Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Collet is a TW*T

Story from Sharon Ebanks:

The maestro and benefactor of huge quantities of BNP money has outdone himself once again.

Mr Mark (all bend down and kiss my arse) Collett has f*cked up royally on the first round of the BNPs Euro election leaflets.

Mr Collett omitted the printer/publisher and election agent details from said leaflets thus making them illegal for distribution to the public.

One can only wonder why the omission was made, but phone calls that I’ve been receiving today from ANGRY members suggest that they finally agree that the BNP is indeed a government run safety valve with stupid tw*ts in charge of it, and who am I to disagree.

The poor BNP members are currently amending 700,000 leaflets with stickers so that they can be delivered and posted out, but I also wonder if this batch will be delivered after the fiasco of the previous Euro election when Mr David(I’m a thick lazy bastard unable to do basic arithmetic which is why I'm deputy treasurer) Hannam, left 250,000 leaflets to rot in someone’s house because he was to bone idol to take them to the sorting office.

Imagine how those members felt after donating a week of their time to stuffing them in envelopes…………………….



Anonymous said...

There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution." - Aldous Huxley, Tavistock Group, California Medical School, 1961

Anonymous said...

"Collett is a TW*T"

Indeed he is!

Anonymous said...

If I paid a person to organise the printing of a leaflet and what he produced was a leaflet that was illegal to distribute I would make that person, at his own cost, redo the printing to the required standard.
If I employed such a person as above I would sack him for incompetance.
What I would not do is engage in the amaturism of sticking labels on the leaflets in an attempt to nullify the mistake.
The B.N.P would like to run the country. It appears from this post that they can not run a printing operation.
Of course it is just possible that the reported misprint was not an error but sabotage. I wonder who is printing the thousands of labels needed, as reported, to be stuck on the leaflets.Is it the same person who fouled up the leaflet print run? And is that person being paid to produce the labels? Imagine such a scenario--a person screws up a print run and then instead of being made to redo the print run ,at his own cost, is paid more money to print labels to attampt to rectify his incompetance. Incredible. What is even more incredible is ,if I remember a previous post correctly, this is not the first time this has happened. was'nt there a post about an identical screw up for the leaflets for the BNP Parliamentary candidate in Henley-on-Thames? Once may be incompetance but twice !
Now let us all ask ourselves a few questions.
1) What is Vangard promotions?
2)Who owns Vangard promotions?
3)What is Vangard Promotions relationship to the BNP?
4)How much money does Vangard promotions make from the BNP each year?
Something that would also be nice to see,at this moment in time, would be North West Nationalist Blog Spot re posting Mr Collet's expenses. I think that such a re-posting is very pertinant at this moment in time.
I have assumed,from reading the post, that the leaflet order was not put out to tender. BNP members should demand that all commercial operations are put out to tender and they must demand their right to see the bids. This is financial transparency as promised by the BNP leadership to BNP members. BNP members should remember that the BNP is THEIR party. They finance it, they leaflet for it, they stand in elections for it , they take the opprobrium for standing up . They ,unlike the leadership, receive no financial compensation.
The primary reason why our country (and the Western World) is in it's death throes is because Western people just accept and do as their are told. BNP members must be different. They must not just accept--they must question and challenge. Freedom demands this.
Richard Chadfield

Anonymous said...

Piss up...Brewery...

Anonymous said...

"The B.N.P would like to run the country. It appears from this post that they can not run a printing operation."

So true, and Griffin has attempted running several printing companies, and parties :)

Anonymous said...

"1) What is Vangard promotions?
2)Who owns Vangard promotions?
3)What is Vangard Promotions relationship to the BNP?
4)How much money does Vangard promotions make from the BNP each year?"

Who knows, but the tax man seems interested.



Anonymous said...

"I have assumed,from reading the post, that the leaflet order was not put out to tender. BNP members should demand that all commercial operations are put out to tender and they must demand their right to see the bids. This is financial transparency as promised by the BNP leadership to BNP members."

Sorry to multiple post, I just spotted that bit.

As Brum organiser I did that just that. I saved the branch more than £250 by going to an independent printer. The only problem was, was it took the BNP 3 months to agree and release a cheque from Brum funds. The cheque then bounced lumbering me with the bill as the order was raised in my name.

I had a good relationship with the printer who let me off the hook and chased the BNP instead, but they came to a sticky wicket as the BNP is only registered to a PO Box and debt collectors can't take action against PO Box numbers.

Griffin is a clever devious evil little bastard, but he'll get his...



Anonymous said...

Gable must be laffin his socks off.

Anonymous said...

I reccomend that Nick Griffin and Mark Collett are entitled to be given seats in the House of Lords.

Their comitment to both incompetence, personal greed and corruption and, quite likely, the State, qualifies them both for the distinction of wearing the ermine and in taking their rightful places amongst the..ahem...esteemed lords and ladies of the House.

Recent revelations concerning the corrupt and sleaze-ridden House of Lords should convince even the most Griffin obsequious loyalists that these two..ahem...worthy men should be raised to the status of lords in that House.

May I ask for seconders for this resolution please?

Anonymous said...

Give Tony Hancock the work. He's a proper printer & one of us.

Anonymous said...

What is the treasurer doing?

Anonymous said...

"May I ask for seconders for this resolution please?

28 January 2009 21:55"


Anonymous said...

What is the treasurer doing?

28 January 2009 22:22

She's probably waiting to sign the documents that Griffin and his daddy have prepared for the EC.

Anonymous said...

A vile little ego running rings around the membership while getting rich off their backs and hard work, but don’t forget that Collett is the creation of another nasty piece of work; GRI££IN no less!
He trained him and nurtured him.

A pair of scumbags.

Anonymous said...

People would be better of ignoring the BNP and contributing to Migration Watch.

Anonymous said...

A trip down memory lane

Anonymous said...

This is a temporary situation and will soon be resolved. The clock is ticking for the entire "Blockage" BNP.

The membership are not stupid!

The more involved they become, the more they will see through these morons.

It is important that they do no not then give-up on the cause, but are easily able to find the alternative.

Nationalists will have to be easy to find when the BNP Crashes in flames.

Anonymous said...

That Collette and Hannam are 2 kiddie fiddlers who tried to shag two 13 year old girls at the conference. They should be gelded i avice all members of the bnp to lock there children away while these pervert are about.

Anonymous said...

So many screw ups at just the wrong moment ... can't work it out yet?

Anonymous said...

I'm a printer. And I've fought in elections for many years now. The printer and publisher (or promoter these days!) imprint is the first thing any person would naturally check. Not just to see if it was there but simply to see that it was printed right! To not print it at all shows a mind totally devoid of realities of election fighting. Some less charitable might suggest that just about sums up Mr Collett's mind.

Anonymous said...

Let's not mince words, Collet is a kiddy-fiddling, swindling, corrupt, greedy, money-grabbing, pro-zionist kike cunt financially ripping off decent BNP members, and back-handing to Rabbi Gri£$in a decent percentage of the looted cash.

Q1 What is Vanguard Promotions?
A. An unsophisticated
straightforward scam for
ripping of BNP members.

Q2 Who owns vanguard Promotions?
A. Front-cunt Collet the Kike
cunt, and Rabbi Grabbit-the-
Loot Gri£$ his behind-the-wall
silent co-owner.

Q.2 What is Vanguard's relationship
to the BNP?
A. 100% parasitic.

Q4. How much money does Vanguard
Promotions make from the BNP
each year?
A. Around £200,000 annually.

..... the tax man seems interested

As state assets, kikes Gri£$in and cunt Collet have nothing to fear from the tax man or the State.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is the treasurer doing?

28 January 2009 22:22

She's probably waiting to sign the documents that Griffin and his daddy have prepared for the EC.

Interesting point, just what is the new Treasurer doing. We hear very little of Jennie Noble. So they sacked Walker, but have we seen any change with regards to Treasury?

Anonymous said...

Griffin obviously doesn't find intelligence an attractive feature.

Anonymous said...

British National Parasites

Anonymous said...

look at the picture at the head of the original post/article.

that smug tw#t is No 2 in the bnp.

that daft tw#t was called the future of nationalism by Gri££in on national tv.

that arrogant tw#t is raking money in from bnp members.

that perverted tw#t is a KNOWN paedophile, and is STILL a bnp member!?!?!

it's beyond a joke.

it's an effing DISGRACE.

And it is ALL Gri££in's fault!!!

the buck stops there.

Anonymous said...

Your home is no longer your castleThe government is eroding the protection afforded to people in their own homes – wasn't that an emblem of British civilisation?Comments (…)
There will come a day when everyone understands that the Justice Minister Jack Straw ranks as one of the bigger menaces to our free society. Whatever issue you care to consider – the macro or the micro – Jack Straw is chipping away at freedom, accountability and openness. He really should be hauled before a commission of good democrats, exposed and made to account for his sins with community service order and a Day-Glo jacket.

Today we will look at a micro issue – the disgraceful behaviour of his department over the Courts and Tribunal Enforcement Act, the law which ends 400 years of the tradition that an Englishman's home is his castle and allows bailiffs to march into that home and seize what goods they like in settlement of a fine (think ID card fines; think of the pressure people are going to experience in this recession).

It is not misty-eyed to say that the protection afforded to people in their own homes was truly an emblem of British civilisation. The judge who defined the law, in 1605, said:

"That the house of every one is to him his castle and fortress, as well as for the defence against injury and violence as for his repose."

Our government is no respecter of history or of tradition, and it cares little about setting a lot of thugs on people who are frail or cannot protect themselves, like Andy Miller, the pub landlord driven to a cashpoint machine in order to settle a fine, who collapsed and died.

It is clear that householders are going to be offered violence in their own homes owing to this law, but the trouble is that no one has been able to discover under what circumstances bailiffs will be able to push people aside while seizing a TV or computer or the wedding picture in a silver frame.

The Rev Paul Nicolson, who from the start steadily opposed these measures for the Zacchaeus 2000 Trust, has been trying to find out how much force will be used, and when. Unlike most government ministers, Nicolson understands what life is like today for the vulnerable and poor – the people who were once championed by Labour – and he has a good sense of the injustice and hardship that will result from these new laws.

He's been very persistent: in 2007 he was sent the draft guidance for bailiffs and magistrates with 30 pages blacked out in answer to his question, "What are the circumstances and who decides on a last resort when a bailiff can break in to enforce a fine?"

That's 30 pages of information vital to the public interest kept secret by the Department of Justice for reasons that it refused to provide. Who the hell do they think are? By what right do they order this profound change in society and yet keep it from the public? How dare they?

In an email to me, the persistent Nicolson reports"

"Force against the person is proposed in Tribunals Courts and Enforcement Act 2007. A power to use force does not include power to use force against persons, except to the extent that regulations provide that it does. Those regulations are now being written. The Zacchaeus 2000 Trust is campaigning to ensure they never see the light of day."

He made a formal complaint to the information commissioner and eventually received a copy of the regulations with a mere 15 pages blacked out. Why the continued secrecy? The Ministry of Justice answers that it is concerned for the health and safety of bailiffs.

You just could not make it up.

Anonymous said...

Does the treasurer play any part or is it a ceremonial function?

Anonymous said...

As state assets, kikes Gri£$in and cunt Collet have nothing to fear from the tax man or the State.
Yes. My feelings are that they are state assets and undoubtably there will be others in the 'leadership' who are also state assets. Consequently I agree the tax man will not be interested. The tax mans lack of interest is ,of course, just a further indication that such feelings are correct. The clincher though ,in my mind at least, is the states (ie police) total lack of interest in the events of December 2007. That is police apparent lack of interest in phone bugging, broadcasting intercepted messages, entering peoples homes in their absence and without the homeowners permission, removing goods from a persons home without the persons permission. If any reader thinks these actions are legal may I suggest they try carrying them out and see how long it is before they are arrested. Now ask yourselves why the BNP 'leadership' were not arrested. Ask yourselves why the media choose not to report the matter.
I am repeating this twelve month old history because it must not be forgotten. It must be constantly repeated and discussed. Especially with BNP members.
In conclusion it appears that our BNP has been hijacked by the enemies of nationalism. What are nationalists to do?
Richard Chadfield

Anonymous said...

seventhvictim said...

People would be better of ignoring the BNP and contributing to Migration Watch.

28 January 2009 23:54

Agreed. Migration Watch is an excellent organisation that does vital work. Nationalists and Patriots should join or support this organisation.

But until the BNP changes its leadership and itself then Nationalists should refrain from pumping money into the BNP and work for regime change.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"May I ask for seconders for this resolution please?

28 January 2009 21:55"


28 January 2009 22:27

Thanks Anonymous.

Since Griffin and Collett are desperate to jump on the Gravy Train, whether its the European Parliament or ripping the BNP off, I recommend that Nick Griffin is awarded the title of Lord Bistro.

Anonymous said...

I would hereby like to warn sensitive readers of this site to stay away from the blog pages linked below. There is some atrociously good, sorry bad piss taking going on there.

Bev and the purple nipple saga

Tesco bans bev kerry lol

Anonymous said...


Saturday 31st January is the day we have been promised a large march and rally will be inflicted on Liverpool with a cocktail of Left Wing and Black and Asian Self Interest Groups led by Shahid Malik MP, Searchlight, UAF, Alec El Gobo Macfadden, Idi Amin lookalike Weyman Bennett, The Black Police Association Vinnie Tomlinson, The Somali Association and many others including Little Black Sisters of The Poor under the banner of 'STOP THE BNP'

Sunday 1st February from 10pm - 2am a talk phone show run by Pete Price Talk City 105.6 telephone 0151 708 1059 txt 61025 put TALK space start message.

It is expected Gerry Gable/Nick Lowles and others will be given plenty of airtime. Has a representative from the BNP been invited to respond?

Supporters of the BNP should be encouraged to ring the Pete Price phone in, in order to have there views aired (but beware of making comment abouts Gays) Mr Price has stated in the past he is a conserative - whatever that may mean.

Anonymous said...

"Saturday 31st January is the day we have been promised a large march and rally will be inflicted on Liverpool with a cocktail of Left Wing and Black and Asian Self Interest Groups led by Shahid Malik MP, Searchlight, UAF, Alec El Gobo Macfadden, Idi Amin lookalike Weyman Bennett, The Black Police Association Vinnie Tomlinson, The Somali Association and many others including Little Black Sisters of The Poor under the banner of 'STOP THE BNP'"

We also need people to counter demo on this bunch of wankers.

Anonymous said...

In conclusion it appears our BNP has been highjacked by the enemies of nationalism. What are we to do?


Richard, greetings.

The word `appears' denotes a possible alternative. OUR BNP HAS BEEN HIGHJACKED. NO DOUBT ABOUT IT.

What we BNPers must do, is stay with the BNP, keep promoting nationalism, and at the first available opportunity sling overboard Captain Crook Gri£$in and his bum chum Kike Co$£et.

Anonymous said...

All this goes on while Collette and Hannam are stalking young girls un 12 yrs old

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...