Wednesday, December 10, 2008

David Irving speaking in Spain





Anonymous said...

I'm just continually disappointed that he still ends up being seen as the 'respectable face' of Nationalism by Nationalists/

He's been legally discredited and is so hung up on yid hating that he's a laughing stock.

Anonymous said...

i find him totally boring or maybe im not intelligent enough to know what the fuck he is on about as for wether the holocaust happened or not who cares its just a part of history it no more upsets me than the romans killing christians 2 thousand years ago

Anonymous said...

The alleged 'Holocaust' is a defamation against the whole white race used to justify mass immigration. David Irving is a brilliant researcher and historian, but over-cautious due to the vicious and totally unjustified opposition he has encountered.
Falange Os Llama Ahora O Nunca

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
i find him totally boring or maybe im not intelligent enough to know what the fuck he is on about as for wether the holocaust happened or not who cares its just a part of history it no more upsets me than the romans killing christians 2 thousand years ago

Yes but no one would raise an eyebrow if you denied the Romans killed Xtians. On the other hand, denying the Holocaust could, depending on where it was denied, land you in hot water indeed! So one must ask why is it that one is not allowed to deny this purported historical event? Whether you believe such an event happened or not, surely strong arm tactics will not determine the veracity of the matter.

Anonymous said...

i take your point if he wishes to say it did not happen then that should be his right to say that .i do believe something happened but that it has been made into a lot more than it was in reality to help the jews get the state of israel and to get global power or am i talking bollox

Anonymous said...

The problem is that the holocaust gets mixed up with the whole jew/power/control theory.

Nationalists would be taken much more seriously if the most documented event in recent history was accepted and left alone.

However, like a dog with a bone, pratts like Irving keep on picking and gnawing away at it even when there is no meat left.

This simple denial of something that well evidenced just plays into the hands of the 'people' who either see Nationalists as pseudo Nazis, or just plain Nutters.

This just detracts from the genuine messages that Nationalism has to offer.

I accept that there will always be knuckle-draggers who can't move forward, but as long as they have a voice, Natiuonalism will be perceived as extremism by the average Joe.....and extremists don't get into power democratically unless there is massive turmoil and discontent - which we as a country are a long way from.

Anonymous said...

This just detracts from the genuine messages that Nationalism has to offer.

Wether you dislike the Jews, or dislike the Muslims, the very fact that you dislike another race/religion will always throw you into the nazi camp. So blaming those who dislike Jews will never get you anywhere because Muslim hater will be thrown at you instead.

Anonymous said...

Wether you dislike the Jews, or dislike the Muslims, the very fact that you dislike another race/religion will always throw you into the nazi camp. So blaming those who dislike Jews will never get you anywhere because Muslim hater will be thrown at you instead.

To a degree I accept that, but outright denial does no favours to anyone.
Irving is a relic, and outside of Nationalist circles he is a discredited loser.
Yet out of some outdated sense of Comradeship, he is held up as an example of a good Nationalist.
He is nothing other than a throwback who's outdated and disproven ideas only exist to enhance his own sense of self-importance and grandeur whilst mixing with all of Europes big nazis.
A weary, boring old guffwick.

Anonymous said...

A question for our anonymous friend.

Why is what you call "the most documented event in recent history" also the only historical subject where one interpretation is enforced by law, with dissenters from the official line subject to imprisonment?

Your assertion that the Holocaust is "the most documented event in recent history" seems absurd when contrasted with the leading Jewish holocaust historian Raul Hilberg, who said of the Holocaust in an interview with Le Monde in October 2006:
"There was no pre-established guiding plan. As for the question of the decision, it is in part unsolvable: no order signed by Hitler has ever been found, doubtless because no such document ever existed."

Another leading Jewish historian, Prof. Arno Mayer, has written:
"Sources for the study of the gas chambers are at once rare and unreliable"

But we should not blame our anonymous friend for his absurd statement about "the most documented event": they aren't actually his words, but the words of Lee Bollinger, president of Columbia University, when launching a counter-productive verbal assault on his guest lecturer, Iran's President Ahmadinejad, last year.

Both Bollinger and our anonymous friend should (even if they wish to dismiss revisionists) consider the words of another prominent Jewish historian Lucy Dawidowicz (obviously no revisionist as the following extract indicates) in her well known book 'The War Against the Jews':
"The very idea of the destruction of the Jews as a political goal demanded, when Hitler first began to advocate it, camouflage and concealment. Its later consummation demanded, within limits, secrecy. Consequently, there is a paucity of documents, and even those we have handicap the search for definitive evidence because of the problem of esoteric language."

Anonymous said...

its a wonder the yids are not claiming 6,000,000 jews were killed in the Bombay synagogue shootout'

Recently the Russians revealed they have the complete German records of Arsewitch, yet the Knessit and yid researchers have not bothered asking the Russians to see those records. Why? Because those records show less than 200,000 died in that camp.

Anonymous said...

What has been documented about the holocaust are the stories of individual suffering.

As the Germans between 1933 and 1945 tried to conquer Europe, there will be lots of such stories.

Hence, Bollinger could be right in saying that the holocaust is the most documented event in history.

Victims often nurture these stories, for example blacks and slavery, the Irish and the potato famine. The Jews and their persecution by the Germans is no different.

What is different is that the suffering of Jews seems to have beeen elevated to a uniquely higher plane.

The most ridiculous exagerations have been used, such as the rendering of Jewish corpses into fat to make soap, which the Yad Vashem Jewish Holocaust Memorial Museum admitted was false way back in 1989.

Ultimately, this has the effect of reducing any appreciation of such suffering.

I think nationalists, like everyone else, need to appreciate the suffering of all and not claim that any single group suffered less just because some of that group exaggerate.

Bill Jax

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...