Tuesday, January 13, 2009

29 Million Leaflets, Most Professional Campaign Yet Planned by BNP

A total of 29 million leaflets, a month-long fundraising road show and the most professional election campaign ever yet devised by the BNP was outlined at yesterday’s Organisers’ conference.

Held in a hall in Nottinghamshire and arranged by a serving BNP councillor, the organisers’ conference saw over 100 key officials from around the country come to hear and help map out this year’s Euro election campaign.

“The Euro elections are a crucial stepping stone for the BNP in order to prepare itself on a number of levels for the Westminster elections in March or May 2010,” party leader Nick Griffin told the crowd.

The conference attendees went over the logistics and preparations for the Euro elections, which are important because they are run on a proportional representation list system. This affords everyone in the country an opportunity to vote BNP, no matter where they live.

The superb new Euro election leaflet was unveiled by Mark Collett at the meeting, and was met with great enthusiasm. In order to arrange the logistics behind distributing the 29 million leaflets, organisers were told that each region has to make sure that the money to pay for the printing is raised by 6 April.

To help towards achieving that goal, the party is arranging a highly professional fundraising road show throughout the whole of March, the conference was informed.


Anonymous said...

When every mainstream media outlet and every major politician spouts exactly the same made-in-Israel words, words that are patently bullshit... there is only one possible explanation: Jew control."

Anonymous said...

Does the person spamming this blog with cut and pastes have an opinion of his own?

Its getting boring, we know this stuff already and its irrelevant to the original post.

Anonymous said...

Strange how local elections [the real path to a measure of local power] are ignored or sabotaged by Gri££in, but the Euro gravy train [which will benefit no-one but Gri££in] has all the stops pulled out.

Anonymous said...

29 million leaflets!

Collett and Griffin will be raking the money in. How much are they charging the BNP to print these leaflets, and will 29 million really go out, or will Collett and Griffin just charge the members for 29 million? CUNTS

Anonymous said...

There is no power in Europe only money. Gri££ins attitude is one of stuff Nationalism and the UK think of the money.

Slightly off note, check out this new Website by Lady Michelle Renouf, regarding a Jewish Homeland in Birobidjan on the Russia Chinese border. EXCELLENT


Anonymous said...

Will the 29 million job be put out to tender?

Why do i get the feeling Collette the Paedophile will be pocketing TENS of thousands of pounds.

Him and Gri££in are sponging bastards.

Zionist bastards to boot!

Anonymous said...

29 million leaflets, that means the immigrants will get one each. What about us. lol

Anonymous said...

The reality of Gri££in's plan is that the poor membership will pay for the Euro leaflets, Collett will pocket thousands and Gri££in will cream off his percentage. I bet they get them printed in Eastern Europe to keep the cost down. Most of the new organisers at this conference were ex-UKIP types, or people of low IQ and not commited Racial Nationalists. Gri££in likes new faces who he can conned!

Anonymous said...

what a load of rubbish i was there and there was not any ex ukip members there most of the people there were committed long standing members so if you are going to make comments please get your facts right

Anonymous said...

"Long Standing Members," get real they have all been expelled! As I said before dupes of low IQ (and the odd state agent,) the usual Gri££in fan club.


There is a certain amount of informed opinion that says brown will go early,perhaps as early as april this year,are any of the parties alert to this circumstance?

Anonymous said...

Could the gentleman who was at the meeting enquire about who will be printing the leaflets and who will be actually be selling them to the BNP members and at what price?

No harm in asking now the BNP is run with full financial clarity, a treasurer and proper accounts, is there?

I'm sure Griffin will welcome any enquiry.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Griffin will welcome an enquiry ..

Like fuck he will. Griffin is like the murdering jews not wanting international newsreporters in Gaza to film and report jew genocidal war atrocities

Instead of us English and the rest of the world being bombarded and brainwashed by jew propaganda hloadabolox sob stories, jew genocidal war atrocities in Gaza should be endlessly broadcasted .. at least the world knows the latter is true

Anonymous said...

Now I know what you determined critics are going to say.

The last BNP accounts were not approved by the auditors.

This was because of Searchlight agents. You can easily spot them because they criticise our Nick.
Nick welcomes all enquiries about the BNP'S finances. Just ask him a question and you'll see.

Now I urge the member who was at the meeting to write to Nick asking about the finances of printing of the leaflets and for a copy of the bill when it arrives.

This will clear the air to everyone's benefit.

Anonymous said...

Now that Walker has gone as National Treasurer, do we have any indications that the new Treasurer Jennie Noble has now got a grip on the parties financial woes? Or is it just more of the same?

Anonymous said...

'Now I urge the member who was at the meeting to write to Nick asking about the finances of printing of the leaflets and for a copy of the bill when it arrives.

This will clear the air to everyone's benefit.'

Oh I forget to ask him to let us know the result.

Anonymous said...

'Now that Walker has gone as National Treasurer, do we have any indications that the new Treasurer Jennie Noble has now got a grip on the parties financial woes?'

Excellent point. The member who was at the meeting can write to the Treasurer asking who is being paid for leaflets and how much.

Anonymous said...

Griffin promised financial clarity and an end to cronyism when he ousted JT in 1999.

10 years on...

can any doubt that Gri££in is a lair busily trousering expenses, wages and the Trafalgar Fund wonga?

Damn him to hell!

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...