Figures due to be published in the New Year show deaths from stab wounds hit 277 last year after increasing by more than a third under Labour.
That is the highest annual death toll since at least 1977 - the earliest year for which figures are available - when it stood at 135.
The Daily Telegraph can also disclose that a knife victim is admitted to hospital every 72 minutes in the UK.
The figures come as ministers announce plans for people guilty of carrying knives to face tougher community sentences in a bid to stem the tide of stabbings
From next week, courts will be able to sentence knife offenders to "Community Payback" work including picking up litter and cleaning up grafitti while wearing high-visibility fluorescent vests.
Current rules allow offenders to spread community service over many weeks, but under the new scheme anyone sentenced for knife crime will have to do at least 18 hours' community work a week. Offenders could also be subject to a curfew that keeps them off the streets in the evening.
David Hanson, the Justice Minister, said the new penalties would mean "a significant loss of liberty and free time" for knife offenders.
The community service penalties are unlikely to placate the Government's critics, who say the rising number of fatal stabbings show that more knife criminals should be jailed.
Recent high-profile stabbings have included those of Jimmy Mizen, 16, an altar boy who was stabbed to death in a bakery in south-east London, and Rob Knox, a young actor who had acted in a Harry Potter film.
Data obtained under the Freedom of Information Act shows some 277 fatal stabbings in England and Wales for 2007/08.
It is the equivalent of five children or adults dying after being attacked with a knife or sharp object every week.
The total is also up 38 per cent on the 201 fatalities from sharp objects in 1998/99.
In the decade before Labour took power, the average annual death toll stood at 203 but has risen to 241 in the decade since.
Shadow Home Affairs Minister, James Brokenshire, who uncovered the fatality statistics, said: "Knife crime is a scourge which claims too many lives and ruins countless others.
"Yet under Labour it has soared. The Government's only response is short term, ad-hoc police operations, the results of which they spin and manipulate anyway to try and get a good story.
A separate study of hospital admissions across the UK by The Daily Telegraph has also revealed a growing trend in serious injuries from stabbings.
Some 5,720 people were admitted to hospitals in England in 2006/07 - the most recent figures available - which was up 56 per cent from 1998/99.
In Scotland, 1,319 people were admitted in 2006 and 1,325 in 2007.
Wales saw 210 admitted in 2006 and 193 admitted in 2007, while hospitals in Northern Ireland took in 171 serious stab injuries in 2006/07.
It means roughly 7,420 people were admitted after being stabbed during 2006/07 - the equivalent of one every 72 minutes.
An admission is where a victim is so seriously injured they need further treatment than A&E, with some requiring a stay in hospital.
Shadow Home Secretary Dominic Grieve said: "These figures betray the soaring scale of knife crime under Labour. This scourge is claiming too many lives and destroying countless others.
Liberal Democrat home affairs spokesman Chris Huhne added: "These hospital figures are all the more shocking because they are the most independent and objective test of knife crime.
New rules issued to doctors in the summer told them to report stabbings to the police and the Lord Chief Justice, Lord Judge, has pledged to clamp down on knife crime, saying culprits must expect "severe punishment".
In July, the British Crime Survey suggested more than a third of a million young thugs armed with knives are wandering the streets.
The home of real patriotic British people. The independent nationalist voice in the UK. The Red Rose County - Lancashire. A cummerbund & Griffinite free zone.Nick Griffin wrecked the National Front in the 1980's and then he wrecked the British National Party when he hijacked the BNP in 1999.A blog that supported John Tyndall.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Griffin launches EU campaign on Facebook!

Actualmente preparándose para
Oficina:European Parliament and Westminster
Estado :United Kingdom
Distrito:North West Constituency
Partido:British National Party
Nick Griffin ha actualizado su perfil. Ha cambiado los siguientes: Actualmente preparándose para, País, Sitio Web, Sexo, Fecha de nacimiento, Ciudad de origen, Ideología política, Actividades, Sobre mí, Información laboral, Información académica, Correo electrónico y Teléfono
Información detallada
Sitio Web:
Situación sentimental:
Casado/a conJacquie Griffin
Fecha de nacimiento:
Ciudad de origen:
Ideología política:
Political Campaigning.
Sobre mí:
Nicholas John Griffin was born in Barnet (1959) and was educated at two Suffolk private schools: St Felix School in Southwold and Woodbridge School. Griffin's childhood provided him with a firm foundation on which to develop his political ideologies. In fact, he attended a National Front meeting when he was merely 15 years old.Griffin studied History and Law at Downing College, Cambridge wherein he established the "Young National Front Students" society. He eventually graduated with a lower-second-class degree in History with Law and a boxing blue. In September 1999, Griffin was elected as head of the BNP. He embarked on a campaign to make the party "electable" by taking it away from Tyndall's agenda. These changes included an emphasis on the need to dismantle multiculturalism, which the BNP claim has a destructive influence on both immigrant and British culture. This realignment was designed to position the BNP alongside successful European Nationalist groups, such as the French Front National.
Información laboral
British National Party
Período de tiempo:
septiembre de 1999 - actualidad
Información de contacto
Correo electrónico:
0871 0500232 or 0871 0500 233
Sitio Web:
Situación sentimental:
Casado/a conJacquie Griffin
Fecha de nacimiento:
Ciudad de origen:
Ideología política:
Political Campaigning.
Sobre mí:
Nicholas John Griffin was born in Barnet (1959) and was educated at two Suffolk private schools: St Felix School in Southwold and Woodbridge School. Griffin's childhood provided him with a firm foundation on which to develop his political ideologies. In fact, he attended a National Front meeting when he was merely 15 years old.Griffin studied History and Law at Downing College, Cambridge wherein he established the "Young National Front Students" society. He eventually graduated with a lower-second-class degree in History with Law and a boxing blue. In September 1999, Griffin was elected as head of the BNP. He embarked on a campaign to make the party "electable" by taking it away from Tyndall's agenda. These changes included an emphasis on the need to dismantle multiculturalism, which the BNP claim has a destructive influence on both immigrant and British culture. This realignment was designed to position the BNP alongside successful European Nationalist groups, such as the French Front National.
Información laboral
British National Party
Período de tiempo:
septiembre de 1999 - actualidad
Información de contacto
Correo electrónico:
0871 0500232 or 0871 0500 233
"You're a true gent Nick. You always have time for people and you are clearly loved within the party. 2009 will be a seminal year for the BNP and I'll be proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with you and all members of the BNP family. Bring on the Euro Elections! Nick Griffin MEP....take a bow Sir!"
"Always a pleasure Nick and the nation will one day stand shoulder to shoulder with you. A true gent and the intrests of the british people close to his heart."
"we must rid ourselves of the scourge & take our country back ..........."
"Great Nick!!You must to be a European MP next year!identitario (great info Blog of Chile) .."
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Bishops deliver damning verdict on Britain under Labour rule
Five of the Church’s most senior figures said the Government now presided over a country suffering from family breakdown, an unhealthy reliance on debt and a growing divide between rich and poor.
The Bishop of Manchester accused Labour of being “beguiled by money” and “morally corrupt”.
The Bishop of Hulme said they were “morally suspect” and the Bishop of Durham said they had reneged on their promises.
They were joined by the bishops of Winchester and Carlisle who claimed ministers had squandered their opportunity to transform society and run out of steam.
The bishops said Labour sacrificed principled politics and long-term solutions for policies designed to win votes. One described the Government as “tired” and another said its policies were “scandalous”.
Meanwhile, in an article for The Sunday Telegraph, David Cameron accused Gordon Brown of leading Britain to the “brink of bankruptcy”.
The Conservative leader said the “debt crisis”, which he claimed was the Government’s responsibility alone, would serve as the Prime Minister’s “political epitaph”.
Although they were speaking independently in a series of interviews with The Sunday Telegraph, the bishops’ common criticisms reflect the deepening rift between the Government and the Church on social and moral issues. Relations have become increasingly fractious following condemnation of Mr Brown’s spending plans by Dr Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and the publication of a report that accused the Government of marginalising the Church.
In February, the General Synod, the Church’s parliament, will hold a debate on the implications of the financial crisis that is expected to lead to heavy criticism of the Government. The Rt Rev Tom Wright, the Bishop of Durham, said ministers had not done enough to help the poor.
“Labour made a lot of promises, but a lot of them have vanished into thin air,” he said. “We have not seen a raising of aspirations in the last 13 years, but instead there is a sense of hopelessness.
“While the rich have got richer, the poor have got poorer. When a big bank or car company goes bankrupt, it gets bailed out, but no one seems to be bailing out the ordinary people who are losing their jobs and seeing their savings diminished.”
The Rt Rev Nigel McCulloch, the Bishop of Manchester, condemned Labour for encouraging people to get further into debt. “The Government has acted scandalously. This is not just an economic issue, but a moral one. It’s about what we value,” he said.
“The Government believes that money can answer all of the problems and has encouraged greed and a love of money that the Bible says is the root of all evil. It is morally corrupt because it encourages people to get into a lifestyle of believing they can always get what they want.”
Bishop McCulloch said New Labour was guilty of pursuing the policies championed by Margaret Thatcher, which the Church condemned in its landmark 1985 report, Faith in the City. It blamed Thatcherite policies for the growth of spiritual and economic poverty in Britain’s inner cities.
“Both administrations have been beguiled by money,” said Bishop McCulloch.
“It is ironic that under a Labour government we have the poor feeling they have been betrayed and the gap is getting ever greater. Any government of integrity would have exercised restraint, but this has been sadly lacking.”
The Rt Rev Stephen Lowe, the Church’s Bishop for Urban Life and Faith and also the Bishop of Hulme, said: “The Government isn’t telling people who are already deep in debt to stop overextending themselves, but instead is urging us to spend more.
“That is morally suspect and morally feeble. It is unfair and irresponsible of the Government to put pressure on the public to spend in order to revive the economy.”
Bishop Lowe suggested that it was a cynical ploy to improve the economy in time for the next general election.
“They are trying to take the credit for this, but are playing with people’s livelihoods in the process.” The bishop commissioned a Church report, Moral, But No Compass, published earlier this year, which said Labour had failed society and marginalised the Church.
It revealed the level of unease felt among senior clerical figures over the direction being taken by the Government.
The Rt Rev Graham Dow, the Bishop of Carlisle, and the Rt Rev Michael Scott-Joynt, the Bishop of Winchester, said Labour deserved credit for some past achievements but it was struggling to balance its conscience with the pressure to win the next election.
“I agree with the Conservatives that the breakdown of the family is a crucial element in the difficulties of our present society,” said Bishop Dow.
“The Government hasn’t given sufficient support to that because it is scared of losing votes.” He argued that Labour’s failure to back marriage and its “insistence on supporting every choice of lifestyle” had had a negative effect on society. “I think Labour has got tired,” he said. Bishop Scott-Joynt said:
“The Government hasn’t done anything like enough to help those less well off, particularly in terms of tax redistribution. There also has been the disaster of the 10p tax.
“It is imperative that this Government help the poorer people and hold the hard-hit communities in its sights, but it seems to have its eye on re-election instead.”
A senior ministerial source said: “The Government has a proud record on promoting fairness and opportunity for all, combating poverty and in tackling Third World debt and promoting international development.
“We also believe it is morally right to provide real help and resources to people facing unemployment or worried about losing their homes.”
*Gordon Brown will use his New Year message to pledge to work with Barack Obama, the US President-Elect, to end the economic crisis and get to grips with climate change. The Prime Minister will say that the main challenge of 2009 will be to build a “better tomorrow, today”.
The Bishop of Manchester accused Labour of being “beguiled by money” and “morally corrupt”.
The Bishop of Hulme said they were “morally suspect” and the Bishop of Durham said they had reneged on their promises.
They were joined by the bishops of Winchester and Carlisle who claimed ministers had squandered their opportunity to transform society and run out of steam.
The bishops said Labour sacrificed principled politics and long-term solutions for policies designed to win votes. One described the Government as “tired” and another said its policies were “scandalous”.
Meanwhile, in an article for The Sunday Telegraph, David Cameron accused Gordon Brown of leading Britain to the “brink of bankruptcy”.
The Conservative leader said the “debt crisis”, which he claimed was the Government’s responsibility alone, would serve as the Prime Minister’s “political epitaph”.
Although they were speaking independently in a series of interviews with The Sunday Telegraph, the bishops’ common criticisms reflect the deepening rift between the Government and the Church on social and moral issues. Relations have become increasingly fractious following condemnation of Mr Brown’s spending plans by Dr Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and the publication of a report that accused the Government of marginalising the Church.
In February, the General Synod, the Church’s parliament, will hold a debate on the implications of the financial crisis that is expected to lead to heavy criticism of the Government. The Rt Rev Tom Wright, the Bishop of Durham, said ministers had not done enough to help the poor.
“Labour made a lot of promises, but a lot of them have vanished into thin air,” he said. “We have not seen a raising of aspirations in the last 13 years, but instead there is a sense of hopelessness.
“While the rich have got richer, the poor have got poorer. When a big bank or car company goes bankrupt, it gets bailed out, but no one seems to be bailing out the ordinary people who are losing their jobs and seeing their savings diminished.”
The Rt Rev Nigel McCulloch, the Bishop of Manchester, condemned Labour for encouraging people to get further into debt. “The Government has acted scandalously. This is not just an economic issue, but a moral one. It’s about what we value,” he said.
“The Government believes that money can answer all of the problems and has encouraged greed and a love of money that the Bible says is the root of all evil. It is morally corrupt because it encourages people to get into a lifestyle of believing they can always get what they want.”
Bishop McCulloch said New Labour was guilty of pursuing the policies championed by Margaret Thatcher, which the Church condemned in its landmark 1985 report, Faith in the City. It blamed Thatcherite policies for the growth of spiritual and economic poverty in Britain’s inner cities.
“Both administrations have been beguiled by money,” said Bishop McCulloch.
“It is ironic that under a Labour government we have the poor feeling they have been betrayed and the gap is getting ever greater. Any government of integrity would have exercised restraint, but this has been sadly lacking.”
The Rt Rev Stephen Lowe, the Church’s Bishop for Urban Life and Faith and also the Bishop of Hulme, said: “The Government isn’t telling people who are already deep in debt to stop overextending themselves, but instead is urging us to spend more.
“That is morally suspect and morally feeble. It is unfair and irresponsible of the Government to put pressure on the public to spend in order to revive the economy.”
Bishop Lowe suggested that it was a cynical ploy to improve the economy in time for the next general election.
“They are trying to take the credit for this, but are playing with people’s livelihoods in the process.” The bishop commissioned a Church report, Moral, But No Compass, published earlier this year, which said Labour had failed society and marginalised the Church.
It revealed the level of unease felt among senior clerical figures over the direction being taken by the Government.
The Rt Rev Graham Dow, the Bishop of Carlisle, and the Rt Rev Michael Scott-Joynt, the Bishop of Winchester, said Labour deserved credit for some past achievements but it was struggling to balance its conscience with the pressure to win the next election.
“I agree with the Conservatives that the breakdown of the family is a crucial element in the difficulties of our present society,” said Bishop Dow.
“The Government hasn’t given sufficient support to that because it is scared of losing votes.” He argued that Labour’s failure to back marriage and its “insistence on supporting every choice of lifestyle” had had a negative effect on society. “I think Labour has got tired,” he said. Bishop Scott-Joynt said:
“The Government hasn’t done anything like enough to help those less well off, particularly in terms of tax redistribution. There also has been the disaster of the 10p tax.
“It is imperative that this Government help the poorer people and hold the hard-hit communities in its sights, but it seems to have its eye on re-election instead.”
A senior ministerial source said: “The Government has a proud record on promoting fairness and opportunity for all, combating poverty and in tackling Third World debt and promoting international development.
“We also believe it is morally right to provide real help and resources to people facing unemployment or worried about losing their homes.”
*Gordon Brown will use his New Year message to pledge to work with Barack Obama, the US President-Elect, to end the economic crisis and get to grips with climate change. The Prime Minister will say that the main challenge of 2009 will be to build a “better tomorrow, today”.
Israel mounts PR campaign to blame Hamas for Gaza destruction
Israel has mounted a public relations campaign to convince international hearts and minds that Hamas is to blame for the death and destruction they are seeing on their television screens.
Stung by the wave of international criticism earlier this year when Israel invaded Gaza to stop militants firing rockets, in an operation dwarfed by its current attack, Israel decided to go on the offensive.
"In the past our prime minister received phone calls from high-ranking officials and politicians. When he said, 'Surely you understand about the rocket fire', they said, 'What are you talking about?'" foreign ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor said.
So, while the military marshalled its forces, the foreign ministry honed its message and amassed its staff, ready for Saturday's attack.
Israeli diplomats were recalled from holidays and ordered back to work and in the rocket-bombarded southern Israeli town of Sderot, on Gaza's northern perimeter, it opened a multilingual media centre to brief foreign journalists.
Then when the time came, the foreign minister, Tzipi Livni, reportedly picked up the phone, dialing Britain's foreign secretary, David Miliband, US secretary of state Condoleezza Rice, UN secretary general Ban Ki-Moon, and EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana along with the foreign ministers of Russia, China, France and Germany.
Yesterday she also briefed two buses of up to 80 international representatives and dignitaries in the Sderot media centre.
"We thought it was essential to show the context in which Israel's decisions are being made and that there is a sequence of events," Palmor said.
For Israel, the chain of events leading up to this attack begins not with its occupation of Palestinian territory in 1967, which is the Palestinian view.
Instead it begins three years ago with its decision to withdraw its military barracks and civilian settlements from inside Gaza.
"We could start in 1948 [with the partitioning of historical Palestine to create Israel] but if we want to limit ourselves to the current situation, I would begin with the pull-out of 2005," Palmor said.
Palestinian militants claimed the evacuation was a victory due to their rocket-launching campaign and continued firing rockets on to Israeli southern towns.
Having built a wall around Gaza before disengagement, Israel then imposed a progressively tighter blockade, by barring Gazan labourers from entering Israel in late 2005, then by banning Gazan commercial trade in 2006 and finally in mid-2007 by squeezing humanitarian aid.
Asked whether the campaign was working, Palmor said it was too early to tell.
Still, as the attack was beginning yesterday on , the message, whether due to Israel's campaign or not, was being publicly repeated around the world.
Rice blamed Hamas "for breaking the cease-fire and for the renewal of violence" while the Palestinian Authorityís President, Mahmoud Abbas, said the attack could have been avoided.
"We have warned of this grave danger and said that we should remove all the pretexts used by Israel," Abbas said yesterday as the attack on Gaza continued.
Stung by the wave of international criticism earlier this year when Israel invaded Gaza to stop militants firing rockets, in an operation dwarfed by its current attack, Israel decided to go on the offensive.
"In the past our prime minister received phone calls from high-ranking officials and politicians. When he said, 'Surely you understand about the rocket fire', they said, 'What are you talking about?'" foreign ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor said.
So, while the military marshalled its forces, the foreign ministry honed its message and amassed its staff, ready for Saturday's attack.
Israeli diplomats were recalled from holidays and ordered back to work and in the rocket-bombarded southern Israeli town of Sderot, on Gaza's northern perimeter, it opened a multilingual media centre to brief foreign journalists.
Then when the time came, the foreign minister, Tzipi Livni, reportedly picked up the phone, dialing Britain's foreign secretary, David Miliband, US secretary of state Condoleezza Rice, UN secretary general Ban Ki-Moon, and EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana along with the foreign ministers of Russia, China, France and Germany.
Yesterday she also briefed two buses of up to 80 international representatives and dignitaries in the Sderot media centre.
"We thought it was essential to show the context in which Israel's decisions are being made and that there is a sequence of events," Palmor said.
For Israel, the chain of events leading up to this attack begins not with its occupation of Palestinian territory in 1967, which is the Palestinian view.
Instead it begins three years ago with its decision to withdraw its military barracks and civilian settlements from inside Gaza.
"We could start in 1948 [with the partitioning of historical Palestine to create Israel] but if we want to limit ourselves to the current situation, I would begin with the pull-out of 2005," Palmor said.
Palestinian militants claimed the evacuation was a victory due to their rocket-launching campaign and continued firing rockets on to Israeli southern towns.
Having built a wall around Gaza before disengagement, Israel then imposed a progressively tighter blockade, by barring Gazan labourers from entering Israel in late 2005, then by banning Gazan commercial trade in 2006 and finally in mid-2007 by squeezing humanitarian aid.
Asked whether the campaign was working, Palmor said it was too early to tell.
Still, as the attack was beginning yesterday on , the message, whether due to Israel's campaign or not, was being publicly repeated around the world.
Rice blamed Hamas "for breaking the cease-fire and for the renewal of violence" while the Palestinian Authorityís President, Mahmoud Abbas, said the attack could have been avoided.
"We have warned of this grave danger and said that we should remove all the pretexts used by Israel," Abbas said yesterday as the attack on Gaza continued.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Is your local council funding black nationalism and torture?
Ron Karenga invented 'Kwanzaa' in 1966
"Malcolm was the major African American thinker that influenced me in terms of nationalism and Pan-Africanism. As you know, towards the end, when Malcolm is expanding his concept of Islam, and of nationalism, he stresses Pan-Africanism in a particular way. And he argues that, and this is where we have the whole idea that cultural revolution and the need for revolution, he argues that we need a cultural revolution, he argues that we must return to Africa culturally and spiritually, even if we can’t go physically. And so that’s a tremendous impact on US. And US saw it, when I founded it, as the sons and daughters of Malcolm, and as an heir to his legacy." —Ron Karenga
"In 1971, Karenga, Louis Smith, and Luz Maria Tamayo were convicted of felony assault and false imprisonment for assaulting and torturing over a two day period two women from the US organization, Deborah Jones and Gail Davis. A May 14, 1971 article in the Los Angeles Times described the testimony of one of the women: "Deborah Jones, who once was given the Swahili title of an African queen, said she and Gail Davis were whipped with an electrical cord and beaten with a karate baton after being ordered to remove their clothes. She testified that a hot soldering iron was placed in Ms. Davis's mouth and placed against Ms. Davis's face and that one of her own big toes was tightened in a vise. Karenga also put detergent and running hoses in their mouths, she said."
"In 1975, Karenga was released from California State Prison, with his newly adopted views on Marxism, and re-established the US organization under a new structure. One year later, he was awarded his first doctorate. In 1977, he formulated a set of principles called Kawaida, a Swahili term for tradition. Karenga called on African Americans to adopt his secular humanism and reject other practices as mythical (Karenga 1977, pp. 14, 23, 24, 27, 44–5).
Central to Karenga's collectivist doctrine are the Nguzo Saba, the Seven Principles of Blackness, which are reinforced during the seven days of Kwanzaa:
Umoja (unity)—To strive for and maintain unity in the family, community, nation, and race.
Kujichagulia (self-determination)—To define ourselves, name ourselves, create for ourselves, and speak for ourselves.
Ujima (collective work and responsibility)—To build and maintain our community together and make our brother's and sister's problems our problems and to solve them together.
Ujamaa (cooperative economics)—To build and maintain our own stores, shops, and other businesses and to profit from them together.
Nia (purpose)—To make our collective vocation the building and development of our community in order to restore our people to their traditional greatness.
Kuumba (creativity)—To do always as much as we can, in the way we can, in order to leave our community more beautiful and beneficial than we inherited it.
Imani (faith)—To believe with all our heart in our people, our parents, our teachers, our leaders, and the righteousness and victory of our struggle."
Next time a BNP councillor is hassled, thrown from a chamber, called a Nazi, or a fascist, please, remember to quote the above.
If your town or city is celebrating Kwanzaa using British tax payers money we would like to hear about it to identify the Marxist councillors who allowed the events.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Bailiffs get power to use force on debtors
Under the regulations, bailiffs for private firms would for the first time be given permission to restrain or pin down householders. They would also be able to force their way into homes to seize property to pay off debts, such as unpaid credit card bills and loans.
The government, which wants to crack down on people who evade debts, says the new powers would be overseen by a robust industry watchdog. However, the laws are being criticised as the latest erosion of the rights of the householder in his own home.
“These laws strip away tried and tested protections that make a person’s home his castle, and which have stood for centuries,” said Paul Nicolson, chairman of the Zacchaeus 2000 Trust, a London-based welfare charity. “They could clearly lead to violent confrontations and undermine fundamental liberties.”
Bailiffs have for hundreds of years been denied powers to break into homes for civil debt or to use force against debtors, except in self-defence.
In a famous declaration, William Pitt the Elder, the 18th-century prime minister, said: “The poorest man may in his cottage bid defiance to all the forces of the crown.”
Ministers have now proposed bailiffs be given powers to physically remove debtors who try to defend their property, for example by draping themselves over a car or blocking the door of their home. Lord Bach, a junior justice minister, has assured the House of Lords that any new powers will be implemented only after a consultation and will not be used to search debtors’ pockets or to remove jewellery.
It emerged last week that Her Majesty’s Courts Service has already handed out guidance to privately employed bailiffs, pointing out that under legislation passed in 2004 they can already break down doors as a last resort to collect court fines.
Some restraint should be exercised, according to the “search and entry powers” guidelines. “If a person locks himself in their home, it might be reasonable to break open the door, but probably not to smash a hole in the wall,” it advises.
Details of the new guidelines were obtained under freedom of information laws. They say homes should not be broken into when nobody is in. Reasonable grounds for breaking down the door include the “movement of a curtain”, a radio being heard or a figure being spotted inside which “may be the offender”.
It is claimed these powers are already abused. In one case, an 89-year-old grandmother returned home to find a bailiff sitting in her chair having drawn up a list of her possessions. He was pursuing a parking fine owed by her son, who did not even live at the address.
NWN: A legalisation of 'bully boys' if ever I saw one. Disgraceful !
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Pope Benedict & Homosexuality

Pope accused of stoking homophobia after he equates homosexuality to climate change
Pope Benedict was accused of stoking homophobia today after a speech in which he declared that saving humanity from homosexuality was just as important as saving the rainforest from destruction.
The Pontiff made the remarks yesterday in an end-of-year address to the Curia, the Vatican's central administration. He said that humanity needed to listen to the "language of creation" to understand the intended roles of man and woman and behaviour beyond traditional heterosexual relations was a "destruction of God’s work".
"The tropical forests do deserve our protection. But man, as a creature, does not deserve any less," he told scores of prelates gathered in the Vatican's Clementine Hall.
"What’s needed is something like a ‘human ecology,’ understood in the right sense. It’s not simply an outdated metaphysics if the Church speaks of the nature of the human person as man and woman, and asks that this order of creation be respected."
Monday, December 22, 2008
Fat Cats
I've selected 4 excerpts from this 'Independent' article. Read them carefully.
"The Government is edging towards an emergency rescue package for Jaguar Land Rover in an attempt to protect tens of thousands of manufacturing jobs.
The luxury car firm employs 15,000 workers in the West Midlands and a further 60,000 other jobs in the region rely indirectly on the firm."
"News of the talks emerged after Tata said it was to sponsor Ferrari's Grand Prix team for an unspecified sum."
"Jaguar has told ministers it is a healthy and viable business – making a £327m profit last year and a £310m profit in the first half of 2008"
" Ministers are also conscious of several marginal parliamentary seats in the West Midlands. Seven constituencies – including Redditch, held by the Home Secretary, Jacqui Smith – would fall to the Conservatives with a swing of 5 per cent. Another three would be captured by David Cameron if the swing is 10 per cent. "
Should Jaguar receive another handout to protect the Labour Party vote?
"The Government is edging towards an emergency rescue package for Jaguar Land Rover in an attempt to protect tens of thousands of manufacturing jobs.
The luxury car firm employs 15,000 workers in the West Midlands and a further 60,000 other jobs in the region rely indirectly on the firm."
"News of the talks emerged after Tata said it was to sponsor Ferrari's Grand Prix team for an unspecified sum."
"Jaguar has told ministers it is a healthy and viable business – making a £327m profit last year and a £310m profit in the first half of 2008"
" Ministers are also conscious of several marginal parliamentary seats in the West Midlands. Seven constituencies – including Redditch, held by the Home Secretary, Jacqui Smith – would fall to the Conservatives with a swing of 5 per cent. Another three would be captured by David Cameron if the swing is 10 per cent. "
Should Jaguar receive another handout to protect the Labour Party vote?
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Hail David Noakes
The big EU con
"You're all missing the point.The BNP, like UKIP, has about 10,000 members almost all of whom are sensible, anti-EU people. Nearly all of them left the Conservative, Labour or Lib Dem Parties becuse they realised those parties woud never fight the EU (because the leaderships are controlled by the EU. And they thought the BNP would fight the EU.
But Nick Griffin, like Nigel Farage, makes a pretence of fighting the EU but does not fight it.
They could have got us out of the EU 10 years ago; they still could, if they ran proper campaigns; for example:With 10,000 members each, either party could contact and educate enough trade union leaders, and get sufficient organisation and publicity to mount a General Strike to stop the EU.
Or they could mobilise their 10,000 members to contact 70 MP's, warn them they will be excluded from politics in the EU dictatorship, and get a majority in Westminster to delare the illegal Lisbon Treaty null and void, or repeal it.
Or with 10,000 members they could work on our bought and paid for Law Lords until they prick the consciences of three of them sufficiently to declare all six EU Treaties illegal under the British Constitution, which they obviously are.
The fact neither party attempts any serious campaign against the EU, the fact neither mobilises their members, shows the leaderships are running them as a honey trap to neutralise activists.
The BNP's members are utterly betrayed by Nick Griffin, as are UKIP's by Farage."
Sarkozy drops reform amid fears of riots
FEARS of an explosion of violence on New Year’s Eve have forced President Nicolas Sarkozy to abandon an education reform that was considered one of the cornerstones of his government’s programme after it prompted angry protests from students.
Sarkozy, 53, has often mocked his predecessors for backtracking on reforms after street protests. His volte-face last week after noisy demonstrations by schoolchildren exposed him to ridicule as well as baffling his supporters.
It emerged that Sarkozy feared the protests would spill over into Christmas and the new year, spiralling into a dangerous Europe-wide student uprising inspired by the scenes of mayhem in Greece, where protests continued last week.
“We don’t want a European May ’68 in the middle of Christmas,” Sarkozy told his ministers in a reference to protests four decades ago that led to the collapse of General Charles de Gaulle’s government in 1969.
Sarkozy also worries that celebrations on New Year’s Eve could erupt into rioting similar to the disturbances that set immigrant suburbs ablaze in France three years ago.
“Things are heating up everywhere in Europe, in Greece, but also in Spain, Italy and even in France. The slogan of the Greek students about ‘the €600 generation’ could easily catch on here,” he said, referring to complaints by Greek students about being unable to find jobs paying more than €600 (£557) a month.
The backsliding on reforms is part of a wider shift by “Sarko” since the global financial crisis resurrected lingering French doubts about capitalism. Having come to power on a platform of “work more to earn more”, the hyperactive French leader has lurched leftwards now that even America has lost some of its appetite for the free market.
On Monday he abandoned a long-standing promise to allow Sunday shopping. Opposition to the idea of longer working hours has grown, particularly since the perceived failure of the so-called Anglo-Saxon model under which Britain upheld hard work as the secret of economic success.
Sarkozy no longer dares to single out Britain as the path for France to follow. France may be hurting, but the media, with more than a hint of schadenfreude, are full of tales of misery in Britain, from the collapse of Woolworths to the City’s legion of unemployed.
The government claimed that the education reform, which was intended to improve the performance of high schools by overhauling the curriculum, was being postponed until next year rather than being dumped. Yet the move, which followed similar protests from university students over plans to give universities more autonomy in managing their budgets, was seen as the first big retreat by Sarkozy since he took office last year.
Despite the government’s backdown, the protests continued and schoolchildren blocked railway lines and fought running battles with police on Thursday. Several protesters were arrested after clashes in Lyons, where a car was burnt and five police were injured.
Sarkozy, 53, has often mocked his predecessors for backtracking on reforms after street protests. His volte-face last week after noisy demonstrations by schoolchildren exposed him to ridicule as well as baffling his supporters.
It emerged that Sarkozy feared the protests would spill over into Christmas and the new year, spiralling into a dangerous Europe-wide student uprising inspired by the scenes of mayhem in Greece, where protests continued last week.
“We don’t want a European May ’68 in the middle of Christmas,” Sarkozy told his ministers in a reference to protests four decades ago that led to the collapse of General Charles de Gaulle’s government in 1969.
Sarkozy also worries that celebrations on New Year’s Eve could erupt into rioting similar to the disturbances that set immigrant suburbs ablaze in France three years ago.
“Things are heating up everywhere in Europe, in Greece, but also in Spain, Italy and even in France. The slogan of the Greek students about ‘the €600 generation’ could easily catch on here,” he said, referring to complaints by Greek students about being unable to find jobs paying more than €600 (£557) a month.
The backsliding on reforms is part of a wider shift by “Sarko” since the global financial crisis resurrected lingering French doubts about capitalism. Having come to power on a platform of “work more to earn more”, the hyperactive French leader has lurched leftwards now that even America has lost some of its appetite for the free market.
On Monday he abandoned a long-standing promise to allow Sunday shopping. Opposition to the idea of longer working hours has grown, particularly since the perceived failure of the so-called Anglo-Saxon model under which Britain upheld hard work as the secret of economic success.
Sarkozy no longer dares to single out Britain as the path for France to follow. France may be hurting, but the media, with more than a hint of schadenfreude, are full of tales of misery in Britain, from the collapse of Woolworths to the City’s legion of unemployed.
The government claimed that the education reform, which was intended to improve the performance of high schools by overhauling the curriculum, was being postponed until next year rather than being dumped. Yet the move, which followed similar protests from university students over plans to give universities more autonomy in managing their budgets, was seen as the first big retreat by Sarkozy since he took office last year.
Despite the government’s backdown, the protests continued and schoolchildren blocked railway lines and fought running battles with police on Thursday. Several protesters were arrested after clashes in Lyons, where a car was burnt and five police were injured.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
British Judge 'panics' and leaves Court !

Terrorist jailed for life19/12/2008
THE first man convicted of directing terrorist has been jailed for life and must serve a minimum of ten years. Rangzieb Ahmed was found guilty of being an Al Qaida middle-man and attempting to build a terror cell in Manchester.
Today, a judge ruled the 33-year-old Rochdale man was an 'active international terrorist' who should not be released until he had dropped his 'distorted' views. His accomplice, taxi driver Habib Ahmed, was given a 10-year sentence for his role in trying to create secret death squads.
But in dramatic scenes at Manchester Crown Court, a group of men chanted from the public gallery in Arabic 'Paradise is yours'.
Mr Justice Saunders removed himself from the courtroom as female family members of both men sobbed uncontrollably.
One woman shouted 'He's innocent'.
A clerk later returned to deliver the final part of the verdict.
Friday, December 19, 2008
I predict a riot...
Swedish city hit by youth riots
Dozens of youths have rioted in the southern Swedish city of Malmo for a second consecutive night, setting cars on fire and clashing with police.
"We've had a very difficult evening," a police spokeswoman told the AFP news agency late on Thursday.
"There have been fires burning since this afternoon... extensive damage to public property, and... stone-throwing and bomb threats against police."
Riot police, youths clash in Athens, shoppers flee
ATHENS, Greece (AP) — Riot police clashed with rock-throwing demonstrators in central Athens on Thursday, sending Christmas shoppers and people in cafes running for cover. Frightened parents scooped up their children from a Christmas carousel in the city's main square and fled.
The protesters broke away from a peaceful rally and hurled rocks and firebombs at police and buildings near parliament, overturned a car and set fire to trash bins. They also splashed police with red paint.
Police responded with tear gas and flash grenades.
Firefighters and police also rushed to stop protesters from burning down the city's main Christmas tree, which was just replaced earlier this week after the first was torched in riots. Families abandoned the carousel in downtown Syntagma Square after happily going on rides all morning.
Thursday's clashes were the latest outbreak of violence after the police's fatal shooting of 15-year-old Alexandros Grigoropoulos Dec. 6. Protests over the boy's death and the increasing economic hardship in Greece have led to the worst rioting the country has seen in decades.
Hundreds of businesses have been smashed, burned or looted and gangs of youths fought running battles with riot police firing tear gas every night for a week. The riots have been fed by dissatisfaction with Greece's increasingly unpopular conservative government.
More than 200 youths took part in running battles with police Thursday in Athens.
Dozens of youths have rioted in the southern Swedish city of Malmo for a second consecutive night, setting cars on fire and clashing with police.
"We've had a very difficult evening," a police spokeswoman told the AFP news agency late on Thursday.
"There have been fires burning since this afternoon... extensive damage to public property, and... stone-throwing and bomb threats against police."
Riot police, youths clash in Athens, shoppers flee
ATHENS, Greece (AP) — Riot police clashed with rock-throwing demonstrators in central Athens on Thursday, sending Christmas shoppers and people in cafes running for cover. Frightened parents scooped up their children from a Christmas carousel in the city's main square and fled.
The protesters broke away from a peaceful rally and hurled rocks and firebombs at police and buildings near parliament, overturned a car and set fire to trash bins. They also splashed police with red paint.
Police responded with tear gas and flash grenades.
Firefighters and police also rushed to stop protesters from burning down the city's main Christmas tree, which was just replaced earlier this week after the first was torched in riots. Families abandoned the carousel in downtown Syntagma Square after happily going on rides all morning.
Thursday's clashes were the latest outbreak of violence after the police's fatal shooting of 15-year-old Alexandros Grigoropoulos Dec. 6. Protests over the boy's death and the increasing economic hardship in Greece have led to the worst rioting the country has seen in decades.
Hundreds of businesses have been smashed, burned or looted and gangs of youths fought running battles with riot police firing tear gas every night for a week. The riots have been fed by dissatisfaction with Greece's increasingly unpopular conservative government.
More than 200 youths took part in running battles with police Thursday in Athens.
Thursday, December 18, 2008

Para conocer las respuesta a estas y otras preguntas,
no le queda más remedio que asistir a esta conferencia,
la última del año.
¡Hasta el sábado por la tarde en la Librería Europa!
Para conocer las respuesta a estas y otras preguntas,
no le queda más remedio que asistir a esta conferencia,
la última del año.
¡Hasta el sábado por la tarde en la Librería Europa!
Is this a joke?

A NWN reader had this to say:
"Try and watch just one of these without feeling, at best a little bit queasy, at worst the desire to disconnect oneself from the Internet forever!!!
Vulgar, pathetic, just plain daft........"
View them at the link below, but we think 'Billy the Brit' should be changed to twit, and why the hell are the BNP trying to appeal to 8yr olds, are they trying to find Collett a new girlfriend?
"Try and watch just one of these without feeling, at best a little bit queasy, at worst the desire to disconnect oneself from the Internet forever!!!
Vulgar, pathetic, just plain daft........"
View them at the link below, but we think 'Billy the Brit' should be changed to twit, and why the hell are the BNP trying to appeal to 8yr olds, are they trying to find Collett a new girlfriend?
George Ashcroft AKA Wayne Ashcroft ex NF
PRESS RELEASE Thursday December 18th 2008Telford & Wrekin Councillors Denis Allen and George Ashcroft have today resigned the Conservative whip. This action follows a significant deterioration in the working relationship between them and the leader of the Conservative group at Telford & Wrekin.Their decision has not been taken lightly and should not detract from the hard work that has been undertaken by Conservative Party activists in Telford & Wrekin over the past few years. Councillors Allen and Ashcroft will gladly take the whip once more but not under the current leadership which has proved both inept and juvenile in its handling of a number of important local issues.Last weeks motion on the future of the Princess Royal Hospital which failed even to mention the hospital by name, the non-attendance by the leadership at the crucial Telford housing summit and the Malinslee mobile phone mast debacle are just three areas in which the leadership is out of touch with popular and conservative opinion. In addition, the failure of the leader to reinstate Cllr Allen to the cabinet in the absence of any evidence against him is contrary to the laws of decency and natural justice. Denis is pleased to have received private _expressions of support from members from across the political divide.Telford & Wrekin political makeup as of today:All others (Inc Labour) - 29Conservative group - 25Footnotes on Denis Allen & George AshcroftDenis Allen joined the Conservative Party in October 1978 after leaving the armed forces. In May 1979 (on the day when Margaret Thatcher became Prime Minister) he was elected Councillor for East Ward, Market Drayton on North Shropshire District Council and was re-elected until 1992 when he had moved to Tibberton and was therefore not eligible for North Shropshire District Council. In 1997 he stood for Parliament in North Shropshire as the Referendum Party Candidate. Subsequently he has been Acting Chairman then Chairman of Wrekin Conservative Association for several years and has been elected Councillor for Park Ward, Wellington for the last three elections. In May 2007 he was made Cabinet Member for Community Services by Councillor Andrew Eade and remained in that post until October 2008 when he was sacked, at his home, by Councillor Steve Bentley in the presence of Cllrs Andrew Eade and Adrian Lawrence for a stated reason which turned out to be false but, despite this, he has not been re-instated. George Ashcroft first campaigned for the Conservative Party in 2001 and in 2003 contested the Madeley Ward and served as a parish councillor until 2007 when he was elected a member for the Brookside Ward of Telford & Wrekin Council. George Ashcroft has served as a cabinet assistant to adult and consumer care portfolio and is currently the assistant to environment and regeneration. In June 2007 George was elected the deputy chair (political) of the Telford Conservative Association by majority.
On the matter of 'Baby P' it would appear that the Tories are relatively outspoken and appalled. We at NWN would like to ask those same Tories why George Ashcroft's children were removed into the care of the local authorities, and does it make him a fit councillor?
On the matter of 'Baby P' it would appear that the Tories are relatively outspoken and appalled. We at NWN would like to ask those same Tories why George Ashcroft's children were removed into the care of the local authorities, and does it make him a fit councillor?
The Butler did it!

Word has reached us the Mr Edward Butler has been promoted to a newly created title within the BNP and that he now occupies the position of ‘National Organiser’. But, before we congratulate him on what appears to be a promotion that in political terms makes him second in command, we offer a sound word of warning.
History has shown that Mr Griffin only awards promotions and accolades to those he will readily chop 3 years from now, and such a position will put Mr Butler in the firing line of blame and the egotistical struggle of the various branches and groups the length and breadth of the country.
In light of this one is left wondering if Mr Griffin has done this on purpose to elevate Butler toward the exit door rather than to greater power, and given that Mr Griffin named Edward Butler along with the Wingfields as possible suspects for the leaking of the BNP list, the former would be far more attractive to anyone betting at Ladbrokes.
We’d like to wish Mr Edward Butler well in his new position, but something tells us that 2011 will be a year to remember in more ways than one.
Ministers decide against police authority elections

Plans for direct elections to police authorities have been dropped by the Government amid fears that they would lead to extremist politicians being able to control forces.
Ministers also decided that the controversial proposal would run into strong opposition on the back benches and in the House of Lords, leading to another embarrassing defeat.
The leader of Labour’s 5,000 local government councillors had previously complained that the plans could lead to British National Party members holding positions of power over policing in England and Wales and being able to dictate priorities.
The decision comes just weeks after the ousting of the Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Sir Ian Blair, by the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, a move that many senior police officers saw as overt political interference in policing.
Ministers were anxious not to get into a public argument with senior police officers who have become increasingly alarmed about political attempts to try to control the police.
Ministers also decided that the controversial proposal would run into strong opposition on the back benches and in the House of Lords, leading to another embarrassing defeat.
The leader of Labour’s 5,000 local government councillors had previously complained that the plans could lead to British National Party members holding positions of power over policing in England and Wales and being able to dictate priorities.
The decision comes just weeks after the ousting of the Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Sir Ian Blair, by the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, a move that many senior police officers saw as overt political interference in policing.
Ministers were anxious not to get into a public argument with senior police officers who have become increasingly alarmed about political attempts to try to control the police.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Madoff Betrayal: Life Imitates Anti-Semitism
by Bradley Burston Published in Ha'aretz (Israel)
For the true anti-Semite, Christmas came early this year. The anti-Semite's new Santa is Bernard Madoff. The answer to every Jew-hater's wish list. The Aryan Nation at its most delusional couldn't have come up with anything to rival this:
The former chairman of Nasdaq turns out, also, to be treasurer of the board of trustees at Yeshiva University and chairman of the university's business school. Rich beyond human comprehension, he handles fortunes for others, buying and selling in a trading empire that skirts investment banks and other possible sources of regulation. He redefines avarice, knowingly and personally bilking charities and retirees in the most classic of con games.
Even better, for those obsessed with the idea that Jews control finance, entertainment and the media, is the idea that Madoff's greed was uncontrollable enough that he targeted fellow Jews, even Holocaust survivors, some of them his own friends, as well as Israeli companies who insured Jews, including Holocaust survivors.
The beauty part, for the anti-Semite: Madoff's machinations, which could have been put to use for the sake of humanity, have directly harmed Jewish welfare and charity institutions.
He has managed to harm contemporary Jewry in ways anti-Semites could only dream about. He has sapped the Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles of 11 percent of its assets, or some $18 million. In the words of prominent educator Avraham Infeld, he "obliterated" long-standing charitable foundations for Jewish causes in Israel, Eastern Europe and North America.
Along the way, Madoff assured the story enormous play, not only with the scale and the impudence of the scheme, but with his A+ roster of celebrity victims, among them Stephen Spielberg, Elie Wiesel, and billionaire real-estate tycoon, media mogul, commentator and former chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations Mort Zuckerman. A senior U.S. senator is one of his client-marks, as well as present and past owners of professional football and baseball teams.
Then there was the betrayal of old friends like philanthropists Carl and Ruth Shapiro, megadonors to the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, Brandeis University and the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical
"The scandal rippled far beyond the multimillion-dollar private foundation run by Madoff that channeled money into hospitals and theaters," Reuters reported, "and swept up charities large and small, directly and indirectly, along with wealthy Jewish investors Madoff personally advised."
Adding the element of clannishness, The New York Post was more direct. "Working the so-called "Jewish circuit" of well-heeled Jews he met at country clubs on Long Island and in Palm Beach, and through his position on the boards of directors of several prominent Jewish institutions, he was entrusted with entire family fortunes.
"The guy was totally respected. He was a heymishe Jewish guy. He had sweet old ladies and he let their children in," said a Manhattan lawyer who invested with Madoff.
"This guy was dealing with all the rich Jews in Roslyn and the rich Jews in Palm Beach. This was passed down from family member to family member because he wouldn't open up to new people."
It remains to be seen how far we've come from the days of the frank Jew-hate and genteel anti-Semitism of the likes of Henry Ford and F. Scott Fitzgerald. We can only hope that the Meyer Wolfsheim Effect remains dormant, the Great Gatsby heritage of "the man who fixed the 1919 World Series."
" ... If I had thought of it at all, I would have thought of it as a thing that merely happened, the end of some inevitable chain," Fitzgerald's narrator confides. "It never occurred to me that one man could start to play with the faith of fifty million people - with the single-mindedness of a burglar blowing a safe."
In the meanwhile, Bernard Madoff, you've made the days of uncounted devout Jew-haters. This year, all they want for Christmas, is you.
Labour Stasi Donate to Truth Truck Appeal!
£200 in used notes. That was the price that two goons from the Labour regime’s secret political police thought would buy the cooperation of the BNP’s internet technician Simon Bennett.
While we are grateful for the donation — which Simon paid straight into the Truth Truck Appeal — the approach has a very sinister side, particularly as it is not the only one made to BNP members recently.
Coming on top of the recent arrest of Tory immigration spokesman Damien Green, Special Branch’s attempt to recruit informers within a perfectly legal political party is a worrying indication of the increasingly totalitarian bent of Labour’s politicised police force.
Mr Bennett agreed to meet the two men after he had earlier been stopped and briefly held by police at Liverpool when returning from a business trip to Northern Ireland.
Their initial approach seemed reasonable enough — as is generally the case when the Special Branch (Britain’s political police) try to recruit an informer.
Pointing out that Mr. Bennett’s position made it possible that he would be one of the first to spot a potential extremist, the SB men asked if he would report anyone in the party he came across breaking the law.
Naturally Mr Bennett said that he believed the prospect of finding such an individual was almost non-existent, but also confirmed that he would do the same as any other law-abiding citizen in such unlikely circumstances.
Having told Nick Griffin and several other key officials about the approach, Mr Bennett was given the ‘OK’ to continue and to see how long it took them to get down to their real business. He met them several times over the following few weeks and, once again, they didn’t do anything other than say how much they agreed with large amounts of BNP policy.
When they called him to another meeting in a local pub, however, one of the two handed Mr. Bennett a menu. Inside were several photos of individuals and he was asked if he could identify any of them. He said that he couldn’t and gave the menu back, only to have a roll of twenty pound notes shoved into his hand.
“From the way they manoeuvred me into sitting in a certain chair, I’m pretty sure they were filming me,” Mr Bennett told a member of our news team.
“I’ve no doubt that the idea was that they could then blackmail me by threatening to let my party colleagues know that we had been meeting, and claim that I had given them information.
“They asked me to give them an account of a top level Euro election campaign planning conference I was about to attend.”
The SB men told Mr Bennet that they had prepared a safe house for him because he had to “be protected.” Mr Bennett was given the code name ‘Nicky Price’ and told to text in a message to the agents every night “to let them know he was safe.”
“The safe house story was obviously made up,” Mr Bennet said. “They said they were on their way back down from Windermere, which told me that they had gone up there to carry out surveillance on the premises where the meeting was to be held, and most likely to bug it with a listening device.”
(The meeting went ahead as planned, but the attendees, all warned in advance, were careful to ensure that they did not discuss anything indoors which they did not want the Special Branch to know.)
“That’s far enough for me. I’ve donated their bribe to the party, and am going public so they know that they have no hold on me. I think it’s disgusting that, at a time when they still haven’t caught the Islamic extremists who groomed and duped a Special Needs youngster into trying to bomb the Giraffe restaurant in Plymouth, the secret police are wasting time and taxpayers’ money trying to subvert the British National Party.”
On Monday night, a separate approach was made to our Northern Ireland regional organiser, Kieran Dinsmore, when two plainclothes Special Branch officers followed him home from work.
They told him that they knew that the BNP is legal and above board, but claimed to be worried about one particular individual member. They then asked Mr Dinsmore if he would be willing to “help us keep an eye on things” by providing them with a list of everyone who attended local meetings.
Mr Dinsmore politely but firmly told them to go away, and reported the approach to BNP head office first thing in the morning.
“I know their game — all friendly and reasonable to start with, but once they’ve got you to give them just a few scraps of harmless information that they could get simply by reading Freedom, they use a mixture of threats and bribes to force you to tell them anything they want.
“Even though we have nothing to hide, it’s wrong to have Jacqui-boot Smith’s political police spying on a peaceful political party — especially on behalf of a Labour government that has put Republican mass murderers into power in Northern Ireland.”
Our national intelligence officer, Lance Stewart, himself a former senior police officer, confirmed what both Messrs Bennett and Dinsmore said.
”It’s exactly what the Branch do. They want to get hold of people as regular sources of information. They approach you with a suggestion that seems so reasonable that it’s almost rude to reject them, then work on building up some sort of relationship.
“It can take them weeks or even months, but they only start to ask things their victim would rather not tell them once they’re so far down the line that any refusal is dealt with by threatening to tell their friends and colleagues that they’ve been ‘grassing’ on them.
“The best thing to do is to turn them down straight away, but even if an individual has been conned and sucked in, all he or she has to do to stop it and to break free from their clutches is to come and tell us. We don’t mind how long it’s been going on, all we want and need to do is to get the victim out of their clutches, give them back their self-respect, and halt any flow of private information.”
We can also report that we are already aware of two other BNP members — one of them not even a local official — who have been approached by Special Branch officers under the guise of making inquiries into people’s safety after the List leak, in an attempt to recruit them as informers.
We are grateful to have been told and glad to have helped them to deal with the unwelcome attentions of the secret political police. In these two cases, however, we have agreed to conceal the identities of the failed entrapment victims.
BNP leader Nick Griffin echoes the advice of Lance Stewart: “With more than 10,000 members for them to pick from, the chance of any one person getting an approach like this is really vanishingly small, so there’s nothing to worry about.
“Of course we would always expect our members to report anything dodgy — we’ve several times reported journalist infiltrators who have been spouting juvenile nonsense about ‘direct action’. I myself reported the BBC ‘mole’ Jason Gwynn for advocating attacking a mosque.
“But there’s no comparison between fulfilling the basic duty of a law-abiding citizen on the good side, and being sucked into the seedy and frightening world of the political police informer.
“I asked Simon Bennett to travel a little way down that road in order to be able to show the naïve and innocent what sort of things the Labour regime is pushing our police force to do, and this affair has done just that.
“In all probability there are other individuals out there right now who have been sucked in completely and are now wracked with guilt over letting down their friends and colleagues. Fortunately, there is no need for anyone to bear that burden.
“All anyone who has been groomed by the Special Branch into becoming an informer has to do to put it all behind them is to come and tell us. A simple telephone call to a Regional Organiser, to our National Inquiry line, or an email to is all it takes to start sorting things out.
“We’re not worried about what Smith’s Snoops have been told, or how long it’s been going on. We want to get their snouts out of our lawful business, and will not hold anything against anyone who comes clean. We’re not even going to shout about it, but we do need to be told.
“Finally, for the large numbers of non-member readers who may not have come across this sort of thing before except in novels, please ask yourselves if you are happy living in a country where a politicised police force spies on opposition parties and arrests their activists, MPs and leaders. And, make up your mind to do something to help restore the democracy for which so many of our people have sacrificed so much.
“You could make up your mind to join the British National Party right now, or at least make a donation to help our fight back against Labour’s creeping tyranny. Persecuted BNP teacher Mark Walker needs £3,000 in legal fees URGENTLY to get his appeal finalised. Civil Liberty has already found £500 but it’s up to us to give him the rest.
“Mark has a young family to look after this Christmas, so it wouldn’t be fair to leave him to find that money. He’s at the frontline of our fight, at the frontline of the struggle to preserve your freedom. Please hit back by helping him now. Thank you.”
Please use the donate button below or call the donations hotline 0871 0500 234.
BNP Site
While we are grateful for the donation — which Simon paid straight into the Truth Truck Appeal — the approach has a very sinister side, particularly as it is not the only one made to BNP members recently.
Coming on top of the recent arrest of Tory immigration spokesman Damien Green, Special Branch’s attempt to recruit informers within a perfectly legal political party is a worrying indication of the increasingly totalitarian bent of Labour’s politicised police force.
Mr Bennett agreed to meet the two men after he had earlier been stopped and briefly held by police at Liverpool when returning from a business trip to Northern Ireland.
Their initial approach seemed reasonable enough — as is generally the case when the Special Branch (Britain’s political police) try to recruit an informer.
Pointing out that Mr. Bennett’s position made it possible that he would be one of the first to spot a potential extremist, the SB men asked if he would report anyone in the party he came across breaking the law.
Naturally Mr Bennett said that he believed the prospect of finding such an individual was almost non-existent, but also confirmed that he would do the same as any other law-abiding citizen in such unlikely circumstances.
Having told Nick Griffin and several other key officials about the approach, Mr Bennett was given the ‘OK’ to continue and to see how long it took them to get down to their real business. He met them several times over the following few weeks and, once again, they didn’t do anything other than say how much they agreed with large amounts of BNP policy.
When they called him to another meeting in a local pub, however, one of the two handed Mr. Bennett a menu. Inside were several photos of individuals and he was asked if he could identify any of them. He said that he couldn’t and gave the menu back, only to have a roll of twenty pound notes shoved into his hand.
“From the way they manoeuvred me into sitting in a certain chair, I’m pretty sure they were filming me,” Mr Bennett told a member of our news team.
“I’ve no doubt that the idea was that they could then blackmail me by threatening to let my party colleagues know that we had been meeting, and claim that I had given them information.
“They asked me to give them an account of a top level Euro election campaign planning conference I was about to attend.”
The SB men told Mr Bennet that they had prepared a safe house for him because he had to “be protected.” Mr Bennett was given the code name ‘Nicky Price’ and told to text in a message to the agents every night “to let them know he was safe.”
“The safe house story was obviously made up,” Mr Bennet said. “They said they were on their way back down from Windermere, which told me that they had gone up there to carry out surveillance on the premises where the meeting was to be held, and most likely to bug it with a listening device.”
(The meeting went ahead as planned, but the attendees, all warned in advance, were careful to ensure that they did not discuss anything indoors which they did not want the Special Branch to know.)
“That’s far enough for me. I’ve donated their bribe to the party, and am going public so they know that they have no hold on me. I think it’s disgusting that, at a time when they still haven’t caught the Islamic extremists who groomed and duped a Special Needs youngster into trying to bomb the Giraffe restaurant in Plymouth, the secret police are wasting time and taxpayers’ money trying to subvert the British National Party.”
On Monday night, a separate approach was made to our Northern Ireland regional organiser, Kieran Dinsmore, when two plainclothes Special Branch officers followed him home from work.
They told him that they knew that the BNP is legal and above board, but claimed to be worried about one particular individual member. They then asked Mr Dinsmore if he would be willing to “help us keep an eye on things” by providing them with a list of everyone who attended local meetings.
Mr Dinsmore politely but firmly told them to go away, and reported the approach to BNP head office first thing in the morning.
“I know their game — all friendly and reasonable to start with, but once they’ve got you to give them just a few scraps of harmless information that they could get simply by reading Freedom, they use a mixture of threats and bribes to force you to tell them anything they want.
“Even though we have nothing to hide, it’s wrong to have Jacqui-boot Smith’s political police spying on a peaceful political party — especially on behalf of a Labour government that has put Republican mass murderers into power in Northern Ireland.”
Our national intelligence officer, Lance Stewart, himself a former senior police officer, confirmed what both Messrs Bennett and Dinsmore said.
”It’s exactly what the Branch do. They want to get hold of people as regular sources of information. They approach you with a suggestion that seems so reasonable that it’s almost rude to reject them, then work on building up some sort of relationship.
“It can take them weeks or even months, but they only start to ask things their victim would rather not tell them once they’re so far down the line that any refusal is dealt with by threatening to tell their friends and colleagues that they’ve been ‘grassing’ on them.
“The best thing to do is to turn them down straight away, but even if an individual has been conned and sucked in, all he or she has to do to stop it and to break free from their clutches is to come and tell us. We don’t mind how long it’s been going on, all we want and need to do is to get the victim out of their clutches, give them back their self-respect, and halt any flow of private information.”
We can also report that we are already aware of two other BNP members — one of them not even a local official — who have been approached by Special Branch officers under the guise of making inquiries into people’s safety after the List leak, in an attempt to recruit them as informers.
We are grateful to have been told and glad to have helped them to deal with the unwelcome attentions of the secret political police. In these two cases, however, we have agreed to conceal the identities of the failed entrapment victims.
BNP leader Nick Griffin echoes the advice of Lance Stewart: “With more than 10,000 members for them to pick from, the chance of any one person getting an approach like this is really vanishingly small, so there’s nothing to worry about.
“Of course we would always expect our members to report anything dodgy — we’ve several times reported journalist infiltrators who have been spouting juvenile nonsense about ‘direct action’. I myself reported the BBC ‘mole’ Jason Gwynn for advocating attacking a mosque.
“But there’s no comparison between fulfilling the basic duty of a law-abiding citizen on the good side, and being sucked into the seedy and frightening world of the political police informer.
“I asked Simon Bennett to travel a little way down that road in order to be able to show the naïve and innocent what sort of things the Labour regime is pushing our police force to do, and this affair has done just that.
“In all probability there are other individuals out there right now who have been sucked in completely and are now wracked with guilt over letting down their friends and colleagues. Fortunately, there is no need for anyone to bear that burden.
“All anyone who has been groomed by the Special Branch into becoming an informer has to do to put it all behind them is to come and tell us. A simple telephone call to a Regional Organiser, to our National Inquiry line, or an email to is all it takes to start sorting things out.
“We’re not worried about what Smith’s Snoops have been told, or how long it’s been going on. We want to get their snouts out of our lawful business, and will not hold anything against anyone who comes clean. We’re not even going to shout about it, but we do need to be told.
“Finally, for the large numbers of non-member readers who may not have come across this sort of thing before except in novels, please ask yourselves if you are happy living in a country where a politicised police force spies on opposition parties and arrests their activists, MPs and leaders. And, make up your mind to do something to help restore the democracy for which so many of our people have sacrificed so much.
“You could make up your mind to join the British National Party right now, or at least make a donation to help our fight back against Labour’s creeping tyranny. Persecuted BNP teacher Mark Walker needs £3,000 in legal fees URGENTLY to get his appeal finalised. Civil Liberty has already found £500 but it’s up to us to give him the rest.
“Mark has a young family to look after this Christmas, so it wouldn’t be fair to leave him to find that money. He’s at the frontline of our fight, at the frontline of the struggle to preserve your freedom. Please hit back by helping him now. Thank you.”
Please use the donate button below or call the donations hotline 0871 0500 234.
BNP Site
British jobs for British people?
Following a report that since 2001 all new jobs in England have been taken by immigrants while economic gloom continues, there are real fears that rising unemployment could lead to increased racial tension. Matthew George examines the evidence
With Barack Obama's victory in the American election signalling that the country has turned a corner towards racial harmony, the economic downturn could yet slow the pace of change. In the UK, many are concerned that fewer jobs and lower wages resulting from the credit crunch will stir racial tensions once again. The threat of civil disorder looms. Chairman of the Equalities and Human Rights Commission Trevor Phillips claims the outcome of such public resentment has already been seen in Austria, Belgium and the Netherlands, with extremist political parties gaining influence. He says action is needed now to help disadvantaged white people. Stretched job markets and crowded multilingual classrooms are likely to become major campaign issues for groups such as the BNP at next year's EU and local elections."We need to make sure that as services shrink and jobs disappear, the burden is shared by all, not falling on the few," insists Phillips. "We have to recognise that in most parts of this country the disadvantaged won't be black or brown, they will be white – the name of the game today is to tackle inequality." On mothers trying to return to employment after providing care for their young children, Phillips observes that unsuccessful women might be "rejected for job after job in a slack labour market, yet see a clever young Latvian or Lithuanian with two degrees and three languages doing the job they would like to do – it doesn't take a rocket scientist to work out how they will feel". These women, says Phillips, might also witness an overworked teacher in their child's nursery class confronted with 30 pupils speaking 15 different languages. "Who will she resent for not having the life she thinks she deserves?" he asks. He claims that for 40 years it has been "impolite" to speak frankly about immigration and says this head-in-the-sand approach is not sustainable. The tact needed for such a sensitive debate has not been aided by the recent comments from immigration minister Phil Woolas. The mood music from Woolas suggested that government planned to limit the UK's population at 70 million, although he denies the cap idea now. His view was said to contravene government policy as well as being impossible to achieve – millions of EU citizens could move to Britain immediately if they so wished. But Woolas, despite having reportedly angered Home Secretary Jacqui Smith with his headline-grabbing, is adamant that the Prime Minister has given him licence to speak out. He insists discussion on immigration "has been stifled for decades". And he freely admits that the UK has "screwed up" over immigration limits and failed to provide adequate resources for councils coping with an influx of new arrivals, causing "untold misery and division within our communities". "People didn't believe the authorities knew what they were doing and there's a very good reason for that – they didn't," he adds candidly. The newly introduced Australian- style points system will relieve some pressure, says Woolas, although he admits it will mean ministers only control the trend, not the specific numbers. Meanwhile, shadow home secretary Dominic Grieve accepts that the new system is "a step in the right direction" but insists it is pointless without an upper limit on the total population. "While we cannot restrict inward EU migration, this would allow us to control migration from outside the EU which is around two-thirds of the foreign nationals arriving in the UK each year," says Grieve. Office for National Statistics figures predict the UK population will reach 71 million by 2031. Eurostat has even forecast that the UK population will top 77 million in 2060, making it the most heavily populated EU member state – ahead of Germany and France. Under the new points system, 192 occupations have been categorised as skilled. Non-EU visa applicants who fit those skills criteria will be allowed into the country to fill shortages. Local Government Association deputy chief executive John Ransford says that from a council viewpoint, the main skill shortages are for planners and social care workers. Dave Kaye, deputy managing director of UK Bus, says the company's annual recruitment of 4,000 drivers would now focus mainly on British nationals. He explains that a lack of drivers a few years ago saw the firm bring in 1,700 workers from EU countries – 90 per cent from Poland – but admits that "the well is beginning to dry up". Indeed, it is widely recognised that many Polish nationals – and other central and eastern European economic migrants – are returning home as the economies of their native countries burgeon. Liberal Democrat home affairs spokesman Chris Huhne accuses Labour and the Tories of a bidding war to see who sounds toughest on immigration with "a chase after headlines rather than a solution to uncontrolled borders". It seems that the promise of harmony in America may yet be short-lived, while Britain battles over the implications of British jobs for British people.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Where is ex-BNP councillor Sadie?
A COUNCILLOR has called on Sadie Graham to clarify her position on Broxtowe Borough Council following her arrest in connection with the unauthorised leak of the BNP party membership list.
Richard Jackson, leader of the Conservative opposition on the council, said no-one there had heard from the independent nationalist councillor since her arrest at her home in Church Lane, Brinsley, on December 4.
Coun Graham and a second person, arrested by Notts police officers on behalf of Dyfed Powys Police, have since been bailed pending further inquiries.
Coun Jackson said: "I've heard that she has bought a house down south but it's said that she's not planning to resign as a Broxtowe borough councillor. Brinsley is a one-member council ward and I would argue that someone living hundreds of miles away cannot properly represent its people.
"They deserve to know where they stand, and so do we."
The Post spoke to a close friend of Coun Graham's last week who revealed how the councillor had received threats prior to her arrest and had been preparing to move with her family to the south of England, where she is believed to be after her release from police custody.
A spokeswoman for Brinsley Parish Council who told the Post they were "unsure" about Coun Graham's membership status said: "She attended our December 3 meeting but we are unsure of what's happening."
Simon Smith, head of legal services and monitoring officer at Broxtowe Borough, said Coun Graham last attended a council meeting in mid-November. He said: "I am not aware of her being anything else than a member of this local authority."
He said that any member who did not attend a committee or full council meeting for six months would be automatically disqualified from being a councillor.
The leaked BNP list was published on an internet blog last month but removed after complaints from the party. The BNP has since obtained a High Court injunction banning publication.
Coun Graham left the BNP in 2007. She was unavailable for comment last night.
Richard Jackson, leader of the Conservative opposition on the council, said no-one there had heard from the independent nationalist councillor since her arrest at her home in Church Lane, Brinsley, on December 4.
Coun Graham and a second person, arrested by Notts police officers on behalf of Dyfed Powys Police, have since been bailed pending further inquiries.
Coun Jackson said: "I've heard that she has bought a house down south but it's said that she's not planning to resign as a Broxtowe borough councillor. Brinsley is a one-member council ward and I would argue that someone living hundreds of miles away cannot properly represent its people.
"They deserve to know where they stand, and so do we."
The Post spoke to a close friend of Coun Graham's last week who revealed how the councillor had received threats prior to her arrest and had been preparing to move with her family to the south of England, where she is believed to be after her release from police custody.
A spokeswoman for Brinsley Parish Council who told the Post they were "unsure" about Coun Graham's membership status said: "She attended our December 3 meeting but we are unsure of what's happening."
Simon Smith, head of legal services and monitoring officer at Broxtowe Borough, said Coun Graham last attended a council meeting in mid-November. He said: "I am not aware of her being anything else than a member of this local authority."
He said that any member who did not attend a committee or full council meeting for six months would be automatically disqualified from being a councillor.
The leaked BNP list was published on an internet blog last month but removed after complaints from the party. The BNP has since obtained a High Court injunction banning publication.
Coun Graham left the BNP in 2007. She was unavailable for comment last night.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Wanted terror suspect is 'Scotland Yard advisor on Muslim extremism'

Mohamed Ali Harrath has been the subject of the Interpol red notice since 1992 because of his alleged activities in Tunisia.
His home country has issued an arrest warrant for the 45-year-old, who is chief executive of the Islam Channel in the UK.
The Interpol website lists his offences as counterfeiting, forgery, crimes involving the use of weapons, explosives and terrorism.
Mr Harrath, who has lived in London for years, acts as an adviser to the Metropolitan police's Muslim Contact Unit on preventing terrorism.
The unit was established in January 2002 to work with London’s Muslim communities to develop a better understanding of the community impact of counter-terrorism policing.
Its work involves regular meetings with a wide range of individuals and groups to hear their concerns.
The unit's former head, Robert Lambert, wrote in a letter of support to Mr Harrath that he had made a 'key contribution to our efforts to defeat adverse influence of Al-Qaeda in the UK'.
It is understood that no one has ever produced evidence linking Mr Harrath to any terrorist activity.
His lawyers have sought to remove the red notice, which acts a flag to other countries but does not require any action.
Though Tunisia may have issued an arrest warrant, the UK has no extradition treaty with the country.
The British government refused a request by the Tunisian government in 1997 to have him extradited.
Tunisia claims that a group he co-founded called the Tunisian Islamic Front (FIT) wanted to establish 'an Islamic state by means of armed revolutionary violence.'
Mr Harrath admitted setting up the group but said it was a 'non-violent political party founded in 1986 to oppose the one-party state in Tunisia.'
He founded the Islam Channel in 2002 and the station now has 1.6 million viewers. Scotland Yard refused to comment on whether Mr Harrath acted as an adviser on the Muslim Contact Unit.
A spokesman said: ''The Metropolitan police works in partnership with many organisations, including media, as a means of engaging with a wide range of communities.
'We will continue to work with a wide range of organisations, groups and individuals representing a variety of views and opinions to stop people becoming or supporting violent extremists and support communities to reject violent extremism in all its forms.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Nick Griffin Christmas message
ANTIFA upping the ANTI
UAF- how NOT to fight fascism
antifa 12.12.2008 23:59
Unite Against Fascism’ and ‘Love Music Hate Racism’ are great sounding slogans so it’s unfortunate that the organisations behind them are so crap. We think it’s worth taking the time to look at the organisation that wants your time and money and what they do to fight fascism.
The approach of Unite Against Fascism is based on calling on people to vote for any party which isn’t the BNP, usually Labour though, at election time to build ‘anti-fascist’ majorities and prevent fascists from being elected councillors or MPs. The growth of the BNP shows that this is a pitiful failure and it’s not hard to see why.
By telling people to vote Labour or Tory to keep the BNP out they are basically asking people to vote for the same parties that created all the problems that made them turn to the BNP in the first place.
There is a reason people are turning to the BNP and it’s because many are rightly pissed off at the mainstream parties.
The BNP have positioned themselves as a radical alternative meaning that demanding people vote for the parties who have done them so much harm isn’t just a bad strategy but the worst possible strategy.
UAF is an electoral platform for anyone but the BNP which turns fighting fascism into defending the status quo. Beyond this basic idea there are few other ideas except vague slogans about ‘uniting people’ or ‘smashing the Nazis’ with no action involved except organising pop concerts, rallies or handing out leaflets.
This is the sort of ‘anti-fascism’ that involves making people feel good about themselves rather than tackling fascist groups.
When UAF aren’t channelling people into pointless activity they’re actively harming the anti-fascist movement.
Time and time again, UAF have collaborated with the cops on demos to prevent effective action being taken. Recently in Derby and Liverpool the UAF leadership worked with the police to disperse protestors, split demos and lie about what the BNP were up to.
Who appointed them leaders anyway?
This behaviour would be laughable if the situation wasn’t so serious.
After being buried at the cost of millions of lives decades ago the far right is on the rise all across Europe. Chanting and waving placards at fascists will do absolutely nothing to stop this. We advise anyone serious about antifascism and tackling the BNP to get in touch with Antifa. PO Box 467, London E8 3QX
antifa 12.12.2008 23:59
Unite Against Fascism’ and ‘Love Music Hate Racism’ are great sounding slogans so it’s unfortunate that the organisations behind them are so crap. We think it’s worth taking the time to look at the organisation that wants your time and money and what they do to fight fascism.
The approach of Unite Against Fascism is based on calling on people to vote for any party which isn’t the BNP, usually Labour though, at election time to build ‘anti-fascist’ majorities and prevent fascists from being elected councillors or MPs. The growth of the BNP shows that this is a pitiful failure and it’s not hard to see why.
By telling people to vote Labour or Tory to keep the BNP out they are basically asking people to vote for the same parties that created all the problems that made them turn to the BNP in the first place.
There is a reason people are turning to the BNP and it’s because many are rightly pissed off at the mainstream parties.
The BNP have positioned themselves as a radical alternative meaning that demanding people vote for the parties who have done them so much harm isn’t just a bad strategy but the worst possible strategy.
UAF is an electoral platform for anyone but the BNP which turns fighting fascism into defending the status quo. Beyond this basic idea there are few other ideas except vague slogans about ‘uniting people’ or ‘smashing the Nazis’ with no action involved except organising pop concerts, rallies or handing out leaflets.
This is the sort of ‘anti-fascism’ that involves making people feel good about themselves rather than tackling fascist groups.
When UAF aren’t channelling people into pointless activity they’re actively harming the anti-fascist movement.
Time and time again, UAF have collaborated with the cops on demos to prevent effective action being taken. Recently in Derby and Liverpool the UAF leadership worked with the police to disperse protestors, split demos and lie about what the BNP were up to.
Who appointed them leaders anyway?
This behaviour would be laughable if the situation wasn’t so serious.
After being buried at the cost of millions of lives decades ago the far right is on the rise all across Europe. Chanting and waving placards at fascists will do absolutely nothing to stop this. We advise anyone serious about antifascism and tackling the BNP to get in touch with Antifa. PO Box 467, London E8 3QX
Friday, December 12, 2008
BNP anthrax threat scare

Published Date: 12 December 2008
By Richard Long
A BRITISH National Party (BNP) member was at the centre of a major security alert this week after he received a Christmas card believed to have been filled with traces of the fatal infection anthrax.
Emergency services were called to Dersingham's Centre Vale Road on Wednesday morning after the victim opened the envelope to find a card emblazoned with swastika symbols and the word "anthrax" before discovering a suspicious substance inside. It is believed the attack stems from the publication of a BNP membership list, leaked on the Internet last month, which features the personal details of a number of party supporters in the region. Speaking in relation to the incident, the victim, a 38-year-old man who lives with his mother, simply said: "I am quite shocked by it all. "That is all I have to say. "Police arrived at the scene at around 11.30am and were supported throughout the day by fire crews and the ambulance service. A police helicopter was also seen circling the village at lunch time. Officers conducted a "methodical and thorough" investigation at the scene but test results later revealed the substance was harmless.
Three people had been in contact with the substance – believed to be a powdered laxative – and were taken to hospital as a precaution before being released. Dave Fleming, the BNP organiser for West Norfolk, has condemned the attack and said such incidents were almost inevitable following the publication of the membership list.He told the Lynn News: "This poor chap is in total trauma. "Whoever sent this envelope has no respect for the privacy of this person and they showed a total lack of consideration for the community at large."It is not just our member who was put through this. "There were diversions for traffic and a great deal of public money was wasted in terms of emergency services. "A major police operation would have frightened a number of people in the area and I have nothing but contempt for these people."I would equally condemn an attack on a far-left organisation, we live in a society where people are entitled to their political views. "Mr Fleming said that the victim immediately contacted him after receiving the card and he told the man to wash his hands, avoid any contact with food and then call the police. When officers arrived a decontamination tent was set up at the scene and he was told he could not even let his dog out to answer a call of nature. Mr Fleming decided to contact the Lynn News after the police remained tight-lipped about the operation. He added: "People demand answers. This is how false rumours get out and I feel it is best to come clean. "The case is of interest for our members, the public and a variety of other people.
"If anyone in West Norfolk should be getting abuse it should be me, I am leading from the front and I am sorry it is our low level members who are getting the flack. "The BNP has more than 100 members, supporters and donors in West Norfolk and several anonymous calls have been made to members since the list was published.
The full article contains 542 words and appears in n/a newspaper.
By Richard Long
A BRITISH National Party (BNP) member was at the centre of a major security alert this week after he received a Christmas card believed to have been filled with traces of the fatal infection anthrax.
Emergency services were called to Dersingham's Centre Vale Road on Wednesday morning after the victim opened the envelope to find a card emblazoned with swastika symbols and the word "anthrax" before discovering a suspicious substance inside. It is believed the attack stems from the publication of a BNP membership list, leaked on the Internet last month, which features the personal details of a number of party supporters in the region. Speaking in relation to the incident, the victim, a 38-year-old man who lives with his mother, simply said: "I am quite shocked by it all. "That is all I have to say. "Police arrived at the scene at around 11.30am and were supported throughout the day by fire crews and the ambulance service. A police helicopter was also seen circling the village at lunch time. Officers conducted a "methodical and thorough" investigation at the scene but test results later revealed the substance was harmless.
Three people had been in contact with the substance – believed to be a powdered laxative – and were taken to hospital as a precaution before being released. Dave Fleming, the BNP organiser for West Norfolk, has condemned the attack and said such incidents were almost inevitable following the publication of the membership list.He told the Lynn News: "This poor chap is in total trauma. "Whoever sent this envelope has no respect for the privacy of this person and they showed a total lack of consideration for the community at large."It is not just our member who was put through this. "There were diversions for traffic and a great deal of public money was wasted in terms of emergency services. "A major police operation would have frightened a number of people in the area and I have nothing but contempt for these people."I would equally condemn an attack on a far-left organisation, we live in a society where people are entitled to their political views. "Mr Fleming said that the victim immediately contacted him after receiving the card and he told the man to wash his hands, avoid any contact with food and then call the police. When officers arrived a decontamination tent was set up at the scene and he was told he could not even let his dog out to answer a call of nature. Mr Fleming decided to contact the Lynn News after the police remained tight-lipped about the operation. He added: "People demand answers. This is how false rumours get out and I feel it is best to come clean. "The case is of interest for our members, the public and a variety of other people.
"If anyone in West Norfolk should be getting abuse it should be me, I am leading from the front and I am sorry it is our low level members who are getting the flack. "The BNP has more than 100 members, supporters and donors in West Norfolk and several anonymous calls have been made to members since the list was published.
The full article contains 542 words and appears in n/a newspaper.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Councillor John Oddy
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
Following reports in the paper regarding my support of the BNP I have been asked to clarify my position in regards to the party, I have also had it put to me that I am still a member but keeping “quiet” about it!.
For a start, those that know me know I do not do anything quietly, there would be no logical gain being a covert member of the BNP, if I were still a member people would certainly know about it.I have mixed feelings about the BNP as a party but stout regard for most of the membership.
The party has policies that are not only unworkable but foolish and dangerous. On the other hand they have policies that I totally agree with.
Do not forget the roots of the BNP lay in the National Front and so there are causes for concern there, the present leadership of the party have cut their teeth on scandal and controversy, Nick Griffin, being a prime example.
The Government financially support left-wing groups such as UAF and Searchlight to portray the BNP as a sinister organisation full of trouble causers, the leaked membership list proves otherwise, it show that the members are a cross-section of today’s society covering a vast range of careers and professions.
All of BNP Organisers, Group Leaders and Activists do their job voluntarily, there are some who wish it were different, as I found out, but the main workers do it because they have a passion not a pay packet.
Nick Griffin brought the BNP out of the ashes and to where it is today but, and it is an extremely big “but”, I, personally, believe he can no longer lead the party effectively, he carries too much baggage, as become too greedy and has scant regard for the real members.
If the party wishes to loose the “Racist” stigma then they must also loose Nick and a few of his cronies, there are plenty of other members capable of leading the party, one, who I would give full backing to, actually reads this blog, Chris Hill.
The core values of the BNP are well placed and founded on bed-rock, solid national pride, being proud of one’s heritage is not racist nor is trying to stop the influx of immigrants.
Blaming ethnics for the problems within the Country is only part of the problem, the main problem is our current Government who have led and allowed us to get into this mess.
You do not have to be a BNP member to know that immigration is out of control, our infrastructure is at breaking point, we are being bled dry by Europe or that our Government is full of liars, thieves and people incapable of holding public office.
If we cannot trust the people elected to protect and serve us then surely people have a right to look for those that will.
That is why I believe people are turning to the BNP, not because they are racists but because they need someone or something to believe in again.So, in a nutshell, No, I’m not a member, although I could be tempted to re-join if certain situations changed. I believe in some but not all of the BNP policies.
I would like to see a change of Party Leadership, more inter-reaction of the party‘s members and a more transparent party line.
I think highly of the core membership and their commitment to the party.
I would deny that all members are racist, I accept some are but you will get racists in all walks of life and political parties. Finally, given the opportunity, yes I would vote for them.
Posted by Councillor John Oddy at 13:59
Following reports in the paper regarding my support of the BNP I have been asked to clarify my position in regards to the party, I have also had it put to me that I am still a member but keeping “quiet” about it!.
For a start, those that know me know I do not do anything quietly, there would be no logical gain being a covert member of the BNP, if I were still a member people would certainly know about it.I have mixed feelings about the BNP as a party but stout regard for most of the membership.
The party has policies that are not only unworkable but foolish and dangerous. On the other hand they have policies that I totally agree with.
Do not forget the roots of the BNP lay in the National Front and so there are causes for concern there, the present leadership of the party have cut their teeth on scandal and controversy, Nick Griffin, being a prime example.
The Government financially support left-wing groups such as UAF and Searchlight to portray the BNP as a sinister organisation full of trouble causers, the leaked membership list proves otherwise, it show that the members are a cross-section of today’s society covering a vast range of careers and professions.
All of BNP Organisers, Group Leaders and Activists do their job voluntarily, there are some who wish it were different, as I found out, but the main workers do it because they have a passion not a pay packet.
Nick Griffin brought the BNP out of the ashes and to where it is today but, and it is an extremely big “but”, I, personally, believe he can no longer lead the party effectively, he carries too much baggage, as become too greedy and has scant regard for the real members.
If the party wishes to loose the “Racist” stigma then they must also loose Nick and a few of his cronies, there are plenty of other members capable of leading the party, one, who I would give full backing to, actually reads this blog, Chris Hill.
The core values of the BNP are well placed and founded on bed-rock, solid national pride, being proud of one’s heritage is not racist nor is trying to stop the influx of immigrants.
Blaming ethnics for the problems within the Country is only part of the problem, the main problem is our current Government who have led and allowed us to get into this mess.
You do not have to be a BNP member to know that immigration is out of control, our infrastructure is at breaking point, we are being bled dry by Europe or that our Government is full of liars, thieves and people incapable of holding public office.
If we cannot trust the people elected to protect and serve us then surely people have a right to look for those that will.
That is why I believe people are turning to the BNP, not because they are racists but because they need someone or something to believe in again.So, in a nutshell, No, I’m not a member, although I could be tempted to re-join if certain situations changed. I believe in some but not all of the BNP policies.
I would like to see a change of Party Leadership, more inter-reaction of the party‘s members and a more transparent party line.
I think highly of the core membership and their commitment to the party.
I would deny that all members are racist, I accept some are but you will get racists in all walks of life and political parties. Finally, given the opportunity, yes I would vote for them.
Posted by Councillor John Oddy at 13:59
Monday, December 08, 2008

Blair has bred a generation of career cops, says Ghaffur
SCOTLAND Yard's top echelons have come under fresh attack from the senior police officer at the centre of a race battle with former commissioner Sir Ian Blair.
Tarique Ghaffur accused "career policemen" of being "serial fraudsters" more interested in management than traditional policing.
The former assistant commissioner left the Met with a £280,000 pay-out in return for dropping a race and age discrimination claim he brought against Sir Ian.
But in an article in which Mr Ghaffur launched a savage attack on his former boss, he also claimed the top levels of Scotland Yard had been damaged by his regime.
Mr Ghaffur, who was the country's highest ranking Asian officer, accused his former boss of being a "terrifically arrogant man".
He said: "He has bred a generation of officers who, like him, are focused on fulfilling performance targets.
"This new breed of career cop secures one job and then immediately starts plotting their next promotion - they are nothing more than serial fraudsters.
"Sadly those who are simply too busy saving lives and solving crime are overlooked."
He claimed that under Sir Ian, Scotland Yard had become bogged down with systems, processes and procedures.
"Instead of being visible in our communities, we were all in meetings."
Mr Ghaffur said Sir Ian was guilty of two things: "First, that he transformed the Yard into a corporation, almost too busy running itself to fight crime; and second, he politicised the force, putting it in the pocket of New Labour."
He also warned that the security budget for the 2012 Olympics needs to be doubled if it is to be safe from terrorist attack. Mr Ghaffur said he was sidelined from the job after challenging the £600 million that was originally allocated for security, describing it as "patently plucked out of thin air". He said he believed the budget should actually be £1.2 billion.
NWN: People are only just finding this out ?
'Career cops' have been around for quite a few years.
Martin Webster brought out a small bulletin which was delivered to several thousand police officers in the Metropolitan police, in 1995, called 'TOMORROWs JOB'.
This issue has been covered by this blog many months back including the leaflet.
Sunday, December 07, 2008

TV documentary allows David Irving to speak freely
At 10 pm on Dec 9 British TV ( More 4) will show the ninety-minute Rex Bloomstein film, An Independent Mind. [Sky 138, Freeview 14, Virgin Media 142]: Patience! Mr Irving's four segments are near the end.
The film was premiered on September 14, 2008 at the Curzon Cinema, Soho
The English Centre of International PEN reviewed the film approvingly:
NWN: Should be worth a look !
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Someone has just tried to post the link to this website on here, we have deleted it. WARNING 2008 list online WTF is going on at the BNP ? ...
A CHANGING WORLD Populist-nationalist tide rolls on Pat Buchanan: 'Old allegiances are fraying, and old allies drifting away' ...