Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Too late, Trevor...

Help the white working class or risk surge in far-Right extremists, says equalities chief

Britain risks a surge in Right-wing extremism if it fails to help its white working class weather the recession, the equalities chief will warn today.

Trevor Phillips will break with years of political convention to call for the law to be changed to enshrine positive discrimination in favour of disadvantaged whites.

His startling intervention in the race debate is a rebuke to Harriet Harman, who earlier this year trumpeted plans to make companies discriminate in favour of women and ethnic minorities.

Mr Phillips said ministers should allow councils and education authorities to introduce 'positive action' programmes aimed specifically at young whites unable to compete with highly skilled immigrants because the 'need is so great'.

And he warned that immigration has fuelled 'resentments that are real and should not be dismissed – resentments felt by white, black and Asian'.



Anonymous said...

Effing speechless. These people have spent the last 60yrs beating us down and calling us evil, and now they want to help us!


Anonymous said...

Damn right its to late


highly skilled immigrants?what those people who refuse to speak our language,repe our women,rob the public purse,grab a piece of our country and refuse to let any of the indigenous population enter?this communist boon should really fuck off back to guyana,but i suppose that he to has lost his birth certificate.

Anonymous said...

A foreigner telling us we should have rights after he and Livingstone single handedly have kept us out of jobs because we are White!

Is he on fucking drugs?

Anonymous said...

I think Trevor has woken up to what he helped create. We don't need his help, but he'll sure as hell need Gods help when 1.5 million British lose their houses in the next 6 months due to negative equity. What will those 1.5 million do when they realise foreigners not only rent, but own all the council houses, and then when they apply for jobs they're told they can't have them because they have to fill ethnic quotas?

Our payback time is coming

Anonymous said...

"Our payback time is coming

28 October 2008 12:52"

Trevor knows it, and that's why he's making these noises.

Anonymous said...

Something I can't work out is this. How did Celtic and Germanic peoples of the British Isles:

Go from hunter gatherers to farmers,'

build stonehenge,

build castles, cathedrals, railways, roads, ships etc etc

circumnavigate the globe, map the heavens, explain the movement of planetary bodes in mathematical terms,

produce a wealth of literature and philosophy...

and God knows what else as well without the helpful,necessary and that most fantastic invention of the Western world yet, the wonderful Commission For Racial Equality ... and to top it all , it's headed by a representative of a people who never discovered the wheel, developed written language or saw fit to use internal chimneys in their huts that OUR neolithic ancestors had...

All I can say is thank God for the Commission for Racial Equality.... and pass the dutchie from the left hand side...

Anonymous said...

All I can say is thank God for the Commission for Racial Equality.... and pass the dutchie from the left hand side...

28 October 2008 17:08

Well said

Anonymous said...

Help the white working class or risk surge in far-Right extremists, says equalities chief


Yeah Trevor you can help us all right by going back to where you came from!

Anonymous said...

Help the white working class or risk surge in far-Right extremists

I thought we were already being governed by right wing extremists. The Labour party.

Anonymous said...

Help the white working class or risk surge in far-Right extremists, says equalities chief


Don't worry Trevor: if far-Right extremism (i.e. any view you happen not to agree with) should ever disturb the nation's slumbers, you and your unelected quango pals can always ban it!

Anonymous said...

If they are all so highly skilled - Why are they all working as Taxi -Drivers?

Anonymous said...

If they are all so highly skilled - Why are they all working as Taxi -Drivers?

29 October 2008 00:14

Lol, so true

Anonymous said...

Trevor's idea is a scam to legitimise legalised racial discrimination against whites.

If legal racial discrimination is allowed in favour of whites in some circumstances then the argument will be it should be allowed sgainst whites in other cases.

At the moment discrimination is only legal for training (although it it massively practised against whites covertly in recruitment - eg Gloucester Police). Not good enough. Trev wants it open and legal.

Anonymous said...

Deport that white hating black cunt Trevor Phillips

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...