Sunday, December 21, 2008

Hail David Noakes

The big EU con

"You're all missing the point.The BNP, like UKIP, has about 10,000 members almost all of whom are sensible, anti-EU people. Nearly all of them left the Conservative, Labour or Lib Dem Parties becuse they realised those parties woud never fight the EU (because the leaderships are controlled by the EU. And they thought the BNP would fight the EU.

But Nick Griffin, like Nigel Farage, makes a pretence of fighting the EU but does not fight it.

They could have got us out of the EU 10 years ago; they still could, if they ran proper campaigns; for example:With 10,000 members each, either party could contact and educate enough trade union leaders, and get sufficient organisation and publicity to mount a General Strike to stop the EU.

Or they could mobilise their 10,000 members to contact 70 MP's, warn them they will be excluded from politics in the EU dictatorship, and get a majority in Westminster to delare the illegal Lisbon Treaty null and void, or repeal it.

Or with 10,000 members they could work on our bought and paid for Law Lords until they prick the consciences of three of them sufficiently to declare all six EU Treaties illegal under the British Constitution, which they obviously are.

The fact neither party attempts any serious campaign against the EU, the fact neither mobilises their members, shows the leaderships are running them as a honey trap to neutralise activists.

The BNP's members are utterly betrayed by Nick Griffin, as are UKIP's by Farage."


Anonymous said...

For those who bother to read this, you now know why Griffin expels the REAL thinkers. You're all being duped.

Anonymous said...

i have not looked at this blog for a while as it seemed to me to be just a slag off nick griffin blog but i thought i will have a quick look to see if it had changed and to see if it had any body who talk sense on it yet but the first thread i came to was this and i came to the conclusion i was right to not bother as this thread is right up there with all the other conspiracy fantasys ive ever heard on here so i will leave it again and try again in another couple of months to see if its got any saner .cheer

Anonymous said...

i have not looked at this blog for a while as it seemed to me to be just a slag off nick griffin blog but i thought i will have a quick look to see if it had changed and to see if it had any body who talk sense on it yet but the first thread i came to was this and i came to the conclusion i was right to not bother as this thread is right up there with all the other conspiracy fantasys ive ever heard on here so i will leave it again and try again in another couple of months to see if its got any saner .cheer

21 December 2008 16:19

Can you tell us what is sane about Nick Griffin spending a quarter of a million poundS getting himself elected to the EU?

Anonymous said...

"so i will leave it again and try again in another couple of months to see if its got any saner .cheer

21 December 2008 16:19"

I wish to echo the other poster. Convince us why fighting the EU is good, or are you a typical Griffin numb brain? You know as much about the EU as any other BNP member you idiot.

Anonymous said...

yeah come back and tell us why one mep is better than 12 mps. all that money could get mps elected and dont take an idiot to see that

Anonymous said...

"it seemed to me to be just a slag off nick griffin blog"

When Griffin starts to take politics more seriously, we will in turn, take him more seriously.

He is content with drawing a salary and giving opponents the odd jab in order to stay in the game and nothing more.

Anonymous said...

It is nearly 2009, broadband internet access now costs less than a daily paper, yet most BNP members have not even read the constitution of their own party.

The 9th edition is now available on the party website - it is a remarkable document.

Any opinion expressed regarding Mr Griffin and the future of his party can carry no weight or validity unless the person concerned is familiar with this document.

Anonymous said...

Lord Stoddard of Swindon,

“My Lords, I suppose that this could not possibly have anything to do with the fact that the European Union Commissioners affirm an Oath of Allegiance to the European Union. If they do so, they swear allegiance to somebody other than Her Majesty the Queen, which I understand in itself would be treasonable.”

E. N. Ronn said...

I have no time for Nick Gri££in or Nigel Farrago. Nevertheless, the proposition that by giving up on party politics and instead lobbying trades union leaders, Members of Parliament or judges, British withdrawal from the EU can be achieved is preposterous and delusional.

The establishment is broadly committed to the European project. Its leading lights won’t change their minds because they receive a few letters, or even a few thousand letters. Such people must be removed from office by all lawful means and replaced by patriots, which basically means organising an electoral alterative. If the Sheeple continue to vote for the system parties, they will get system politics.

Anonymous said...

"Any opinion expressed regarding Mr Griffin and the future of his party can carry no weight or validity unless the person concerned is familiar with this document."

Would this also include the vast amount spent fighting the rebels in court? Griffin never asked OUR permission to spend OUR money on his petty grievences.

"All debts and liabilities properly incurred by the party at a national level shall be
solely the responsibility of the National Chairman."

Anonymous said...

Such people must be removed from office by all lawful means and replaced by patriots, which basically means organising an electoral alterative.


Anonymous said...

"i have not looked at this blog for a while as it seemed to me to be just a slag off nick griffin blog but i thought i will have a quick look to see if it had changed and to see if it had any body who talk sense on it yet but the first thread i came to was this and i came to the conclusion i was right to not bother as this thread is right up there with all the other conspiracy fantasys ive ever heard on here so i will leave it again and try again in another couple of months to see if its got any saner .cheer"

You're entitled to your own opinion and, if you're not a Griffinite troll, at least you've checked it out and been honest.

However, I would suggest that you have not thought things through and have reacted automatically and with no sense of independence of mind in coming to your gut-reaction reflex.

Whatever the merits or otherise of that thread it is certainly not a "conspiracy theory". It is a perfectly rational and sane opinion expressed by its author.

I think it has been overstated myself as those who have been in the business long enough will recall the Referendum Party run and funded by James Goldsmith who spent tens of 000s of £s on informing the public of the Euro project.

However, a mass campaign is essential if the public's perception of the Euro and its dangers to Britain's interests and democracy is to be changed. It requires long-term thinking with long-term objectives in a long-term strategy. This is one of the most fundamental goals that nationalist parties have to achieve, and the EU represents the biggets threat to Britain since Hitler. It will require more than standing a few candidates as MPs or Euro MPS. It will require a mass concerted campaign that will involce civil disobediance and non-violent direct action. But the BNP under Griffin and his corrupt and useless cabal have no guts, no strategy, no integrity and no idea how to do this - in fact they probably don't want to do anything against it as they are probably to some extent manipulated by the State and in any case Griffin wants to become part of the Euro project by jumping on its gravy train as a Euro MP.

Anonymous said...


Of course, but no party as small as the BNP is going to get them at the moment, no matter how much money you poured into a campaign.

The UK will get sucked into the EU one way or another, the people will do nothing about it. Watch them vote Tory and Labour in their droves during the Euro elections.

Anonymous said...

Oh i say thats a wee bit under the kilt aint it!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What a bunch of creeps that haunt this blog .

Anonymous said...

nick griffin is rusty lee's brother ? some bloke in the pub told me.

Anonymous said...

It is nearly 2009, broadband internet access now costs less than a daily paper, yet most BNP members have not even read the constitution of their own party.

The 9th edition is now available on the party website - it is a remarkable document.

Yes, but the Ninth edition is dated September 2005, Gri££in has changed some of the sections since then, when will there be an updated issue I wonder?

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of creeps that haunt this blog .

21 December 2008 20:24

How so?

Is it because we keep telling you that 50 councillors out of 22,000 can do nothing? One MEP out of hundreds can do nothing?

Or is it because we say that a concerted effort to elect MPs will achieve something?

It costs £5,000 to stand one MEP candidate who if elected would be remembered as much as a UKIP MEP

It costs £1,000 to stand a parliamentary candidate and based on Griffins personal war chest we could stand 300. Given the state of this country the chances of electing BNP MPs is very high. Just one MP would shake British government to its foundations.

Alternatively you can spen our money putting Griffo on the gravy train where he'll get the occassional mention in the press if says anything outrageous.

Open your eyes and look at what Griffin is doing, he's not doing it for you or Britain, he's doing it for himself.

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of creeps that haunt this blog .

21 December 2008 20:24

You really are a prize twat. Its taken 25yrs, mass immigration, a credit crunch, and two mass suicide bombings and countless terrorist arrests to elect 50 odd councillors. Do you really think that the British people care?

Until we take to the streets en masse nothing will change. Fuck me, the Anarchists have achieved more than the BNP!

Anonymous said...

In the last world war the little Finnish Army fought the massive Red/Communist Army they concentrated there efforts on one spot in order to break the ice on a frozen river that the Red's were crossing. The result, the massive invading Red Army drowned. This will happen when Nationalist's make a break through in the coming elections, but remember our people are asleep and brainwashed but they will shortly wake up to the danger. There are without doubt a few Red survivors adding to the blog - to no avail I might add.

Anonymous said...

It would be a disgrace to British Nationalism and a disgrace to Britain in general, to have a piece of excrement like Griffin as a national representative. Neurotic halfwits like Griffin have usually been up to something disreputable over the years. If Griffin was elected you could be sure that the press would go through everything, and find plenty. As I say, he is a national disgrace, and he would be even more of a national disgrace, if he ever got elected. Keine Ruhe.

Anonymous said...

Yep. What happened to UKIP is a perfect example of state infiltration and turnaround.

It was originally genuine and the founder a good bloke. Then, out of nowhere came a suspiciously well funded 'leadership contender' who seduced the membership with glib talk and all sorts of fantastic promises. Result? Founder out, conman in. Then the party changed it's policies, became neutralised and has been going round and round in harmless circles ever since.

Er ... sound familiar?

Anonymous said...

*sigh* people talk about the EU and about MEP's but actually know nothing about it.

In fact, when you examine how the EU works and how the laws are made etc, you discover that MEP's are actually MEANINGLESS. All real power resides with a small coterie of unelected bureaucrats.

MEP's are just window dressing to keep the masses entertained and to make them believe they have a 'national voice' when in fact they have nothing of the sort.

They're very useful shop dummies though, which is why they are so well paid.

Anonymous said...

"Er ... sound familiar?

22 December 2008 14:04"

Yes, its why Griffin chose the alcoholic and utter embarrassment Richard Barnbrook to stand in the GE. Heaven forbid he should choose someone with a brain and a modicum of sobriety. But you won't see the sheepy members ask that question, well, they can't. Under the BNP constitution it would be grounds for expulsion.

Welcome to the democratic state run BNP

Anonymous said...

This blog comes up trumps again!

Vaclav Klaus is the man the BNP were saying they could work with earlier this year, work with to acheive what exactly? :D

Anonymous said...

As anon says MEP's are shop dummies and UKIP runs a very nice business in them.

Now regarding the EURO. If Brown joined he would lose the ability to print money to buy votes if desperate which he currently still retains - like Mugabe. The Bank of England can print any amount of pounds. France for example can't print Euros.

That is probably the real reason Labour has not joined. No convincing explanation has ever been offered by Brown or Blair only waffle.

Anonymous said...

As anon says MEP's are shop dummies and UKIP runs a very nice business in them.

Now regarding the EURO. If Brown joined he would lose the ability to print money to buy votes if desperate which he currently still retains - like Mugabe. The Bank of England can print any amount of pounds. France for example can't print Euros.

That is probably the real reason Labour has not joined. No convincing explanation has ever been offered by Brown or Blair only waffle.

Anonymous said...

just checked this blog out to see if it had changed from a searchlight copying anti nick griffin waste of change, still blaming nick for all the worlds downfalls while offering no viable alternative.
i also notice that a lot of the posts are annonymous .whys this?maybe because some/most of the posts are from the same people. the people behind the blog...bartxx

Anonymous said...


Why are you such a two faced twat? You either like Griffin, or you don't. Please, make up your mind.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...