Saturday, December 13, 2008

ANTIFA upping the ANTI

UAF- how NOT to fight fascism
antifa 12.12.2008 23:59
Unite Against Fascism’ and ‘Love Music Hate Racism’ are great sounding slogans so it’s unfortunate that the organisations behind them are so crap. We think it’s worth taking the time to look at the organisation that wants your time and money and what they do to fight fascism.

The approach of Unite Against Fascism is based on calling on people to vote for any party which isn’t the BNP, usually Labour though, at election time to build ‘anti-fascist’ majorities and prevent fascists from being elected councillors or MPs. The growth of the BNP shows that this is a pitiful failure and it’s not hard to see why.

By telling people to vote Labour or Tory to keep the BNP out they are basically asking people to vote for the same parties that created all the problems that made them turn to the BNP in the first place.
There is a reason people are turning to the BNP and it’s because many are rightly pissed off at the mainstream parties.
The BNP have positioned themselves as a radical alternative meaning that demanding people vote for the parties who have done them so much harm isn’t just a bad strategy but the worst possible strategy.

UAF is an electoral platform for anyone but the BNP which turns fighting fascism into defending the status quo. Beyond this basic idea there are few other ideas except vague slogans about ‘uniting people’ or ‘smashing the Nazis’ with no action involved except organising pop concerts, rallies or handing out leaflets.

This is the sort of ‘anti-fascism’ that involves making people feel good about themselves rather than tackling fascist groups.

When UAF aren’t channelling people into pointless activity they’re actively harming the anti-fascist movement.

Time and time again, UAF have collaborated with the cops on demos to prevent effective action being taken. Recently in Derby and Liverpool the UAF leadership worked with the police to disperse protestors, split demos and lie about what the BNP were up to.

Who appointed them leaders anyway?

This behaviour would be laughable if the situation wasn’t so serious.

After being buried at the cost of millions of lives decades ago the far right is on the rise all across Europe. Chanting and waving placards at fascists will do absolutely nothing to stop this. We advise anyone serious about antifascism and tackling the BNP to get in touch with Antifa. PO Box 467, London E8 3QX


Anonymous said...

Dozy twats in balaclavas couldn't punch their way out of a bag

Anonymous said...

"Chanting and waving placards at fascists will do absolutely nothing to stop this. We advise anyone serious about antifascism and tackling the BNP to get in touch with Antifa."

Looks like an invite to Manchester for some hair pulling lol lol

Anonymous said...

It think it's wrong to underestimate Antifa. They are mostly the old AFA hardline lot and Red Action types. The lot in the videos are just middle class students, Antifa on the otherhand are very nasty bastards who are capable of dispensing violence and although we can beat them, we can't shrug them off as nothing. They're not the UAF or anything like that, they are something far more sinister.

Anonymous said...

"It think it's wrong to underestimate Antifa. They are mostly the old AFA hardline lot and Red Action types. The lot in the videos are just middle class students, Antifa on the otherhand are very nasty bastards who are capable of dispensing violence and although we can beat them, we can't shrug them off as nothing. They're not the UAF or anything like that, they are something far more sinister.

13 December 2008 14:08"

You can say that again. I had one of the bastards 6 inches from my face telling me he was going to kill me, and he meant it.

Anonymous said...

What they say is correct!

Is Antifa a threat?

In a very few areas where Class war and some of the no hope leftie gangs operate they are, in most of the country they are not. The far right have always been weak on security, until this changes ANY left-wing loonies are a threat.

Anonymous said...

Talking about security does about know what happened last weekend at the BNP Security team's social in Cambrigde? I've heard through the grapevine that somebody from the security team attacked another member with a pair of knuckle dusters and called him a 'racist,' the poor bloke ended up in hospital. Who is Gri££in employing now to look after members? We need solid security to protect Nationalists from the likes of Antifa. Reynolds apparently stood back and didn't get involved in the incident! Gri££in wants it all hushed up.

Anonymous said...

Talking about security does about know what happened last weekend at the BNP Security team's social in Cambrigde? I've heard through the grapevine that somebody from the security team attacked another member with a pair of knuckle dusters and called him a 'racist,' the poor bloke ended up in hospital. Who is Gri££in employing now to look after members? We need solid security to protect Nationalists from the likes of Antifa. Reynolds apparently stood back and didn't get involved in the incident! Gri££in wants it all hushed up.

13 December 2008 16:31

Warren Bennett was the only one who ever dressed and behaved like a security man. The rest just look like shaven headed dickheads. When Tony Blair or Brown goes out and about their security are smart and hardly visible, ok so they have guns, but they still look respectable. All these black flight jackets and sunglasses fool no one. The BNP needs to smarten up and get fit. Reynolds can't even run he's so pumped full of steroids. The BNP have plenty of ex forces members, they should be using them.

Anonymous said...

Dozy twats in balaclavas couldn't punch their way out of a bag

13 December 2008 12:37

Very true, but they went after BPP members in London armed with screwdrivers and stanley blades. You can understand why UAF membership is dropping, they'd shit themselves to be caught up in something the ANTIFA are capable of.

Anonymous said...

"Dozy twats in balaclavas couldn't punch their way out of a bag"

Not true. Some of them are big strong men. We should underestimate them at our peril. I'm not a weak bloke but i met some of the old no platform lot and wish i hadnt. These are the lot that are now antifa and theres more of them nolw too. We have to start taking them seriously or people are going to get hurt and want nothing to do with nationalism.

Anonymous said...

Confuse your Uaf's and your Antifa's at your peril. Learn the difference and keep em' peeled, especially when you are holding meetings or gigs.

Anonymous said...

From what I've been told antifa are most active in London, Birmingham, Leeds, Carlisle, Nottingham, Newcastle, Brighton and Sheffield. There might be a few other places that they're active too.

Anonymous said...

Someone has noticed that so-called anti-fascist groups are there to keep the old gang in power.

So what does that suggest about who is paying them and behind these 'revolutionaries'?

Anonymous said...

"Someone has noticed that so-called anti-fascist groups are there to keep the old gang in power.

So what does that suggest about who is paying them and behind these 'revolutionaries'?

13 December 2008 21:27"

How can they keep the old gangs in power? ANTIFA are aggressive revolutionaries of the type that drive the authoritarian right wing to power.

ANTIFA were responsible for the rioting in Greece, they organised gangs onto the streets faster than the military over there, and on December 20th they threaten to light up Germany and London. Let them, from chaos comes NATIONALIST order.

Anonymous said...

From Indymedia:

As the economy crumbles and prices increase all over Europe, we too raise the price of what it costs to kill one of us.

On Friday late evening more than 1000 marched in Berlin in solidarity with Greek comrades, police brutality and repression in Germany. Small protests of between 20 and up to 200 protesters took place in about ten cities across Germany. During the night there were minor arson attacks across Berlin on banks, cars and garbage bins.

Significantly the protests have not even reached beyond the marginalised radical left, reverberation among a tiny majority over Alexis death didn´t even catch on with the powerfull German antifa movement. There were no meetings or speakers tours with Greek comades.

Nevertheless it seems that protests get stronger. A major national demonstration lies ahead on the Dec 2Oth in Hamburg, but will be limited to the marginalised radical left.

But the broader left plans a day of national protest in Berlin or Frankfurt over the economic crisis later next year.

The bourgeois media voiced fears of Greek riots sparking youths protest in the whole of Europe against the backdrop of a winter of economic crisis and discontent.

Protests are ahead in Berlin again today, tomorrow and the next week in several cities.

"Now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer by this sun of" Greece...

Anonymous said...

"ANTIFA were responsible for the rioting in Greece, they organised gangs onto the streets faster than the military over there"

Excellent point. Keith Brown was stabbed to death and 150 people demonstrated PEACEFULLY.

Peace never got anyone anything. Ask Jesus, they hung him from a cross.

Anonymous said...

UAF and ANTIFA are one and the same. ANTIFA perform the acts that people like Gable, Garside and their arse kissing MPs can't dirty their hands on.

Fuck them all


Anonymous said...

Dissident Congress has received information from a mole that UAF, and its predecessor the ANL, is actually a government security agency run by the civil service along similar lines to MI5 and funded by the taxpayer. Just look at the key signatories supporting UAF on their website. They range from pop musicians to Tory MPs. Do you honestly think that such people would support some far left crank outfit?!

The antifash footsoldiers are predominantly drawn from the far left, students, and anarchists. However, the senior figures who manage antifash are not promoted from this rabble but instead appointed from the civil service.

Final Conflict said...

Antifa in this country draw heavily from the Irish community. it's high time we got some Irish people over to agitate in North London etc. and tell people there that Ireland is being invaded and sold out to the EU.

The only way to isolate Antifa is to cut off the well from which they draw.

Antifa etc. can waffle on about the "Oirish struggle" - in that London third generation way - but if ireland becomes another Coffee coloured one world state, what "Ireland" will there be for them to struggle for???


p.s. back as an ioik in the 70s/80s teachers used to tell me we had coloureds here because of the Empire. Yeah right - does everyone remember the Irish Empire? or the Swedish Empire? ...
Another lie to justify the unjustifiable (and if Whites invading other countries was wrong - why rectify that with another invasion? two wrongs don't make a right).

Rant over. ;-)

Anonymous said...

'It think it's wrong to underestimate Antifa. They are mostly the old AFA hardline lot and Red Action types. '

No they're not. Most of those guys gave up, formed the IWCA or dtsarted follwing FC United throwing their weight around on the terraces. ANTIFA are an Anarchist group, not techinically 'reds' . And no they don't draw from the Irish community anymore, most of them come to ANTIFA via the punk scene.
People talk them up, but what exactley have they done in this country? All their 'victories' have been sneak attacks on outnumbered Nationalists. Compared to their compatriots in countries like Greece they're pussy cats. If they moved to all out war with Nationalists, they would come off much worse.

Anonymous said...

Antifa in this country draw heavily from the Irish community. it's high time we got some Irish people over to agitate in North London etc. and tell people there that Ireland is being invaded and sold out to the EU.

14 December 2008 11:01

I'm getting the impression that the Irish in Ireland and the third / fourth generation Irish in England are going in completely different directions. The Irish in Ireland are increasingly concerned with the EU and ethnic immigration so are gearing up to fight new battles of the 21st century, their descendants in England are overwhelmingly living in a timewarp and engage with undesirable antifa outfits fighting nonexistent enemies of the past whilst ignoring the issues that really matter to them.

Anonymous said...

'Just look at the key signatories supporting UAF on their website. They range from pop musicians to Tory MPs. Do you honestly think that such people would support some far left crank outfit?!'

Well exactly! When the likes of Cameron go on about the BNP they speak as insiders who know most of the radical left and right is a sham controlled by government agents. Cameron is official opposition leader. He'll be briefed but not about the murky detail to ensure deniability.

Anonymous said...

Gable/Searchlight was part of the old Red Action/IRA clique. Remember Kensigton library?

The Searchlight/Mossad link is something that we should be very cautious of more than ANTIFA classwarrirors.

In Sheffield and Manchester Searchlight has also been very heavy with UAF/SWP and physically driven them out of town despite the SWP having more members they do not have the muscle

I know of one nationalist who was visited by Gables bodyguards a few years ago and he shit himself, like he was being visited by something way out of the ordinary

He was told that he had over stepped the mark and to be a good boy. He was never the same again.

Anonymous said...

Russian ANTIFA did this

"MOSCOW (JTA) -- The leader of a far-right Russian movement was hospitalized after being beaten.

Alexander Belov, the head of the Movement Against Illegal Immigration, suffered a concussion and was in moderate condition Monday following the Dec. 6 attack, according to the Vremya Novostey newspaper.

Belov faces charges of inciting hatred and extremism at the Russian March on Nov. 4, 2007 for railing publicly against illegal immigrants and Jews. His Dec. 16 court appearance was postponed because of the attack.

Meanwhile, a deputy to Belov and co-founder of his group was killed in a car accident on the same day Belov was beaten. Ivan Lebedev died at the scene of the accident, and two others were hospitalized.

Belov called off a Russian March that was scheduled for Dec. 12 because Lebedev's funeral will be the same day. The marches often feature supporters shouting anti-Semitic slogans.

Belov had traveled to a Moscow suburb to attend a demonstration. He was met by masked men, beaten with baseball bats and knocked unconscious. Another man dragged Belov into a car and they drove away.

In interviews with Russian media, Belov said he suspects a group of anti-fascist activists or the Russian security services for the attack. He has offered a reward of $10,000 for information leading to his attackers, Vremya Novostey reported."

Anonymous said...

Stop allowing post's with the filthy language and threat's, it does not serve the cause unless it is a left wing cause.

Anonymous said...

Stop allowing post's with the filthy language and threat's, it does not serve the cause unless it is a left wing cause.

14 December 2008 23:08

The BNP is leftwing.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

One of the valuable things about this page is that many on the left will read it to get what they see as ammunition.

A good chance to point out to the lefties that so-called anti-fascist and so on groups would never get some of the support they do if they were really there for the communist revolution. Behind the scenes they are there to keep the old gang in power.

They'll say ridiculous but when they think about it.......

Anonymous said...

'"MOSCOW (JTA) -- The leader of a far-right Russian movement was hospitalized after being beaten. '

So what? Russian Nationalists have put ANTIFA members in the morgue.

Anonymous said...

We should all forget Griffin and political parties.

This is the way forward. We don't need to follow leaders like blind sheep. The power is in all of us. Griffins BNP is a heavily watched government safety valve for which he gets handsomely paid.

Leaderless Resistance
Read it and learn before its to late

Anonymous said...

So what? Russian Nationalists have put ANTIFA members in the morgue.

15 December 2008 08:51

Good! Let us all hope they put a lot more in the morgue

Anonymous said...

We can't deny though that the Class War lot are dangerous and that's the main lot behind Antifa. I know because I've met them. We can't shrug them off as middle class lefties, they are dangerous, tooled up and capable of fighting.

Everyone on here who think Antifa are the same as the UAF have obviously never properly encountered them.

Anonymous said...

Nobody has ever properly encountered them because when have they ever faced up to us with anything resembling equal odds? Their results this year have been a few sneak attacks on a redirection point, a pathetic attempt at attacking the Police in Denby and punching an innocent lady in the face in Bethnal Green. Hardly the ICF eh?
If they came across equal odds at most BNP meeetings they'd get lamped by the regualar members, let alone the security.

Anonymous said...

A good chance to point out to the lefties that so-called anti-fascist and so on groups would never get some of the support they do if they were really there for the communist revolution. Behind the scenes they are there to keep the old gang in power.

They'll say ridiculous but when they think about it.......

15 December 2008 07:55

Exactly. Something I have noticed is that whenever a 'far left' candidate contests an election and no 'far right' candidate is present then the anti-fascists are nowhere to be seen. Whenever a 'far right' candidate contests an election the anti-fascists arrive on the scene and demand that people vote Labour, or in some cases Lib-Dem and Tory, but almost never for a 'far left' candidate.

A few years ago the anti-fascists were begging the 'far left' not to field candidates against the 'far right' in council elections because it could split the vote resulting in the 'far right' candidate winning.

One of the strangest organisations I have encountered is the IWCA. Who exactly are they and what is their real agenda?

Anonymous said...

Oh God. Has no-one learned anything since the 1970's?

Anonymous said...

One of the strangest organisations I have encountered is the IWCA. Who exactly are they and what is their real agenda?

16 December 2008 13:46


Anonymous said...


17 December 2008 12:22

Why do they have 'Independent' in their name? Independent of what exactly?

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...