Saturday, December 13, 2008

Nick Griffin Christmas message

Put here at the request of many nationalists who claim this is the funniest thing they've ever watched.

For a little extra seasonal fun, how many lies can you spot?


Anonymous said...

What an interesting message in certain ways!

The chintzy American music reminds me of an Amway pyramid selling video. "Looking out for one another". If that gobshite was my neighbour I'd deck him for looking at my kids. His dress sense is crap, the camera work was shite and the fact that Griffin is totally alone in the video, no one else spoken to, none of his family and dwindling band of supporters suggests he is totally alone now politically as well. A better video message would be this "hero of the people" mobbed by his supporters - but what do we get? A rubbish message from someone so isolated from reality and has no friends and has to sit in a barren kitchen which isnt his own to film a crap help your neighbours suggestion.

He has lost the plot. He needs to be ousted immediately. He has to go.

Anonymous said...


Hahahahaha, what a fecking liar LMAO

Anonymous said...

LOL at the fat c*nt.

He needs to spend a month in the gym, not scoffing all the Christmas pies.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone remember Griffins Christmas menu? LMAO at the greedy pig.

Anonymous said...

When did Griffin ever give a shit about any OAP apart from his financial book keeping daddy.

Anonymous said...

Is that Griffins or Darby's house? It sounds like he took all the furniture out lol listen to the echo

Anonymous said...

What a load of fucking old cobblers.

"BNP family, looking out for the poor and needy"

Love all your stammering though, Nick. Particularly liked the bit at the end where you tell the people to eat plenty. How do they do that with no fucking jobs you cunt, eh?

Anonymous said...

I see that stuttering idiot Mick Treacy has popped his head up.I never thought he would have the nerve.

This man brought Oldham BNP from over 100 members attending meetings to what we have today, a dozen at most.

Collections were well over £1,000+ at every meeting too.

Anonymous said...

Tommy Williams has threatened to do Treacy over though. Ha ha !

Don't patronise me or I'll stamp on your fucking head.

Animal Hospital Out-Takes
a.k.a The Day I Met Mr Wang

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I'm still trying to wok out who sent Griffin the Christmas card!

Anonymous said...

In spite of being born with a silver spoon in his mouth and having an incredibly privileged education Griffin always comes over as the sort of person who would be manager of a minor builders merchants.

Anonymous said...

Amazing that Gri££in whose sole motivation in politics seems to be the accumulation of money can sit there and tell people not to worry about having no money.

He is just like a jew- a flea living on a dog- sucking the money from decent hardworking members, whilst never having a real job in his life.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Had a look at that shiite Rolf of Hash. Who the fuck is this so-called nationalist Tommy Williams anyway & what the frig is the matter with him. I left school at 15 and hardly had time to take a piss so what's he jawing about. Always thought most of them didn't know Jack Shiite anyway.

Anonymous said...

What a load of ******* bollocks. I feel sorry for the dwindling band of braindead muppets who persist in looking up to this disgrace of a "nationalist".

Boy, aren't you muupets gonna be disappointed when the truth finally emegres about Father Nick(or should that be Old Nick?) and the way that he has fleeced both you and the BNP.

Shame on you.

Anonymous said...

Ho ho ho Look, it's the season ogf godwill with that fat twat Gri££in trying so unconvicingly to look charitable.

When are BNP members going to wake up and realise that the only people that fat twat cares about is HIMSELF.

Anonymous said...

Families? Don't make me laff Griffo. If the BNP was a family then its severe dysfunctionalism and violence and abuse would make it a target for Social Services and the CPS.

As the 'Family' is to some defree State-run then it's no surprise there then that its kid-glove treatment by the State is not dissimilar to the treatment given out to 'Baby P'. Ignored and left to its uncaring and psychotic parents to wither away and die.

That's how the real BNP under the Gri££in regime treats its members and especially those who voice criticism or indepedence of mind.

It's sickening.

And so was Gri££in's putrid and laughable attempt at a Christmas message.

Anonymous said...

Instead of jumping on the Euro train, why isn't Griffin putting together something like this for us? I don't hear anyone calling the Seklers racist.



The historical Seklerland is native. We, the Hungarians living here as a majority, are devoted to our century-old autonomy traditions. Choosing the way of local self-determination through the regional Sekler councils we declared this right and wish, we claimed the guarantee of the local - autonomy by a legally binding statute.

We, the National Sekler Council's delegates, turn to the Romanian Parliament, the European Council and European Parliament to consider our claim for the local autonomy that is in accordance with the European constitutional states' practice and with the regulations of the international documents protecting the national communities' self-identification.

We request the Romanian Parliament and Government, the country's political powers, the representatives of the civil sphere and the country's historical churches to consider and support our just claims with all democratic means.

We request the Hungarian Parliament and Government and all personalities of the Hungarian public life to support our efforts in obtaining the self government which is the most important factor in preserving our Hungarian self-identification and the conservation of our community in the native country.

We request the European Union member countries to support the Seklerland, the Sekler community's efforts for autonomy, to influence, so that the Seklerland territorial autonomy guaranteed by the Statute with legal force to be one of the conditions for Romania's integration.

The Seklerland has the right to be acknowledged in the integration process as an autonom euroregion, its civilians to become the civilians of the united Europe having a real and total equality before the law.

October 26, 2003.

The Sekler National Council



Being aware that the autonomy of the Seklerland doesn't offend Romania's territorial integrity and national sovereignty,

Understanding that the regional self-governing is in principle of the right to self- determination of subsidiarity and self-administration of communities in the state,

Professing that as our historical characteristic, the autonomy of Seklerland became generally accepted and was embodied by the Sekler regions' authority and organization,

Reminding that there is a reference to the Sekler regions' autonomy in the written documents of the year 1200,

Being aware that the solutions applied in the European constitutional states justify the applicability and viability of the regions' territorial autonomy, of those regions whos civilians and their community have the numerical majority are in need of protection to preserve their national self-identification,

As present civilians of the Sekler regions and inhabitants of the Seklerland we declare our wish for the Sekler regions self-administration, the Seklerland autonomy and the Seklerland Autonomy Statute's legal approval.

We are convinced that the Seklerland Autonomy, the recognition of the additional authority that serves the protection of the Hungarian national community's living in the self-governing regions, the delegation of these authorities and competences to the self-governing regions and its authority guarantees the real and total equality among the civilians.

October 26, 2003.

The Sekler National Council



We wish to obtain the Seklerland autonomy by means characteristic to constitutional states, on the principles presented in the Resolution nr. 2003/1334 of the European Council.

The Seklerland's autonomy is practicable on the principles from the Autonomy Statute elaborated by Csapó I. József Ph.D. and their practice is realizable by the means of democratic institutions.

We entrust the Permanent Committee and the competent committees of experts to make the Statute of the Seklerland Autonomy final and to submit it to the Romanian Parliament for acceptance after the Sekler National Council's ratification.

October 26, 2003.

The Sekler National Council

Anonymous said...

Nemesis said...
Families? Don't make me laff Griffo. If the BNP was a family then its severe dysfunctionalism and violence and abuse would make it a target for Social Services and the CPS.

As the 'Family' is to some defree State-run then it's no surprise there then that its kid-glove treatment by the State is not dissimilar to the treatment given out to 'Baby P'. Ignored and left to its uncaring and psychotic parents to wither away and die.

That's how the real BNP under the Gri££in regime treats its members and especially those who voice criticism or indepedence of mind.

It's sickening.

And so was Gri££in's putrid and laughable attempt at a Christmas message.
Yes Scrooge he sacked Johnny Walker and his friend David Joins just before Chritmas. "What Family"£££££££££££££

Anonymous said...

If Gri££in had an ounce of decency the money he has accumulated from his latest round of begging letters would go towards a trust set up to help members who have lost their jobs after the membership was leaked. But he won't because he does not care a fig about his members, only about his ego and maintaininng his easy income.

Anonymous said...

I heard on the grapevine that one of Gri££ins security team hospitalised a man at a Cambridge social, because he made a racist remark. Gri££in has now ordered a cover-up, whats the story??

Anonymous said...

Oooh look what i've found

Anonymous said...

"Oooh look what i've found

15 December 2008 13:15"

Lol, nice to see like the rest of them that he doesn't live with the ethnic stench he preaches in support of.

"My name's Ketlan and I live in Lancaster, Lancashire. I run a blog which is regularly updated and extremely popular but it's political, so I'd better not link to it here. I read masses of books but when writing, I prefer to produce extremely short (flash) fiction. Authors I love? Anthony Burgess, Malcolm Bradbury, Michael Dobbs, Agatha Christie and well, pretty much anything really."

Anonymous said...

Ketlan is always claiming that Lancaster is very multiracial. It's actually 99% white, the delusional twat.

Anonymous said...

"Ketlan is always claiming that Lancaster is very multiracial. It's actually 99% white, the delusional twat.

15 December 2008 16:29"

These idiots can actually
advance the BNP if you think about it.

Imagine a leaflet going through peoples doors about all those who speak out about the BNP, an image of them, their homes, and the ethnic make-up of their regions. Such a leaflet handed out on a white rundown council estate, or where people have lost their jobs would have great impact.

If someone was telling me how to vote and that my opinion was racist, i'd be bloody angry to see them in a 99% white neighbourhood in a detached cottage in a green and pleasant part of England.

Where does Billy Bragg live, what sort of house and ethnic make up of his area? Jaqui Smith? Gordon Brown?

How dare they tell the masses when they live in luxury and in safe neighbourhoods.

Anonymous said...

Ketlan is always claiming that Lancaster is very multiracial. It's actually 99% white, the delusional twat.


He's a wierdo like his mate. Why do they want to fill their places up with enrichers?,1.705413&sspn=0.001492,0.004807&ie=UTF8&ll=52.699085,1.704812&spn=0.00314,0.009613&t=h&z=17

Denise lives in one of those four in the dogs leg Kings Loke, Deneside or Duneside Cottage. Not many enrichers there.

Anonymous said...

"I'm still trying to wok (sic) out who sent Griffin the Christmas card!"

Mystery over - I did - I'm so far up Griffins arse I met Mark Collette on the way down and don't you idiots forget I'm the best journalist and writer in the nationalist movement (apart from the Party's most noble and heroic leader).

It's not true I stole Roger Denny's wife, those who repeat the lie I did are vile reactionaries in need of urgent re-education by the glorious leader's team of true information dissemination, headed by the illustrious Arthur Kemp. In the past there has always been one or two who worried me because their politics weren't really the same as mine. Now I feel that we are all on the same wavelength and are working towards the same goal.

I will promote Arthur's well researched and totally impartial and non-racist book "Jackboots of the Titans; a history of White Supremacy" at every possible opportunity. You see that's the kind of versatile nationalist I am. Just a few years ago I made a mistake by advocating mixed race marriages and I am now repenting for publishing a photograph of my good comrade Charlie Bigstaff and his wayward daughter who has violated the strict purity laws by marrying someone from a different strata of society. She was a dirty white poor commoner and wedded someone above her station, a noble African chief, the arrogant whore. (is this correct? - Replacement Freedom Editor, AKA Arthur Kamp)

At the time I was proud that my organ "Voice of Freedom" was big enough to influence popular opinion amongst the 94 readers who bought it every month. Little did I realise I was lighting a powderkeg which would see my position completely vindicated by our heroic leader himself in his famous speech on the steps of "The Feltchers Arms" in Shropshire. As I said to our heroic leader.........

(Note to NG, is it appropriate to refer to you as our "heroic leader" more than twice in one paragraph, your most obedient brown nosing little serf - MW)

Anonymous said...

I see from the latest begging letter that donations have to be sent to Welshpool, Griffin at the personal take again.

I'll bet my Christmas dinner that the Party's fundraiser, Ged Munns, does not see any of this cash. Like the Truth Truck fundraiser it will be used to fund Griffin and pay a few wages.

Anonymous said...

This was excellent.

Nick is so right about the need for love and putting aside the consumer rat race - as he has done.

Nick is a Cambridge graduate (a third was it). At any time he could sweep into a job at a vast salary in perhaps the City. They are crying out for talent like his particularly during the recession.

But he puts all aside to live frugally in Wales together with Two Salaries Darby and fight for a better Britain. A couple of sticks to play with in the yard and they are happy.

Thanks Nick! There are few like you.

Must finish now. My eyes are filling with tears and I can't see my screeneeeee.

Anonymous said...

I asked you to post a message but you refused. Instead you took it upon yourselves to allow your founder, Petofthereds Barker, to interrupt a thread by bringing me into the discussion.Are you so blind you cannot see? Allow this message and I might consider you more fair than the BBC. You know it makes sense. (Luvvely Jubbley)

Mick Treacy

Anonymous said...

"I asked you to post a message but you refused. Instead you took it upon yourselves to allow your founder, Petofthereds Barker, to interrupt a thread by bringing me into the discussion.Are you so blind you cannot see? Allow this message and I might consider you more fair than the BBC. You know it makes sense. (Luvvely Jubbley)

Mick Treacy

16 December 2008 20:56"

You need to seriously educate yourself and realise that just because people say things you dislike, does not make them a red.

RED RED RED RED a boring brain-dead summing up for BNP members who cannot think for themselves.

Anonymous said...

If that bloated bastard gets any fatter, he'll blow up like a sack of shit he is.

Spot the lies??? More like, try spotting a single truth.

Anonymous said...

`Does anyone remeber Griffins Christmas menu'

Certainly, it's in the BNP money pool he and kiddy-fiddler Collett are diving into daily.

Anonymous said...

The fat pathetic cunt sent himself that Christman card.

Anonymous said...

BD, that fat greedy guzzling cunt needs the money to pay his legal team the £40,000 plus he owes them.

The lying fat bastard claims he's had £50,000 in donations. that a desperate a lie for tricking simpletons into sending him money.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I asked you to post a message but you refused. Instead you took it upon yourselves to allow your founder, Petofthereds Barker, to interrupt a thread by bringing me into the discussion.Are you so blind you cannot see? Allow this message and I might consider you more fair than the BBC. You know it makes sense. (Luvvely Jubbley)

Mick Treacy

16 December 2008 20:56

Right then Mick.
I am glad that you read these comments. What have you to say about the scumbag Tommy Williams threatening to stamp on your head?, a totally un-nationalist act and you have the cheek to say I told you so about me. You are living in a dream world Mick, yes Nick has seen the destruction of the Oldham branch but I am not your enemy, and you can tell Alan and Jock the same. All of you need to change your positions in order to maintain your positions as true nationalists and no I don't hide behind anonimity.
Regards. Sean Hadley

Anonymous said...

I'm often put in mind of the line from the musical Oliver.

Fagan sings ... "Charity's fine ... subscribe to mine ... you've got to pick a pocket or two ..."

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...