “the Israeli Embassy”, but simply “Israel”) are clearly likely – if not intended – to be taken by those present as a green light for hatred, indeed quite possibly actual physical violence, against individual Jews and against Jewish businesses in our High Streets.

“That she intended mischief is indicated by her deliberately setting out to enrage the audience with stories – totally fictitious as far as any news reports coming out of Gaza would suggest – of “chemical weapons” being used by Israel in the targeted attacks on Hamas terrorists which she presents as random attacks aimed at innocent women and children.

“Given the deep-rooted traditional hostility to Jews, simply on account of their being Jews, in the Koran and the Haddith, to make such a speech to a large Muslim audience can only incite hatred against Jews…”

The press office of Griffin’s British National Party informed IsraelNationalNews that the complaint, filed on Saturday, has not yet been acted upon.

Anti-Semitism on the RiseThe Community Security Trust, the main Jewish body that monitors anti-Semitism in London, says there were 150 anti-Semitic incidents in the first 18 days of the conflict in Gaza, representing a steep increase. Among the incidents were a suspected arson attack in a north London synagogue, verbal abuse, offensive graffiti, and more. The Metropolitan Police agrees that it has recorded an increase in anti-Semitism in London of late.

Booth's Candy Bars in GazaBooth made headlines four months ago when she took part in an anti-Israel stunt by arriving in Gaza aboard a ship, in a challenge to Israeli sovereignty over the coastal waters. Egyptian and Israeli authorities delayed her departure from Gaza. She said that conditions in Gaza were worse than in Darfur, and compared the area to Nazi concentration camps – yet was photographed buying candy bars and soft drinks at a well-stocked Gaza grocery.


Anonymous said...

I thought the whole idea was that Muslims should riot to wake up the British and get us our country back?

Anonymous said...

He's spot on this time.

Anonymous said...

To paraphrase

Given the deep-rooted traditional hostility to Gentiles, simply on account of their being Gentiles, in the Talmud, WE IN THE BRITISH NATIONAL PARTY ARE GOING TO DO SWEET FANNY ADAMS AND BLAME THE MUZZIES!

Anonymous said...

He's spot on this time.

19 January 2009 01:17

Of course he is. No coincidence then that the only time the BNP vote goes up is when the Muslims go on the rampage. And here we have Griffin preventing them from doing the very thing that gives the BNP votes. Don't make me laugh, Griffin has sold out. Whatever happened to free speech?

E. N. Ronn said...

From the Mindbenders to this, as one of your correspondents observed. What would his old mate Colonel Gadaffi think?

Anonymous said...

Arse licking as usual but arse licking who?

Adrian Messenger

Anonymous said...

If I read it correctly he is demanding that a White Briton be prosecuted under the Racial Hatred Laws? And we are meant to take him seriously?

Anonymous said...

wheres the link then or are you just making it up

Anonymous said...

Obvious who is paying his wages, the man is a complete and total sell out. The most patriotic and Nationalist thing to do is to withdraw all support, money and help from the BNP and let it and Grffin expire so a new party can be built.

Anonymous said...

You should ask Peter Stafford about the Jews he is one of them. I am supprized Jews join the bnp.

Anonymous said...

i say again where is the proof .i could say anything i want but it does not make it true without the evidence

Anonymous said...

Let us examine just two sentences from this disgraceful document.
Mr. Griffin writes in his new(?) role of coppers' nark:

In particular, her use of the plural in the phrase "you are the criminals we detest", juxtaposed with comments such as "we want Israel out of this country", (not, please note, "the Israeli Embassy", but simply "Israel") are clearly likely - if not intended - to be taken by those present as a green light for hatred, indeed quite possibly actual physical violence, against individual Jews and against Jewish businesses in our High Streets.

Far from being "one of Britain's leading experts" on the race act, the above sentence demonstrates Nick Griffin's feeble grasp of elementary logic, utter ignorance of the history and politics of the Middle East, and lack of even the faintest moral sensibility.

It is perfectly reasonable for Lauren Booth to speak of criminals in the plural in relation to Zionist aggressors and those who arm, fund and encourage them. For related reasons it is also perfectly reasonable for her and others to "want Israel out of this country" - without this being either intended or likely to incite racial hatred.

Mr. Griffin seems unaware of the fact that numerous British Jews have been recruited to serve in the Israeli armed forces as part of their murderous campaign in Gaza. One such individual, Mr Yaacov Wolf, was interviewed by The Sun newspaper on 8th January, saying that he had joined the Israeli army to "do his bit" for the Jewish people. Since 1991 there has been an organisation (Garin Tzabar) funded by the Israeli government to recruit young British and American Jews to join the Israeli military.

There is a long history of British Zionists being prepared to engage in terrorism and other criminal acts. According to MI5 documents released by the National Archives, Jewish terrorists despatched five cells to London during 1946 to carry out attacks including the planned assassination of Ernest Bevin, the British Foreign Secretary. During 1947 twenty letter bombs were sent to prominent British personalities including Bevin and his Conservative predecessor Anthony Eden. Jewish terrorists were pioneers of the letter bomb: one such device aimed at SAS officer Maj. Roy Farran killed his younger brother at his London home - a crime admitted in 2004 by Israeli MP Geula Cohen.

Although a great number of Zionist Jews supported anti-British terrorism in the 1940s and support the Israeli terror campaign in Gaza today, it would clearly be wrong to label all Jews indiscriminately. Many individuals born Jews now follow other faiths; a great many are opposed to Zionist policies. There is no evidence that Lauren Booth suggested otherwise in the speech to which Mr Griffin objects.

For that matter many of "the criminals we detest" - i.e. the criminal supporters of Israeli state terror - may well not be Jewish. As the Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg has pointed out, Israel's criminal policies are only possible because the Zionist regime is backed by arms sales from Britain: those who have encouraged such arms sales could easily be portrayed as morally guilty of being accessories to Zionist crimes, and the vast majority are no doubt Gentiles.

If the above embarrassment were not enough, Griffin goes on to debase himself further in his next sentence:

That she intended mischief is indicated by her deliberately setting out to enrage the audience with stories - totally fictitious as far as any news reports coming out of Gaza would suggest - of "chemical weapons" being used by Israel in the targeted attacks on Hamas terrorists which she presents as random attacks aimed at innocent women and children.

Nick Griffin is probably the last non-Jew in the world who still believes that Israel has been engaging in "targeted attacks on Hamas terrorists". He implies that Lauren Booth has invented Israeli attacks on women and children, though such attacks are evident from every frontline report and have been documented by UN and orher independent observers. The UN itself was the victim of an attack using white phosphorus, a weapon banned under international law and commonly regarded as a chemical weapon (though not actually designated as such under the Chemical Weapons Convention).

If anyone intends mischief it is not Lauren Booth but Nick Griffin, with this frivolous and malicious complaint to Lancashire Constabulary. Given its specious reasoning and crude inaccuracy, one can only assume that Mr Griffin's complaint is a desperate tactical manoeuvre, since he finds himself in the awkward political position of seeking to make political alliances with British Jewry while having a long record as a militant anti-semite.

By choosing a speech in Blackburn for a complaint about "anti-semitism", Mr Griffin makes himself and his party look especially ridiculous, given that the BNP's current Blackburn organiser is Robin Evans - the ex-councillor who was founder and leader (until a year or two ago) of a "National Socialist Party".

Mr Griffin's own difficulties may be an interesting case for a political analyst or a psychoanalyst, but his letter to the Chief Constable presents no sort of legal case whatsoever - save perhaps a case against Mr Griffin himself for wasting police time. His antics shame every single member of the British National Party, and amply demonstrate that he is unfit for any elected office.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
wheres the link then or are you just making it up

19 January 2009 07:25

It's on the front page of the main website.

"The Muslim march the BBC didn't let you see"

It's not hard to find, did you even look?

E. N. Ronn said...

Brilliant analysis by PTR. How long before Gri££in joins Gianfranco Fini in a contemptible attempt to overcompensate for his past Holocaust denial, public adherence to judaeo-obsessive conspiracy theories and open links to the Gadaffi regime by a visit to Yad Vashem?

Anonymous said...

Chris Hill has also threatened this blogsite with a complaint to the very same Constabulary.

Someone made a comment anonymously and Hill threatened to report NWN to the police !

Anonymous said...

Someone made a comment anonymously and Hill threatened to report NWN to the police !

19 January 2009 13:50

The grassing wanker. Whose side is he on?

Anonymous said...

Is Griffin hoping his Leeds Trial will be raised to show his hypocrisy? What a moron!

Anonymous said...

Dr Chris Hill said...

Dear Anonymous (14:40 hrs)

You said:
'The grassing wanker. Whose side is he on?'

I say:
'whose side am I on? The British people that's whose side I'm on.'

If you want to use offensive terms like 'filthy Jews' go join Wayman Bennett and his UAF mates.

Now stop these anti-Semitic rants and lets move the party forward.

Chris Hill

Anonymous said...

By Stuart Littlewood*

23 July 2008

Stuart Littlewood analyses the abject hypocrisy displayed by British Prime Minister Gordon Brown in his address to the Israeli parliament on 21 July, and reminds Brown of the speech which a principled, self-respecting statesman would have made.

I apologize most sincerely to the world, and especially to Arab friends, for our prime minister's crass speech to the Knesset.

Britain, like the US, has an uncanny knack of producing one silly leader after another from a limitless supply that thrust themselves on an unsuspecting public in order to perpetuate the Great Betrayal and the Nakba (catastrophe). Brown is the latest high-flier from our political swamp. Judging by his performance so far, we Britons are destined to live our lives in a state of perpetual and excruciating embarrassment.

Gordon Brown praised Menachem Begin whose terror gang, the Irgun, blew up the British headquarters in Jerusalem's King David Hotel in 1946, killing 91 people

Let it be known that this prime minister doesn't speak for me or anyone I know when he says: "Britain will always stand firmly by Israel's side." And nobody of my acquaintance would ever sign up to "an unbreakable partnership based on shared values of liberty, democracy and justice" with Israel. It is quite obvious that none of our values of liberty, democracy and justice is practised by that regime.

However, it was faintly amusing to hear Brown say that "we will do more than oppose what is wrong. We will show those who would give licence to terror the way home to what is right too – showing them that the path to a better future runs not through violence, not by murder and never with the killing of civilians but by liberty's torch, through justice's mighty stream, and across tolerance's foundation of equality." That should have had Knesset members squirming in their seats, but the irony was obviously lost on them, and on Brown himself.

"I think of David Ben-Gurion," he blurted, "who from humble beginnings in Poland built up the Jewish national institutions and in 1948 said it was not enough for the Jewish state simply to be Jewish, it had to be fully democratic offering equal citizenship to all residents: a democracy not just of one people but of all your peoples..."

Mentioning Ben-Gurion in the same breath as democracy and equality is not a good idea. This is the same guy who said: "I support compulsory transfer [i.e. ethnic cleansing]. I don't see anything immoral in it." On another occasion he admitted:

If I were an Arab leader I would never make terms with Israel... We have taken their country. Sure, God promised it to us, but what does that matter to them? Our God is not theirs. We come from Israel, it is true, but 2,000 years ago, and what is that to them? There has been anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They only see one thing: we have come here and stolen their country.

Brown even praised Menachem Begin but was careful not to mention the Irgun. It was Begin's terror gang, the Irgun, that declared war on the British mandate government while Britain was still fighting Nazi Germany. And our prime minister must have forgotten that in 1946 the Irgun under Begin's leadership blew up the British headquarters in Jerusalem's King David Hotel, killing 91.

But Brown woffled on, oblivious to the heavily larded insults his words conveyed.

... This 60th anniversary of the achievement of 1948: the centuries of exile ended, the age-long dream realized, the ancient promise redeemed – the promise that even amidst suffering, you will find your way home to the fields and shorelines where your ancestors walked... And your 60-year journey from independence is evidence for all to see that good can come out of the worst of times.

So never mind the countless thousands of Palestinians that were murdered, dispossessed, imprisoned, starved and abused in the process.

"You are truly global citizens – often the first to offer help or medical aid..." burbled the unstoppable Brown. Tell that to the chronically sick, who suffer and die in agony because Israel's siege blocks the supply of medication and hospital spares and prevents them leaving Gaza for proper treatment. How strange that Brown didn't actually mention Gaza, or the siege, or what some call “the slow genocide” in his whole tiresome speech.

How dare this grey suit use our good name to offer such brazenly partisan approval to a territorial hijack that daily brings misery, disaster and cruel injustice to those who are crammed into the impoverished remnants – the crumbs – of what used to be their Palestine homeland. Fortunately, Brown's days are numbered. Unfortunately, another “I'm-a-Zionist” nutter is waiting in the wings.

I greatly resent, as do others, any leader of my nation playing the religious card and cloaking himself in the mantle of Christianity (in this case his upbringing in the Church of Scotland) in order to give credence to his support for Israel's pitiless pursuit of its Zionist programme, the purpose of which is to wipe Palestine off the map.

Another prime minister whose young mind hadn't come under the influence of a Hebrew-speaking, Israel-loving, church-minister father and later the Israel lobby, might have delivered a very different speech to the Knesset:

Listen up. Your exclusive claim to the whole territory cuts no ice with the rest of the world. Say goodbye to the West Bank, dismantle the Wall as instructed by the International Court of Justice, compensate the Palestinians for the injury and wreckage of the past 60 years, give them back their water, stop interfering with their freedom of movement, quit throttling their economy and hands off their trade.

Israel's security is no more precious than the security of its neighbours and their right to live in peace. End the siege of Gaza and your occupation of Gazan airspace, airwaves and coastal waters. Release the 10,000 Palestinians, including women and children, cooped up in your jails. And it's time your troops hightailed it out of Jerusalem – it was designated an international city 60 years ago and you'll share it on equal terms with the other great faiths.

Renounce your nuclear weapons, sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and open up your nuclear facilities to international inspection just as you expect your neighbours to. Also sign, ratify and meticulously observe the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention, the Chemical Weapons Convention and the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty.

Until Israel renounces terror, violence, murder, assassination, indiscriminate arrest, false imprisonment and torture, it can forget about the EU-Israel agreement, the preferential exports and all the other benefits – trade, science, research, path-breaking academic and cultural partnerships and new cooperative ventures. Try and be nice for a change, guys. Remember, ordinary British and European folk, unlike the despised political class, wish to do nice business with nice people. If you continue to bully and humiliate our friends in the Holy Land, which you gate-crashed 60 years ago, you will not be welcome in civilized society.

And before we all get too carried away about Iran, when is Israel going to comply with the 30 or 40 UN resolutions regarding its multiple breaches of international law? Maybe we'll talk again when you have reined in your militants and extremists, and when you have read, understood and shown proper respect for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

By the way, when the Free Gaza voyagers set out from Cyprus in August to sail through international and Palestinian waters to Gaza, Royal Navy warships will be on hand to make sure they aren't molested.

Anonymous said...

Call for investigation of Israeli influence in UK government

Campaigners fight power of Israel lobby in UK: Sleaze committee infiltrated by “Friends of Israel” refuses to investigate

Exposing the ignorance and hypocrisy of Conservative Friends of Israel

British premier stresses his pro-Israel credentials: Gordon Brown tells British Zionists he always loved Israel

Britain’s Gordon Brown becomes patron of Zionist agency

Zionist at the heart of the British government: Gordon Brown appoints Israel apologists to oversee British media

The speech Gordon Brown should have made to the Israeli parliament

What have you got against Gaza, Mr Brown? An open letter to Britain’s prime minister

Open letter to the British foreign secretary: Where is the respect pledged 60 years ago to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Mr Miliband?

British ministers stonewall criticism of Israel: Westminster still in awe of Israel's "gang of amoral thugs"

Israel now calling the shots on UK security?

Britain’s defence establishment shows its pro-Israel colour

Friends of Israel blind to the truth

Who are the fools that reward Israel’s criminal behaviour?

Gagged while Gaza is crushed

Gaza and the West: “Mad dog” Western leaders bent on perpetuating Balfour’s betrayal

Israel’s lie machine working flat out to dodge “killer” question

Gaza: show no mercy, dispense no justice: Western politicians in the service of Israel shame us all

Anonymous said...

I hope the British security forces have learn't from Gaza, One day British forces will have to go into Muslim enchaves in this country to try to stop them attacking British areas.
Their tactics must be studied.

Anonymous said...

Russian tycoon 'had RBS loan of £2.5bn written off'
A £2.5 billion loan said to have been given to a Russian oligarch by a British bank and then written off is an example of the alleged practices perpetrated by this country's major lenders which have prompted a surge of political anger.

Mr Blavatnik was ranked as the 11th richest man in Britain in 2008 Photo: Kommersant
ABN Amro, a Dutch bank owned by the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), apparently lent Leonid Blavatnik the money to help shore up the finances of his troubled chemicals company LyondellBasell.

RBS is just one of the British banks being scrutinised by Government officials, alongside Lloyds Banking Group and Barclays, after lending to foreign nationals left them facing multi-billion pound losses which require another taxpayer funded bail-out.

Officials have discovered that the banks made the majority of their loans overseas, sometimes to companies and individuals whose ability to repay their debts was highly questionable.

In some cases, only 20 per cent of bank lending was British-based, with the rest going abroad.

The past lending practices of RBS – of which the taxpayer now holds a majority share – have emerged as a particular concern.

Senior Government figures are said to have been infuriated to learn that RBS was part of a group of banks that offered a £2.8billion loan to a firm owned by Oleg Deripaska, a Russian billionaire who last year hosted both Peter Mandelson and George Osborne on holiday in Corfu.

The apparent loan to Mr Blavatnik has now brought the 51-year-old, who divides his time between America, Russia and Britain – where he resides in a £41million home in Kensington Palace Gardens –into the spotlight.

Raised in a Jewish household, he moved from Russia to America at the age of 21 to find a new life, earning an MBA from Harvard. He regularly returned to Russia for business and founded Access Industries in 1986, making his fortune in chemicals and natural resources, including oil, aluminium and coal.

Mr Blavatnik is a director of several companies within the Access Industries portfolio, including LyondellBasell and TNK-BP, a joint oil venture with the British energy group.

Last year, the oligarch – referred to as Len Blavatnik in the West – was ranked as the 11th richest man in Britain, with an estimated fortune of £3.9 billion.

Anonymous said...

"Now stop these anti-Semitic rants and lets move the party forward.

Chris Hill

19 January 2009 15:24"

I suggest you go and join your Zionist pal Nick Griffin. And as you dislike free speech, you're banned.

Anonymous said...

"You should ask Peter Stafford about the Jews he is one of them. I am supprized Jews join the bnp"

Young Peter?

Anonymous said...

Old one lamp seems to be becoming a favourite with the Israeli press doesnt he?

Anonymous said...

Maybe his previous pamphlet should have been called "Who is the Bum Bender"

He's clearly as bent as a nine bob note!

Anonymous said...

That traitor doesn't want to be an MEP anymore.
He's trying to get elected into the Knesset.

Anonymous said...

Pete Stafford is liverpool irish .His faith is catholic.Pete stafford is not a jew for god sake.

Anonymous said...

Oye Vey Nick "Olmert" Griffin.

Anonymous said...

Nicks been taking drugs from T.W. hasnt he, that must be the answer.

Anonymous said...

Those who donated towards the Truth Truck are now rushing out to buy

"Nick's done us up like a kipper" T-shirts

Henry said...

The Jews created diversity, the Jews created multi-culturalism, the Jews abolished hanging, the Jews incorporated "The Human Rights Act" into English Law, the Jews legalised homosexuality, the Jews brought the Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs and blacks here, and the Jews drafted the Race and Hate Laws that keep them here.

Let's be quite clear on this:

You will not get rid of the Muslims or change anything else - Until you get rid of the Jews.

Dr Chris Hill said...

Dear Anonymous (16:50hrs),

The right to free speech does not include the right to incite violence.

As for your ability to ban me from posting comments on this site, as you have posted anonymously we have no idea who you are, so can I suggest you allow the blog authors to decide whether I'm banned or not.

Chris Hill

Anonymous said...

Michael A Hoffman II: Lamentably, the Zionist Master Plan is aided and abetted by powerful “Christian” allies like Senator McCain, President Bush, Nicolas Sarkozy, Angela Merkel, and Gordon Brown. They lead the list of thousands of other “Christian” golem in the top ranks of the American & European governments.

Moreover, the propaganda arm of the Zionist Master Plan is the Judaic controlled media which continually evinces its bias towards Zionism. As the saying goes, “they who control the media control the minds of men

Tartarus said...

"Dear Anonymous (16:50hrs),

The right to free speech does not include the right to incite violence.

As for your ability to ban me from posting comments on this site, as you have posted anonymously we have no idea who you are, so can I suggest you allow the blog authors to decide whether I'm banned or not.

Chris Hill

19 January 2009 20:05"

I'll say it for you. PISS OFF, you police grass.

Anonymous said...

Chris Hill what political party did he come from before joining the BNP? The man is like a cross dresser when it come's to being positive. He pop's up like a seedy sex shop assistant trying to sell us the latest brand new blow up doll but with all the punture repair patches showing.

Anonymous said...

Chris Hill should read what a real thinking Jew writes.

"I think if a Jew wants to live in the Holy Land he or she should accept to live under majority rule: Hamas rule. A modern Islamic state, whose Constitution includes a Bill of Rights for non-Muslims, is really the only viable option for peace in Historic Palestine. Hamas has every right, under international law, to fight against the occupying power, including lobbing pipe bombs over the Apartheid Wall. Israel has no right to blockade any part of a civilian population, preventing them from getting to work, getting food, or medical aid. Israel has no right to build a wall.

I've been through this Jewish indignation thing during the Jenin Massacre and so it's harder to fool me now. Among the various threads of Zionist thought, from the condescending racism of Tikkun to the openly aggressive settler movement, there is nothing cool.

My goal is to stop the evil so it is necessary to observe the evil - not just walk away saying "How sad".

Levels of guilt:

those who commit atrocities
those who justify the atrocities
those who deny the atrocities
those who benefit from atrocities
those who participated in a society that allows atrocities

So let's reiterate the obvious.

Israel does NOT have any "right" to exist nor any right to defend itself.
The UN has the right to dismantle Israel.

When Israel says they want to eradicate "Hamas" they mean anyone who might have ever voted for Hamas.

Meaning: all Palestinians

The Palestinians DO have the right to shoot rockets at an occupier.

We are engaged in genocide when we neglect to use the word Palestine in our speech.

We DO need good strategy for eradicating Jewish tyranny."

Anonymous said...

Good ol' Griffo. What a mensch.

Anonymous said...

"I'll say it for you. PISS OFF, you police grass."

Is Hill a police grass? I hadn't heard that.

Anonymous said...

The grassing wanker. Whose side is he on? .....

The same side as Griffin is on, i.e. the jews

Wanker Hill's full adrress is Lancaster University

Anonymous said...

... Whose side is he on? ...

and the trecherous cunt calls himself Anti-Gag ..... after you with bucket, lads.

Anonymous said...

Hill, you cunt, If you can't face the truth that the jews occupying all of palestine are murdering genocidal bastards and that, like their religion or not, Hamas is is a democratically elected political party, and what's more is a true Nationalist party representing the indegenious people of Palestine, the arabs not jews, then fuck off a post on Jew/zionist sites.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the comment about Chris Hill, the man is plainly a mischief maker of the highest order!!!

Anonymous said...

I am surprised jews join the bnp....

Do'nt be, because the thieving murdering genocidal bastards always infiltrate any organisation possibly obtaing power - why do you think kikes Griffin Collet and Hill joined the bnp

Anonymous said...

Any one see the news footage showing Gonzo Brown playing table tennis but did'nt show his opponent, a few days ago?

Rumour has it it was Griffin and the two one-eyed cunts were using Griffin's rubber eye as the ping-pong ball

Anonymous said...

Wanker Hill's full adrress is Lancaster University

20 January 2009 11:55

Don't you mean Lancaster UAF?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
He's spot on this time.

19 January 2009 01:17

A spot on the "arris" of nationalism, thats about all!

Dr Chris Hill said...


The anonymous comment, which I've pasted below, has appeared on the NWN blog under the story entitled Griffin's letter and dated . This is clearly likely to incite violence and will be used by UAF to paint the party as Nazis , and by Griffin to discredit the campaign to remove him.

The comment was posted on 20 January 2009 at 12:07, and read as follows:
Hill, you cunt, If you can't face the truth that the jews occupying all of palestine are murdering genocidal bastards and that, like their religion or not, Hamas is is a democratically elected political party, and what's more is a true Nationalist party representing the indegenious people of Palestine, the arabs not jews, then fuck off a post on Jew/zionist sites.

This is clearly a post from someone trying to discredit the party, and needs to be removed ASAP. These anonymous comments need to be better screened or the NWN blog will end up damaging the party. Please could you arrange the removal of these mad illegal rants.

Thanks again.
Chris Hill

Anonymous said...

"Hill, you cunt, If you can't face the truth that the jews occupying all of palestine are murdering genocidal bastards and that, like their religion or not, Hamas is is a democratically elected political party, and what's more is a true Nationalist party representing the indegenious people of Palestine, the arabs not jews, then fuck off a post on Jew/zionist sites."

What for, Mr Hill? The poster speaks the truth.

Mr Griffin will use what ever he wants, and he usually does, made up or otherwise.

There is no incitement to violence in the posters post, and his post is covered by the 1st amendment of the United states where this blog is hosted, and owned.

Anonymous said...

Do'nt you mean Lancaster UAF?
A spot on the "arris" of nationalism

I stand corrected, you nationalists are both dead on target .... target??? ..... Ooooooops, Gagging-Slag will interpret this an arcane incitement message for violence.

Fucking twat, Hillski, like a true jew, you believe in free speech for yourself/jews but cannot stand free speech for Gentiles.

Anonymous said...

Now stop these anti-semetic rant and lets move the party forward ..

With jew infiltrators such as you the party will never move forward.

Hill, if you truly wish to help English nationalism then either cease your fervent pro-jew/zion support or resign your BNP membership.

What I'm trying to gently advise you is to fuck off.

Dr Chris Hill said...

Dear Anonymous (12:20 hrs)
You said:
'Hill, if you truly wish to help English nationalism then either…….etc'

I say:
I don't wish to help English Nationalism, because I'm British and am committed to the ideas of British Nationalism!

As for the anti-Semitic rants that are being allowed through to the comment section on this blog, can't the blog's authors see that these will be used to discredit the party by the likes of UAF, and by Griffin to paint the present drive to democratise the party as being an attempt to return to the BNP to the old party of John Tyndall?

The current war in Gaza was initiated by the Israeli government (consisting of a few hundred people at most), not by 12 million Jews many of whom are just as shocked at the disproportionate nature of the response as most British people are. Criticising the Israeli government for the war is justified, but blaming 12 million innocent Jews is not.

Please NWN use your blog to help advance our party, not destroy it.

Chris Hill

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