Thursday, December 18, 2008

Is this a joke?

A NWN reader had this to say:

"Try and watch just one of these without feeling, at best a little bit queasy, at worst the desire to disconnect oneself from the Internet forever!!!

Vulgar, pathetic, just plain daft........"


View them at the link below, but we think 'Billy the Brit' should be changed to twit, and why the hell are the BNP trying to appeal to 8yr olds, are they trying to find Collett a new girlfriend?


Anonymous said...

"8 year olds", that's right for Collett's puerile mentality.

The idea of a sock puppet is just pathetic and has no merit at all!

Anonymous said...

Utterly embarrassing, children have no place in politics.

Anonymous said...

A sad joke. Just like Mark Collett I suppose. It's a rather strange coincidence that a few days ago I mentioned on the Democracy Forum that it would be interesting to see a Spitting Image style puppet of Mark Collett.

Anonymous said...

it was a joke you dickheads where the fuck is your sense of humour .fuck off over to lancaster unity you have more in common with those red scum you lot are hated with a vengence by the bnp members in fact we hate you lot more than the reds at least they stand by what they believe in you lot are so twisted by your hatred of everything bnp you dont know whose side you are on .headless chickens the lot of you

Anonymous said...

I'm appalled that they would lower themselves to teaching children that "Reds Smell". How many children know what a Red is? Its fucking childish and very very disapointing. How can the party pass itself as intelligent and concerned for childrens educations when they teach them that people smell?

Anonymous said...

it was a joke you dickheads where the fuck is your sense of humour .fuck off over to lancaster unity you have more in common with those red scum you lot are hated with a vengence by the bnp members in fact we hate you lot more than the reds at least they stand by what they believe in you lot are so twisted by your hatred of everything bnp you dont know whose side you are on .headless chickens the lot of you

18 December 2008 22:51

How many jokes like this do you see on other political sites? Grow up Collet, and fuck off. Our country is going down the toilet and you consider this to be a solution? I'm a BNP member and I come on here all the time. I'm praying for the day when you fall and break your neck you infantile bastard.

Anonymous said...

Is Tommy Williams doing these films ?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Is Tommy Williams doing these films ?

He could not work the buttons and the toy would be stuffed with rocks.

Next will be Collets Action Man line,

Complete with Big Konk and skinny legs. It will come with a complete range of tacky shiney suits and greasy hair gel to give the ActionCollet a Turkish look.

Perhaps ActionCollet can link up with one of the Brat dolls, the younger ones that is.

Action Collet can be orders online at

or at

Anonymous said...

Yeah a commie blog like this would hate it,daft twats

Anonymous said...

I think that developing non-politically correct children's programmes etc. for a young audience would reverse or at least counteract the damage caused by the Marxist manipulation they are subjected to at school.

But to be honest, I think this idea of the BNP's needs a lot more work. Some research might help them put their messages across a little bit better in future:

Young Consumers: Insight and Ideas for Responsible Marketers

Anonymous said...

The BNP is not a serious political party and this infantile'joke' just underlines it's puerility.

Anonymous said...

A few tips for the BNP, in the light of these nauseating and acutely embarassing (and vain) attempts at humour and recruitment of children:

1. Try using a minor or a young woman to do the voice over. Whoever is doing the voice over at the moment sounds utterly dreadful. Is it Collett? Wouldn't be the first time he's been inside an 8-year old, would it?

2. If these videos are aimed at children, try using a more mellow, puerile or jaunty soundtrack - rather than aggressive thrash-style metal. (Absolutely typical of the 'Bad Publicity Depts' total ineptitude at anything to do with, er, publicity). Watch even more children's TV than you normally do to see what I'm talking about.

3. Best tip of all, leave child's play to children; they're much better at it than you, a supposed 'fantasically professional' (excuse me, HAHAHAHAHAHA!) Publicity Department of political party.

Anonymous said...

Collett's only doing it to draw in little girls.

Anonymous said...

I think that developing non-politically correct children's programmes etc. for a young audience would reverse or at least counteract the damage caused by the Marxist manipulation they are subjected to at school.

But to be honest, I think this idea of the BNP's needs a lot more work. Some research might help them put their messages across a little bit better in future:

19 December 2008 01:08

Dissident Congress are working on the idea of producing patriotic children's video material as part of their patriotic home education project. You are absolutely right in saying that it needs a lot more work than what Collett & Co. have put into their rather pathetic production.

Anonymous said...

"I think that developing non-politically correct children's programmes etc. for a young audience would reverse or at least counteract the damage caused by the Marxist manipulation they are subjected to at school."

And the BNP thinks they achieve that by teaching kids that reds smell? Is that the level of education on offer?

A cartoon would be more powerful of a family living in peace suddenly being invaded and all the blood and gore that then ensues. Invasion is not funny, its genocide. No amount of puppetry will teach that to kids.

Anonymous said...

hello people the reds do smell or dont you like slagging off your comrades

Anonymous said...

hello people the reds do smell or dont you like slagging off your comrades

19 December 2008 11:30

Would you be proud of teaching children that anyone smells? Its childish, pathetic, and has nothing to do with politics. No wonder we can't get anywhere.

Anonymous said...

"And the BNP thinks they achieve that by teaching kids that reds smell? Is that the level of education on offer?"

Yup. Afraid so! They will probably bring out a Billy the Brit sings "reds under the bed" Christmas fund raising song next!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Children have no place in politics. The videos are sinister and bizarre.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, don't forget the snakey cunt's almost-touching close-set eyes enabling him to focus easier and quicker on any shekel within a 1000 yards.

to order a Cunt Collet money grabbing action doll go to:

www Kiddyfiddlers&

Anonymous said...

Excellent contributions from people here - many of them very amusing! LOL

On the subject of puppets I have been told that there is a doll of Nick Griffin available (available from Excalibur, price £59.99).

It speaks one sentence, ("We need your money - please donate as much as you can to help our...etc etc")

It has one hand movement action only (its right hand extends horizontally towards the child, thrusting its hand out, palm upwards).

It then turns its back on you, pulls down its trousers and proceeds to defecates on you (there is a slot in the doll's back where you can insert fake poo).

You can buy the Griffin doll with its own set of equipment , including a large authentic Welsh farm estate, complete with sheep and young National Front members and fake-looking asbestos roofed farm buildings, as well as litle cartons of out-of-date beer cans with the sell-by-dates authentically scratched out - just like the real thing!

You can also buy the genuine-looking Collett doll, which even has its own bank account, fake-looking money, and is able to suck up the backside of the Griffin doll in a very life-like manner.

Finaly, the Griffin doll comes complete with its own Gravy-Train which will take the imaginative user of the toy to Brussels, with a happy smiling face of the Griffin doll.


Anonymous said...

What about some pigs and fake pig manure? The Griffin doll is only nice to children who lick the pig manure off its boots.

Children don't know that the Griffin doll actually has two hand movements. The other being the Masonic handshake that can only be accomplished in the presence of a Freemason with a high Degree.

Anonymous said...

For the Griffin doll family there are new additions planned for 2009.

feb: The Lecomber Action Doll complete with pot of boot polish and balaclava.

may:The Eriksen Doll complete with bull whip (for women) and Tory party membership card.

june: new all action Collet doll with special bendy leg to be able to insert foot in mouth.

July- Barnes care bear complete with bank of computers and DWP disability allowance card.

Future releases depending on circumstances include Croatian bunker with the words 'you have been had' engraved on the top in Afrikaans.

Anonymous said...

"seventhvictim said...

For the Griffin doll family there are new additions planned for 2009.

feb: The Lecomber Action Doll complete with pot of boot polish and balaclava.

may:The Eriksen Doll complete with bull whip (for women) and Tory party membership card.

june: new all action Collet doll with special bendy leg to be able to insert foot in mouth.

July- Barnes care bear complete with bank of computers and DWP disability allowance card.

Future releases depending on circumstances include Croatian bunker with the words 'you have been had' engraved on the top in Afrikaans."

Lol what about a Mckenzie doll trike complete with rear bucket to complete the set?!!

Anonymous said...

7th-victim said......

You forgot to mention that coming with all double orders comprising of Kiddy-fiddler Marxski Collet and Grabber Grti££in dolls, is nine-foot crow-bar and 20,000lb pull hydraulic winch to retrieve Cunt Collets head out of Gri££in's arse

Anonymous said...

Talking of cunts, did you hear of Griffins brain-dead BNP security chimps punch-up at Danny `Always Pissed' Warville's down-at-heel Cambridge pub? Knuckle-dusters and knuckle-heads all round, Fat arse Reynolds with his block head being used as a batteringf ram by his team of idiots.

So much for Griffins professional security team.

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of losers you guys are.

Anonymous said...

Looks like that Pastoe, the Bird Brighton SID Williams was knocking off.

Anonymous said...

It's not a joke. It's the latest Gri££in appointment.

He signs the accounts apparently ...

Anonymous said...

Just remember that these are the antics of the 'fourth largest party' in Britain and the minions of the would be saviour of the British race.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...