Thursday, December 18, 2008

George Ashcroft AKA Wayne Ashcroft ex NF

PRESS RELEASE Thursday December 18th 2008Telford & Wrekin Councillors Denis Allen and George Ashcroft have today resigned the Conservative whip. This action follows a significant deterioration in the working relationship between them and the leader of the Conservative group at Telford & Wrekin.Their decision has not been taken lightly and should not detract from the hard work that has been undertaken by Conservative Party activists in Telford & Wrekin over the past few years. Councillors Allen and Ashcroft will gladly take the whip once more but not under the current leadership which has proved both inept and juvenile in its handling of a number of important local issues.Last weeks motion on the future of the Princess Royal Hospital which failed even to mention the hospital by name, the non-attendance by the leadership at the crucial Telford housing summit and the Malinslee mobile phone mast debacle are just three areas in which the leadership is out of touch with popular and conservative opinion. In addition, the failure of the leader to reinstate Cllr Allen to the cabinet in the absence of any evidence against him is contrary to the laws of decency and natural justice. Denis is pleased to have received private _expressions of support from members from across the political divide.Telford & Wrekin political makeup as of today:All others (Inc Labour) - 29Conservative group - 25Footnotes on Denis Allen & George AshcroftDenis Allen joined the Conservative Party in October 1978 after leaving the armed forces. In May 1979 (on the day when Margaret Thatcher became Prime Minister) he was elected Councillor for East Ward, Market Drayton on North Shropshire District Council and was re-elected until 1992 when he had moved to Tibberton and was therefore not eligible for North Shropshire District Council. In 1997 he stood for Parliament in North Shropshire as the Referendum Party Candidate. Subsequently he has been Acting Chairman then Chairman of Wrekin Conservative Association for several years and has been elected Councillor for Park Ward, Wellington for the last three elections. In May 2007 he was made Cabinet Member for Community Services by Councillor Andrew Eade and remained in that post until October 2008 when he was sacked, at his home, by Councillor Steve Bentley in the presence of Cllrs Andrew Eade and Adrian Lawrence for a stated reason which turned out to be false but, despite this, he has not been re-instated. George Ashcroft first campaigned for the Conservative Party in 2001 and in 2003 contested the Madeley Ward and served as a parish councillor until 2007 when he was elected a member for the Brookside Ward of Telford & Wrekin Council. George Ashcroft has served as a cabinet assistant to adult and consumer care portfolio and is currently the assistant to environment and regeneration. In June 2007 George was elected the deputy chair (political) of the Telford Conservative Association by majority.


On the matter of 'Baby P' it would appear that the Tories are relatively outspoken and appalled. We at NWN would like to ask those same Tories why George Ashcroft's children were removed into the care of the local authorities, and does it make him a fit councillor?


Anonymous said...

He always gave me the creeps.

Anonymous said...

Isn't Ashcrofts ex wife now in the Nov9th Society?

Anonymous said...

"Isn't Ashcrofts ex wife now in the Nov9th Society?

18 December 2008 18:38"

Yes she is.

Ashcroft also claimed that Tyndall would awake one day to find him the deputy leader of the BNP. Ashcroft never got his dream and made do with infiltrating the Tories instead.

Anonymous said...

Ashcroft also gave away all his files etc to a local University for the reds to peruse.

Anonymous said...

Ashcroft also gave away all his files etc to a local University for the reds to peruse.

18 December 2008 23:13

It was rumoured that both he and his wife were SB but they say that about everyone. It's curious though that his ex wife has changed her name several times. What is she running away from?

Anonymous said...

George was about 15 then, he's now in his 30's. i can assure everyone that that George the man, is nothing like the impressional boy he once was.

He has become a very well thought of and well respected Borough Councillor, unfortunately the honest are in short demand in T&W, but at least he's one of them.

Anonymous said...

It is interesting to read all of this speculation so here are some answers from the horses mouth. I was never Special Branch. Unless of course they actually employed teenagers back in the 1990's. On the contrary, plenty of others were and I actually attempted to prevent the infiltration of the NF by state and other elements. Not that I care one jot anymore, but you should consider that the very meeting that ousted me as West Midlands Regional Organiser was orchestrated by Peter Marriner who later appeared “in the shadows” on a documentary called “True Spies”. The whole thing was a comedy of errors and I see no evidence that things have changed significantly today. In my experience, there are few people of calibre and quality involved, anywhere on the nationalist right. These days, whilst I certainly do not share his politics or his world view, one of the few people I came to regard was Martin Webster. Here was a man of superb organisational ability, a talented orator and skilled writer. Just consider for a moment the appalling way this man has been treated over the years by so-called “patriotic nationalists”. I refer particularly to the years 1983 and 1984. Webster kept the faith throughout his period of mistreatment. I could not in respect of my own.

I have no particular desire to share these details with you and it is a low blow indeed to invoke one's family in the course of an argument. However, as you have chosen to do so, permit me to add some clarification in respect of my children. Particularly given that the facts are not as you imply. The relationship between their mother and myself came to an end in 2002 when I reluctantly moved out of the family home and where my children remained. Family breakdown is a tragedy for all concerned and with the best will in the world, it became increasingly difficult for me to influence events in the period after I left. Any man who has been in a similar situation will understand this. Contrary to popular belief, Andrea and I were never actually married. An unmarried father has few rights in respect of his children. It was a painful lesson in life.

However, in the intervening years I have rebuilt my life with much success. I have managed to maintain regular contact with my children and for us all is well. Andrea still lives in Telford. She can be in no doubt as to my feelings about the silliness and extremism of “November 9th” and the like. To seek to openly promote a creed of National Socialism is utterly ridiculous. But then involvement with the far-right and lunatic fringe has often yielded some pretty disastrous consequences, particularly for her. For my part, I have written this to you honestly and in good faith and I would anticipate that you will treat it as such. Returning directly to matters of a contemporary political nature, having spent the better part of a decade in the Conservative Party, you would not expect me to endorse your philosophical or racialist views. However, for what it's worth, I share much of your wider critique of the present-day BNP leadership and I have had no truck with any of them even before Martin Webster issued his first devastating “Loose Cannon” in which he exposed rank hypocrisy almost 10 year ago.


George Ashcroft

Anonymous said...

It is interesting to read all of this speculation so here are some answers from the horses mouth. I was never Special Branch. Unless of course they actually employed teenagers back in the 1990's. On the contrary, plenty of others were and I actually attempted to prevent the infiltration of the NF by state and other elements. Not that I care one jot anymore, but you should consider that the very meeting that ousted me as West Midlands Regional Organiser was orchestrated by Peter Marriner who later appeared “in the shadows” on a documentary called “True Spies”. The whole thing was a comedy of errors and I see no evidence that things have changed significantly today. In my experience, there are few people of calibre and quality involved, anywhere on the nationalist right. These days, whilst I certainly do not share his politics or his world view, one of the few people I came to regard was Martin Webster. Here was a man of superb organisational ability, a talented orator and skilled writer. Just consider for a moment the appalling way this man has been treated over the years by so-called “patriotic nationalists”. I refer particularly to the years 1983 and 1984. Webster kept the faith throughout his period of mistreatment. I could not in respect of my own.

I have no particular desire to share these details with you and it is a low blow indeed to invoke one's family in the course of an argument. However, as you have chosen to do so, permit me to add some clarification in respect of my children. Particularly given that the facts are not as you imply. The relationship between their mother and myself came to an end in 2002 when I reluctantly moved out of the family home and where my children remained. Family breakdown is a tragedy for all concerned and with the best will in the world, it became increasingly difficult for me to influence events in the period after I left. Any man who has been in a similar situation will understand this. Contrary to popular belief, Andrea and I were never actually married. An unmarried father has few rights in respect of his children. It was a painful lesson in life.

However, in the intervening years I have rebuilt my life with much success. I have managed to maintain regular contact with my children and for us all is well. Andrea still lives in Telford. She can be in no doubt as to my feelings about the silliness and extremism of “November 9th” and the like. To seek to openly promote a creed of National Socialism is utterly ridiculous. But then involvement with the far-right and lunatic fringe has often yielded some pretty disastrous consequences, particularly for her. For my part, I have written this to you honestly and in good faith and I would anticipate that you will treat it as such. Returning directly to matters of a contemporary political nature, having spent the better part of a decade in the Conservative Party, you would not expect me to endorse your philosophical or racialist views. However, for what it's worth, I share much of your wider critique of the present-day BNP leadership and I have had no truck with any of them even before Martin Webster issued his first devastating “Loose Cannon” in which he exposed rank hypocrisy almost 10 year ago.


George Ashcroft

Anonymous said...

She is on her forth name change.
she is A cir-en,an arachnid,a Mata Harri,and a Pandora all rolled into one.
What is she doing in a openly national socialist party, the BFP they portrays them selfs as NS but she is in the wrong party because she is not in any way a national socialist and i would know because of the baggage she has in tow concerning her past life's

I thought i new this person as we had a personal friendship that lasted 9 years out of the 13 years that i have known her ,but i did not really know her because she betrayed that friendship by breaking it into many pieces in Feb of this year 2008 in a way that i conclude she has always been an actress on the stage of politics's as i say i did not really know her because it was all an act for what ever reason is left for us in friendships to determine when that friendship fall apart.
She has lurched from from one extreme to another extreme in her political life and i know most of the story ,as to will i kiss and tell will have two wrest with my conscious to grapple with.

will the real Andrea/andy/Elizebeth..Round.Lewis.Ashcroft.and Placidley if any one of those names is real that is her real name/s speak up and tell us what and who you are that is if you even know yourself Andrea?

I more than any one deserve an explanation as all i have had is not so much as a by my leave or kiss my arse.just.. conversations have not just gon wright this year by by we are not connected now we have a different agenda.

You kno who i am

Anonymous said...

Ashcroft also gave away all his files etc to a local University for the reds to peruse.

18 December 2008 23:13

It was rumoured that both he and his wife were SB but they say that about everyone. It's curious though that his ex wife has changed her name several times. What is she running away from?

ther was a menage a trois -definitions - sexual activity involving three people. no more . no less. 3 women. 3 men. 2 women 1 man. 2 men 1 woman. whatever t...

W Ashcroft,Andrea,and Nick griffin

purely guesswork but a good guess.
Frank Marka

Tartarus said...

"However, for what it's worth, I share much of your wider critique of the present-day BNP leadership and I have had no truck with any of them even before Martin Webster issued his first devastating “Loose Cannon” in which he exposed rank hypocrisy almost 10 year ago.


George Ashcroft

19 December 2008 12:53"

Thank you for putting us straight, George.


Is it not plumbing the very bottom of the barrel,to discuss this mans personal life in this manner?he has done more than aquit himself honourably,by replying to such scurrilous gossip,and the truth of his relationship with his ex-wife is really no-ones concern but the parties involved.

Anonymous said...

There are always two sides to every story,and George thank you for a few chosen words of enlightenment concerning your children as i have only ever had one side.
I have a lot to tell for 9 years of a friendship as do you for your brief encounter 4 years and a bit with the named person as to which is the real one i do not kno but lets stick to politics and not air dirty personal linnin in public
as she nor you want to go down that road.

Anonymous said...

Is it not plumbing the very bottom of the barrel,to discuss this mans personal life in this manner?he has done more than aquit himself honourably,by replying to such scurrilous gossip,and the truth of his relationship with his ex-wife is really no-ones concern but the parties involved.

19 December 2008 15:05

That would depend on whose side of the story you'd been hearing. George has had his say, and considering his political position, I'm more inclined to believe it than that of a certain lady who enjoys sleeping with strangers.

Anonymous said...

She .It's the legend of Pandora to a tee.

The moth man.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...